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The ace of clovers

FRAME 2 – It’s a shot of the TV showing the interview, Clover pulls Ace towards her and
wraps her arm around her friends’ shoulders.

Clover: Well, I wouldn’t say I was all alone, my best friend is with me!

FOR RADIO: The rustling of clothes can be heard as well as chair wheels moving but the
audio fades out to sound more like a tv and the voices of the people in the café fade in.

FRAME 3 – The two are now in normal clothing. Clover has her head on the table while
Ace looks at her. They both have drinks ready to go.

Clover: Why is it playing so loud…?

Ace: You’re going to have to get used to your own voice if you want to go out more. You
are blowing up after all.

FOR RADIO: There can be a coffee machine heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Clover sits up, she looks angry.

Clover: I don’t want to deal with this. We shouldn’t have to deal with this!

Ace: Then quit your job

Line two

FRAME 1 – Clover crosses her arms.

Clover: I’m not quitting, we’re basically all that’s left.

Ace: Oh no, what will the world ever do without teenagers with resistance? Maybe do
their jobs for once?

FRAME 2 – Clover gets up from her seat. Ace looks kind of shocked at her sudden reaction.

Clover: Let’s just go, we need to get back on patrol.

FOR RADIO: A chair can be heard moving back.

FRAME 3 – Ace stands up as well. He picks up his drink.

Clover: I’m tired of everyone staring at us anyway

Ace: I thought you liked attention?

FOR RADIO: A chair can be heard moving, whispers can be heard around them.

FRAME 4 – The shot pans out, the two are isolated and a spotlight is lighting up their table.

Clover: Not this kind of attention

FOR RADIO: The whispers get louder.

Line three

FRAME 1 – It’s a shot of them walking in the street with their drinks in hand. They’re
walking in silence.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on concrete can be heard as well as the sounds of the city.

FRAME 2 – Clover turns around.

FOR RADIO: Shoes moving on the concrete.

FRAME 3 – Clover walks backwards as she talks.

Clover: Hearing my own voice is so weird like, why do I sound like that?

Ace: Don’t walk backwards, you’ll hurt yourself.

FRAME 4 – They continue to walk.

Clover: Also, why did you say it was my voice on tv?

Ace: I’m surprised you acted so strongly back there; you really do like signing posters for
people. Maybe try to hold in your reaction next time.

Clover: I was trying but then it just dragged on and on and then…

Line four
FRAME 1 – It cuts back to the café, it shows Clover with her head on the table and eyes
behind her, staring at her.

Clover: …everyone started staring at us.

FOR RADIO: Whispers can be heard in the background.

FRAME 2 - Clover stops walking and Ace stops too.

Clover: They were staring before I did anything.

FOR RADIO: The footsteps stop.

FRAME 3 – There is a medium shot of Ace, and he begins to think.

Ace: We should be careful from now on. Maybe wear some face masks or less populated
areas to patrol in?

Clover: Maybe a bodyguard?

Ace: I don’t want to be treated like a celebrity but if it makes you feel safer then let’s do

FRAME 4 – There is a shot of the sky.

FOR RADIO: Both of their phones vibrate

Line five

FRAME 1 – Clover and Ace look at each other

FRAME 2 – Clover looks back at Ace and they both start running.

Clover: Let’s go!

FOR RADIO: Footsteps and screaming.

FRAME 3 – A wide shot of the destruction can be seen.

FOR RADIO: Wires being soldered, and flames can be heard.

FRAME 4 – Nancy can be seen with a face shield, working on a strange machine.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 3

Line six

FRAME 1 – Nancy has her back to the camera while Clover and Ace can be seen sneaking
around behind her.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on gravel can be heard.

FRAME 2 – Clover and Ace sneak behind a large bit of debris.

Clover: What do we do?

Ace: You distract her, bring Nancy close and I’ll shut the machine down before she can
finish it.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 3 line 5

FRAME 3 – Clover stands up and Ace sneaks around.

Clover: Hey! Nancy! Over here!

FOR RADIO: someone moving on gravel quietly, it fades away (and fire can be heard but
it’s quiet)

FRAME 4 – Nancy looks over and takes her face protection off, she’s annoyed at a
disturbance. Clover moves to the side of the rubble, but she doesn’t step forward.

Nancy: It appears you made it just in time to stop me.

Line seven

FRAME 1 – It’s a long shot of Nancy and Clover standing opposite from each other, there is
a huge gap between them.

