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5, SEPTEMBER 2003 715

Modeling and Control of Cement Grinding Processes

Michaël Boulvin, Alain Vande Wouwer, Member, IEEE, Renato Lepore, Christine Renotte, and Marcel Remy

Abstract—In this study, a nonlinear dynamic model of a ce- system and the difficulty to observe internal phenomena do not
ment grinding process, including a ball mill and an air separator allow a thorough knowledge of the process.
in closed loop, is developed. This gray-box model consists of a set
of algebraic and partial differential equations containing a set of In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, numerous mod-
unknown parameters. The selection of a model parametrization, eling studies of grinding processes have been carried out in
the design of experiments, the estimation of unknown parameters the last decades, e.g., the lumped parameter models proposed
from experimental data, and the model validation are discussed. by Austin et al. [2] and Rogers [3] and the distributed param-
Based on the resulting model, a dynamic simulator can be devel- eter models developed by Horst [4] and Mika [5]. Based on
oped, which appears as a useful tool to analyze the process behavior
and to understand the origin of instabilities observed in real-life op- these previous works, the authors reported in [6] on the devel-
erations. As a result, a cascaded control structure for regulating the opment of a simplified, linear distributed parameter model of an
mill flow rate, and a proportional integral controller for regulating industrial grinding circuit. This model allowed simple control
the cement fineness are designed. Experimental data demonstrate schemes described in the literature to be evaluated in simula-
the effectiveness of this control scheme. Alternatively, if on line tion. However, the model linearity drastically limited this study
measurements of the recirculated flow rate are available, a feed-
forward control of the feed flow rate is described, which ensures a to small excursions from a specified operating point.
better decoupling of mass flow rate and fineness regulation. The objective of the current paper is threefold.
Index Terms—Cement industry, distributed parameter systems, First, a nonlinear distributed parameter model of an industrial
parameter estimation, process control. cement grinding process (CBR company, Belgium), including a
ball mill and an air separator in closed loop, is developed. Two
I. INTRODUCTION essential nonlinearities are considered. The first one is related
to the effect of the material hold-up of the mill on the efficiency

G RINDING processes are particularly energy-consuming.

In the cement industry, the energy consumption associ-
ated to grinding raw materials and clinker represents approx-
of the fragmentation process. The second one expresses the fact
that the separation curve is influenced by the inlet flow rate to
the air separator. These two nonlinearities appear as key factors
imately 75% of the cement production costs. Moreover, only in the stability analysis of the closed-loop grinding process.
2%–20% of the energy supplied to the grinders are effectively Second, particular attention is paid to the parameter estima-
used in the fragmentation process, the rest being dissipated es- tion problem. Indeed, the proposed gray-box model, which con-
sentially into heat (see [1] for a more detailed discussion). sists of a set of algebraic and partial differential equations, con-
The performance of a grinding process can be influenced at tains a set of unknown parameters which have to be estimated
two distinct levels. At first, significant improvements can be from experimental data. Common practice is to estimate the sev-
achieved by a careful design of the grinding mill (e.g., number eral parameters characterizing the breakage laws of a specific
and size of the compartments, internal lining, etc.) and the air material from laboratory-scale experimental tests [2]. These ex-
separator (e.g., registers, velocity of the fan, etc.), and by the periments are particularly time-consuming, and their transposi-
proper selection of grinding media (i.e., load and size distribu- tion to full-scale industrial plants is delicate. Here, a simplified
tion of the balls). Then, based on these design parameters, the parametrization of the breakage laws is proposed, and the re-
development of control schemes ensuring stable process oper- sulting set of unknown parameters is estimated from a limited
ations and efficient regulation of the cement quality is required number of experiments performed on the industrial plant.
in order to avoid product downgrading or rejection.
Third, a simple cascaded control structure is elaborated,
Grinding circuits are complex processes characterized by a
which allows the process to be stabilized close to an optimum
number of design parameters and variables such as grindability
operating point. This control scheme is implemented on the real
of the raw materials, particle size distribution, material hold-up,
plant, and its effectiveness is demonstrated with experimental
and rotational speed of the mill, etc. The general lack of sensors
results. Finally, a slightly more complex structure is proposed,
in industrial plants makes the investigation of the several ma-
which incorporates a feedforward action based on on line
terial grinding and transportation mechanisms inside the mill
measurements of the recirculated flow rate. The performance
particularly delicate, or even impossible. The complexity of the
of these alternative control schemes are compared in simulation
in the case of disturbances in the material grindability (material
Manuscript received November 1, 2001. Manuscript received in final form grindability is an important characteristic, which can be signif-
July 16, 2002. Recommended by Associate Editor Dochain. The work of M.
Boulvin was supported by a Research Grant from Fonds pour la Formation à la icantly affected by manufacturing and storage conditions).
Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA). This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the
The authors are with the Control Department of the Faculté Polytechnique de industrial process and discusses the model equations of the ball
Mons, 7000 Mons, Belgium (e-mail:
R. Lepore is with CBR (Division Ciment, Bassin Ouest), Belgium. mill and the air separator. Section III deals with experiment de-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2003.816406 sign and parameter estimation. In Section IV, the model is used
1063-6536/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Cranfield University. Downloaded on November 14,2022 at 11:59:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

