Lecture 1 Introduction 2023

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CEE 5232 - Structural Dynamics

2019 Academic year

Lecturer - C. KAHANJI

• All structures are subjected to forces that are imposed by

gravity, wind and seismic events.

• The combination and anticipated severity of these forces

will determine the maximum design force the member can

• The structural Engineer will then select a member that

meets all of the strength as well as serviceability issues
such as deflection and/or vibration criteria for any specific

• Determining of static design loads, is relatively easy and is carried

out in CEE 5211 – (Design of Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete
Structures) and CEE 5222 – (Design of Steel Structures)

• However, determining of dynamic loads for design purposes requires

advanced methods that are incorporated in CEE 5232 – Structural

• Exact determination of design loads is of cardinal importance in

structural engineering design, as failure to which can render the
structure to be unsustainable to the anticipated use.
Rationale for the Course

The analysis and design of dynamically sensitive civil engineering

structures, such as tall buildings, towers and chimneys and long span
bridges, requires the application of structural dynamics tools and

Course Aim
The course aims at introducing the concepts of structural dynamics
and the response of civil engineering structures to time-varying
loads, including those due to wind and earthquakes. This requires
the extension of structural theory to include the effects of the mass
and damping and to evaluate the action of various deterministic and
random dynamic loads.
✓ Review of Engineering Dynamics Basic concepts
✓ Newton’s law of motion under constant and variable forces
✓ Work-energy, impulse momentum and conservation
✓ Dynamic systems with single-degree of freedom equation
of motion free and forced vibration,
✓ Transient response in elastic and elasto-plastic systems
✓ Dynamic systems with multi-degree of freedom
✓ Free & Forced vibration of 2 degree of freedom systems
✓ Matrix iteration for the determination of natural frequencies
✓ Stiffness method and flexibility method
✓ Vibration of continuous systems-mathematical modelling
✓ Transverse vibration of beams

Component of assessment Number Contribution overall grading

Continuous assessment 40
Assignments 8 20
Tests 1 20
Sub-total of continuous 40
Final examination 1 60

➢ Chopra A.K ., Dynamics of structures, 5th edition, 2017
➢ Clough, R. and Penzien, J. Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill Book Co, 3rd
Edition, 2003
➢ Rao S.S - Mechanical Vibrations, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2010
➢ Biggs J.M., Introduction to Structural Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, 1964

• A STATIC LOAD is one which does not vary

• The term DYNAMIC is simply a time-varying; thus a DYNAMIC LOAD

is any load of which its magnitude, direction, and/or position varies
with time. Similarly, the structural response to a dynamic load, i.e., the
resulting stresses and deflections, is also time-varying, or dynamic.

Newton’s Laws of motion

• First Law: A particle (body) remains in its state of rest, or of uniform
rectilinear motion, unless compelled by force to change that state.
• Second Law: The acceleration of a given element is proportional to the
force, applied to it and acts in the direction of that force.
• Third Law: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Mass: Dynamically, it is the property that describes how an unrestricted body
resists the application of an external force. Mass is obtained by dividing the weight
of body by the acceleration of gravity. Unit of mass is given in kilograms (kgs).

Free vibration: A structure is said to be undergoing free vibrations if the exciting

force that caused the vibration is no longer present and the oscillating structure is
purely under influence of its own inertia or mass(m) and stiffness (k).

Forced vibrations: are produced in a structure when it is acted upon by the

continuous presence of an external oscillating force acting on it

Damping: is a measure of energy dissipation in a vibrating system. The

dissipating mechanism may be of the frictional form or viscous form. In the former
case, it is called dry friction or column damping and in the latter case it is called
viscous damping

Critical damping: defined as the minimum amount of damping for which the
system will not vibrate when disturbed initially, but it will return to the equilibrium
position. This will result in nonperiodic motion that is simple decay. The
displacement decays to a negligible level after one nature period T

Types of damping: (1) Viscous Damping, (2) Coulomb Damping, (3) Structural
Damping, (4) Active Damping, (5) Passive Damping

