26 - Submission of Calibration Certificate of Relative Testing Equipments

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~ ,,, Go~erilfTl;nt bt Nep~l ~;;

Ministry ·of lnp_4~try, Com~erei~'tid Supplies

Nepal Burea1.t <ifSta_ndatd's'& Metrology
Scientific;M~tri11~gy Section
Balaju, Kathmandu
Issue Date CCFM-139/499/688
Calibration Certificate of
January 12. 2023 NBSM
Universal Testing Machine Page 1 of2 2079/80

Job ID:

Calibrated For:
lnstru rnent:
Operating Type:

Description of Digital Display

Max:.r.um Load: This calibration certificate

documents the traceability to
National Standards, which
• Ser::.l ,fo.: realize the units of measurement
Ram Diameter: according to the International
System of Units (SI).
Display Type:
Rang,J of Calibration:
Calibr lion Site:

Ord:;r o:
No. A ;)ages of Certificate:

The user is obliged to have

Oak :. f Calibration: the object recalibrated at
appropriate intervals.
Reccn.mended Date for Next Calibration

This c::!ibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of
Standards & Metrology (NBSM). Calibration certflcates without signature and seal are not valid,

Calibrated By Checked By Approved By

,..---. -·-·--- .. ··-·---..
Eodh Raj Dhakal Maunta Manandhar

Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np

•"~ ., . '

.. ~ '
... .

.,, ' ,,
, . ,' \ \ ~ ,, ·, ::;:"-' CCFM· 139/499/688
.~ ''
Certificate Issue Date: January 12, 202'3\ - :' ~:-:"'~3,\1~ 'Ill
' Page 2of 2 NBSM
Calibration Result
21 °C :t 2 °C

202.11 2.11
300 304.05 4.05 2.32
400 403.85 3.85 2.62
500 503.33 3.33 4.03

Stancf ;.rds and traceabilit :


Primary Standard of force, National

1000 kN 1052·9·2034 ELE Physical Laboratory, lndla.

Calibraeion method:
Cc:C.: :· .. on of Universal Testing Machine is performed by comparislon between the measurement value for the
calit.,r·•tion item and a Standard Proving Device as a reference standard.
Calibration procedure:
The calibration procedure is developed according to ISO 7500-1:2004 -Tension/ compression testing machines-
vorik::i::on and calibration of the force-measuring system.
Ur'.C.: .... :nty of measurement:
Unc01t~1i11ty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
uncei Uinty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. Generally the value of the measurand is within the
assicnec interval of values with a confidence Interval of approximately 95%.
Id-::.;. .cction:
An i,.:t, tification of calibration mark which labels CCFM-139/499/688 has been affixed on calibration item.

Re:.z. ;.;s:
1. T .: .orrectlon should be algebrically added to indicated load in Digltaldisplay of machine to get the actual load
2. !'.1i inlerpolallon within the calibration range is permitted.
No:::: This Calibration Certificate will not be valid If:
1. The machine or display is repaired.
2. Calibration Site (Laboratory Room, Kusumtar, Kamalamaf.1, Slndhuli) Is changed.
En-i -· Calibration Certificate.
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np

' '
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
Scientific Metrology Section
Balaju, Kathmandu
Issue Date CCFM-137/497/686
Calibration Certificate of
January 12, 2023 NBSM
Compressive Strength Testing Machine Page 1 of2 2079/80

Job ID:

Calibrated For:
Operating Type:

Description of Digital Display

Maximum Load: 0 This calibration certificate

documents the traceability to
National Standards, which
Serial No.: realize the unlts of measurement
Ram Diameter: O m according to the International
System of Units (SI).
Display Type:
Range of Calibration:
Calibration Site:

Order No:
No. of pages of Certificate:
The user is obliged to have
Date of Calibration: the object recalibrated at
Recommended Date for Next Calibration
appropriate intervals.

This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of
Standards & Metrology (NBSM). Calibration certificateswithout signature and seal are not valid.

Calibrated By Checked By Approved By

. ..--::· .. .. ·-· --- ... ..
Bodh Raj Dhakal Maunta Manandhar

Balaju. Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsrn.gov.np


., <•
~~· CCFM-1371497/686
Certificate Issue Date: January 12, 2023 .. ~· r
Page 2of 2 NBSM
Calibration Result ..
Temperature during Calibration: 22 °C ± 2 °C
. Load ~n~l_~at,d lrf 01?,e,I". ·.· · :x •• rue
: (Gauge) . · . *
·< kN ... ···
200 -4.7 1.49
400 397.2 -2.9 2.21
600 599.2 -0.8 2.52
800 796.9 -3.1 2.52
1000 995.4 -4.6 2.52
1200 1196.2 . -3.8 2.89
1400 1394.7 -5.3 2.89
1600 1591.6 -8.4 2.89
1800 1789.6 -10.4 3.19

Standards and traceablllt :

Standard .:

Primary Standard of force, National

2000 kN 1052-7-4049 ELE Physical Laboratory, lndla.

