Yovinka Clara Zahira XI-A2.4 / 36: The Third Example Is

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XI-A2.4 / 36


Iftar is always eagerly awaited after struggling to endure hunger, thirst and lust all day. Therefore,
it is natural that when the maghrib call to prayer sounds, many are eager to iftar, especially at the
moment of iftar together in the outside of home. This Iftar agenda makes an opportunity for
Muslims to reunite with old friends so that it helps strengthen the relationship. Unfortunately,
this iftar activity sometimes makes someone negligent.
For example, first, most Muslims focus on enjoying the food and chit chat with friends, and
without realizing that they have missed the time of pray. Not only that, the taraweeh prayer that
comes once a year is also missed because they prefer to continue laughing with friends. Second,
although there is a good intention to keep the relationship tight, there is also a chance to do bad
things. Admittedly or not, whenever there is a gathering, there is always the possibility of gossip.
Not only that, the third example is too often iftar outside the home will lead to a wasteful lifestyle.
It's better to cook at home with your family to save money.
Therefore, I think we must be better at controlling ourselves in the month of Ramadan so that we
can gain as much reward as possible and our fasting does not become useless because of the
negligence that often occurs around us. There is nothing wrong with iftar together as long as it is
based on sincere intentions and executed in a straight manner so that the quality of worship can
be maintained.
1. Social function
To persuade the readers to agree and do something as recommended in the text entitled “The
Dark Side of Iftar”.

2. Generic Structure
a. Thesis : The moment of iftar together that is eagerly awaited by Muslims even makes them
neglect their obligations.
b. Arguments : Some examples include, leaving the maghrib and taraweeh prayers. Not only
that, some of them also gossip and forget to pray. And then can lead to a wasteful lifestyle.
c. Recommendation : We must be good at controlling ourselves in the Ramadhan so as not
to become negligent Muslims and be able to maintain the quality of pray well.

3. Language Features
a. Using simple present tense
- I think we must be better..
- we laugh together..
- muslims people enjoy the food..

b. Using thinking verb

- I think we must..

c. Using temporal connective

- first, most Muslims focus on..
- Second, although there is a good..
- the third example is too often iftar..

d. Using action verb

- chit chat with friends..
- laughing with friends..
- It's better to cook

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