Stiffness: It is defined as the force required to produce a unit deformation. it is

an elastic property that describes the level of resisting force when a body
undergoes change in length. Units are in N/m

Amplitude: The maximum displacement or deformation of a vibrating system

from its mean position

Natural Period: It is the time required to complete one cycle of free vibration

Natural frequency: When no external force acts on the system after giving it an
initial displacement, the body vibrates. These vibrations are called free vibration
and their frequency is natural frequency

Resonance: When the frequency of external force is equal to or matches with

one of the natural frequencies of the vibrating system, the amplitude of vibration
becomes excessively large. E.g Tacoma Bridge Failure

Various natural and man-made sources may influence the dynamic effect in
structure. The most common types of causes are
(a)Initial conditions; (b) Applied forces; (c) Support motions

Initial conditions: Initial conditions such as velocity and displacement produce

dynamic effect in the system.
Example: Consider a lift moving up or down with an initial velocity. When the lift
is suddenly stopped, the cabin begins to vibrate up and down since it possesses
initial velocity

Applied forces: Sometimes vibration in the system is produced due to the

application of external forces.
(i) A building subjected to a bomb blast or wind forces
(ii) Machine foundation

Support motions: Structures are often subjected to vibration due to the influence of
support motions.
Example: Earthquake motion
Fundamentals of structural dynamics

• Two basically different approaches are available for evaluating structural response
to dynamic loads: deterministic and nondeterministic (or random). The choice
of method to be used in any given case depends upon how the loading is

• If the time variation of loading is fully known, even though it may be highly
oscillatory or irregular in character, it will be referred to herein as a prescribed
dynamic loading and the analysis of the response is defined as a deterministic

• If the time variation is not completely known but can be defined in a statistical sense, the
loading is termed a random dynamic loading; and its corresponding analysis of response
is defined as a nondeterministic analysis e.g. wind, ocean waves or earthquakes loads

• In general, structural response to any dynamic loading is expressed basically in terms of

the displacements of the structure
Types of prescribed loadings
Almost any type of structural system may be subjected to one form or another
of dynamic loading during its lifetime. From an analytical standpoint, it is convenient to divide
prescribed or deterministic loadings into two basic categories, periodic and non-periodic.
Some typical forms of prescribed loadings and examples of situations in which such loadings
might be developed
Periodic loading:- exhibits the same time
variation successively for a large number of
Nonperiodic loadings:- the loading does
not exhibit the same time variation – could
be short duration impulsive loadings or
long duration general forms of loads.

Characteristics and sources of typical

dynamic loadings:

(a)simple harmonic
(c)Impulsive (e.g blast or explosion)

A structural dynamic problem differs from its static loading counterpart in two
important respects. The first difference to be noted, by definition, is the time-varying
nature of the dynamic problem. A dynamic problem does not have a single response and a
single solution, as a static problem; some responses are: displacement, velocity and

(a) Static loading (b) dynamic loading

Degrees of Freedom
The number of independent displacements (or rotations) required to define the
displaced positions of all the masses relative to their original position is called the
number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) for dynamic analysis.

More DOFs are typically necessary to define the stiffness properties of a structure
compared to the DOFs necessary for representing inertial properties.

Single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems

A SDOF system is one whose deformation can be completely defined by a single displacement

Vertical translation Horizontal translation Horizontal translation Rotation

Multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems

If more than one independent coordinate is required

to completely specify the position or geometry of
different masses of the system at any instant of time,
it is called multiple degrees of freedom system.
Multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems

If the mass of a system may be considered to be distributed

over its entire length as shown in a cantilever below, in which
the mass is considered to have infinite degrees of freedom, it
is referred to as a continuous system.

It is also known as a distributed system



Simple harmonic motion, or oscillation, is exhibited by structures that have

elastic restoring forces. Such systems can be modelled, in some situations,
by a spring–mass schematic, as illustrated below:

(a) Spring–mass schematic, (b) free body diagram, and (c) free body diagram of the
static spring–mass system.
This is the equation of motion of a single-degree-of
freedom system

•This is a linear, second-order, homogeneous equation with

constant coefficients

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