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 Wave of blood created during the contraction of the left ventricle

 Measured in 1 a full minute or 30 seconds *2 – if the pulse is regular
 If pulse is irregular = 1 full minute
 Regulated by the autonomic nervous system

Pulse Rate express in beats per minute (bpm)

 Range: 60-100 bpm

 Average: 80 bpm
Peripheral Pulse

 Pulse located in the peripheral body

Ex. Foot, neck, radial

Apical Pulse: Center Pulse

 Measured through auscultation using stethoscope

 Located at the apex of the heart of the midclavicular 5 th intercostal space

Pulse Deficit

 Difference between radial pulse and apical pulse


Dysrhythmia – an abnormal heart rhythm (irregular)

Tachycardia – abnormally elevated heart rate (fast & rapid), more than 100bpm

Bradycardia – slow heart rate, less than 60 bpm

 Oxygenated – blood rich in oxygen (O2)

Pulse Rate

 number of pulses per beat (60-100bpm)


 a normal heart beat constitute.

 Regular succession of beats.

Volume/ Amplitude

 strength of pulse beat (characteristics)

0= Absent

1+ thready pulse

2+ weak Pulse

3+ normal (moderate)

4+ strong, bounding


o watch

o stethoscope

o pen & paper

o gloves

Nine Pulse Rate Site

1. Temporal

2. Carotid- neck part

3. Brachial- babies/ infants

4. Radial- common site

5. Apical-apex

6. Femoral- inguiral

7. Popliteal- back of the knee

8. Dorsalistibial- ankle of the feet

9. Dorsalis Pedis- dorsum

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