Webquest Short Story

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We will read and analyse a short story “The Star” by Alaisdair Gray.


Go to https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14870.Alasdair_Gray

Answer the following questions

1. Where and when was Alasdair Gray born?

2. What was his most popular book?
3. Where and what did he study?
4. Where did he live?
5. Which writers was he influenced by?
6. How many children did he have?


Go to Longman dictionary website https://www.ldoceonline.com/ and Find out the words of the
story and write the definitions.

1.Backyard (n):
2. tenement (n):
3. frown (v):
4.marble (n):
5.pulley (n):
6.lank (adj) grass :
7.bang (v):
8. midden (v):
9.palm (n):
10. ruby (n):
11. clench (v):
12. gaze (v):
13. swallow (v):

Go to the website below and read the story and answer the questions


Paragraph 1

1. How many stars fell and where did they fall? (4)

2. What was the boy doing when he saw the stars falling? (1)

3. What were his parents doing? (2)

Paragraph 4

1. Describe the stairs. (2)

2. Describe the back yard. (3)

3. How is the star described? Mention 3 things. (3)

Paragraph 5-6

1. Using your own words as much as possible, what does the boy see in the star? (4)

2. Why does the boy begin to take it with him everywhere? (2)

Paragraph 13 (last paragraph)

1. What happens at the end of the end of the story?

Find out the setting and the characters and answers to the questions. First discuss with friends and
then go to the website and find the answers in this website.




Quotations from the Story Quality and feelings suggested

1.A star had fallen beyond the horizon, in

Canada perhaps ( He had an aunt in Canada)

2. He said in a small voice, A’m gawn out.

3. He slipped through the lobby and onto the

stairhead, banging the door after him.

4. 4.A second star was nearer, just beyond the

iron works.

5.He was at the back of the classroom in a desk

by himself.

7. What does Cameron represent?

8. What do his parents symbolize?
9. Write one of the messages of the story?
10. What do star and marble symbolize?
11. What did you like about the story?

Go to google docs below and complete the task please.



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