rotational speed, ball load, and size distribution), whereas and

are material characteristics.
According to [2], the breakage distribution is independent
of the milling conditions, and is function of the material only. A
cumulative breakage distribution can be defined as follows:


Fig. 1. Industrial grinding circuit.

which can be further expressed as

to investigate the process behavior and stability. Section V is

dedicated to the design and comparison of alternative control (3)
structures. Finally, Section VI is devoted to concluding remarks.
where with (size intervals are
II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION AND MODELING assumed to have a geometric progression, with a constant ratio
Fig. 1 illustrates a two-compartment ball mill in closed loop , so that ), and , , , and are constant
with an air separator. The feed flow , made up of clinker and coefficients.
other raw material components, enters the rotating mill where it In conclusion, material fragmentation is completely charac-
is ground by steel balls. The mill product is transported by terized by eight parameters: , , , in the expression (1)
an elevator into the separator where, depending on adjustable of the specific breakage rate, and , , , in the expressions
registers, it is subdivided into a flow of fine particles, the final (2) and (3) of the breakage distribution. Among them, six
product denoted by , and a flow of rejected particles , parameters are independent of the milling conditions and
which is recirculated to the mill inlet. The sum of the raw mate- can, therefore, be completely determined by laboratory-scale
rial flow and the recirculated flow constitutes the total experiments. Only the parameters and have to be estimated
feed to the mill . depending on the industrial process operation.
However, laboratory experiments carried out in the Mineral
A. Material Fragmentation Processing Department, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (see
[9] for a detailed description of these experiments) showed that
In 1941, Brown [7] proposed an original description of the
modeling material fragmentation is more difficult than it might
grinding phenomenon, in which the material is no longer con-
appear from the previous developments.
sidered as a whole, but rather as a population of fragments clas-
sified according to their size. The population is subdivided into • Laboratory experiments in small batch grinding mills are
granulometric classes of particles with similar sizes. The delicate and very time-consuming (material preparation,
coarsest particles belong to size interval 1, whereas the finest sampling, and particle size analysis through sieving and
ones belong to size interval . The grinding of the material in laser analyzer).
a size interval is characterized by the disappearance of part of • Parameter estimation usually leads to good model agree-
the fragments belonging to this granulometric class and by the ment, in the sense that (1)–(3) reproduce well laboratory
appearance of smaller fragments, which add to other size inter- experimental data. However, relatively large uncertainties
vals . The model of fragmentation, as it is formulated in are associated to some of the parameters, and the transpo-
this article, has been presented for the first time by Sedlatschek sition of the grinding laws to industrial mills gives poor
and Bass [8]. To describe the kinetics of fragmentation, each results.
granulometric class is characterized by a specific breakage • In laboratory-scale grinding mills, the small size of the
rate and by a set of parameters representing the primary mill and the balls is responsible for abnormal breakage
breakage distribution of fragments from size into size . of large particles (i.e., large particles are less efficiently
Based on extensive laboratory-scale experiments, Austin et ground than small ones, which is expressed in (1) by the
al. [2] could formulate descriptive laws for the parameters factor ). In a well-designed industrial mill, abnormal
and . The breakage rates are given by simple power laws. breakage does not occur, and the grinding laws can be
Abnormal breakage of large particles is described by a correc- simplified accordingly (the factor including the two
tion factor parameters and can be eliminated).
• The estimated value of the parameter is close to zero,
with a large associated estimation error (the estimation
(1) error can be assessed through sensitivity analysis and the
evaluation of the Fisher Information Matrix [10]—more
on this will be said in the section on parameter estimation),
where is the upper limit of size interval and , , , and and it seems reasonable to simplify the expression of the
are constant coefficients. Only the parameters and depend breakage distribution coefficients by taking (in
on the milling conditions (geometrical dimensions of the mill, turn, and are eliminated from the expression of ).