Calibration method:
Calibration of Compressive Strength Testing Machine is performed by comparision between the measurement
value for the calibration item and a Standard Proving Device as a reference standard.
Calibration procedure:
The calibration procedure is developed according to ISO 7500-1:2004 -Tension/ compression testing machines-
verification and calibration of the force-measuring system.
Uncertainty of measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. Generally the value of the measurand is within the
assigned interval of values with a confidence interval of approximately 95% .
An identification of calibration mark which labels CCFM-137/497/686 has been affixed on calibration item.
1. The correction should be algebrically added to indicated load in Digitaldisplay of machine to get the actual load
2. An interpolation within the calibration range is'permitted.
Note: This Calibration Certificate wlll not be valid If:
1. The machine or display is repaired.
2. Calibration Site (Laboratory Room, Kusumtar, Kamalamal·1, Slndhull) is changed.
End of Calibration Certificate.
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np
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. Goverom~~(o Nepal
' ~·V:', ~
Ministry of lndustry:Commerce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
Scientific Metrology Section
Balaju, Kathmandu
Issue Date CCFM-138/498/687
Calibration Certificate of
January 12, 2023 NBSM
Compressive Strength Testing Machine Page 1 of2 2079/80

Job ID:

Calibrated For:
Operating Type:

Description of Digital Display

Maximum Load: This calibration certificate

documents the traceability to
National Standards, which
• Serial No.: realize the units of measurement
Ram Diameter: according to the International
System of Units (SI).
Display Type:
fi I • II . ,' ., •:
Range of Calibration: • • ' ~ . v\;, ••

Cal!bration Site:

Order No:
No. of pages of Certificate:
The user is obliged to have
Date of Calibration: the object recalibrated at
appropriate intervals.
Recommended Date for Next Calibration

This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of
Standards & Metrology (NBSM). Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.

Calibrated By Checked By Approved By

~ ....
Bodh Raj Dhakal Maunta Manandhar
Asst. Metrologist Director
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: 77-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np
... /·~··~
... . ,.,
. "'··.

. ... . ·:•, 1\ • CCFM-1381498/687

Certificate Issue Date: January 12, 2023f: 11~at(IS o.~· Page 2of 2 NBSM
Calibration Result
22 °C :t 2 °C

200 197 -3 1.01

400 397 .3 2.45
600 594 -6 2.45
800 788 -12 2.45
1000 985 -15 2.45
1200 1184 -16 2.87
1400 1394 -6 2.87
1600 1571 -29 2.87
1800 1764 -36 2.87
Standards and traceab/li
Standard .: ·

Primary Standard of force, National

2000 kN 1052-7-4049 ELE Physical Laboratory, India.

Calibration method:
Caibralion of Compressive Strength Testing Machine is performed by comparision between the measurement
value for the calibration item and a Standard Proving Device as a reference standard.
Calibration procedure:
The calibration procedure is developed according to ISO 7500-1:2004 -Tension/ compression testing machines-
verificalion and calibration of the force-measuring system.
Uncertainty of measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. Generally the value of the measurand Is within the
assigned interval of values with a confidence interval of approximately 95%.
An identification of calibration mark which labels CCFM-138/498/687 has been affixed on calibration item.
1. The correction should be algebrically added to indicated load in Digitaldisplay of machine to get the actual load
2. An interpolation within the calibration range is permitted.
Note: This Calibration Certificate w/11 not be valld If:
1. The machine or display is repaired.
2. Calibration Site (Laboratory Room, Kusumtar, Kamalamal·1, Sindhuli) is changed.
End of Calibration Certificate.
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np
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Ministry of lndu$tryt,QQ{l]m~'rce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
Scientific Metrology Section
Balaju, Kathmandu
Issue Date CCFM-136/496/685
Calibration Certificate of
January 12, 2023 NBSM
Compressive Strength Testing Machine Page 1 of2 2079/80

Job ID:

Calibrated For:
Operating Type:

Description of Digital Display

Maximum Load: a, This calibration certificate

documents the traceability to
National Standards, which
• Serial No.: realize the units of measurement
Ram Diameter: according to the International
System of Units (SI).
Display Type:
Range of Calibration:
Calibration Site:

Order No:
No. of pages of Certificate:
The user is obliged to have
Date of Calibration: the object recalibrated at
Recommended Date for Next Calibration appropriate Intervals.

