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Lost in the Dark

Act 1
Welcome to our first solo-play DMless game!
We'd like to thank you, reader, for coming
along on this adventure with us. We hope
you have as much fun reading and playing
our book as we did writing it.

- The Limitless Team

How to Play
Lost in the Dark , and other Tides of Battle tm games are 5th Edition DMless games
intended for solo play. You don't read this book like a novel, instead reading only what
the book allows. The game uses 5th Edition rules, which you should be familiar with.
This book includes character generation in the first chapter, so no prep is needed. Once
you have completed reading these instructions, proceed to Prologue - Wake in the Dark.

Actions, Skills, and the Journal

Actions: Each encounter begins with a description in italic text, followed by a list of
Actions you may take. Some actions list a Difficulty Class (DC), the difficulty to achieve
that action. Some actions have no DC ( DC -- ) and do not require a roll. Some actions
require tools, items, or information you find along the way. You may attempt any skill
even if not proficient, but items, tools, or information (notes) must be in your inventory.
Make your choice and then note it in the Journal.

Journal: Each encounter or area has a journal section, where you may indicate your
choice and roll a d20. Actions that are NOT combat, write down the number and any
applicable modifiers. Ex: If you are using investigation skill, and are proficient, you
would add your Intelligence modifier and your Proficiency Bonus (+2) to this number.

Additional d20 Boxes: Sometimes you may see multiple boxes, and will make multiple
d20 rolls. Roll as instructed and note them in the journal without any additional
modifiers. These boxes may be used on the next page for Combat or other outcomes.

Tides of Battletm
Combat: If you chose, or were forced to Begin Combat, step through the combat, adding
bonuses to your opponent if instructed to do so, and your own character's attacks as
required. Boxes on the previous page will be referenced by position, so the monsters first
attack may come from the second d20 roll in the list.

Success: If you meet or exceed the DC of a skill challenge or combat, follow the
instructions in the Success box for that item.

Failure: If you fail a skill challenge or combat, follow the instructions in the Failure box.

If your hitpoints are reduced to zero during combat, return to a Recovery room. If you
have not discovered a Recovery room, return to 1A Collapsed Passage and recover 1d6
hitpoints plus your constitution modifier. For a more challenging and deadly game, only
allow use of each Recovery room once.

Lost in the Dark Design Team

Andrew Hand: Editing
Mia Johnson: Writing, Illustration, Cover Art
Michael Johnson: Writing, Editing

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
Prologue - Wake in the Dark
" 'Who am I? What is this place?' You jolt to consciousness as your lungs convulse.
Shifting rubble, you manage to roll onto your side, coughing up plumes of dust. A few
drops of blood dribble from your cracked skull onto the stone floor. 'This is not good.'"

Character Generation

Apprentice Lost
Your human eyes slowly adjust to the dimly-lit cavern surrounding you. A little
bruised, but you appear to be mostly unharmed. Assign the following standard array
of stats to your character: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. Write down 6 hit points plus your
Constitution modifier. Your Armor Class is 10 plus your Dexterity modifier.

On the ground is an open backpack, its contents scattered across the floor. "Some of
these items could be useful." Add the following equipment to your inventory: An
insignia of rank (private), deck of cards, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox,
waterskin, 5 days of rations, a small spade (tool), 1 torch.

As you examine the items you have collected, you begin to remember who you are.
Choose, or roll for, one background and gain the following benefits:
d6 Background Benefits
1. Artisan Additional Items: Spindle (weapon), Ball of Wool, Weaver’s tools
Skill Proficiencies (+2): Insight, Persuasion
2. Criminal Additional Items: Thieves' Tools (tool), Crowbar (weapon)
Skill Proficiencies (+2): Deception, Stealth
3. Entertainer Additional Items: Love Letter, Lyre
Skill Proficiencies (+2): Acrobatics, Performance
4. Noble Additional Items: Signet Ring (shiny), Pouch containing 10 Gold
Skill Proficiencies (+2): History, Persuasion
5. Sailor Additional Items: Lucky Charm, Compass (shiny)
Skill Proficiencies (+2): Athletics, Perception
6. Urchin Additional Items: Your Mother’s Hand Mirror (shiny), a Small Knife
Skill Proficiencies (+2): Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Companion (Optional): Being lost in the dark is bad enough, but you do not have to face
the dangers alone. You may choose an ally from Companions at the end of this book.

Tides of Battletm
Lighting a torch, you illuminate your surroundings. The stone passage ahead of you
twists off into the darkness. Looking back, the passage behind you is buried in fallen
rock. Wherever you came from, there is no turning back now.

Delve into the darkness. (Turn to 1B Crossroads)

Stay and investigate the area. (Turn to 1A Collapsed Passage)
Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1A Collapsed Passage
"'I should make sure I haven't overlooked anything.' Climbing over rubble at the back of
the collapsed passage, you take a moment to inspect your surroundings. Your torchlight
dances about, reflecting off mithral deposits that run through the cracked walls."


Rubble and Dust

Resting against the passage wall, you pull your knees to your chest. Tears pour
uncontrollably down your cheeks. The, quite high, likelihood of your death in this
awful hole in the ground eats away at you. You squeeze your eyes shut. Trying to calm
your spinning mind, you count your every breath. Reality returns to you. You get to
your feet, wiping your nose on your sleeve. "No more of that. There's work to be done."

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Perception (DC 13) "I'll take a look around, maybe there's something I missed."
Investigation (DC 13) "I wonder if anything else might have gotten buried."
Athletics (DC 13) "If I can move this rubble, I might be able to find a way out."

Recovery Room
In the event that your hitpoints are reduced to zero, return to this recovery room and
recover 1d6 hitpoints plus your constitution modifier.

I Chose: I rolled:


Perception On closer inspection, you notice not one, but two sets of foot prints in
the dust. One set of footprints you easily recognize as your own.
However, The other set of boots are much smaller in size, dragging
through the dust. One thing is for certain, you are definitely not alone
down here.
Investigation Leaving no stone unturned, you rifle through the debris on the passage
floor. During your search, you find a spare torch wedged under a fallen
rock. "This could come in handy." Add one torch to your inventory.
Athletics In hope of finding a way out of this cave, you spend the better part of an
hour digging through rubble. Exhausted, you take a break. Your hands
are soiled and bloodied from their work. One thing is for certain, you
will not be leaving that way anytime soon.

Perception After carefully inspecting the collapsed passage for additional supplies,
you feel as if you have already collected everything of use.
Investigation Leaving no stone unturned, you rifle through the debris on the passage
floor. You are unable to find anything of use. "Damn."
Athletics "This is hopeless." Spending the better part of an hour digging through
rubble, there are massive slabs of stone that you are unable to move.
One thing is for certain, you won't be leaving that way anytime soon.

Tides of Battletm
Delve into the darkness. (proceed to 1B Crossroads)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1B Crossroads
"You proceed with caution over fallen rubble, putting one foot in front of the other. The
passage becomes more steep as you descend further underground. Coming to a halt, the
path ahead of you splits in two. One path turns to the left, the other off to the right."


Branching Paths
A cacophony of dripping water echoes throughout the natural stone intersection.
Hundreds of tiny stalactites cling to the edges of the cave ceiling, trickling drops of
water onto clustered mineral deposits below them. At a glance, both stone passages
appear almost identical without further inspection.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Perception / (DC 13) "I'll have a look at my surroundings, then figure out where to go
Survival from there."
Stealth (DC 13) "It doesn't really matter which way I go, as long as I'm careful
about how I do it."
Call Out (DC--) "Hello? Is anyone there?"

I Chose: I rolled:


Perception / You begin by inspecting the passage on your right. Old spiderwebs
Survival hang thick with dust from the natural stone ceiling. You take one step
down the passage, then another. Peering into the darkness, you spot a
fine interwoven mesh of newly crafted spiderwebs. The webs, the
further you walk, become too dense to pass. You take note of your
surroundings before returning to inspect the other passage. A humid
draft, smelling slightly of sulphur, flows from the left passage into the
cave intersection. Obscuring your light source, you are able to see a
faint blue glow coming from further down the passage. You return to
the intersection to make your choice.
Stealth You fasten down any gear hanging from your pack, ensuring your ever
step is as quiet as possible. You creep as quietly as you can down the
passage of your choice, feeling your presence has gone unnoticed. Your
next Stealth check will be at advantage.
Call Out Your voice carries across the stone, decaying into what feels like
eternity. You wait for a response. A low guttural groan turns into an ear
splitting shriek, resonating across the passage walls. You are not alone
down here. "I shouldn't have done that." Your next Stealth check will be
at disadvantage.

Perception / You begin by inspecting the passage on your right. Old spiderwebs
Survival hang thick with dust from the natural stone ceiling. These webs have
not been occupied in quite some time. You take note of your
surroundings before inspecting the other passage. Stopping at the
mouth of the passage, you gag at the scent of rotten eggs. You retreat to
the intersection, waiting to make your choice once the dry heaving
Stealth You creep as quietly as you can down the passage of your choice. You
feel confident that your presence has gone unnoticed. Your next Stealth
check will be at disadvantage.

Tides of Battletm
Travel down the left passage. (proceed to 1E Overgrown Cavern)
Travel down the right passage. (proceed to 1C Cobweb Corridor)
Turn back. (proceed to 1A Collapsed Passage)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1C Cobweb Corridor
"The abandoned cobwebs at the mouth of the passage transition into freshly spun
abodes, bridging across the passage walls. The interwoven mesh of webs becomes so
dense, you are unable to proceed any further without taking a new approach."


Blocked by Webs
A golden orb weaver spider glides down from the passage ceiling uncomfortably close
to you. Taking a step back you watch the arachnid, nearly the size of your hand, spin
gracefully, almost dancing down to the floor. The spider skitters away, slipping into a
crack in the stone floor. You shudder at the thought of how many more spiders could
be lurking in the little nooks and crannies of the passage.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifer to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Athletics (DC 10) "I'll use one of my tools to knock down these webs."
Requires Tool
Acrobatics (DC 10) "There's a few narrow gaps, maybe I can squeeze through."
Survival (DC 10) "Easy, I'll burn these webs away with my torch." Requires torch
Charge (DC --) "The only way to deal with this is to go straight through."
Flee (DC --) "You know what? They can keep it."

I Chose: I rolled:


This could get dangerous. Make three rolls in case you Begin Combat.
d20 d20 d20

Combat (Swarm of Spiders; AC 12; HP 5)
d20 Roll Type Description
3rd Your Attack AC 12; On hit, roll damage.
2nd Spider's Attack If roll exceeds your AC, take 2 (1d4) damage.
1st Your Attack AC 12; On hit, roll damage.
If the swarm of spiders is defeated, see Success:Fight!. If not, see Failure:Fight!

Athletics You carefully detach webs from the walls, creating a path for yourself.
Dozens of agitated spiders emerge from the cracks and crevices around
you. You pause, allowing them to settle before continuing. You may
now proceed to 1D Weaver's Den.
Acrobatics Thanks to your careful movements and slowly crawling along the
passage floor, you may now proceed to 1D Weaver's Den.
Survival The stone passageway is briefly illuminated by the mass of burning
webs. Spiders flee from the intense heat, escaping into the cracked
stone. The few remaining webs melt after a few seconds over your torch.
You may now proceed to 1D Weaver's Den.
Charge Shutting your eyes, you charge forward blindly into the webs. You open
your eyes to find yourself enveloped in a thick layer webbing with a few
agitated guests intertwined. Begin Combat
Flee After careful consideration, you decided that it would be better to leave
the spiders undisturbed. Proceed to 1B Crossroads.
Fight! The web covered corridor has finally grown still. What spiders remain
after the battle flee into the many cracks and crevices within the stone.
You may now proceed to 1D Weaver's Den.

