English Writing Task Aria

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It was you

By Aria Naidu

Following my every move, I felt eyes staring at me as though they were piercing through my
soul. Seeing as she was only a stone sculpture, her life-like presence was clear. Wind gushing
across my face left me with a soft whisper in my ear. “Turn back, trust me” shaking it off I
continued to the graveyard with the smallest bit of hope that was immediately suppressed by the
terror that lay in front of me. Scattered decaying bodies all above the ground greet me at the
gate with their stench and fresh blood spreading throughout the moist squelching soil. The
doubt within grew large, but the answer that lay within the walls of the church outweighed any
amount of terror I may face.

The shot of cold from the doorknob sent my body cold. It was 34 degrees outside yet the
doorknob still resembled the feeling of ice. With the temperature of the doorknob already raising
some suspicions I continued at a more slow pace throughout the small cottage like church. With
every step, a creek from the floorboards arised and with every step, my heart felt as if it were
skipping a beat. As I approached what seemed to be the main area of the church it was dimly lit
with high ceilings and stained glass pictures throughout the walls, but most intriguing was
something seemingly alike to a room that was placed in the center of the building. Walking
forward I soon noticed that the door was bolted shut. Turning around to walk away and back into
the darkness I heard a faint scream of despair.
“Help someone, please”
It was her. Crying and screaming out her name at the top of my lungs while banging on the door.
“It's me, I'm here!”
“Ill get you out of there”
I knew there was a reason I was told to come here. All my energy wasted and all hope lost. The
guilt was eating me alive. Starting to feel dizzy I laid against the door and within seconds
everything went dark.

Slowly regaining consciousness my eyes were forced open by a bright light straining them. After
giving my eyes time to adjust I turned around and became overwhelmed with joy and shock.
Sobbing whilst trying to get my words out I collapsed in her hug. It had been a long 2 years filled
with misery, depression and loneliness, none of that mattered because I was here. With her. We
had spent every point of our lives together, shared our successes and losses. My sister. I knew
something had happened when she left and never came back. As I was hugging her I
“Maya why aren't you happy?”
“ I found you”
To which she replied with
“No Ella, you've been caught too”
She pulled herself off me with an angry expression plastered on her face. Her bloodshot eyes
sent a jolt through my body as I realized the horrible state that my sister was in. Her body is
weak and fragile which in turn explained the lack of communication on her part.
“ you never should have come for me, now we are both in danger” Maya softly spoke
With a heartbreaking tremble in her voice Maya whispered
“I'm sorry”
That one statement sent my body into temporary paralysis.

I began observing my surroundings and became aware of the extremely unhygienic and
repulsive surroundings to which my sister had been living. Three solid concrete walls with mold
growing among them. A thick rotten egg-like stench filled the room and there was a bucket in
the corner which was clearly used as a bathroom. The sleeping situation was a paper thin
mattress paired with a torn up brown stained doona. I tried to maintain a calm persona in hopes
that I did not stress my sister out , strolling towards her, my back slid against the cold concrete
wall until I was sat next to her. Suddenly a tall man with a strong build walked into the room.
Wearing corporate attire and giving the most foul smile he spoke.
“Finally after years and years I have you”
“Thankyou maya you've done your job”
He pulled out a gun from his back left pocket.
I screeched and pounced towards him but a soft hand held me back.
“Don't Ella just dont, It was fate”
Knowing what was happening I hugged my sister for the last time resting my head in her fragile
neck, hugging her tightly.
“I love you” spoke Maya
Her warm blood ran onto my head and down my face burning my eyes. Never letting her go,
squeezing her lifeless body as if to bring her back.

The muscular man grabbed me by the head and threw me against the floor. Dizziness in my
head blurred the vision of the man, hearing his footsteps nearing was enough to jolt me awake
“Now that she's out of the way, and I finally have you, I can complete my last phase” with that
the man helped me by my neck and raised me into the air.
In a low voice he spoke
“ i know you too well”
It was my ex boyfriend, he was extremely abusive and maya was the one that had saved me
from him. But Maya couldn't save me this time.
He screamed in my face
“Now here's my revenge, you had taken everything for me, ruined my life and everything I had
worked so hard for.”
“Everything I did for you and you were still so ungrateful and threw me out like a piece of trash”
Whilst he had put on a strong character you could see his tears slowly forming in his eyes.
Shaking me back and forth as if I was a rag doll he bring his facr up close my ear and screamed
I stood there, silent and speechless. Not making any eye contact hoping to avoid any more
screaming. With a lifeless expression on my face dropped to the ground. A few tears fell out of
my eyes as he held the gun up for the second time but now towards my head.
His last words were
“Fine then dont talk, but you ruined my life now I end yours”
A sharp quick pain flew through my body.
Dead I laid in front of him,

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