This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of
Standards & Metrology (NBSM). Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.

Calibrated By Checked By Approved By

BodhRaj Dhakal Maunta Manandhar

Asst. Metrologist Metrologist Director
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal. Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np
~·. ~ ~-· ··- ··-
" «: . . .·:: ~-,i.~·f;~ .,,,
.,1j .': • .Jf\,l"'f
Certificate Issue Date: January 12, 2023 Page 2 of 2 NBSM
Calibration Result
22 °C ± 2 °C

200 196.0 -4.0

400 395.1 -4.9 1.79
600 590.8 -9.2 1.79
800 780.9 -19.1 6.98
1000 978.8 -21.2 6.98
1200 1175.9 -24.1 6.98
1400 1370.8 -29.2 6.98
1600 1563.3 -36.7 6.98
1800 1752.4 -47.6 6.98
Standards and traceabffl

Primary Standard of force, National

2000 kN 1052-7-4049 ELE Physical Laboratory, India.

Calibration method:
Calibration of Compressive Strength Testing Machine is performed by comparislon between the measurement
value for the calibration item and a Standard Proving Device as a reference standard.
Calibration procedure:
The calibration procedure is developed according to ISO 7500-1 :2004 -Tension/ compression testing machines-
verification and calibration of the force-measuring system.
Uncertainty of measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. Generally the value of the measurand is within the
assigned interval of values with a confidence inte:1a1 of approximately 95%.
An identification of calibration mark which labels CCFM-136/496/685 has been affixed on calibration item.
1. The correction should be algebrically added to indicated load in Oigitaldisplay of machine to get the actual load
2. An interpolation within the calibration range Is permitted.
Note: This Calfbratfon Certificate will not be valid If:
1. The machine or display is repaired.
2. Calibration Site (Laboratory Room, Kusumtar, Kamalamai-1, Slndhuli) Is changed.
End of Calibration Certificate.
Balaju, Kathmandu. Nepal, Ph: +977-1-4350818, 4356672, website: www.nbsm.gov.np
,,._'loO>tt'· ,;.

Goy,er~m&ht of Nepal
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau of St!~dardi & Metrology
Scientifi~ •.l\'.l,(tqlPgy Section

,~. CC~301/502/69f
Issue Date: January 13, 2023
Calibration Certificate Page 1 of 3 ; •· . ,;f201918~
Calibration object:



IIThis calibration certificate documents
the traceability to national standards, j
1which realize the units of measurement]
Serial No.: ! according to the International System l
of Units (SI). j
Capacity: :

ll ~:

Calibrated Range:

Customer: 'sunkoshi Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project

Kusumtar, Kamalamal-1, ·Slndhuli , ~~-~----,, . ..,.;;.L..w~~a...w.....J&\:.:. ·"'""""-'"""-'·~'"'"
Job ID: ,502

Balance Location: ,l-aboratory Room

Order No.: ,. ..

Number of pages of certificate: The user is obliged to have the object I

recalibrated at appropriate intervals.
Date of Calibration: · ·
Recommended date for next calibration:
This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of Standards
and Metrology. Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
Calibrated by Checked by Approved by

,---s·· ·- ,.
B.9~h Raj Dhakal
Assistant Metrologist Metrologist Director
P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672,4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023 NBSM
Standard Mass Set Used:
Unique code Manufacturer OIML Class Traceability

MUWS Weightronics, India E2 Class Traceable to NPL India.

Ambient condition during calibration:

Temperature : 20.5 ·c
Relative humidity: 48.5 %
1. Off center Test:
Test load (g) :
Position Balance reading (g)
1 . ·. 100.003 ~·
2 .. 99,995 ~
3 ' ' 99.997~
4 .99.999
5 " i
99,995 ' Maximum difference among the readings :
2. Repeatability Test:
Test Load 100 g Standard Deviation 3,3 mg Maximum difference 8 mg
among the readings
Test Load 200 g Standard Deviation _2.3 mg Maximum difference 8 mg
among the readings
3. Linearity Test:
Test !oad Balance indication :;. Correction (mg) Expanded
.. uncertainty
...- ,

-· - ,. (g) ~ . (g)' .... , e .1.r.. ±(mg) "