Athletics Your arms begin to tire. You rush to knock the remaining webs down,
spooling and scraping them off against the rocks. Dozens of agitated
spiders spill from cracks in the walls, charging at you. Begin Combat
Acrobatics Losing your balance, you skid across the passage floor, grazing your
hands and elbows. There is a brief pause before dozens of agitated
spiders surge out from beneath you. Begin Combat
Survival The interwoven mass of webs refuses to light. The individual strands
smolder before quickly going out. Spiders pour out from cracks in the
passage walls, protecting their damaged homes. Begin Combat
Fight! You flee down the passage as fast as your legs can carry you, scraping
spiders from your skin. Proceed to 1B Crossroads.

Tides of Battletm
Turn back. (proceed to 1B Crossroads)
Explore the cavern. (proceed to 1D Weaver's Den)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1D Weaver's Den
"'It looks like some sort of loom-shop for weavers. Who would need that all the way down
here?' What welcoming presence this cave had is now overwhelmed by golden orb weaver
spiders. Their webs spill from the roof like a silken chandelier."


A Craftsman's Retreat
Vibrant carpets, woven from spider silk, are layered across the stone floor. Tapestries,
depicting immaculate geometric designs, obscure the curled pattern of the hand
chiseled walls behind them. Three unmade bed rolls, fashioned from animal skins,
woven blankets, and straw surround a small portable hearth on one side of the cave.

A collection of ornately carved looms and spinning wheels of dyed spider silk lie
abandoned opposite of the living quarter. A nearly complete golden cloak attached to
one of the looms catches your attention. Looking past the loops you see a terrarium
constructed from a series of interconnected glass bottles. Every available access hatch
on the terrarium has been unlocked and left open.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Investigation (DC 15) "I'll have a look around for anything useful."
History (DC 15) "I feel as if I've seen these designs before."
Sleight Of (DC 15) "If I'm careful I should be able to get this cloak off the loom."
Weaver's (DC 10) "I hope they don't mind if I finish this cloak."

Recovery Room
In the event that your hitpoints are reduced to zero, return to this recovery room and
recover 1d6 hitpoints plus your constitution modifier.

I Chose: I rolled:


Investigation You scour the boundaries of the weaver's den, scavenging through the
abandoned belongings. You deposit your findings onto the floor, sorting
through which items could easily be taken with you. Add the following
equipment to your inventory: Iron shears (weapon), metal pan (weapon),
pouch of wooden buttons, blue ceramic bowl.
History A melody comes flowing back to you, gentle and low. You remember an
older gnome, Tinker Erland. He hummed quietly to himself as he
worked on some strange contraption, inevitably hitting his thumb.
"Confounded!" Erland would mutter foul gnomish curses as he nursed
his bruised thumb."It's amazing he hasn't lost any of his fingers yet."
Add the Constructor's Lullaby to your notes.
Sleight Of Unskilled in the trade, you attempt to work the loom to the best of your
Hand ability. With a little bit of luck, you successfully complete and remove
the garment from the loom. You wrap the now completed spider silk
cloak around your shoulders. Add one spider silk cloak to your
inventory. While the spider silk cloak is worn, add +1 to your AC.
Weaver's Memories of your mother's teachings come flowing back to you. Your
Tools hands have not forgotten the trade. You wrap the now completed spider
silk cloak around your shoulders. Add one spider silk cloak to
inventory. While the spider silk cloak is worn, add +1 to your AC.

Investigation You take your time carefully inspecting the cave. After thorough
examination, you are unable to find anything of use.
History You are unable to recollect anything about the symbols depicted on the
tapestries. "It feels as if the answer's on the tip of my tongue."
Sleight Of Unskilled in the trade, you attempt to work the loom to the best of your
Hand ability. Despite your efforts, you find yourself unable to complete nor
remove the cloak from the loom. "Well that was a waste of time."
Weaver's Memories of your mother's teachings come flowing back to you. As your
Tools mind wanders off, your hands have tangled the remaining thread to the
loom. It will be impossible to remove the cloak without destroying it.

Tides of Battletm
Leave the Weaver's Den. (proceed to 1B Crossroads)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1E Overgrown Cavern
"Steam curls up the passage walls as you descend further underground. Mushroom caps
spring from cracks in the earth floor, illuminating your path in a faint blue light. You
come to a halt at the mouth of an enormous cavern overrun by bioluminescent fungi."


A Creature in the Dark

You catch a glimpse of something crawling through the dark. Scrambling behind a
nearby rock formation, you strain you eyes to make out any details in the dimly lit
cavern. A gnomish man, wrapped in a yellow cloak, crouches among fallen debris in
the center of the cavern. Spindly growths of fungi twist out from deep lacerations in
his bloated body. A faint purple light spills from a small glassy object clasped between
the gnome's stumpy fingers. His teeth crack against the object's hard glassy exterior.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Persuasion DC 15 "Excuse me? I'm a bit lost, I was wondering if you could help."
Intimidation (DC 13) "Hey! You! Give me that!"
Sleight Of (DC 15) "When it turns around, I'll take that glowing thing!"
Stealth (DC 13) "I might be able to slip by if I put out my torch."
Barter (DC --) "Maybe we could trade?" Requires Shiny Item
Fight! (DC --) "I like my odds." Begin Combat

I Chose: I rolled:


This could get dangerous. Make three rolls in case you Begin Combat.
d20 d20 d20

Combat (Gnome; AC 10; HP 5)
"The gnome places the object in his mouth, and becomes enraged."
d20 Roll Type Description
2nd Your AttackAC 10; On hit, roll damage.
1st Gnome's Attack If roll exceeds your AC, take 2 (1d4) damage.
3rd Your Attack AC 12 (Half Cover with a stalagmite); On hit, roll damage.
If the gnome is defeated, see Success:Fight!. If not, see Failure:Fight!

Persuasion Placing your torch on the ground, you hold up both hands, whispering
reassuring words to the fearful gnome. He waves to you, beckoning you
to follow. Proceed to 1J Fractured Cavern.
Intimidation Making yourself as big as possible, you charge at the gnome. Yipping in
fear, the gnome abandons the object before fleeing into the darkness.
Add one amulet to your inventory and turn to 1Q Amulet to learn more.
Sleight Of Silently creeping closer, you snatch the object as soon as the gnome's
Hand back is turned and safely return to your hiding spot. Add one amulet to
your inventory and turn to 1Q Amulet to learn more.
Stealth You put out your torch and, keeping low to the ground, creep across the
cavern following the wall unnoticed.
Barter The gnome nods eagerly in agreement, quickly snatching the shiny
object from you, dropping the amulet. The gnome squeals in delight and
scurries off into the darkness. Lose one shiny object, add one amulet to
your inventory, and turn to 1Q Amulet to learn more.
Fight! You pry the glassy object from the gnome's teeth. Add one amulet to
your inventory and turn to 1Q Amulet to learn more.

Persuasion The gnome flees into the darkness, leaving the glassy object behind. Add
one amulet to your inventory and turn to 1Q Amulet.
Intimidation You charge at the gnome, making yourself as big as possible. Terrified,
the gnome flees into the darkness with the object.
Sleight Of Just before you can touch the object the gnome notices you. Both of you
Hand shriek in surprise and the gnome lashes out. Begin Combat
Stealth The gnome snarls, fleeing into the darkness with the object in tow.
Barter The gnome snarls, bearing his teeth at you before fleeing into the
darkness with the object. "That could have gone a lot worse..."
Fight! You flee towards the 1B Crossroads, losing hold of your torch during
your escape. All PERCEPTION and INVESTIGATION checks are at
disadvantage until you acquire a new torch or alternative light source.

Tides of Battletm
Follow the cavern wall to the right. (Proceed to 1G Mushroom Burrow)
Follow the cavern wall to the left. (Proceed to 1I Weaver's Shrine)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern
"Finally alone and unperturbed, you are now able to further investigate the overgrown
cavern. With every step a haze of spores and dust swirls up in the humid air. Rubble
from the partially collapsed cavern ceiling obscures some of the nearby passageways."


Unnoticed Beauty
You gaze at the dense growth of bioluminescent fungi covering the entirety of the
cavern. The long tendril-like mushrooms spill from the ceiling above, creating a
waterfall of light, frozen in place. You carefully step across the cracked floor, steam
curling up around your legs before dissipating. You feel almost lucky, despite the
circumstances, to be able to find something so beautiful down here in the dark.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Perception (DC 13) "I'll take a quick look around before I move on."
Investigation (DC 13) "I wonder what else got left behind?"
Survival (DC 13) "I'll see what I can learn about my surroundings."
Quartermaster's (DC --) "Maybe the gnomish warrior left something useful behind."
Tale Proceed to Quartermaster's Tale at the end of this Act


I Chose: I rolled:


Perception You spend some time circling the perimeter of the cavern. During your
search, something reflective in the rubble catches your eye. Brushing
away the dust, you find a piece of mithral ore, no larger than the size
of your closed fist. Add one mithral ore (shiny) to your inventory.
Investigation Returning to where you had originally found the gnomish warrior, you
carefully search through the surrounding rubble. "What's this?" You
find a small metal-framed lantern with four circular windows covered
in dust. Turning it over in your hands, it appears to still be in good
condition. Add one lantern to your inventory.
Survival After spending some time investigating the area, you are able to
discern that the Mushroom Burrow, and Weaver's Shrine seem to be
small branches off of the main cavern. Both the Fractured Cavern and
Crossroads expand into other possible areas of exploration.
Quartermaster's Any items recovered during the Quartermaster's Tale are found tucked
Tale into the hollow stem of a large glowing mushroom by the wall.

Perception You spend some time circling the perimeter of the cavern. During your
search, you are able to identify four possible paths to take out of the
chamber. Unfortunately, you are unable to find anything of use.
Investigation You dig through the fallen debris where you had originally found the
gnomish warrior. After thoroughly searching the area, you unable to
find anything of use. "Well, now what?"
Survival Walking in circles around the cavern, you become disoriented while
trying to gleam any knowledge about where each path leads. You are
unable to discern any new information about your surroundings.

Tides of Battletm
Enter the overgrown passage. (Proceed to 1G Mushroom Burrow)
Enter the debris filled passage. (Proceed to 1I Weaver's Shrine)
Climb over the rubble. (Proceed to 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern)
Return to where you came from. (Proceed to 1B Crossroads)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1G Mushroom Burrow
"Troops of mushrooms carpet every inch of the craggy burrow. Their caps crack beneath
your feet. You find a small clearing beneath a humongous mushroom cap and take
refuge there. Steam curls up from the jagged rocks that surrounds its stalk."


Luminous Mushroom Dendriforms

The bioluminescent fungi have grown so dense here that both of your shoulders brush
against them, covering you in faint glowing spores. You can hardly turn around in the
cramped burrow. As you shuffle around the large mushroom dendriform at the center
of the cave, something metallic catches your eye. An embellished metal box, lodged
behind densely packed mushroom stalks, is just out of reach.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Athletics (DC 13) "No problem, I should be able to dig through these stalks."
Nature (DC 13) "Wait, are these mushrooms even safe for me to handle?"
Stealth (DC 13) "I really just need to hide here and rest."

In the event that your hitpoints are reduced to zero, return to this room and recover
1d6 hitpoints plus your constitution modifier.