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Actually, this simplification yields an expression which is close from a “crash-test,” as discussed in Section III. Definitely,
to the one originally proposed by Kelsall [11]. size-dependent time distributions are out of reach with common
Based on these observations, the expressions (1)–(3) of the measurement devices.
specific breakage rate and the breakage distribution can be re- The model partial differential (6) are supplemented by initial
formulated as and boundary conditions

(5) where is the initial mill hold-up, and is the initial
mass fraction of size .
which are characterized by three parameters , and .
To alleviate the problems associated with laboratory-scale
experiments, the unknown parameters will be estimated from
full-scale industrial data. The discussion of the estimation pro-
cedure is deferred to Section III.
B. Mass Balance Equations in the Mill
The ball mill can be considered as a tubular reactor, in which where is the feed flow rate, and is the feed
the “reaction” taking place is in fact material fragmentation. mass fraction of size .
Hence, a distributed parameter model can be developed, which
describes the evolution of the -size interval population (a pi-
oneering work in this area is the Ph.D. dissertation of Mika [5])

where describes the classifying effect of the grate discharge.

(6) In the case of a two-compartment mill, the model is based on
one system of mass balance (6) for each compartment, supple-
mented by continuity conditions at the compartment interface
where denotes the material hold-up in the mill per unit and boundary conditions at the mill inlet and outlet, which are
of length, and is the mass fraction of material of size similar to (8) and (9).
. Both and are functions of the spatial coor-
dinate along the mill axis and the time . The first two terms C. Air Separator
at the right-hand side of the partial differential (6) describe the The air separator is an important process in the grinding cir-
material transport in the mill, i.e., diffusion with the coefficients cuit, which separates the fine particles from the coarse ones, the
and convection with the velocities . Both parameters are, latter being recirculated to the mill inlet for further size reduc-
in principle, allowed to be size-dependent, which yields size-de- tion. Physical modeling of the air separator is certainly a difficult
pendent residence time. The last two terms in (6) describe the task, not to say an intractable one, and most published modeling
breakage process: the parameters represent the specific rate studies are based on experimental correlation.
of breakage of size , and the parameters describe the pri- Here, a useful concept is the reduced efficiency curve [13]
mary breakage distribution of fragments from size .
The description of material transportation in dry grinders, and
particularly the relationships between the parameters , and (10)
the mill operating conditions, are very difficult to establish. On
the one hand, air sweeping used to remove dust from industrial where and are the separator fine product and
mills tends to accelerate very small particles and to drag them feed, respectively. The reduced efficiency is expressed as a func-
into the ventilation circuit. However, the corresponding amount tion of the particle size normalized to the separator cut-point
of particles is relatively small (about 5% of the total mill flow , i.e., with . In this expression, A,
rate). On the other hand, material transportation inside the solid B, C, D are four constant coefficients. The parameter
bed of balls is very difficult to analyze due to the lack of ap- is directly related to the separator bypass (flow of very fine par-
propriate sensors. A survey of Rogovin and Hogg [12] on the ticles in the recirculated flow). Experimental studies [13] tend to
internal classification in dry grinders suggests that large parti- show that the shape of the reduced efficiency curve, which is de-
cles move more quickly in the bed than small particles. termined by the parameters , B, and D, is characteristic of the
The only feasible approach to the description of material separator and the material being ground, but is independent of
transportation is experimental. A common method in practice the separator operating conditions. This latter observation will
is the use of tracers, which allow the distribution of residence be questioned in Section IV.
time to be measured. This distribution can be easily related In common practice, the underflow separator efficiency
to average velocity and diffusion coefficients. Information is used instead of , as illus-
on average transportation parameters can also be inferred trated in Fig. 2.

