Causes of Stroke

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Causes of Stroke

1. Unhealthy diet
Unhealthy foods will increase bad cholesterol or LDL and increase the risk of
blockage of blood vessels in the brain.
2. High blood pressure (hypertension)
If blood pressure is higher than 130/80 mmHg and not controlled, the condition can
gradually lead to strokes and heart attacks.
3. Smoking
Cigarettes contain nicotine which can increase blood pressure. Cigarette smoke also
causes fat to stick to the walls of blood vessels and thicken the blood. This increases
the risk of blockage of blood vessels in the brain.
4. Diabetes
People with high blood sugar(diabetes) generally suffer from high blood pressure and
are overweight. Both are major risk factors for stroke. Diabetes can also damage
blood vessels and trigger strokes.
5. Overweight
People with obesity have a higher risk of having a stroke. Actively exercising 30
minutes a day will help you lose weight and lower your risk of having a stroke.
6. Drugs
Some types of drugs, if not used according to the doctor's instructions, can cause a
stroke. Examples include blood thinners and birth control pills. These drugs increase
the risk of stroke by rupturing blood vessels and causing cerebral hemorrhage.
7. Genetic
People with a family history of stroke or high blood pressure have a higher risk of

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