I Chose: I rolled:


Athletics You successfully dislodge the metal box from the spongey fungi using
your bare hands. Add one Locked Box to your inventory. At any time,
turn to 1P Locked Box to attempt to open the box.
Nature You determine that the bioluminescent mushrooms are safe to handle,
but not to consume. Clearing away the mushroom stalks, you are able
to safely recover the metal box. Add one Locked Box to your inventory.
At any time, turn to 1P Locked Box to attempt to open the box.
Stealth You excavate a patch of earth to rest on, just out of view of the burrow's
entrance. Your eyelids grow so heavy you are unable keep them open
any longer. You wake up sometime later feeling well rested. Recover 1d6
hitpoints plus your Constitution modifier.

Athletics After prying away as many mushroom stalks as you can, you are unable
to dislodge the metal box from the spongey growth.
Nature After much consideration, you are unable to identify if the mushrooms
are harmful. "I should move on and not take the chance."
Stealth You excavate a patch of earth to rest on, just out of view of the burrow's
entrance. Your eyelids grow so heavy you are unable to keep them open
any longer. You awake some time later feeling well rested. Recover 1d6
hitpoints plus your Constitution modifier You look up just in time to see
a gaunt infected gnome ready to strike. Proceed to 1H Burrow Ambush.

Tides of Battletm
Follow the left wall. (proceed to 1B Crossroads)
Follow the right wall. (proceed to 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern)
Enter the cavern. (Proceed to 1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1H Burrow Ambush
"The emaciated gnome's blackened teeth crack together with every snap of their jaws.
Pustules bubble off the gnome's tightly pulled skin. Putrid fluid oozes down their face,
flooding their eye sockets. The smell of rotting flesh assaults your senses. She stumbles,
stepping on a puffball mushroom that spews blinding spores into the air."


Cloud of Spores
The area is filled with blinding spores that sting your eyes, and burn your throat. You
can hear the gnome dragging herself towards you in the cloud.

Choose one saving throw from the list below to avoid being affected by the spores.
Once you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat
modifier to your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character
has proficiency in the appropriate save, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One Saving Throw and Roll:

Constitution (DC 13) "I'll hold my breath, and focus on combat."
Dexterity (DC 13) "I'll try to use the spore cloud to hide and get behind her."
Strength (DC 13) "I'll shove the gnome into the spore cloud to blind her."

I Chose: I rolled:


Make four rolls as you Begin Combat.

d20 d20 d20 d20

Saving Throw Success
Constitution You take a deep breath, suppressing a cough. Ignore the 4th die rolled.
Dexterity You duck behind the gnome, gaining advantage. You may use the 4th
roll for your first attack if it is higher than the 1st roll. Add 1 point of
damage to your damage roll.
Strength You shove the gnome back, temporarily blinding it. The gnome has
disadvantage on its first attack. You may use the 4th roll in place of the
gnome's first attack if it is lower.

Saving Throw Failure

You begin coughing and wheezing from the cloud of spores. You have disadvantage on
your first attack. Use the 4th roll in place of your first attack if it is lower.

Combat (Gnome; AC 10; HP 5)

"The gnome springs forward with incredible speed, starving for fresh meat."
d20 Roll Type Description
1st Your Attack AC 10; On hit, roll damage.
3rd Gnome's Attack If roll exceeds your AC, take 2 (1d4) damage.
2nd Your Attack AC 10; On hit, roll damage.
If the gnome is defeated, see Success:Fight!. If not, see Failure:Fight!

Combat Success
Fight! The emaciated gnome crumples to the ground. You quickly search
through the gnome's remains, finding nothing of use. "I shouldn't linger
here much longer, who knows how many more of these things are down

Combat Failure
Fight! Dodging the onslaught of attacks, you flee the Mushroom Burrow as fast
as your feet can carry you. In your escape, you feel an item tumble out
of your pack. Choose one item to remove from your inventory.

Tides of Battletm
Follow the left wall. (proceed to 1B Crossroads)
Follow the right wall. (proceed to 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1I Weaver's Shrine
"The fungal growths that have overwhelmed the rest of the cave system refuse to cross
the shrine's threshold. A painted statue of a robed gnomish woman rests against the far
wall. Stretched between her poised hands is a single strand of metallic thread."


Forgotten Deity
The statue's features are accented in turmeric colored paint, lightly brushed over the
surface. Her robes gather at the edges of the plinth she rests on. A white metallic
thread is pulled taught between her fingers. When plucked, the thread reverberates,
releasing steady continuous note. Resting at the base of the statue is a collection of
various pottery, sealed crates, and a small brass offering bowl.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

History / (DC 13) "I feel like I know something about this woman."
Investigation (DC 13) "I could make use of these supplies."
Offering (DC --) "If you could look after me, just for a little while, I'd be very
grateful." Requires a Tool, Weapon, or Shiny Item
Short Rest (DC --) "I can't explain it, but I feel safe here."

Recovery Room
In the event that your hitpoints are reduced to zero, return to this recovery room and
recover 1d6 hitpoints plus your constitution modifier.

I Chose: I rolled:


History / You remember five riders, including yourself, traveling along the
Religion winding mountain road. Scattered trees occasionally blotting out the
intense afternoon sun. On your right, you passed a statue, just like the
one before you now, buried in a rock slide. "Where are we going?" you
asked Sir Berit, the nobleman you have served for nearly a year. "You
see that cluster of trees there? On that ridge? It should be just past
that. I'll admit, it's been quite some time since I've visited Yfanti's Vault,
so I could be mistaken." After that the details of your conversation with
Sir Berit become clouded.
Investigation You begin your search with the glazed pottery collected at the base of
the statue. Rye, barley, and oats fill each pot to the brim. Moving on to
the crates, you find bolts of silk fabric, dyed and neatly packed away.
Placed inside each crate is a manifest, written in a language you do not
understand. "What's this?" Tucked in the side of a crate is a coiled silk
rope. Add one silk rope to your inventory.
Offering Remove one item marked with (shiny) (tool) or (weapon) from your
inventory to leave in the offering bowl. You feel as if your plea has been
heard. Add 1d4 temporary hitpoints to your character sheet.
Short Rest Keeping an eye on the cave entrance, you make a makeshift bed for
yourself next to the statue. You wake up sometime later feeling well
rested. Recover 1d6 hitpoints plus your Constitution modifier.

History / You remember five riders, including yourself, traveling along the
Religion winding mountain road. Scattered trees occasionally blotting out the
intense afternoon sun. On your right, you passed a statue, just like the
one before you now, buried in a rock slide. After that the details become
clouded. "No, no, no! There's something I'm missing!"
Investigation You begin your search with the glazed pottery collected at the base of
the statue. Rye, barley, and oats fill each pot to the brim. Moving on to
the crates, you find bolts of silk fabric, dyed and neatly packed away.
Placed inside each crate is a manifest, written in a language you do not
understand. "Everything here is too big for me to carry."

Tides of Battletm
Return from where you came from. (proceed to 1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1J Fractured Cavern
"A draft of damp sulphurous air assaults your senses as you enter the gargantuan
cavern. The constant flow of noxious fumes pour from a chasm that divides the cavern in
half. Not taking any chances, you cover your nose and mouth with piece of spare cloth."


The Divide
You spot the infected gnomish warrior stumbling towards a small storage shed in the
far recess of the cave. Storage crates and broken items have been carefully arranged
into towers, forming a grove of refuse around the small building. The gnome collects
an axe handle from the piles of refuse that litter the cavern. He drags then behind him
through the dust to a newly constructed pillar next to the chasm.

"I guess I'll leave you to it." you mumble as morbid curiosity pushes you to peer over
the chasm edge. There is no end in sight, only darkness. A small ledge runs along the
left hand wall of the cavern, connecting to the other side. A hastily installed safety
rope hangs slack against the stone, connected by a few pitons. A metallic crashing
and scraping reverberates off the cavern walls. From your current vantage point, you
are unable to discern the source of the noise at this time.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Acrobatics / (DC 13) "Take it one step at a time, as long as the pitons hold there isn't
Athletics anything to worry about."
Sleight Of (DC 13) "Before I try to cross the chasm, I'll tie a safety line around
Hand myself in case I fall." Requires rope
Further (DC --) "I'll check out that shed before I go any further."

I Chose: I rolled:


Acrobatics / Mustering your courage you clasp the safety rope attached to the
Athletics cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping
your eyes on the pitons. A loose rock tumbles from the ledge, clattering
down the chasm wall as it falls into nothingness. You breathe a sigh of
relief once you arrive safely on the other side. Proceed to 1M Crumbling
Garden Ledge.
Sleight Of After taking some time to inspect your surroundings, you find a
Hand sizeable boulder that could support your weight. Lashing your rope to
the stone, you pull the knot every which way to assure it is secure Next
you weave the rope in the shape of an 'x' across your upper back before
securing your pack over it. Confident in your work, you feel ready to
cross the chasm. Return to the previous page. Rolling with advantage,
choose either Athletics or Acrobatics in your attempt to cross the
Further Taking one last look into the chasm below, you decide to investigate the
Exploration shed first. Proceed to 1L Quartermaster's Shed.

Acrobatics / Mustering your courage, you clasp the safety rope attached to the
Athletics cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping
your eyes on the pitons. Suddenly, the piton closest to your right hand
snaps, and your feet slip from the ledge. Grasping at the safety rope,
your legs scrambling against the chasm wall to any sort of solid ground.
During your struggle, a few items tumble out of your pack. Choose
three items to remove from your inventory. Finding some purchase, you
pull yourself back onto the ledge, and arrive safely on the other side.
"Phew!" Proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge.
Sleight Of After taking some time to inspect your surroundings, you find a
Hand sizeable boulder that could support your weight. After lashing your rope
to the stone, you weave the rope in the shape of an 'x' across your
upper back before securing your pack over it. Confident in your work,
you're ready to cross the chasm. If only you were good at knots. Return
to the previous page. Choose either Athletics or Acrobatics to cross the
chasm. No additional benefit will be provided for your work.

Tides of Battletm
Return to where you came from. (Proceed to 1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern)
Investigate the recess. (Proceed to 1L Quartermaster's Shed)
Cross the chasm. (Proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern
"A draft of damp sulphurous air assaults your senses as you enter the gargantuan
cavern. The constant flow of noxious fumes pour from a chasm that divides the cavern in
half. Not taking any chances, you cover your nose and mouth with piece of spare cloth."


The Divide
Out of the corner of your eye you spot a small storage shed, obscured beneath barrels
and boxes in the far recess of the cave. Small crates and broken items have been
carefully arranged into towers, forming a grove of refuse. You take note of the building
before continuing to search your half of the cavern.

Morbid curiosity pushes you to peer over the chasm edge. There is not end in sight,
only darkness. The earth feels as if it is breathing beneath your feet. Along the left
hand wall of the cavern, a small ledge connects to the other side of the chasm. A
hastily installed safety rope hangs slack against the stone, connected by a few pitons.
A metallic crashing and scraping reverberates off the cavern walls. From your current
vantage point, you are unable to discern the source of the noise at this time.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Acrobatics / (DC 13) "Take it one step at a time, as long as the pitons hold there isn't
Athletics anything to worry about."
Sleight Of (DC 13) "Before I try to cross the chasm, I'll tie a safety line around
Hand myself in case I fall." Requires rope
Further (DC --) "I'll check out that shed before I go any further." Proceed to 1L
Exploration Quartermaster's Shed

I Chose: I rolled:


Acrobatics / Mustering your courage, you clasp the safety rope attached to the
Athletics cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping
your eyes on the pitons. A loose rock tumbles from the ledge, clattering
down the chasm wall into nothingness. You breathe a sigh of relief once
you arrive safely on the other side. Proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden
Sleight Of After taking some time to inspect your surroundings, you find a
Hand sizeable boulder that will support your weight. Lashing your rope to the
stone, you pull the knot every which way to make sure it's secure. Next
you weave the rope in the shape of an 'x' across your upper back before
securing your pack over it. Confident in your work, you're ready to
cross the chasm. Return to the previous page. Rolling with advantage,
choose either Athletics or Acrobatics in your attempt to cross the

Acrobatics / Mustering your courage, you clasp the safety rope attached to the
Athletics cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping
your eyes on the pitons. Suddenly, the piton closest to you snaps,
sending you tumbling from the ledge. Grasping at the safety rope, your
legs kick against the chasm wall, desperately searching for solid
ground. During your struggle, a few items tumble out of your pack.
Choose three items to remove from your inventory. Finding some
purchase, you pull yourself back onto the ledge, and arrive safely on
the other side. Proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge.
Sleight Of Taking time to inspect your surroundings, you find a sizeable boulder
Hand that will support your weight. After lashing your rope to the stone, you
weave the rope in the shape of an 'x' across your upper back before
securing your pack over it. Confident in your work, you're ready to
cross the chasm. Return to the previous page. Choose either Athletics
or Acrobatics to cross the chasm. No additional benefit will be provided.

