CUK Policies

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Candidate Name _____________________________________

Date _______________________________________________

Carnival UK Policy
Ensure the candidate understands the below and is happy to proceed

It is our corporate policy that all seafarers are vaccinated against Measles, Mumps and Rubella. You will need to provide us
with written confirmation of either vaccination or of immunity against the diseases. You may have already been vaccinated
during your childhood.
We would recommend you make contact with your Doctor surgery to request evidence of MMR vaccination, as you will be
required to provide this.
If you have not had the vaccination we would recommend you make arrangements to have this.
Please note you will be required to cover the cost of this vaccination.

Does this give you cause for concern? Yes / No circle/delete)


It is our corporate policy that all seafarers with food handing responsibilities are vaccinated
against Hepatitis A. You will need to provide us with written confirmation of either
vaccination or of immunity against the disease.
We would recommend you make contact with your Doctor surgery to request evidence of
Hepatitis A vaccination, as you will be required to provide this if you are successful.
If you have not had the vaccination we would recommend you make arrangements to
have this. Please note you will be required to cover the cost of this vaccination.

Does this give you cause for concern? Yes / No circle/delete)

Alcohol and Drug Policy

“Carnival UK operates a zero tolerance policy to illegal drugs or substances of abuse. All employees are required to be fit to
perform their normal and emergency duties unhampered by the effects of alcohol at all times.”

Are you happy to adhere to this policy? Yes / No circle/delete)

Tattoo and Personal Appearance Policy

“Visible tattoos/body art on the face or neck are not acceptable for any crew member. Other tattoos visible in uniform are
acceptable, providing they do not detract from overall appearance standards. Please note uniform may include short sleeved
tops, shorts/skirts, open toed shoes. Do you have any other visible tattoos? Please note, extreme hairstyles and body piercing
that cannot be removed when on duty are also not acceptable. Is this a cause for concern?”

Do you have any visible tattoos? Yes / No (circle/delete)

Tattoo details: Acceptable / Unacceptable

Are you happy to adhere to this policy? Yes / No (circle/delete)
Criminal Convictions
“Carnival UK requires all candidates to disclose any unspent criminal convictions.”
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? Yes / No (circle/delete)

Conviction details: Acceptable / Unacceptable

English Language Proficiency
Ensure the candidate understands the need to be able to communicate in English
What is your nationality?

What is your first (native) language?

Response: English

If the candidate is a national of the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, Australia or New Zealand
they do not need to take an English Language Test. Nationals of any other country must take the Test. This will be undertaken
if you are successful in your application.

If an English Language Test is required, read the following statements:

“Based on your responses to these questions you will need to complete a Marlins Test if your application is successful” “The
Marlins Test is funded by the candidate and the cost ($11USD) will be deducted from your first salary.”

Are you happy to proceed on this basis? Yes / No (circle/delete)

Travel & Working at Sea

Ensure the candidate understands the below and is happy to proceed
Eligibility for a seafarers medical

“We will require you to obtain a seafarers medical certificate. Some medical conditions may make it difficult for you to obtain
a seafarers medical certificate. If you have any medical condition we strongly advise you to check the standards that are
available on Maritime & Coastal Agency website".

Does any of this information give you any cause for concern? Yes / No (circle/delete)

Eligibility for Visas

“On occasions, we require our employees to obtain certain transit visas, including a US C1/D visa. Someone who has
previously been denied entry into or deported from another country may not be granted a transit visa.”

Have you ever been deported from or denied entry into another country? Yes / No (circle/delete)

Minimum Age

“Due to international labour laws, Carnival UK requires employees to be a certain age at the point of employment. For P&O
the minimum age is 18 and for Cunard the minimum age is 21.”

Are you over the age of 18 (or 21 for Cunard ships)? Yes / No (circle/delete)


“Due to the nature of working at sea, all applicants require a valid passport.”

Do you have a passport that is valid for at least one year? Yes / No (circle/delete)

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