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tial differential (6)–(9) of the ball mill (or the complete set of
Fig. 2. Underflow separator efficiency 1 0 E (z ). model (6)–(10)) has been developed. This analytical solution
procedure makes the evaluation of the least-square criterion in
III. PARAMETER ESTIMATION (11) computationally inexpensive.
Minimization of the least-square criterion (11) gives the es-
In the following, the unknown model parameters are esti- timates of the breakage parameters listed in Table I. A lower
mated from experimental data. bound on the covariance of the estimation errors can be derived
A. Mill Model from the inverse of the Fisher information matrix [10]

In order to estimate the parameters involved in the ball mill

model, an original approach is developed here, which is based (12)
on a so-called “crash-test.” In this experiment, the ball mill is
halted at some time during normal operations (for which the where and is the
mill flow rate and material hold-up are measured) and material measurement error covariance matrix.
samples are collected at several axial positions inside the mill It is a priori difficult to determine a reliable estimation of ,
(here, at three spatial locations in the first compartment, and at and it is assumed here that there is a constant relative error of 1%
eight spatial locations in the second compartment). The particle on the several measurements. Whereas the assumption of a con-
size distribution of these samples is determined through sieving stant relative error is classical, a value of 1% might appear as an
and laser analysis. Hence, the “crash-test” provides a complete optimistic guess (the representativeness of the samples, and the
picture of the material hold-up and particle size distribution in- accuracy of the particle size analysis could be questioned). The
side the mill. idea here is to evaluate qualitatively whether the parameter esti-
From the knowledge of the material hold-up in the two mill mates make sense, when accurate measurements are available.
compartments and the mill flow rate, it is possible to infer av- The values of the uncertainties associated with the parameter es-
erage material velocities in the two mill compartments, e.g., if timates are also listed in Table I, i.e., the standard deviation
, , (here, the is given for each parameter.
index refers to the compartment), then and From this table, it is apparent that the parameters are
. estimated with a good level of confidence. Interestingly, the
Based on the particle size distribution inside the mill, a least- estimated value of is very close to that of , which would
square problem can be expressed as tend to demonstrate that the compensation condition, devised
by Gaudin et al. Meloy in [14], is valid here. If it is assumed
that , then the product no longer depends
on . Indeed
where is the vector of unknown parameters ,
is the number of samples collected along the mill axis, is
the number of size intervals considered in the model descrip- (13)
tion (here, ), is the measured sieving residue Physically, this means that the rate of appearance of particles
corresponding to size (mass fraction (%) above size ), and smaller than or equal to , consecutively to the breakage of
is the simulated sieving residue corresponding to size . particles of size ( , ), is no longer function of
It is interesting to note that can be inferred from the , but is given by the rate of breakage of particles of size .
steady-state solution of the model (6)–(9). In [9], an original Recently, Zhang and Kavetsky [15] observed that the
method for solving analytically the stationary form of the par- breakage distribution coefficients are not intrinsic charac-

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teristics of the material, as originally claimed by Austin et al.