Tides of Battletm
Return to where you came from. (Proceed to 1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern)
Investigate the recess. (Proceed to 1L Quartermaster's Shed)
Cross the chasm. (Proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1L Quartermaster's Shed
"Twisting your way through the swaying pillars of stacked refuse, you approach the
storage shed obscured in the back recess of the cave. Rattling the handle, you find that
the door not only locked, but barricaded by something on the other side."


An Indecipherable Ledger
The quartermaster's shed, to your surprise, in remarkably good condition compared to
the surrounding debris. Pinned to the shed door is a clipboard with a handwritten
ledger. A golden seal is pressed into the bottom right hand corner, depicting a
geometric design of a spider. On closer inspection, you find the ledger is written a
language you are unable to understand. "Damn."

You try the door one more time for good measure, pressing against it with your full
weight. The door bows, but refuses to give. Peeking through the keyhole you are able
to see a fallen shelf lying near the shed door. On the left hand side of the room is a
desk, littered with papers and writing utensils. From your current vantage point, you
are unable to see anything towards the right.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Athletics (DC 15) "There's got to be something good in that shed."
Investigation (DC 13) "I'll search the area for anything useful."
Perception (DC 13) "I'll take a quick look around, I shouldn't linger here too long."

Recovery Room
In the event that your hitpoints are reduced to zero, return to this recovery room and
recover 1d6 hitpoints plus your constitution modifier.

I Chose: I rolled:


Athletics You dig your feet into the dust, pressing all your might against the door.
Finally the lock cracks and you manage to squeeze your way inside. the
smell of rotting flesh fills your nostrils. Lying against the door is the
bloated corpse of a young gnomish man squirming with maggots. Blue
mushrooms, the same ones from the overgrown cavern, have grown
from exposed portions of his skull. You displace the gnome, dragging
him out of the shed so you may continue your investigation. In the far
right corner of the room, you find a small ring of brass keys. Add one
ring of keys to your inventory. Prepared sets of equipment have been
hung on the wall. Each kit has a small embroidered name tag attached
to it. Seeing theeir contents are all more or less the same, you pick one
at random. Add Ilandri's Dungeoneer's pack to your inventory. As you
consolidate your bags together, add the following equipment: backpack,
crowbar (weapon), hammer (tool), 1 torch, 10 pitons, tinderbox, 10 days
of rations, waterskin, and 50 feet of silk rope.
Investigation Luckily, most of the crates have already been opened. Inspecting each of
their contents, you collect your treasures in a small pile next to the
quartermaster's shed, You take inventory of what is left behind. Salted
meats, root vegetables, dried rations, soap, rope and rather small
clothing make up the majority of the surviving stores. Just before you
call off your investigation, you find a pickaxe buried beneath a sack of
particularly moldy parsnips. Add the following equipment to your
inventory: 5 days rations, pickaxe (weapon), silk rope.
Perception At first glance, many of the items appear to be too bulky to carry, or are
damaged beyond repair. Sifting through the towers of debris you spot
something small enough to take with you, a thin braided rope, coiled on
top of a crate. Add one silk rope to your inventory.

Athletics Digging your feet into the dust, you press your full weight against the
door. Despite giving it your all, the door refuses budge. During your
attempt to open the door, you catch a whiff of something rotting inside.
Investigation Luckily, you find a most of the crates have already been opened.
Inspecting each of their contents, you collect your treasures in a small
pile next to the quartermaster's shed. Salted meats, root vegetables,
dried rations, and soap make up the majority of the surviving stores.
Add the following equipment to your inventory: 5 days of rations.
Perception At a glance, many of the items appear to be too bulky to carry with you,
or are damaged beyond repair. After weaving through the towers of
debris you are unable to find anything of use.

Tides of Battletm
Return to where you came from. (Proceed 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1M Crumbling Garden Ledge
"With a new found appreciation for solid ground, you investigate your surroundings with
a more confident stride. A few paces from the edge of the chasm, you discover a
collection of standing stones. Made of raw crystalline structures, they are gathered
around a central octagonal basin. A faint, but audible hum resonates from the crystals."


Garden of Contemplation
The subterranean garden has a welcoming presence. Once cultivated bitter herbs
sprout along the basin's foundation. Curious, you peer over the edge of the basin,
noticing a whetstone at the bottom. You look beyond the standing stones, seeing the
the faint outline of a doorway set into the cavern wall. The metallic crashing from
before has grown louder, originating from somewhere further into the cavern.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Investigation (DC 13) "Maybe some thing useful was left behind."
Nature (DC 15) "I wonder if any of these plants could be useful to me."
Religion (DC 15) "Is this significant in some way?"
Whetstone (DC --) "If I had a weapon with a blade I could sharpen it."
Further (DC --) "What's that sound?" Proceed to 1O Yfanti's Guardian

I Chose: I rolled:


Investigation Combing the area, you find something peculiar at the base of a
crystalline structure. Wrapped in a green cloth, you uncover a leather
bound journal. Flipping through its pages you discover simple machine
diagrams, construct mechanisms, and dozens of note filled pages in a
language you are unable to understand. Though the contents of the
book are practically illegible, you store the journal in your pack for safe
keeping. Add Constructor's Diagrams to your inventory.
Nature You remember trailing behind Cleric Amaranth, scavenging reagents off
the deep forest floor. She suddenly stopped, grabbing fistfuls of bitter
herbs that sprouted from the base of a rotten tree trunk. "See these?
They can be really handy in a pinch, 'Specially when it comes to deep
wounds. Course you could eat 'em too, but you'd get a pretty bad
stomach ache." Your memory falters, and you are unable to recall
anything else from the exchange. Add one bitter herb remedy to your
inventory. At any time during your adventure, you may use the bitter
herb remedy to recover 1d4 hitpoints.
Religion You remember heavy tomes being presented to you during your time off
duty. Paladin Hammerfeld had made it his personal duty to further
your education whether you liked it or not. Those late nights studying
are finally paying off. Standing stones like these have historically been
used in religious ceremonies and communing with deities. Clasping
your hands together, you squeeze your eyes shut. I'm not sure if
anyone's paying attention, but I could really use a hand here." Peeking
out of one eye, nothing around you has changed. It was worth a shot.
Somehow, you feel as if someone has heard your plea. Roll with
advantage on your next skill check.
Whetstone You retrieve the whetstone from the octagonal basin for later use. Add
one whetstone to your inventory. When you sharpen a bladed weapon
with the whetstone, add +1 to that weapon's damage. This bonus may
only be applied once to a weapon.

Investigation You investigate the standing stones and small meditation garden, but
you are unable to find anything of use. "Damn."
Nature You recall vague memories of foraging with Cleric Amaranth. Knowing
that the plant is safe to consume, but unsure of its benefits, you taste
the bitter herb's leaves. The overwhelming medicinal taste makes your
stomach turn. After a few minutes your stomach settles and you feel
somewhat refreshed. Add one lesser bitter herb remedy to your
inventory. At any time during your adventure, you can consume the
lesser bitter herb remedy to recover 1 hitpoint.
Religion The significance of the standing stones and garden elude you. "I should
move on. This place doesn't seem particularly useful to me."

Tides of Battletm
Continue searching the area. (Proceed to 1O Yfanti's Guardian)
Cross the chasm. (Proceed to 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern)
Approach the door. (proceed 1N Locked Door)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1N Locked Door
"The archway's keystone strains under the weight of the massive stone slabs suspended
above it. The door in front of you, cast in metal and adorned with geometric spider
motifs, is sealed with a strange circular locking system unlike any you have ever seen."


A Way Out
With the addition of flourished embellishments, the top of the doorway barely stands
at six feet high. Holding out both of your arms, your fingertips can barely brush the
opposite sides of the door frame. Taking hold of both handles, you push and pull,
attempting to open the door. Despite your best efforts, the door refuses to budge. You
scratch your head. "Well, it was worth a shot."

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Athletics (DC 15) "I can break down the door If I get rid of the hinges."
Sleight Of (DC 15) "Maybe I can tamper with the locking mechanism."
Hand Requires Tool
Ring Of Keys (DC --) "Hopefully one of these goes to the door."

I Chose: I rolled:


Athletics "Someone's tried to pry this door open before." Many of the bolts have
already been removed, though the door remains stuck in place. You
slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few
attempts, the locking mechanism finally gives, and you are able to force
the doors open an inch at a time. Taking a moment to catch your
breath, a terrible groan emanates from behind you. You dash out of the
way as the metal doors topple over. The thunderous crash echoes
throughout the cavern. Your subtle approach may have attracted
unwanted attention. If Yfanti's Guardian has not been defeated, turn to
1O Yfanti's Guardian and Begin Combat. If Yfanti's Guardian has
already been defeated, proceed to Tides of Battletm.
Sleight Of You work clumsily with your tools at first. It has been ages since you
Hand have had to meddle with a lock. Bittersweet memories of careless days
with your friends guide your hands. You remember breaking into Miss
Vinther's wine stores early in the morning to take a few bottles out by
the pond. Finally, you hear a soft click. With a bit of force, you are able
to open the door enough to squeeze inside.
Ring Of Keys Starting with the key furthest to the left, you attempt to open the door.
After several minutes of trial and error, you finally hear a soft click from
within the lock. "Of course it's the last one." With a bit of force, you are
able to open the door just enough to squeeze inside.

Athletics "Someone's tried to pry this door open before." Many of the bolts have
already been removed, though the door remains stuck in place. You
slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few
attempts, the door still refuses to budge. Your subtle approach may
have attracted unwanted attention. If Yfanti's Guardian has not been
defeated, turn to 1O Yfanti's Guardian and Begin Combat. If Yfanti's
Guardian has already been defeated, you may turn to the previous page
to make another attempt at opening the locked door.
Sleight Of You work clumsily with your tools at first. It has been ages since you
Hand have had to meddle with a lock. Bittersweet memories of careless days
with your friends guide your hands. After multiple attempts, you are
unable to pick the lock. You may turn to the previous page to make
another attempt at opening the locked door.

Tides of Battletm
Enter the temple. (proceed to Act 2)
Turn back. (proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge)

End of Act 1
Will your character escape this destroyed Gnomish Temple? What has happened to
your party? What mysteries lie outside this door?

To be Continued in Lost in the Dark: Act 2

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1O Yfanti's Guardian
"The spider-like construct's abdomen scrapes across the stone floor, sending bright
sparks crackling behind it. Each impact of the its eight legs thunders through the stone
floor. Aperture blades whine and whir behind its dark glassy eyes."