200 200.004 -4 6.8
100 100.003 -3 6.8
50 49.994 6 6.8
20 19.998 2 6.8
10 9.997 3 6.8
5 4.998 2 6.8
2 1.998 2 6.8
1 1.000 0 6.8
0.500 0.498 2 6.8
0.200 0.199 1 6.8
0.100 0.102 -2 6.8

P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672,4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689

~ ~
, ~cce.3011so21s~1
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023 NBSM

'Calibration Procedure:
The calibration was performed according to EURAMET cg-18, version 4.0: 2015- Guideline on the Calibration of
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments. The calibration comprised: Eccentricity test, Repeatability test and.
Linearity test or Test for departure of indications of balance. During the Linearity test loads were applied
increasing by steps with.unloading between the separate steps.

Uncertainty of Measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
standard uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. It was determined according to EURAMET cg-
18: version 4.0 : 2015.Generally the value of the measurand is within the assigned interval of values with a
confidence interval of approximately 95%.

An identification of calibration mark which labels CCB-301/502/691 has been affixed on calibrated balance.

1. The correction is positive except when indicated . It has to be algebraically added to the balance reading in
order to get the actual value.
2. The certificate will not be valid if the balance is repaired or the balance location is changed.

1. A set of calibrated weights (1 mg - 200g) of F1 Class should be available in laboratory.

End of Calibration Certificate.

P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672, 4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689
Gover!1m~mt of Nepal
Ministry of lndusjry, Commerce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau'of Stanclards &,Metrology
• • <:,

Scientific Metr6l9g.y'~ection
BalaJu;Ka hrvandu
; ...

= J!CB!300/501/~90 .
Issue Date: January 13, 2023
Calibration Certificate Page 1 of 3 · ·~ :i ~2079180 '.j :'

r :
Calibration object: Balance : :

~ ~



l This calibration certificate documents
l the traceability to national standards, 1
)which realize the units of measurement]
Serial No.: ! according to the International System j
1 of Units (SI). (


Calibrated Range: I
t .:
Customer: Sunkoshi Marin Diversion Multip.urpose Project
Kusumtar, Kamalamai-1, Sindh.uli

Job ID:

Balance Location: Lab~ra!_9ry Room

Order No.: .
J ,h, .. , ..

Number of pages of certificate: 3 ! The user is obliged to have the object

( recalibrated at appropriate intervals.
Date of Calibration: ~· i·
Recommended date for next calibration:
This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of Standards
and Metrology. Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
Calibrated by Checked by Approved by

-- .
Bbdh·Raj Ohakal
ishal Jirel
Assistant Metrologist Metrologist Director
P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672,4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023

Standard Mass Set Used:

Unique code Manufacturer OIML Class Traceability

ML/WS Weightronics, India E2 Class Traceable to NPL India. ~

Ambient condition during calibration:

Temperature: 21.8 'c
Relative humidity: 44.9 %
1. Off center Test:
Test load (g) :
Position Balance reading (g)
1 100.0·0~· .
2 100.001
3 100.00Q ~ "
" : ~ 100.005
5 "v 100.009 Maximum difference among the readings :
2. Repeatability Test:
Test Load 100 g Standard Deviation Maximum difference
among the readings
Test Load 200 g Standard Deviation Maximum difference
among the readings
3. Linearity Test:
:r ...
Test loadt: ', ~alapc'e imJicatioo
·•.· '
Correction- {mg) · . ~xp~nd~cr anc~afi#f ·~
,,, ::t:(mg)
. ~-.t, {g) .' . ·-·1):.,~'./
- 0
• l..t\<, .~ '1

•'l •

100 100.001 -1 6.8

50 50.006 -6 6.8
20 20.004 -4 6.8
10 10.002 -2 6.8
5 5.000 0 6.8
2 2.001 -1 6.8
1 1.002 -2 6.8
0.500 0.504 -4 6.8
0.200 0.203 -3 6.8
0.100 0.099 1 6.8

P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672,4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689

. ~ ~·
. ..
" CCB·30~01/690 ·
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023 Page 3 of 3 NBSM

~ CalibrationProcedure:
The calibration was performed according to EURAMET cg-18, version 4.0: 2015 - Guideline on the Calibration of
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments. The calibration comprised: Eccentricity test, Repeatability test ang
Linearity test or Test for departure of indications of balance. During the Linearity test loads were applied
increasing by steps with unloading between the separate steps.

