Group 6 Biyuku Translate

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Group 6

Once upon a time, in forest stood a very majestic kingdom. The kingdom was led by a king
who always acted arbitrarily. He is always unfair and selfish. Because of this, the people hated
their king. However, he had a very kind wife and always obeyed her orders. The wife
understands that the king and bad behavior because the king really wants offspring. After a
long time of marriage, they have not been blessed with a single child. His wife felt guilty
because she could not give offspring to her husband. One day the king’s wife fell ill. The king
was so worried about his wife’s condition because he loved his wife very much. The king
summoned the royal physician to examine his wife. After examining the king's wife, the healer
congratulated the King. Apparently, the king's wife was not sick, but was pregnant. The king
was so surprised to hear his wife's wife. Of course the king became very happy because he
would have children. The king celebrated with him by holding a great feast for his people.
Everyone is happy in the party.

As long as his wife was pregnant, the king loved his wife even more. Almost every day the king
held his wife's stomach. He seemed impatient waiting for the birth of his child and he really
wanted a son. All preparations for the birth were prepared by the royal ladies-in-waiting.

The long awaited day has finally come. All the people gathered to witness their future leader.
The king was so surprised and disappointed that it was a woman and not a man, but the king
did not want to spoil the happiness of his wife and people. The king realized that he had to be
grateful even though the child his wife gave birth to was not what he wanted all this time. The
king named his daughter Princess Biyuku.

Putri Biyuku means tortoise princess because at the time the princess was born, a swarm of
very large turtles appeared outside the palace. The turtle was also waiting for the birth of
Princess Biyuku. After Princess Biyuku was born, a group of turtles left the kingdom. After his
son was born, the attitude and behavior of the king changed. The king became just, wise, and
always put the prosperity of his people first. The change in the king's attitude was because he
had been blessed with very beautiful offspring. Princess Biyuku is very spoiled by her parents.
Over time, Princess Biyuku grew into a teenage girl. Unexpectedly, Princess Biyuku inherited her
father's bad qualities. The king also did not stay silent, he kept trying so that his son could
change his bad character.

One day the king held a competition to find a mate for his son. The king hoped that Princess
Biyuku would change her character. Many men participated in the contest. However, apart
from refusing, Princess Biyuku also insulted all the men who were interested in her. Until one
day there came a young man with a very bad face and from the poor. The young man came to
the kingdom to take part in the competition. He also received the same treatment. Not only
insults but also blows received by the young man. Suddenly the figure of the young man turned
into a very handsome young man. Turns out, the young man was a prince who deliberately
came down to earth to awaken Princess Biyuku for all her bad behavior. Princess Biyuku's bad
deeds are not forgiven anymore. The prince also bewitched Princess Biyuku into a turtle.

The king was very sad to see the child he loved so much had turned into a turtle. However,
what power, the king could not do anything. He tried to deal with it. Princess Biyuku went to
the river in the forest and never came back again. Because he was so fond of his daughter and
in memory of his beloved daughter, the king named the forest where his daughter lived "Biyuku
forest". Because the king had no descendants to continue his reign, the kingdom gradually
collapsed. Biyuku Forest is now a village called Biyuku Village. Biyuku Village is located in Suak
Tapeh District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra

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