SQL Interview QnA

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INSERT @ LOCK *UPDATE _@ MERGE i * DELETE Commit e ROLLBACK © SAVEPOINT © SET TRANSACTION wom ph LIDIIKEDIN - At Cee eee enel). er ge. SCL stands #c:_Shuctused Guey Lanquas gels a _siang aid ene ae _eelation is serosa eee oxganized data compxised of entities and xelations nN dieferx ities Saami mel | Hthat is DBMS? DBMS Database Management system js_a oftware -+hat is used 40 mason Sng classmate. Oa=E0 A DBMS sesves as on interface between 2nd -usey and database, allovutng usexs td land a database , allowing usey 40 Cyeare, — yead , delete data jn the database. most widely used “types. of Dans “sobrwoxe lave yelation , distributed , hievaychical | ject= oriented and Netwosk. a ATUL Jeo IN PK LIMKED| = MOT E EULA) @G* A_database is on Oraanized collection of ___ Ta, and it can be e@sily accessed & Managed - We can organize data }nto -fables , yows c1UMN S and index to Find yelevant infe- 1h: aan $1 ar oe yar i atio soring xetrieving and ee ae Where ave man ‘a jiqble like IMuys@t _, Oyacle eee Glee gases is RDBMS (f+ [2pems tonds for Relational Database Management System - a @ [Relational barabase management _Systea_is_ ollection ef pvogyams compatipilities that lenopies JT teams. _ pies eee RDOEMS store data in the form _of tables. Rpgms provides a dependable method of — storing and yetrieving large amount of data. RDBMS uses SQL queries +p _ access +ne dara _in database. 1 J is each {ndividuel entxy that exist A Column holds Specific {nfosmation about evevy xetoxd in Q +tabie- column, an be YOWsS as horizontal - Me column in table also called Fields and vows A Primary Key is ao” minimal set af. at lattributes tna bl i {pn +hat table j-e. tuples. Primary MALY. ‘eey_cannct hea val IWe cannot use duplicate value fox pyimay Key. plication a Moximum length of primary key -Goo bites. el. ik . A €orxelon key is a Key used 40 link “Hu10_ danios tegethey. Tt (s also cated Hence, tt used for jon.sh\ the join ¢ Oo OY database based on yelated column Debween the +wo- pf ers $+ JOIN) RIGHT JOIN FULL JOIN 2 |vihat is the SELECT statement? SELECT Statement in S@L_ is used Lae data _Fyom_a_database.___ Re dara yeturned js stored in xesuit table ey Ca\led_ eSU\ty Seb eo oy ie eee eae __|TRe SeLect_ {0 determine wihat te include in \ Uli Sere é UL [ho FRE LIMKE DIAL Ee i is Cursor ‘ OTEL GAUERY (TELEGRAM). uysoy i¢ Q - ax kg ion - + cyeated in MOx hen he nt 1s executed . A SOL cursory 1S a set of yous together with geints nat tdentify yows. Tupes of Cursor * A): | mpelicit curssot 2)- | Explicit cuxsorx Curxsot aye used to Stove Patabase table. _ telationship< In SAL i ip_is a link between entities that Nove something to do with each other. __ includes pne to one eee . 2 relations: _ s fon In databace allow fox cleax table \ tb xedundant database }s se Besos? i Shnie sua es ae eae ate hat ave entities ?. fn_entity can be ¥eal world object: An_entity can be a single -ning , person place ey oObject- Data can be sto¥ed Qbout such entities: | SQL index is a table used to speed up the | seaycning of the data: |\Tt also yecoveY layge amount of dare lEyorn tapies. INDEX yYequives its own | space. in _ storage device. INDEX is a pointer 40 data {no Ina rable. [An INDEX is same to an Index tn the back Of book: ° -INpex iS also unique consteaint. ATUL Komp What 1s a Set ~Join? Te anctenicrevccaion. Ge De is_@_join in which table is joined with Litsel- ° tine self- join can be viewed as a_join oF 4wi0 copies of same -+tabie. ‘ o |Self ~Join statement js Important When two sets of data tn same table are | Compayed.- i = Jol Cross -Joln is 9 Cartesian product of rows from tables in join | & |CY¥Oss Join {s Combination OF each yow of Fixst jtable with each yow of second table. It is @\so called caytestan join - |Atiqses are temporary name Qiven to table ox column Foy SOL query It used when name of table ts used other than oxidinal name. Aliases used to Make column names more |veadable. bebe Aliases useful alhen -tneve ave move than one table complicated tn 9 query. I |Notmalization is a process yestiuctuye the dato In database: There 1s no yedundancy of data , at! Ihara stoxed In one place. ‘Tt eliminates charactesistics like Insevtton , Update and Deletion Anomalis. Tt convests Jayge table iN

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