Uncertaintyof Measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
standard uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. It was determined according to EURAMET cg-
18: version 4.0 : 2015.Generally the value of the measurand is within the assigned interval of values with a
confidence interval of approximately 95%.

An identification of calibration mark which labels CCB-300/501/690 has been affixed on calibrated balance.

1. The correction is positive except when indicated . It has to be algebraically added to the balance reading in
order to get the actual value.
2. The certificate will not be valid if the balance is repaired or the balance location is changed.

1. A set of calibrated weights (1mg - 200g) of F1 Class should be available in laboratory.

End of CalibrationCertificate.
P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672, 4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
Nepal Bureau 91, S~ndards & Metrology
Scientific Metrqlogy Section
. Baf'aju,- Kathmand,.i
~ .' \'t. ~ ~~' ~
. .1. \,ct.·.

Issue Date: January 13, 2023
Calibration Certificate Page 1 of 3
:-•••••••••••ou,,,,,,,,o,,,,u,o .. ,,,,,u,,,,,,u,,,,,,,,.,.,.o,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"-.••••·~

Calibration object: ~ 1
~ :


Model: I
i This calibration certificate documents l
Type: ! the traceability to national standards, !
!which realize the units of measurement]
Serial No.: l according to the International System I
l of Units (SI). 1
I I~
Calibrated Range: l f


Job ID:

Balance Location:

Order No.:
1••0••~,,,,u,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,000,,,,,,,,u,ooo•••••••U•••u••••••••••••••I••••••••••••••~ .
Number of pages of certificate: 1 The user is obliged to have the object j
i: recalibrated at appropriate intervals. (:
Date of Calibration: :

Recommended date for next calibration:

This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of Nepal Bureau of Standards
and Metrology. Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
Calibrated by Checked by Approved by

Assistant Metrologist Metrologist Director

P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672,4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023 Page 2 of 3 NBSM
. 207~80
Standard Mass Set Used:
Unique code Manufacturer OIML Class Traceability

ML/WS Weightronics, India E2 Class Traceable to NPL India.

Ambient condition during calibration:

Temperature: 19.2 'C
Relative humidity: 55.6 %
1. Off center Test:
Test load (g) :
Position Balance reading (g) ·
1 . 50.0001
2 I' . . ''50.0003
3 ··''~ -., 50.0003" "
4 49.9999
5 50.0008 Maximum difference among the readings :
2. Repeatability Test:
Test Load 59 g Standard Deviation 0, 11 mg Maximum difference
among the readings
Test Load · 100,g Standard Deviation 0,2-2 mg Maximum difference
among the readings
3. Linearity Test:
. • Test load ·'11
Balance indication Correction {mg)
. ExP,an.9ed uncertainty
1, # ;

µ, (g) ~ • ' (g)

- "" . ,, ·,;.. "' ±(~t ..~.tt;.11
100 100.0001 -0.1 0.48
50 50.0001 -0.1 0.48
20 19.9999 0.1 0.48
10 9.9998 0.2 0.48
5 5.0000 0.0 0.48
2 1.9999 0.1 0.48
1 1.0000 0.0 0.48
0.500 0.5001 -0.1 0.48
0.200 0.2003 -0.3 0.48
0.100 0.1002 -0.2 0.48

P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672.4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689

~.- ~/ <-#
Certificate issue dated: January 13, 2023 Page 3 of 3 NBSM
-' ~

The calibration was performed according to EURAMET cg-18, version 4.0: 2015-Guideline on the Calibration of
Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments. The calibration comprised: Eccentricity test, Repeatability test and.
Linearity test or Test for departure of indications of balance. During the Linearity test loads were applied
increasing by steps with unloading between the separate steps.

Uncertainty of Measurement:
Uncertainty of measurement reported is the expanded uncertainty of measurement which result from combined
standard uncertainty by multiplication with the coverage factor k=2. It was determined according to EURAMET cg-
18: version 4.0 : 2015.Generally the value of the measurand is within the assigned interval of values with a
confidence interval of approximately 95%.

An identification of calibration mark which labels CCB-299/500/689 has been affixed on calibrated balance.

1. The correcfion is positive except when indicated . It has to be algebraicaHy added to the balance reading in
order to get the actual value.
2. The certificate will not be valid if the balance is repaired or the balance location is changed.

1. A set of calibrated weights (1 mg - 1 OOg) of F1 Class should be available in laboratory.

End of CalibrationCertificate.
P. 0. Box: 985, Ph: +977-1-4356672, 4350818 Fax: +977-1-4350689

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