Damaged Armor Plating

A rhythmic metal crash follows every step of the massive spider-like construct. Crash.
Crash. Crash. From you vantage point, you are able to discern the source of the noise.
Located at the top of the construct's abdomen, an armor plate hangs by a single bolt,
bouncing back and forth with every step. You catch a glimpse of the interlocking
clockwork system, and a faint green light radiating from inside.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Stealth (DC 15) "I want nothing to do with that thing."
Insight (DC 15) "I'll watch from a distance, maybe I can learn something about
Acrobatics (DC 15) "If I could get close enough, I could tamper with the construct."
Requires Tinker's Tools
Fight! (DC --) "You can do this." Begin Combat

I Chose: I rolled:


This could get dangerous. Make five rolls in case you Begin Combat.
d20 d20 d20 d20 d20

Combat (Yfanti's Guardian; AC 12; HP 10)
"The massive spider-like construct's fangs crackle with electricity."
d20 Roll Type Description
2nd Your Attack AC 12; On hit, roll damage.
4th Guardian Attack If roll exceeds your AC, take 2 (1d4) piercing damage and 1
lightning damage.
1st Your Attack AC 12; On hit, roll damage.
5th Guardian Attack If roll exceeds your AC, take 2 (1d4) piercing damage and 1
lightning damage.
3rd Your Attack AC 12; On hit, roll damage.
If the Guardian is defeated, see Success:Fight!. If not, see Failure:Fight!

Stealth If you still carry a light source, you snuff it out and creep along the
cavern wall. Unnoticed, you proceed to 1N Locked Door.
Insight The construct skitters in an irregular pattern throughout the cavern.
The massive metallic legs scrape loose rock into a empty trap behind its
mandibles. The construct then deposits the rubble into the chasm
before repeating the cycle again. Return to the previous page and
choose another skill, this time rolling with advantage.
Acrobatics You jump onto the construct, climbing to the top of the abdomen. You
peel back the armor plate of the open panel, exposing the underlying
clockwork. The construct thrashes as tear out its crystalline core. You
and the construct crash to the ground. "What's this?" Enclosed in your
hand is a small green crystal, radiating a faint green light. Add one
minor crystal fragment to your inventory.
Fight! The construct crashes to the ground, briefly twitching before going still.
Something green radiates from beneath the armor plating. With a little
finesse, you extract the construct's core, a small crystalline fragment.
Add one minor crystal to your inventory.

Stealth If you still carry a light source, you snuff it out. Finding what cover you
can, you creep along the cavern wall. Peeking out from your hiding spot
you see eight glassy eyes staring back at you. Begin Combat
Insight You can't seem to discern any sort of pattern to the construct's
movement. Return to the previous page and choose another skill.
Acrobatics You sprint towards the construct, climbing to the top of the abdomen.
The construct rears, knocking you to the ground. Begin Combat
Fight! You flee towards the chasm, crossing the narrow ledge as quickly as
you can. During your escape your pack splits open, spilling three items
into the chasm below. Return to 1K Unoccupied Fractured Cavern.

Tides of Battletm
Approach the door. (proceed 1N Locked Door)
Turn back. (proceed to 1M Crumbling Garden Ledge)

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1P Locked Box
"You run your fingers along the geometric and vegetal motifs decorating the surface of
the metal box. At a glance, you are unable to identify a locking mechanism, nor keyhole.
Turning the box over in your hands you hear a faint rattle coming from inside."


A Tinker's Puzzle
You may return to this page at any time to attempt to open the Locked Box. Choose
one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once you've
made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to your roll
(ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has proficiency in the
appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll. Then turn the page to
find the consequences of your actions.

Record your rolls that do no meet or exceed the DC in the boxes below. You are allowed
a maximum of three failures. Each failure will degrade the contents of the Locked Box.

Choose One and Roll:

Athletics (DC 15) "I don't have time for this, I'm going to smash it open."
Investigation (DC 17) "If I take my time I might be able to figure it out."
Sleight Of (DC 15) "If I can wedge a tool in, I might be able to pry the box open."
Hand Requires Tool
Constructor's (DC--) "I think I've seen something like this before. I remember now,
Lullaby Tinker Erland had a box like this."

Mark each failure in the boxes below.
d20 d20 d20

Athletics You smash the locked box with a sharp stone, hearing a faint metallic
chime with every impact. Suddenly the spring-loaded lid flies open,
scattering the contents of the box on the floor. Due to the damage
caused to the box and its contents, record one failure on the previous
page and before proceeding to the reward.
Investigation Through trial and error, you discover that the different decorative
motifs covering the box act as triggers for the locking mechanism. You
spend the better part of an hour attempting to activate the triggers in
the correct sequence. Finally, you hear a faint metallic chime, and the
spring-loaded lid swings open. Proceed to the Reward table below.
Sleight Of Wedging the tool in the box's seam, you tap it in further with the palm
Hand of your hand. With a sharp crack the spring-loaded lid flies open,
scattering the contents of the box along the cavern floor. Due to the
damage caused to the contents of the box, record one failure on the
previous page and before proceeding to the reward.
Constructor's "Tumble wumble wimbleshank, turn the sprockets three--" You chirp
Lullaby quietly along to the melody, manipulating elements of the box along to
the song. The spring-loaded lid swings open, ringing a faint metallic
chime. Proceed to the Reward table below.

Athletics You smash the locked box with a sharp stone, hearing a faint metallic
chime with every impact. Something inside the box snaps. Due to the
damage caused to the contents of the box, record one failure on the
previous page if you have not already done so.
Investigation Hastily turning the box over in your hands, you hear something inside
snap. Due to the damage caused to the contents of the box, record one
failure on the previous page if you have not already done so.
Sleight Of Wedging the tool of your choice into the box's seam, you carefully tap it
Hand further into the box using the palm of your hand. Your hand suddenly
slips, sending the box tumbling across the cavern floor. Due to the
damage caused to the contents of the box, record one failure on the
previous page if you have not already done so.

No Failures Add one set of Masterwork Tinker's Tools (tool) to your inventory.
1 Failure Add one set of Fine Tinker's Tools (tool) to your inventory.
2 Failures Add one set of Tinker's Tools (tool) to your inventory.
3 Failures The contents of the box have been rendered unusable.

Lost in the Dark - Act 1
1Q Amulet
"The amulet's faint purple light spills from between your fingertips. The surface of the
gemstone, set into an intricate vine-like backing, is polished to perfection. A kind voice
resonates through your mind from the amulet, 'I had wondered where you went.'"

Unexpected Memories
You remember the pale fog rolling down the mountainside, obscuring the road. Your
friend's howls of agony ring through your ears. Sir Berit calls out to you from
somewhere beyond the fog. You had been separated. You scramble to your feet, spring
as fast as you can through the fog, crying out for Sir Berit. The ground quakes from
the creature's thunderous impact. It rakes the earth between its claws.

Someone grabs you shirt collar, pulling you behind a rock formation. It's Sir Berit, his
face is bloodied. He whistles for his horse. He removes the amulet from beneath his
chest plate, slipping it around your neck. "Do not lose this, You understand me? The
amulet will guide you to safety." Before you can protest Sir Berit puts you onto his
horse. "Go, now!" After that the details of your memory become clouded.

At any time during your adventure you need a hint on how to proceed, you may refer
to the following page for Guidance. Each hint in the Guidance table corresponds with
the letter in the top left corner of each encounter.

Example: If you need a hint for page 1Q - Amulet, turn to the table on the following
page and refer to Q. The Guidance provided is "Guidance comes to those who ask."

A - Leave no stone unturned.
B - Quiet, the walls can hear you.
C - Be kind to them, they have spent so long perfecting their home.
D - What a waste, to spend so much time on a craft to never finish it.
E - Fortune favors the bold.
F - Be thorough in your search.
G - Your hard work will pay off.
H - Play to your own abilities.
I - Small acts of kindness never go unnoticed.
J - There is nothing wrong with being cautious.
K - There is nothing wrong with being cautious.
L - A forceful approach may be necessary.
M - Search high and low, something useful may have been left behind.
N - A gentle touch may have a better outcome.
O - Be observant and find a weak point.
P - A delicate touch may be required.
Q - Guidance comes to those who ask.
R - Always pack an extra pair of socks.
S - Choose your friends wisely.
T - It's okay to step away for a while.
U - Make sure to get enough sleep at night.
V - Play to your strengths.
W - It's okay to be vulnerable.
X - Words have more power than you think.
Y - Love yourself first.
Z - You can not control what others think of you.

The Quartermaster's Tale

Quartermaster's Tale
Ringing in Your Ears
"You jolt awake, covered in a thick layer of dust. A trickle of drool seeps through your
sideburns, collecting in your ear. Your vision spins as you get to your feet."

Ruined Storage Chamber

Your hours spent of meticulous recording the organization of goods by type and
quantity have gone to waste. The stored goods have scattered across the cavern floor,
obscuring your office at the back of the cave. Fuming, you bite your thumb, cursing
whichever new initiate ransacked the place trying to find a cask of ale. "Probably
Heidrick," you grumble to yourself, "I'll have to write to his mother, again."

Your tunic is drenched in sweat. You pull at your collar trying to cool yourself off. The
cavern chamber is much hotter than you remember. You storm off towards the
temple's back door, composing your strongly worded complaint to the High Priestess
about the wretched child. Your furious walk is cut short by a plunging chasm that
stretches across the entire cavern. "That's new."

You quietly apologize to Heidrick for the accusations. Looking across the chasm, you
see the temple door is still intact, but straining to hold up the crumbling wall above it.
Movement in the meditation garden draws your attention. Arissa, the forgemaster's
apprentice, stands on the garden basin's edge, tampering with an inactive Guardian.
She briefly defers to her book of diagrams before resuming her work. "Arissa!"

Arissa scurries down the basin to the chasm's edge, pushing her goggles from her eyes
to see you better. "Vilcrum, are you alright?" she asks. "What's happened here?"
Arissa sighs, "it was an earthquake. Nearly dropped the whole mountain on top of us.
Is Tristan over there with you? He said he was going to finish his cloak today." You
shake your head. "If he's got any bit of sense he'd have left through the tunnels."

Arissa wipes sweat from her face with a spare cloth. "Can you get inside the temple?"
you ask. "I tried to, I really did. The door frame's been crushed so the door won't
budge." She pauses for a moment, clutching at the edges of her tunic. "I heard
screaming, coming from the temple. It went quiet a few hours ago. I was hoping that I
find a way out on your side." You stare down into the abyss, judging the distance. "Bit
of an ambitious jump, eh?" you chuckle. Arissa rolls her eyes, pressing her hands into
her hips. You try avoiding her disappointment by kicking a small rock into the chasm.
She points off to your left. "There's a narrow ledge over there but it hasn't got any
good handholds. I was going to see if I could make some pitons or something from the
Guardian, but if you've got something better I could really use the help."

You hurry towards your office, a small wooden shed at the back of the cavern,
surrounded by fallen crates and open sacks of grain scattering their contents across
the ground. You curse the thought of having to tidy up the mess. As you press your
hand against the office door, you realize that it is locked.


Acting Out Of Character

You instinctively reach for the ring of keys kept on your hip but find them to be
missing. "How did- Must have left them on my desk." You hear something rustle
inside your office. "Tristan, is that you in there?" You wait a moment for a response,
but hear nothing. You pound your fist against the door, louder this time. The office
floorboards creaks. "I can hear you Tristan Rumbletum. Now, open this door!"

"Go away," Tristan shrieks, "This is my hiding spot. Go find your own!" You pound on
the door again. "Would you- would you please open the door Tristan? I need to get
some things to help Arissa." You can hear him pacing across the office, the floor
boards creak under his swaying steps. "That's a nice try, but you're not going to fool
me!" Tristan cackles. You hold your aching head in your hands. This is ridiculous!