[2], but rather depend on the milling conditions. Indeed, the
grinding mechanisms depend on the load movement inside the
mill. If the internal lining of the mill features lifters, then the
balls fall in cataracts, and material is crushed. Without lifters,
Fig. 3. Cumulative size distribution inside the mill (stars: experimental data;
material is essentially ground by attrition inside the rotating solid lines: simulation results).
load. As a consequence, the coefficients depend on the
milling conditions, and vary from one compartment of the mill
to the other.
Taking the compensation condition and the observation of
Zhang and Kavetsky [15] into account, it is possible to rewrite
(4) and (5) as



where , 2 is the index of the compartment.

If the estimation procedure is repeated with the new (14) and
(15) instead of (4) and (5), then the results listed in Table II
are obtained. A comparison between the simulated and mea-
sured cumulative size distributions inside the mill is presented
in Fig. 3. The model can reproduce the experimental data quite
Finally, experimental observations at different mill operating Fig. 4. Influence of the register position on the separation curve—comparison
points show that the breakage rates depend on the material between measured and simulated results.
hold-up inside the mill. This dependency can be represented
in the following way:


where is a constant parameter, which can be estimated

from experimental data collected at several operating points.
The influence of this nonlinearity on the system behavior will
be examined in Section IV.
Other nonlinearities are discussed in [2], such as the
slowing-down effect which expresses the fact that very fine
particles accumulate on the grinding balls, and in turn reduces
the breakage efficiency. In industrial practice, this effect is
alleviated by air sweeping and the use of fluidifying grinding

B. Air Separator
The separation curve depicted in Fig. 2 can be modified on
line by acting on registers. This action is of primary importance Fig. 5. Influence of the mill flow rate on the separation curve-comparison
for regulating the product fineness, and it is, therefore, required between measured and simulated results.

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Fig. 6. Effect of a negative step change of 8% in the fresh feed flow rate M —comparison between experimental (solid lines or stars) and simulation results
(dashed lines).

to model the influence of the register position on the separation between the parameters and the influ-
curve. In addition, experimental observations on the industrial encing variables. More details on the parameter estimation pro-
process show that the separation curve is affected by the material cedure can be found in [9].
flow entering the air separator (i.e., the mill flow rate ). Figs. 4 and 5 show the good model agreement for different
To assess the influence of these two variables, two sets of register positions and mill flow rates, respectively.
experiments are conducted.
1) Several register positions are considered, and for each of
them the mill flow rate as well as the product flow
rate are measured. In addition, material samples are To investigate process dynamics, it is common to observe
collected at the separator inlet and at the two separator step responses around a chosen operating point. For example,
outlets (product and recirculation), which are analyzed in Fig. 6 illustrates the effect of a negative step change of 8% in the
order to determine the particle size distribution. fresh feed flow rate, and compares simulation and experimental
2) For given register positions, several mill flow rates are results. Here, the dynamic simulation results are produced
considered, and again material samples are collected at using a numerical procedure based on the method of lines
the separator inlet and outlets, which are analyzed to de- [16] for solving the model partial differential equations. It is
termine the particle size distribution. apparent that the mill flow rate decreases very significantly,
Based on these experimental data, the parameters B, C, D, and emptying the mill to such an extent that it is required to stop
of (10) (note that A can be determined from the condition process operation. Indeed, continued operation with a small
) are estimated by minimizing a combined least- hold-up would be detrimental to the cement physical properties
square criterion measuring the deviations: and to the balls, which experience violent impacts resulting in
a) between the measured and simulated separation coeffi- a large temperature increase inside the mill. For such extreme
cients , and operating conditions, the measurements become unreliable, and
b) between the measured and simulated ratios (cir- the comparison between simulated and experimental outputs
culating loads). meaningless.
As a result, sets of numerical values for the parameters B, C, The origin of this behavior mostly lies in the nonlinear effect
D, and are obtained, which correspond to the several reg- of the mill flow rate on the separation curve (see Fig. 5) and
ister positions and mill flow rates . The second step in on the nonlinear effect of the material hold-up on the breakage
the modeling procedure involves the derivation of correlations rates (16). When the fresh feed flow rate and, in turn, the mill
, , , flow rate decrease, the separator cut-point increases and