Clover: Why did you-

Nancy: To get the space unicorn from the land of dreams! What? I’m not telling
you why I’m here.

FOR RADIO: Fire can be heard burning as well as the distant sound of sirens.

FRAME 2 – Nancy smiles at the camera and steps forward.

Nancy: But I’m willing to give you a hint. What was here before I destroyed it all?

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1

FRAME 3 – Ace has reached the machine and he goes (slides?) around to the open wires.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1 but with gravel being moved around.

FRAME 4 – Ace reaches into the machine

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1 but with sparks from wires.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on gravel can be heard as well as a beginning of an explosion.

FRAME 4 – A wide shot of an explosion is shown.

FOR RADIO: A sound of an explosion

Line nine

FRAME 1 – A shot of a rooftop near the explosion with Clover and Ace lying on the ground.

FOR RADIO: Louder flames

FRAME 2 – Clover looks over at Ace as he gets up.

Ace: Clover! Are you ok?

FOR RADIO: Flames and coughing

FRAME 3 – Ace helps Clover stand up. Both only have a few scratches. Ace doesn’t catch
the last part of her sentence.
Clover: This is why I can’t afford quit, remember? Even if I want to.


FRAME 4 – They both go to the edge of the building and look over at all the damage.

Clover: So, what’s the plan?

Ace: I don’t think I can do this.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps can be heard.

Line ten

FRAME 1 – They both look over the edge.

Clover: We have to

Ace: I think I’m going to step out for this one.

Clover: What

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard.

FRAME 1 – Clover looks over at Ace.

Clover: Why?

Ace: This is my fault, isn’t it?

Clover: No. It’s not.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 2 – Clover grabs Ace by the shoulders

Clover: Listen to me. I’m not letting you quit just because of something that neither
of us could predict. There is no way we could have known it would explode
when you de-activated it.

Ace: That doesn’t change the damage it’s caused. I can’t do this. I’ve hurt too
many people.
FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 3 – Ace pushes Clovers hands off his shoulders

Ace: I’m not smart enough to help you.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Ace walks away

Ace: I’m not sure if I was even “helping” in the first place.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background, footsteps.

Line eleven

FRAME 1 – Clover faces Ace as he walks away.

Clover: There is now we could have known it would explode when tampered with.

Ace: Your best shot is a surprise attack and knock her out in one shot. You should
be able to locate her from here. There is a telescope in the shop nearby if
you need it, but I doubt that will work.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps can be heard going further away. Flames and sirens can be heard in
the background. Another set of footsteps can be heard after Ace says his

FRAME 2 – Clover catches up to Ace and grabs him by the arm.

Clover: Ace wait! If this plan works, then you have to stay working with me!

FOR RADIO: Both footsteps stop. Sirens and fire can be heard in the background. Clothes
rustle sound

FRAME 3 - Ace looks back at Clover.

Ace: What?

Clover: You said you weren’t smart enough, that you weren’t helpful. You know
what our boss is like.
Ace: Yeah, so let me go. All I’ve done is hurt people.

Clover: But if this plan works then that means you are smart and helpful because it
was your plan! Not anyone else’s. Not mine or the bosses! You’re the
smartest person I know so please, stay with me.

FOR RADIO: Flames and Sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Clover lets go of Ace, but he doesn’t move.

Ace: So, a bet?

Clover: Why not? Now go downstairs and get me that telescope.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

Line twelve

FRAME 1 – Clover is looking through the telescope. There is a shot on Nancy running
towards a building. The police or ambulances haven’t spotted her yet.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background, but the sirens are closer.

FRAME 2 – Clover closes the telescope.

Clover: She’s over there. Nancy is about to go under the cover of a building.

Ace: Give me the telescope and go!

FOR RADIO: The sound of a telescope closing, flames and sirens.

FRAME 3 – Clover stands up on the building and pushes off.

FOR RADIO: The sound of cement breaking and someone flying off.

FRAME 4 – Clover stands over Nancy, Nancy is on the floor passed out. They are in the first
floor of a building. Police are outside but they only just noticed the crash.

Clover: Well, that was easy.

FOR RADIO: Glass shattering can be heard before Clover speaks.

Line thirteen

FRAME 1 – A shot of the ground completely smashed in a line, it leads towards Clover and

Clover: Now Ace owes me for saving his career, I guess. Maybe milkshakes would be

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