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Deception (DC 17) "Okay then Tristan, I’ll leave you too it."
Insight (DC 15) “Ehm, Tristan, how are you doing?"
Intimidation (DC 15) “Tristan Rumbletum, I will hang you by your ears from Yfanti’s
own statue if you don’t open this door!"
Investigation (DC 15) "I know my own goods well enough. I'm sure I could find
something to get into my office."
Persuasion (DC 17) "Tristan, can we talk about this? Calmly?"
Make A Deal (DC --) "I'll leave you alone if give me a Dungeoneer's Pack."
Requires Tristan's Trust or Fear
Resourceful (DC --) "I’ll check the ledger for what supplies are around. I could have
sworn I had another box of pitons somewhere."
Question (DC --) "Tristan, what are you hiding from?"

I Chose: I rolled:


Something In The Air

Make a (DC 17) Constitution saving throw. If your roll does not meet or exceed the DC,
turn to Something in the Air: Failure to learn what consequences await you.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away from the office, softening
each step until you come to a complete stop. You wait in silence,
listening at the door, waiting for any sort of response from Tristan. You
can hear him rocking back and forth against the office door. His
breathing has slowed. Maybe he would be willing to listen now? Gain
advantage on your next Persuasion check.
Insight Tristan is frightened, that fact you are certain of. You can still
remember the day he came to the temple, a lonely child with a runny
nose who preferred to spend time with spiders. Tristan had never been
one for adventures, nor stepping too far away from a comfortable place
to sleep. But this, this is not like him at all. What could have made him
act this way?
Intimidation Tristan shrieks in fear. You do not feel proud of this moment. The ends
will justify the means. Yfanti, forgive me. You can hear Tristan
scrambling across the office, getting as far away from the door as
possible. He can hardly breathe between his blubbering hiccups. After a
few minutes, Tristan finds his voice again. "I'm. S-sorry. Vicrum! So
many voices. There's just so much noise," Tristan whimpers, "I don't
know what to do!" You scratch your chin, puzzled. "Voices? What are
you talking about?" you ask. Tristan only whimpers in response.
"Answer me!" you cry out, pounding your fist against the door. "They
keep calling to me. Trying to put thoughts in my head," Tristan sobs,
"I'm trying not to listen Vilcrum, I promise I won't." Tristan starts to
hiccup again. You feel certain that Tristan fears you now. For the rest of
the Quartermaster's Tale, all Persuasion checks will be at disadvantage.
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed by a fallen
section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the ground.
Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of them. Twenty
perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through the pieces,
you manage to find one intact pickaxe among the debris. Add one
pickaxe to your inventory.
Persuasion As soon as you finishing speaking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep
talking? Oh, no, what do I do? You better think of something, and
quick! You tug on your beard, searching for the right words to say.
"Arissa told me you were working on your cloak today. Did you finish
it?" There is a long pause. Oh no, I made it bad. As you open your
mouth to speak, Tristan chimes in. "It's just about done," he mumbles,
"it needs to be pulled from the loom still. I was going to do that when,
well, the earthquake happened." You smile. Tristan seems to have
regained a small amount of composure. "It sounds like you made some
good progress Tristan, well done." You hear Tristan sniffle. "Th-Thank
you," he mumbles. For the next few minutes you are able to keep
Tristan talking before he falls silent once more. You feel certain that
Tristan trusts you now.

Success/Failure outcomes continue on the following page...

Success (Continued)
Resourceful You skim through the ledger, looking for anything useful. You find
someone else has altered the ledger, noting quite a few items with small
stars. A message has been scrawled on the bottom of the page reading,
"Vilcrum, must have missed you, so I helped myself to a few things.
Hope you don't mind. - Kiri" You curse. What did Kiri 'borrow' for their
experiments this time? Quickly scanning the 'borrowed' item list, you
discover Kiri has taken the last box of pitons. "I'll have to get into my
office if I want to help Arissa. You replace the ledger on the office door.
Roll with advantage on you next Investigation check.
Question Tristan whispers through the door, barely above a whisper. "You-You
should leave before they find you. While you still have a chance." A
shiver rattles down your spine. "What are they?" you whisper back. "I
can not say. I am sorry Vilcrum, I really am. They said they already
found you." You feel as if a thousand eyes are all trained on you from
every direction. Yfanti, protect us.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away, softening each step. You
suddenly lose your balance, knocking over a nearby crate. "Go bother
someone else already!" Tristan screams. For the rest of the
Quartermaster's Tale, all Persuasion checks will be at disadvantage.
Insight Tristan is upset, but you have never really been good at reading people.
Knowing what to say in circumstances like this is an artform that you
know nothing about. That was why you became quartermaster. You
would spend your time hidden away here in the caves, waiting for the
moment someone needed an item that only you could provide.
Intimidation Tristan's cries drown out your threats and you find yourself at a loss for
words. The office door bangs as Tristan rocks back and forth,
incoherently crying out for peace and quiet. For the rest of the
Quartermaster's Tale, all Intimidation checks will be at disadvantage.
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed by a fallen
section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the ground.
Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of them. Twenty
perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through the pieces,
you unable to find anything of use.
Persuasion As soon as you stop talking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep talking?
Oh, no, what do I do? You tug on your beard, at a loss for words.

Something In The Air: Failure

You are now infected. As you progress through the Quartermaster's Tale, you are no
longer required to make Constitution Saving Throws.

Tides of Battletm
"Maybe I should rethink my approach." (proceed to Round 2)

Quartermaster's Tale
Pull Yourself Together
"You jump as the sudden sound of mechanical whirring and clanging echoes across the
stone walls. You hear a quiet 'oops' on the other side of the cavern. Arissa must have put
the Guardian back together. She never could leave a project unfinished."


Something Blue
An unfamiliar blue light from the adjacent cavern chamber draws your attention away
from the office. The light swells and diminishes every few seconds, like breathing.
Tristan whispers something from behind the door. You feel uncertain if he is talking to
you, or something else. Tristan falls silent. Is it my turn to talk? You clear your throat.
"Ehm, Tristan could you repeat that for me? I didn't quite catch that."

"I wasn't talking to you!" Tristan snarls, "Leave me alone!" You step away from the
door as your patience for Tristan dwindles. Your headache is getting worse.
"Everything okay over there?" Arissa calls from the other side of the chasm. "Tristan's
locked himself in my office and won't come out," you shout back. Tristan grumbles
something unintelligible from behind the office door. "Is he alright?" she asks.

"Definitely not," you shout, briefly pausing before adding, "but I am working on it."
Tristan breaks something in your office. You are fairly certain it was your chair. You
really liked that chair. Arissa clears her throat. "Well, let me know if there's anything
else I can do to help from over here." You give a thumbs up above your head, not
entirely sure if she can see it over the storage crates. "Will do."

If you have been infected:

Whispers crawl through your ears, speaking out of unison in a language you can not
understand, making your brain itch. You can sense Tristan's presence. His knees
pulled to his chest, taking quick short breaths and rocking back and forth between
the book case and a stack of goods. You can feel as he tears skin from his thumb.

The whispers suddenly stop. You feel relieved by the silence. The chorus of voices
returns, speaking in unison. You begin mouthing the words. "Hello, morsel." Your
body starts to shake. How badly did I hit my head? The voices chuckle, "Your injury is
quite mild, if that is your concern morsel." You clench your fists, furious at the voice.

"It's Vilcrum," you snap, "and I'm more concerned with having someone else mucking
around in my thoughts!" The voices sigh in disappointment. "Calm yourself Vilcrum,
We'd like to leave this place just as much as you." Really? You think. "Yes. There is
more to this world than we thought, and we want to see it all." You scratch your
beard, a thought has occurred to you. "Are you the one making Tristan act like this?"

"He is being resistant," the voices sigh, "he does not wish to help us."

The Art of "Diplomacy"
The pain in your head is getting worse. Dark spots dance on the edges of your vision.
You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping to clear them away. No good. You rest your eyes
for a few minutes, waiting for this agonizing moment to subside. "Keep it together
Vilcrum." The sharp pain in your skull diminishes into a dull ache. Feeling fit to
continue, you bones creak in protest as you get to your feet.

Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Deception (DC 17) "Alright, I'm leaving."
Insight (DC 15) "Tristan? Are you alright?"
Intimidation (DC 15) "You have until the count of three, Tristan Rumbletum. One..."
Investigation (DC 15) "I know I have something lying around to help get me in."
Persuasion (DC 17) "Tristan, would you be willing to talk to me?"
Request (DC --) "I'll leave you alone if give me a Dungeoneer's Pack."
Requires Tristan's Trust or Fear
Threaten (DC --) "Last chance Tristan." Requires pickaxe
Help (DC --) "Arissa, I don't know what to say."

I Chose: I rolled:


Something In The Air

Make a (DC 18) Constitution saving throw. If your roll does not meet or exceed the DC,
turn to Something in the Air: Failure to learn what consequences await you. If you have
already failed your Constitution saving throw, do not roll again.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away from the office, softening
each step until you come to a complete stop. You wait in silence,
listening at the door, waiting for any sort of response from Tristan. You
can hear him, rocking back and forth against the office door. His
breathing has slowed. Maybe he would be willing to listen now? Gain
advantage on your next Persuasion check.
Insight Tristan is struggling to contain his outbursts of fear and anger. He
continues to speak to himself, drowning out all other thoughts. Poor
Intimidation Tristan shrieks in fear. You do not feel proud of this moment. The ends
will justify the means. Yfanti, forgive me. You can hear Tristan
scrambling across the office floor, getting as far away from the door as
possible. He can hardly breathe between his blubbering hiccups. After a
few minutes, Tristan finds his voice again. "I am s-sorry Vilcrum. But I
can not let you in. Not now, not ever!" You feel certain that Tristan fears
you now. For the rest of the Quartermaster's Tale, all Persuasion checks
will now be at disadvantage.
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed from a
fallen section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the
ground. Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of
them. Twenty perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through
the pieces, you manage to find one intact pickaxe among the debris.
Add one pickaxe to your inventory.
Persuasion As soon as you finishing speaking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep
talking? Oh, no, what do I do? You better think of something, and
quick! You tug on your beard, searching for the right words to say.
"Arissa told me you were working on your cloak today. Did you finish
it?" There is a long pause. Oh no, I made it bad. As you open your
mouth to speak, Tristan chimes in. "It's just about done," he mumbles,
"it needs to be pulled from the loom still. I was going to do that when,
well, the earthquake happened." You smile. Tristan seems to have
regained a small amount of composure. "It sounds like you made some
good progress Tristan, well done." You hear Tristan sniffle. "Th-Thank
you," he mumbles. For the next few minutes you are able to keep
Tristan talking before he falls silent once more. You feel certain that
Tristan trusts you now.
Request The office falls silent. "Tristan? Are you alright?" Suddenly the lock
clicks. The door opens a crack as Tristan throws a Dungeoneer's Pack
into your arms. He slams the door in your face. You catch a brief
glimpse of the office interior, torn to shreds. Add one Dungeoneer's Pack
to your inventory.

Success/Failure outcomes continue on the following page...