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Fig. 8. Steady-state relationship between product flow rate and material
Fig. 7. Steady-state relationship between material flow rates , , hold-up of the mill (measured values: stars—model: solid line).
and material hold-up of the mill (measured values: stars—model: solid lines).

therefore required to stabilize the process operation close to the

the separator bypass decreases. Therefore, the recirculated flow optimum by designing appropriate control structures.
rate decreases and, as a consequence, the mill empties. The
decreasing material hold-up of the mill results in a more efficient V. CONTROL DESIGN
grinding process and, in turn, in increasing material fineness at The general lack of measurement sensors in industrial
the mill outlet [see the evolution of the cement fineness at the grinding processes hampers the development of advanced con-
mill outlet in Fig. 6(d)]. In the face of a decreasing flow rate trol strategies. The objective of the current study is to propose
and an increasing material fineness, the separator recirculates a simple and robust control structure, which could easily be
less material to the mill inlet. implemented on site. The model developed in Section IV,
Using the model equations, it is possible to draw steady-state and the corresponding dynamic simulator, allows alternative
characteristics relating the several material flow rates , , control schemes to be evaluated. In [6], a preliminary version
to the material hold-up of the mill; see Fig. 7 (again, these of the simulator was used to compare two control schemes:
steady-state characteristics can easily be computed using the an- 1) a 2-independent-proportional integral (PI) scheme pro-
alytical solution procedure devised in [9]). posed by Cigànek and Kreysa [17] in which the mill flow
From this figure, it is apparent that the recirculated flow rate rate is regulated by acting on the fresh feed flow rate, and
decreases with the material hold-up, and tends toward zero when the product fineness is regulated by acting on the sepa-
becomes small. In this limit case, the mill flow rate rator;
would be equal to the product flow rate (then, the mill 2) a multivariable control scheme devised by Van
would operate without recycle). On the other hand, when Breusegem et al. [18], in which the recirculated flow rate
is large, the breakage process becomes inefficient, and most and the product flow rate are regulated by acting on the
of is recirculated by the air separator, with the limit case fresh feed flow rate and the separator.
. The step responses depicted in Fig. 6 correspond to The main drawback of 1) is that a simple PI control is not
a change of operating point from (1)–(4), as indicated on Fig. 7. robust enough to operate the grinding process close to the max-
Both operating points are stable, but point (4) cannot be main- imum of the graph depicted in Fig. 8, where gain changes sign.
tained due to the above-mentioned technical reasons (cement The main objection to 2) is that a control of the product flow
quality and temperature). It is noteworthy that small variations rate does not lead to an efficient control of product fineness,
in the fresh feed flow rate result in large changes in the op- since product fineness and production are competitive objec-
erating conditions (i.e., large changes in the several mass flow tives. For instance, if material grindability decreases (material
rates). grindability can be significantly affected by manufacturing and
A closer look at the relationship between the product flow storage conditions), the recirculated flow rate should increase
rate and the material hold-up is taken in Fig. 8. In fact, the to maintain the product fineness at a prescribed level with, as a
steady-state characteristic has a maximum for consequence, a decrease of the product flow rate.
, which corresponds to the operating point (1). In the following, attention is focused on the design of a cas-
It is easy to show that operating points located to the left of the caded control structure for regulating the mill flow rate, and a
maximum are stable, whereas points located to the right are un- PI controller for regulating the cement fineness. Alternatively,
stable. In practice, it is desirable to operate the grinding process if online measurements of the recirculated flow rate are avail-
close to the maximum, in order to optimize the production. It is able, a feedforward control of the feed flow rate is described,

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Fig. 10. Proportional control of mill flow rate—system response to a step

Fig. 9. Proportional control of the mill flow rate—system response to a step
change of +33% in the mill flow rate setpoint—comparison of simulated and change of 023% in the mill flow rate setpoint—comparison of simulated and
experimental results. experimental results.

which ensures a better decoupling of mass flow rate and fine-

ness regulation.

