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Innovation Paper


Service Design

A template
How to create a unique customer
experience with Service Design
and make customer interactions
as easy as possible.
The author.

Born in Vienna. A-Level at the commercial academy Vöcklabruck in Upper Austria. As
lecturer and project manager for a non-profit project in Kenya, he studied
Management, Communication & IT at the Management Center Innsbruck and at
Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Two years as a founder in the Austrian start-
up scene were his entry into the world of innovation. He focused particularly on
process and business model innovations. In one of the largest IT system houses in
Austria, he was responsible for New Business Development, the design of mobile
services and the development of the partnership with Apple. As Innovation Manager
at LEAD Innovation, he leads innovation projects in New Business Development,
Service Design. In 2018 he received the certificate "Certified Service Design Thinker"
in Frankfurt. His project experience spans the industries including sports, medical
technology, pharmaceuticals and consumer goods.
A PAPER FROM Service Design.

Service Design improves the experience of

users and employees by designing, aligning and
streamlining a company's operations to better
support customer journeys.
The Blueprint is an operational tool that
describes the nature and characteristics of the
service interaction in sufficient detail to
review, implement, and maintain it.
It is based on a graphic technique that
represents the process functions above and
below the line of sight for the customer: All
touchpoints and backstage processes are
documented and aligned with the user
What is a Service & Service Design?

What is a Today there is no clear distinction between goods and

service? services. There is a continuum of goods services with a
The traditional economy clearly distinguishes between variety of combined products and services in the middle. A
goods and services. Goods are tangible and consumable - song (an mp3 file) is for example a product that can be
pens, sunglasses or shoes. Services are immediate accessed through a service like Spotify or Apple Music. For
exchanges that are intangible and do not lead to proprietary the user, the difference between a product and a service -
medical treatment, mail or public transport. the ownership of the sound file versus the streaming of the
song - can be almost identical, while behind the scenes they
Example Customer Journey for a flight: are quite different.