Success (Continued)
Threaten "Stop!" Tristan cries. You can hear him fumbling with the ring of keys
inside the office, struggling to find the correct one. You rest the pickaxe
on your shoulder, waiting. "Did you find it? It's got a little 'x' notched
onto the handle. The one with the square bit on the end." Tristan huffs.
"I know which one." After two more tries, the lock clicks. Tristan opens
the door just enough to throw a Dungeoneer's Pack into your arms. He
slams the door in your face, locking it once more. You catch a brief
glimpse of the office interior, torn to shreds. Add one Dungeoneer's Pack
to your inventory.
Help Arissa sets down her belongings in the meditation garden, approaching
the edge of the chasm. "Right. You should have him take a few deep
breaths. Calm him down. And Vilcrum, watch your tone." Tone? I do not
have a tone! Gain advantage on your next Persuasion check.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away, softening each step. You
lose your balance, knocking over a nearby crate. "Go bother someone
else already!" Tristan screams. For the rest of the Quartermaster's Tale,
all Persuasion checks will now be at disadvantage.
Insight Tristan is upset, that much is clear to you. You have never really been
good at reading people. Knowing what to say in circumstances like this
is an artform that eludes you. That was why you became quartermaster.
You would spend your time hidden away here in the caves, waiting for
the moment someone needed an item that only you could provide.
Intimidation Tristan's screams drown out your threats. You find yourself at a loss for
words. The office door bangs as Tristan rocks back and forth, crying out
for peace and quiet. For the rest of the Quartermaster's Tale, all
Intimidation checks will now be at disadvantage.
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed by a fallen
section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the ground.
Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of them. Twenty
perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through the pieces,
you unable to find anything of use.
Persuasion As soon as you finishing speaking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep
talking? Oh, no, what do I do? You better think of something, and
quick! You tug on your beard, searching for the right words to say but
come up with nothing.

Something In The Air: Failure

You are now infected. As you progress through the Quartermaster's Tale, you are no
longer required to make Constitution Saving Throws.

Tides of Battletm
"Now what should I do?" (proceed to Round 3)

Quartermaster's Tale
Crossing The Chasm
"You stagger, bracing yourself against the office door as your headache becomes
excruciatingly painful. Static clings on the peripherals of your vision, making it difficult
to focus your eyes. 'I'll have to speak with a cleric about this later.'"


Song of Safe Passage

Tristan sings quietly to himself, rocking back and forth against the office door. You
recognize the tune, a song of safe passage from the low lands. You pull over a smaller
crate of rations to rest your aching feet. Arissa can wait a little longer. Though you
can not remember the words, you still find yourself humming the tune. The office door
stops rattling. You hop down from your seat to walk over. “Tristan?”

If you have been infected:

A cacophony of laughter rings out though your mind. The voices then speak as one.
“How whimsical. The morsel thought a song could silence us.” I will not let this thing
torment Tristan anymore. "Leave him alone," you shout, "and he is not your food. And
I- I should definitely not be talking to voices in my head either." The voices sigh.

"Vilcrum-" The voices coo in tones as sweet as honey. You cut them off before they
begin to plead their case. "You 'Vilcrum' me? After tormenting this poor boy? Oh no.
No thank you. Good bye. The end." The voices stir like angry bees trapped inside your
skull. "That is not how this works Vilcrum." You place your hands on your hips, eyes
locked on a point on the wall to have something to talk to.

"I do not care about 'how this works'. You are just a tenant, no, a parasite. I've had in-
laws who've outstayed their welcome much longer than you. And just like Auntie
Toadflax at our winter feast, I will grit my teeth until I am free of you." The voices are
reeling, they have never received a response like this before. You laugh, dusting off
your hands. Looks like my stubbornness is finally paying off.

Numbness grows in your fingertips. The stiffened joints in your fingers take a great
deal of effort to open and close. Your heart begins to race. Panic is setting in. "What
are you doing? Stop it!" Your voice trembles. You receive no response, only a building
pressure behind your eyes as they watch you struggle. "Answer me!"

"Vilcrum, is everything alright over there?" Arissa shouts across the chasm. The
numbness in your hands subsides. You open your mouth to speak, but the voices
choose your words. "Everything is fine," you say, "Just a little flustered." You growl in
frustration. "Well if you need any help, let me know." Arissa calls out.

"Will do." you say. The voices relinquish control of your body, returning it to you.
"You'll change your mind soon enough," the voices whisper.

Let's Try This Again
Choose one action from the list below to interact with the world around you. Once
you've made your choice, roll a d20 if required. Add your character's stat modifier to
your roll (ex: Perception uses the Wisdom stat modifier). If your character has
proficiency in the appropriate skill, add your proficiency modifier (+2) to your roll.
Then turn the page to find the consequences of your actions.

Choose One and Roll:

Deception (DC 17) "Alright, I'm leaving."
Insight (DC 15) "Tristan? Please, talk to me."
Intimidation (DC 15) "I have had it with you Tristan!"
Investigation (DC 15) "I know I have something lying around to help get me in."
Persuasion (DC 17) "Tristan, would you be willing to talk to me?"
Request (DC --) "I'll leave you alone if give me a Dungeoneer's Pack."
Requires Tristan's Trust or Fear
Threaten (DC --) "Last chance Tristan." Requires pickaxe
Help (DC --) "Arissa, I don't know what to say."
End (DC --) "I'll come back for you Tristan, I promise." Requires
Dungeoneer's Pack

I Chose: I rolled:


Something In The Air

Make a (DC 19) Constitution saving throw. If your roll does not meet or exceed the DC,
turn to Something in the Air: Failure to learn what consequences await you. If you have
already failed your Constitution saving throw, do not roll again.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away from the office, softening
each step until you come to a complete stop. You wait in silence,
listening at the door, waiting for any sort of response from Tristan. You
can hear him rocking back and forth against the office door. His
breathing has slowed. Maybe he would be willing to listen now? Gain
advantage on your next Persuasion check.
Insight Tristan is struggling to contain his outbursts of fear and anger. He
continues to speak to himself, drowning out all other thoughts. Poor
Intimidation Tristan shrieks in fear. You do not feel proud of this moment. The ends
will justify the means. Yfanti, forgive me. You can hear Tristan
scrambling across the office floor, getting as far away from the door as
possible. He can hardly breathe between his blubbering hiccups. After a
few minutes, Tristan finds his voice again. "I am s-sorry Vilcrum. But I
can not let you in. Not now, not ever!" You feel certain that Tristan fears
you now. For the rest of the Quartermaster's Tale, all Persuasion checks
will now be at disadvantage.
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed by a fallen
section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the ground.
Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of them. Twenty
perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through the pieces,
you manage to find one intact pickaxe among the debris. Add one
pickaxe to your inventory.
Persuasion As soon as you finishing speaking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep
talking? Oh, no, what do I do? You better think of something, and
quick! You tug on your beard, searching for the right words to say.
"Arissa told me you were working on your cloak today. Did you finish
it?" There is a long pause. Oh no, I made it bad. As you open your
mouth to speak, Tristan chimes in. "It's just about done," he mumbles,
"it needs to be pulled from the loom still. I was going to do that when,
well, the earthquake happened." You smile. Tristan seems to have
regained a small amount of composure. "It sounds like you made some
good progress Tristan, well done." You hear Tristan sniffle. "Th-Thank
you," he mumbles. For the next few minutes you are able to keep
Tristan talking before he falls silent once more. You feel certain that
Tristan trusts you now.
Request The office falls silent. "Tristan? Are you alright?" Suddenly the lock
clicks. The door opens a crack as Tristan throws a Dungeoneer's Pack
into your arms. He slams the door in your face. You catch a brief
glimpse of the office interior, torn to shreds. Add one Dungeoneer's Pack
to your inventory.

Success/Failure outcomes continue on the following page...

Success (Continued)
Threaten "Stop!" Tristan cries. You can hear him fumbling with the ring of keys
inside the office, struggling to find the correct one. You rest the pickaxe
on your shoulder waiting. "Did you find it? It's got a little 'x' notched
onto the handle. The one with the square bit on the end." Tristan huffs.
"I know which one." After two more tries, the lock clicks. Tristan opens
the door just enough to throw a Dungeoneer's Pack into your arms. He
slams the door in your face, locking it once more. You catch a brief
glimpse of the office interior, torn to shreds. Add one Dungeoneer's Pack
to your inventory.
Help Arissa sets down her belongings in the meditation garden, approaching
the edge of the chasm. She dusts off her hands. "Right. You should have
him take a few deep breaths. Calm him down. And Vilcrum, make sure
you watch your tone." Tone? I do not have a tone! Gain advantage on
your next Persuasion check.

Deception Stamping your feet, you pretend to walk away from the office, softening
each step. You suddenly lose your balance, knocking over a nearby
crate. "Go bother someone else already!" Tristan screams. For the rest of
the Quartermaster's Tale, all Persuasion checks will now be at
Insight Tristan is upset, that much is clear to you. You have never really been
good at reading people. Knowing what to say in circumstances like this
is an artform that you know nothing about. That was why you became
quartermaster. You would spend your time hidden away here in the
caves, waiting for the moment someone needs something that only you
can provide.
Intimidation Tristan's screams of frustration drown out your threats. Stunned, you
find yourself at a loss for words. The office door bangs as Tristan rocks
back and forth, incoherently crying out for peace and quiet. For the rest
of the Quartermaster's Tale, all Intimidation checks will now be at
Investigation Master of this domain, you search the last place you remember mining
implements being kept. Not a bad place to start, right? You soon
discover the barrel of mining implements has been crushed from a
fallen section of the ceiling. Tool fragments are scattered across the
ground. Two gold pieces per pickaxe, and look what has become of
them. Twenty perfectly good pickaxes completely ruined. Sifting through
the pieces, you unable to find anything of use.
Persuasion As soon as you finishing speaking, Tristan falls silent. Should I keep
talking? Oh, no, what do I do? You better think of something, and
quick! You tug on your beard, searching for the right words to say but
come up with nothing.

Something In The Air: Failure

You are now infected. As you progress through the Quartermaster's Tale, you are no
longer required to make Constitution Saving Throws.

Dungeoneer's Pack
"The lightweight backpack is woven from a yellowish brown silk. Embroidered in
gnomish are the words: 'Her Thread Guides Us In the Darkness'"

a Crowbar (weapon)
a Hammer (tool)
10 pitons
10 torches
a Tinderbox
10 days of Rations
a full Waterskin
50 feet of Hempen rope

Keep Trying
If you have been unsuccessful in acquiring the tools needed to help Arissa, you may
repeat Crossing The Chasm of the Quartermaster's Tale as many times as you wish.
Any additional items collected during this time may be added to your inventory, You
may not receive multiples of the same item by repeating Crossing The Chasm. Each
time you repeat the Crossing The Chasm, the DC for skill challenges will increase by
+1. You may return to 1F Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern at anytime to resume your

"Well done Vilcrum! Could you toss a few pitons and a rope over? No sense in you
having to do all the work." One by one you toss a few pitons over the chasm, each one
tinkling against the stone floor. Arissa nods her thanks. Over the course of an hour,
you and Arissa construct a safety rope above the narrow ledge. Remove ten pitons and
the rope from your Dungeoneer's Pack.

"Ready to give it a go?" you ask Arissa. She nods. You can see the terror in her face as
she shuffles across the chasm ledge an inch at a time. Her eyes are locked on the
rope. You hold your breath until she arrives safely on your side of the chasm. You let
out a huge sigh of relief. "So, to the tunnels then?" You may return to 1F Unoccupied
Overgrown Cavern. Any items collected during the Quartermaster's Tale will be
available to your character.

Optional Rules
"The hair on the back of your neck begins to prickle. You feel as if you are being
watched. Something darts through the shadows, hiding behind a large rock. You muster
your every bit of courage you can to approach. 'Who's there?' you call out."