A. Mill Flow Rate and Product Fineness Control

As already mentioned, it is desirable to operate the grinding

process close to the maximum (1) of the steady-state char-
acteristic depicted in Fig. 8. In order to stabilize the process
operation, a simple proportional controller is first designed.
Figs. 9 and 10 show the system response to a step change of
and in the mill flow rate setpoint, respectively.
In both figures, the comparison of simulated and experimental
results again demonstrates the good model agreement. These
two experiments also confirm the bell shape of the steady-state
characteristic (Fig. 8). Indeed, a positive step change moves the
operating point from (1) to (2), where the process is open-loop
unstable, whereas a negative step change moves the operating
point from (1) to (3), where the process is open-loop stable. Fig. 11. Evolution of the product fineness following step changes in the
In the former case, the closed-loop gain is larger than 1 (the
0 0
register position ( 5% and 10%)—proportional control of the mill flow rate.

steady-state value is above the setpoint in Fig. 9). In the latter

case, the closed-loop gain is smaller than one (the steady-state instantaneous and reflects the direct effect of the register posi-
value is below the setpoint in Fig. 10) and the transient re- tion on the separation curve and, in turn, on the product fineness.
sponse is somewhat slower. The second phase is much slower and reflects the effect of the
Once the proportional controller is implemented, the next step material recirculation in the grinding circuit. For control pur-
in the control design is the identification of the transfer func- poses, it is sufficient to take the main time constant (which is
tions between manipulated variables, i.e., the mill flow rate set- about 25 min) into account.
point and the registers of the air separator, and the controlled As the dynamics of the mill flow rate transfer function is
variables, i.e., the mill flow rate and the product fineness. From about three times faster than that of the product fineness, it
Figs. 9 and 10, the transfer between the mill flow rate setpoint is indicated to first design a PI controller for regulating the
and the mill flow rate is modeled by a classical first-order-plus- mill flow rate, which, together with the proportional controller
delay system (the time constant varies between 7 and 11 min, already implemented, forms a “cascaded control structure”
whereas the time delay min). Fig. 11 shows the evolution (strictly speaking, this is not a cascade control as there is a
of the product fineness (which is measured in terms of the spe- single measurement and the two blocks PI and P could be
cific surface ) following step changes of and interpreted as one controller; however, this terminology is
in the register position. It is interesting to observe the two phases used to stress the fact that the two blocks are implemented
in the transient response of the system. The first phase is almost sequentially in order to achieve a stable inner loop). Then, a

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Fig. 12. Mill flow rate and product fineness control.