offers on
website flight fast

service connection
google info-
need - waiting
take a trip for
check in


Innovation Paper
Service Design.
A template.
As the complexity of services increases, so does the need to
support them. Complex user experiences often result from an
internal organizational deficiency - a weak link in the
ecosystem. For example, when was the last time you called a What is
support hotline, provided your personal information, and then Service Design?
passed it on to another agent who asked you to repeat the
exact information you had already provided? This criticism Service Design starts after the first contact with a
results from an internal process error caused by a lack of company e.g. by advertising with the first click on a
service design. banner, goes over the information phase to a product,
from searching for a parking space in front of a shop to
waiting at the supermarket checkout, to disposing of a
product or claiming a problem. The aim of the service
Definition: Service Design design is to create a unique customer experience and to
make interactions of all kinds as easy as possible for the
Service Design is all about improving and redesigning customer.
services. LEAD Innovation involves LEAD users from whose
knowledge and experience the project can benefit. In order to be able to offer customers unique
experiences today, a company needs to know its needs
Service design is the process of designing services and and the famous Customer Journey particularly well.
processes of all kinds in which customers are involved. The Service design therefore means providing a unique
aim of Service Design is to create a unique customer experience for customers throughout the ecosystem,
experience, making interactions as easy as possible for the including the touch points and channels they have with a
customer and giving them a good feeling. company or brand that are important to them.
Imagine a restaurant where there are a number of In order to improve this customer journey in a company
employees: Host, service, waiters and cooks. The service and to design special services, the pain points that
design focuses on how the restaurant works and delivers disturb the customers along the customer journey must
what it promises - from sourcing and receiving ingredients, first be collected. These need to be prioritized by
to integrating new chefs, to communicating with the influence, and then consider how you can improve them.
service about allergies in the restaurant. Each moving role The customer and his needs, as well as the goal he
plays a role in the food that arrives on the restaurant plate, wants to achieve, are always at the centre of the
even if it is not directly part of her experience. The service process.
design can be illustrated using a service blueprint.
It is particularly important that customers do not only
see individual touch points, but also evaluate the overall
experience they have had with a company. Which are the
most important touch points for customers, and how can
the knowledge about them be used to turn customers
into real fans through enthusiasm? At the end of the day,
that's what counts.
History of Encourage tough talk. Targeted discussion of procedures
and policies uncovers vulnerabilities and misalignments
Service Design and enables organizations to develop collaborative and
The term "Service Design" was coined by Lynn Shostack cross-functional solutions.
in 1982. Shostack suggested that companies develop an Reduction of redundancies from a bird's eye view. The
understanding of how behind-the-scenes processes mapping of the entire cycle of internal service processes
interact because "leaving services to individual talents gives companies an overview of their service ecosystem,
and managing the parts, not the whole, makes a be it within a large offer or across several partial offers.
company more vulnerable and creates a service that This process helps to identify where duplicate efforts
slowly responds to market needs and opportunities. are taking place, which is likely to lead to employee
frustration and waste of resources. Avoiding redundancy
This is still true today, but the responsibility does not saves energy, improves employee efficiency and lowers
only lie with operations and management, as it did costs.
twenty years ago. The implementation of the service Building relationships. Service design helps to align
design is the responsibility of the company as a whole. internal service regulations such as roles, backstage
actors, processes and workflows with the corresponding
frontstage personnel. To return to our first example,
Service Design, information provided to one agent should
be available to all other agents interacting with the
Advantages of same customer.
Service Design
The resources of most companies (time, budget,
logistics) are spent on customer-oriented results, while
internal processes (including the experience of the
company's employees) are overlooked. This separation
triggers a general, widespread feeling that one hand
does not know what the other is doing.
Service Design bridges such organizational gaps:
Where does service
design begin?
Emerging conflicts. Business models and service design Service design begins with the customer's need, then begins
models have often come into conflict because business after the initial contact with a company, continues through
models do not always match the service the company the information phase to a product. The aim of service
provides. Service design triggers thoughts and design is to create a unique customer experience and make
relationships around systems that must be present in interactions of all kinds as easy as possible for the
order to adequately deliver a service over the entire customer. In addition to improving a service around a
product lifecycle (and in some cases beyond). product, completely new, independent and revolutionary
new services can also be created.

Innovation Paper
Famous examples are: Phase 5 - Testing
AirBnB, Amazon Prime, Netflix or the McDonalds POS system In a final step, the new concepts and service prototypes
as well as Car2Go. are tested and improved until they are very well received
by the market. The innovation concepts and prototypes
How does Service for services are improved through user feedback.
Design work?
The 5 phases of service design
involving LEAD users: Service Design - your template:
Phase 1 - Understanding How to apply service design with this template:
The first phase is about understanding the needs and
problems of users through interviews and observations. In a Service Blueprint, key elements are organized in
Thus the concrete innovation potentials for an increased clusters with lines that separate them. There are three
user satisfaction can be identified. main lines:
Phase 2 - Defining 1.     The interaction line represents the direct
In a second phase, the problems and needs within the interactions between the customer and the company.
search field are defined and prioritized. The LEAD user 2.     The line of sight separates all service activities that
profiles are then created from analog fields and from the are visible to the customer from those that are not.
target market. Everything on the stage (visible) appears above this line,
while everything behind the stage (not visible) appears
Phase 3 - LEAD User search below this line.
3.     The line of internal interaction separates the
In this phase LEAD users are identified and invited to a contact employees from those who do not directly
conference lasting several days. support the interaction with customers/users.
Phase 4 - LEAD User conference The final layer of a Service Blueprint is evidence that
consists of the props and locations with which everyone
LEAD User Conference "Service Design Jam" & in the Service has an exchange. Evidence can be
Prototype: Development of new concepts at a included in processes and measures in both the front
conference lasting several days together with members and backstage areas.
of the project team and LEAD users.
Service Design.
A template.

Service Design helps to improve existing services

and create new services - from the customer's
point of view.

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