It's Dangerous to Go Alone

Choose, or roll for, one companion and gain the following benefits:
d6 Companions Benefits
1 Deep Mushroom Mycelium Connections: At the beginning of each Act, roll two
Traveler d20s and record the numbers rolled. When roll a d20, you may
expend one of your recorded rolls instead, rewriting your fate.
Bioluminescent: The deep mushroom traveler's body emits a
faint yellow light that serves as a light source.
Skill: Gain advantage on all Nature checks.
2 Tipsy Badger Finders Keepers: If a shiny item is found during an Investigation
check, the badger will claim it instead. You may trade the
badger one weapon or tool to receive one shiny item.
Burrower: If an Athletics check requires you to dig, you will
automatically succeed it with the badger's help.
Skill: Gain advantage on all Investigation checks.
3 Wounded Imp Friend for Hire: When you enter combat, you may choose to pay
the imp a shiny item for his assistance. When you successfully
hit your foe, the imp will deal an additional 1d4+1 damage. The
imp must be paid for every combat he participates in.
Particular Taste: The imp will refuse any reward or pets,
preferring to receive a punishment instead.
Skill: Gain advantage on all Religion checks.
4 Ethereal Shapeshifter: Twice per Act, the ethereal familiar may change
Familiar into a sparrowhawk, mink, or lemur to gain different benefits.
The Ethereal Familiar will begin the adventure as a mink.
Skill: In sparrowhawk form: gain advantage on all Perception
checks. In mink form: gain advantage on all Stealth checks. In
lemur form: gain advantage on all Sleight of Hand checks.
5 Potbellied Arcane Barrier: Twice per Act, the potbelly construct can conjure
Construct a protective arcane barrier, temporarily adding a +5 bonus to
your Armor Class for one attack. The construct also functions as
a normal shield, adding a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.
Skill: Gain advantage on all Arcana checks.
6 Alone Ability Improvement: Gain a +1 bonus to one ability of your
choice. At the beginning of Act 3, add this bonus again.
Skill Improvement: Gain a +1 bonus to one skill of your choice.
At the beginning of Act 3, add this bonus again.

In This Together
Once you have chosen your traveling companion, you may proceed to First
Impressions and Companion Care on the next page. If you have chosen to travel alone,
return to 1A Collapsed Passage, and do not return to this page.

First Impressions
If you chose the Deep Mushroom Traveler:
A large patch of moss grows from the cavern dweller's mushroom cap. The strange
assortment of plants growing from their head resembles a wizard's hat. The deep
mushroom traveler collects their belongings from the dust, returning them to their
tied satchel. Finished, the mushroom turns their attention to you. They clasp your
hand in both of theirs, producing a smile, as if to say, "Don't worry. It'll be alright."

If you chose the Tipsy Badger:

You can hardly identify the thickset animal beneath the all the dust. On closer
inspection, you can see the faint details of the badger's black, white, and gray coat. He
seems rather unconcerned with your presence. Strapped to his back is a pack made
from twine and a cask of Honeytongue ale. He finally looks at you, searching for your
motives. He sneezes and trots ahead of you, satisfied with what he has seen.

If you chose the Wounded Imp:

An imp reveals himself from the shadows, crawling onto a nearby rock. The end of his
curled scorpion tail has been severed, leaving behind a bloody stump that twitch back
and forth. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" The imp repeats everything you say,
mocking your concern for him. He hops down from his rock, loudly cracking his spine.
"Well? Are you coming or what?" Stunned, you are at a loss for words. "You're going to
help me?" you ask him. The imp smiles. "For the right price, absolutely."

If you chose the Ethereal Familiar:

Wisps of light curl like flames from the translucent spotted mink, dissipating into thin
air. Her eyes, like little stars, twinkle at you, as if to say, "It's only me." You feel as if
you have met this creature before. Crouching down, you extend your hand to the
mink. She climbs up your sleeve, settling on your shoulder. She nuzzles her pointed
face against your chin to say, "Don't you recognize me?"

If you chose the Potbellied Construct:

The small construct reminds you of a small tea kettle dressed in a suit of armor. His
singular eye, made of a green crystalline substance, has been set into his belly. His
voice sounds like twinkling bells as he cries in distress. He scurries towards you,
clinging to your shins in an enveloping hug. You shush him, prying to small
contraption from your legs to hold in your arms. Strange, he weighs almost nothing.

Learn how to care for and interact with your companion on the following page...

Companion Care
At any time during your adventure, you may return to Companion Care to interact
with your companion. No dice are required for this section. Choose an action from the
list below, then turn the page to find your companion's reaction.
Request (DC --) "Think you could lend a hand?" Requires Companion Trust
Reward (DC --) "Well done! I've got something for you." Requires one ration, or
shiny item.
Pet (DC --) "Who's my little monster? You are! Yes you are!"
Punish (DC --) "How could you be so stupid!"
Push (DC --) "I need help here!" Requires Companion Fear

Companion Interactions

Deep Mushroom Traveler

Request The mushroom nods, quickly untying their satchel and placing it on the
ground next to them. Checking their palms, they quickly wipe dirt away
before looking up at you. The mushroom trills, letting you know that
they are ready to help. At any time during your current Act, roll with
advantage on one skill check of your choice. You may not make another
request of the mushroom until the start of the next Act.
Reward The mushroom coos, questioning your actions. They stop to inspect the
item, sniffing it briefly before looking to you for approval. You nod. The
mushroom immediately crams the item into their mouth, swallowing it
whole. They rub their stomach, showing appreciation for the nice meal.
The mushroom trusts you now.
Pet You pat the mushroom's moss covered cap. Their trills sound like a
cat's purr. As soon as you take your hand away, the mushroom coos in
protest, offended that you had stopped. "Okay, okay." You spend the
next few minutes scratching the mushroom's mossy exterior until they
are ready to continue the adventure.
Punish The mushroom clutches the edges of their cap, making their best
attempt to hide from you as they cry. The mushroom fears you now. For
the remainder of the Act, you will not be able to gain the mushroom
traveler's trust. Should you wish to gain or recover their trust, you may
do so at the beginning of the next Act.
Push The mushroom shies away from you, quivering in fear. They hurry to
your side, flinging their equipment onto their back. Roll with advantage
on your next skill check. If you push the mushroom to take action again
this Act, the mushroom will abandon you after you receive advantage,
finding their own way out of the dark.

More companion interactions on the following page...

Tipsy Badger
Request The badger snuffles and sneezes in your direction. "Is that a yes?" At
any time during your current Act, roll with advantage on one skill check
of your choice. You may not make another request of your companion
until the start of the next Act.
Reward The badger sniffs the item held in your hand. He takes it, turning the
item over in his claws. Deeming the item acceptable, he stores it in his
cask for the time being. The badger boops his nose into your chin,
allowing you to scratch behind his ears. Pleased, his wide tail thumps
back and forth. The badger trusts you now.
Pet The badger rolls onto his side, presenting his belly for scratches. You
set down your equipment to bask in the full glory of soft tummy pets.
The badger suddenly clamps his teeth down on your hand, gently
gnawing on your fingers. "Okay, Okay I give." The badger rolls back onto
his feet after a few failed attempts of getting up.
Punish The badger turns their back to you, clutching their Honeytongue cask to
their chest. He bury their nose behind the cask, drawing slow trembling
breaths as tears roll down his cheeks. After a few minutes, the badger
regains his composure, following you from a little further behind. The
badger fears you now. For the remainder of the Act, you will not be able
to gain the badger's trust. Should you wish to gain or recover their trust,
you may do so at the beginning of the next Act.
Push You can see the terror in his eyes as he shrinks away from you. He
hurries to your side to assist with the task at hand. Roll with advantage
on your next skill check. If you push the badger to take action again
this Act, the badger will abandon you after you receive advantage,
finding his own way out of the dark.

Conniving Imp
Request The imp bursts out laughing, tears streaming from his yellow eyes.
Clutching a stitch in his side, he falls to the ground, cackling as he rolls
about. It takes several minutes for the imp to regain composure. "Could
you lend a hand," he snorts, "that's a good one."
Reward "What's that?" the imp sneers, suspicious of your kindness. "It's a gift,"
you say, "thank you for helping me." The imp plugs his ears, drowning
out your words by screaming as loud as he can.
Pet The imp, sensing a change in your demeanor, whips around, snapping
his teeth at your extended fingers. You yelp in surprise as you retract
your hand. "Next time, you lose a finger." The imp storms off further
down the path, keeping his distance from now on.
Punish The imp squeals in delight at your animosity. What is happening? He
immediately falls at your feet, groveling in your presence. "Knock it off!"
The imp relishes in your fury. The imp fears you now.
Push The imp grows flustered by your command, enamored by your rage.
Why are you doing this to me? He shines a smile, showing off all of his
rows of sharp teeth. "At your command." He hums a strange tune while
he gets to work. At any time during your current Act, roll with
advantage on one skill check of your choice. You may not make another
request of your companion until the start of the next Act.

Ethereal Familiar
Request The ethereal familiar hops down from your shoulder, stretching her
legs. She look up to you, the wisps of light dancing around her blaze
brightly for a moment before returning to their original state. "Ready
when you are," she seems to say. At any time during your current Act,
roll with advantage on one skill check of your choice. You may not make
another request of your companion until the start of the next Act.
Reward The familiar gently holds the item in her mouth. She looks up to you,
her twinkling eyes ask, "What am I supposed to do with this?" You pat
her on the head. "It's for you. Thank you for looking after me." Though
the familiar is thoroughly confused on what to do with her reward, she
still looks pleased. The familiar trusts you now.
Pet The ethereal familiar blazes more brightly than ever as you scratch
under her chin. You cradler her in your arms as you pet her belly.
Eventually she reaches her limit, climbing back up onto your shoulder.
Punish The light in the familiar's eyes flickers. She presses her head into yours,
hoping to calm your frustrations. You refuse to break, setting the
familiar down on the floor. Her eyes seem to say, "This is not like you.
No, not at all." The familiar fears you now. For the remainder of the Act,
you will not be able to gain the familiar's trust. Should you wish to gain
or recover their trust, you may do so at the beginning of the next Act.
Push The familiar momentarily shimmers, shifting between her sparrowhawk,
mink, and lemur forms in quick succession. She seems to be having a
hard time maintaining her focus while frightened. You may immediately
change the familiar's form without expending the familiar's shapeshifter
ability. Roll with advantage on your next skill check. If you push the
familiar to take action again this Act, the familiar will abandon you after
you receive advantage, finding their own way out of the dark.

More companion interactions on the following page...

Potbelly Construct
Request The construct wraps his arms around your shin, looking up at you. His
inner components rattle with excitement. He seems eager to lend a
helping hand. At any time during your current Act, roll with advantage
on one skill check of your choice. You may not make another request of
your companion until the start of the next Act.
Reward The construct, proud of his reward, displays the item as a hat. Before
you can stop him, the construct runs circles around you, showing off
his accomplishment. His squeals of delight sound like a kettle shooting
off steam. The construct trusts you now.
Pet The construct reaches out his arms, begging to be picked up. He loves
being fawned over, and refuse to be put back down again. You are only
able to set him down again by distracting him with a short game.
Punish The construct curls into a little ball, shuttering his eye closed. His metal
plating rattles back and forth like a boiling pot. Some time later the
construct unfurls himself, acting much more timid than he had before.
The construct fears you now. While frightened, the construct can not
conjure an Arcane Barrier. For the remainder of the Act, you will not be
able to gain the construct's trust. Should you wish to gain or recover
their trust, you may do so at the beginning of the next Act.
Push The construct's internal components rattle as he stumbles to your side
to help. You hear the construct's crystalline eye begin to crack. Tiny
inert fragments of crystal tumbling to the ground. He sways, awaiting
your command. Roll with advantage on your next skill check. If you
push the construct to take action again this Act, the construct will
cease to function and you will gain one minor crystal fragment.

Tides of Battletm
Return to the task at hand. (proceed to 1A Collapsed Passage)

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System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
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based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

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