particle size distribution. This idea is confirmed by simulation

tests which show that an exact compensation leads to oscillatory
mass flow rates. As a feedforward subcompensation does not
ensure zero steady-state error, a PI control loop is implemented,
which uses the recirculated flow rate and the mill flow rate to
reconstruct the feed flow rate (see Fig. 14).
The main advantage of this control scheme on the cascaded
control structure presented in Section V-A is that it achieves
a better decoupling of the mass flow rate and fineness regula-
tion. The performances of both control strategies are compared
in Fig. 15, which illustrates the evolution of the mill flow rate
and product fineness following a change of in the ma-
terial grindability, and in Fig. 16, which shows the evolution
of the manipulated variables. The feedforward control structure
achieves the best results in terms of mill flow rate regulation.
However, considering the technical difficulties associated with
the on line measurement of the recirculated flow rate (as the par-
Fig. 13. Evolution of the elevator current—comparison between conventional ticles are transported on an air conveyor), the cascaded control
PI-control (upper graph) and cascaded control (lower graph).
structure of the mill flow rate appears as an attractive, simple,
and “cheap” alternative.
new transfer function between the register position and the
product fineness is identified, and a PI controller is designed.
The complete control structure is depicted in Fig. 12. VI. CONCLUSION
In practice, the fluctuations of the elevator current (which is
In this work, we present a nonlinear distributed parameter
an image of the mill flow rate) allow the performance of a con-
model of a grinding circuit used in the cement industry. The
ventional PI control of the mill mass flow rate (upper graph in
several unknown model parameters are estimated from experi-
Fig. 13) and the performance of the cascaded control structure
mental data collected on the real plant. On this basis, a dynamic
(lower graph in Fig. 13) to be compared.
simulator is developed, which can be used to analyze the system
dynamics and to explain experimental observations of real-life
B. Feedforward Control of the Feed Flow Rate operation. The nonlinear dependency of the rates of breakage
If measurements of the recirculated flow rate are available on the mill hold-up, and the nonlinear dependency of the sep-
on line (which is actually not the case in the industrial process aration curve on the mill flow rate have a significant influence
considered in this study), then an alternative control scheme de- on the process behavior, and are at the origin of a bell shaped
picted in Fig. 14 can be advantageously implemented. functional relationship between the mill flow rate and material
The basic principle of this scheme [19] is the subcompensa- hold-up. Hence, it is required to develop a control strategy to
tion of the variations of the feed flow rate induced by the stabilize the process operation close to the optimal point, where
recirculated flow rate gain changes sign. A cascaded control structure is designed for
regulating the mill flow rate, and a simple PI control loop is
proposed for regulating the cement fineness. Experimental re-
(17) sults demonstrate the good performance of the proposed control
scheme. If online measurements of the recirculated flow rate are
with . available online, then an alternative control structure, based on
Intuitively, a unit of mass of raw material is not equivalent to a subcompensation of the variations of the feed flow rate ,
a unit of mass of recirculated material, at least in terms of initial can also be considered.

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Fig. 14. Feed flow rate and fineness control.

Fig. 15. Variation of 010% in the material grindability—upper graph: Fig. 16. Evolution of the manipulated variables—upper graph: evolution of
evolution of the mill flow rate—lower graph: evolution of the product fineness the feed flow rate—lower graph: register position (key to figure: see Fig. 15).
(dash-dotted line: cascaded control of the mill flow rate with a sampling period
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Michaël Boulvin graduated in electrical engineering Renato Lepore graduated in electrical engineering
from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Mons, Bel- and in computer science and management engi-
gium, and received the Ph.D. degree in applied sci- neering from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons,
ences from the same university in 2001. Mons, Belgium, in 1980 and 1982, respectively. He
He is presently working as a Project Engineer for is presently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Control
the company Alcatel-ETCA, at the space launch site Department of the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons.
of Kourou, French Guiana. He has been working as a consultant in the infor-
mation technology business until 1996. His research
interests are modeling, dynamic simulation, and con-
trol of industrial processes.

Christine Renotte graduated in electrical engi-

neering from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
in 1989 and received the Ph.D. degree in applied
sciences from the same university in 1994.
She is currently Associate Professor in the Control
Department of the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons.
Her research interests include modeling, simulation,
and control of dynamic industrial systems. She is
also active in developing optimization algorithms
for neural networks.

Alain Vande Wouwer (M’03) graduated in elec- Marcel Remy graduated in electrical engineering
trical engineering from the Faculté Polytechnique from the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons in 1972
de Mons, Mons, Belgium, in 1988 and received the and received the Ph.D. degree in applied sciences
European doctorate degree in applied sciences from from the same university in 1979.
Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany, in 1994. Since 1972, he has been working in the Control
He is currently Associate Professor in the Control Department of the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
Department of the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons. where he is now Full Professor and Head of De-
His research interests are in distributed-parameter partment. His research interests include biomedical
systems, parameter and state estimation, and engineering, dynamic process simulation, parameter
bioprocess control. identification, and process control.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Cranfield University. Downloaded on November 14,2022 at 11:59:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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