Cap Stoneversemifinal

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Below is the list of parts, optional and necessary, that must be followed. It is already arranged in
chronological order for easy reference.

A. Preliminaries
1. Blank Sheet. This serves as the flyleaf.

2. Title Page. This page contains the title of the research, name of proponents and statement
regarding the qualification for which the project is submitted. It also contains the name of the
institution, to which the projectis being submitted, and the month and year of submission.

3. Approval Sheet. This page bears the name of the proponents/s and the title of the research,
together with the signature of the adviser, Campus Executive Director, the College Dean,
Chairmain of the department and members of the oral defense panel. This page certifies that the
projecthas been duly approved, and must bear the date of approval.
4. Acknowledgement. This section recognizes persons and organizations who/which assisted the
proponents in the completion of the research. Acknowledgements should be expressed simply an

5. Dedication Page. This page is optional. If used, make it brief and centered in one page. No
heading is necessary.

6. Table of Contents. A sequential listing of all major parts of the projectwith corresponding page
numbers. Included in the table of contents are titles of chapters, sections and subsections,
bibliography and appendices. Also included are titles of the preliminary pages as well as the
required forms.

All materials following the Table of contents are listed.

The title of parts, sections, or chapters and their principal subdivisions should be listed and must
be worded exactly as they appear in the body of the document.

7. List of Tables/Figures/Plates
The heading LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES and PLATES in capital letters, are centered without
punctuation; the listing begins at the left margin on the fourth line below the heading.

The list of Tables/Figures/Plates uses exactly the same numbers and title of the
Tables/Figures/Plates in the text and in the Appendices.

B. Main Body
This is the main text of the capstone project document, divided into chapters and sub-topics. It
normally starts with the “Introduction” and ends with the “Summary, Conclusions and

a. This chapter serves as a backgrounder for readers to have an overview of the study even
without prior reference to other publications on the topic.
b. The introductory pages are important because they create the first and perhaps lasting
impression on the examiner. Use flow diagrams, headings, sub-headings etc., to create and
sustain interest. Lead the reader from the known to the unknown. Parts of the introduction
re the following:
i. Situation Analysis
 Situation Analysis should be presented from macro to micro underscoring
existing scenario or situation.
 It includes information necessary to justify the existence of a problem
situation/need/gap like statistical data from authoritative source(s).
 There should be a clinching statement to link the situation analysis to
project problem.

The proponents should introduce the presentation of the problem, that is, what is the
problem is all about. The proponent should describe the existing and prevailing
problem situation based on his or her or company (general) experience. This scope
may be global, national, or regional and local.
Further, The proponents should state a sentence or two that would show the link and
relationship of the rationale of the study to the proposed project

ii. Statement of Objectives

 Present a perplexing situation/phenomenon that challenges a solution of a
felt need which can reflect contribution to knowledge, discipline and/or
theory and within the proponent’s skills and competence, interest and
resources as to time, budget and workability.
 Indicate the direction/guideline of the study and answer the what, where,
when and from whom the data will be gathered in the general problem to
establish delimitation.
 Present the sub-objectives in a logical sequence from factual to analytical
along mutually exclusive dimensions (no overlaps) with the exclusion of
the overview, expected conclusions, implications and recommendations of
the project.

Guidelines in Formulating the Objectives of the Project:

1. Start with the General Objective which is very parallel to the project
2. Explode the general objective into Specific Objectives that will help
realize the proposed study.
3. Objectives should be SMART
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound

iii. Importance/Significance of the Project

 Describe general contribution of the project to new knowledge, society
and or to development in general.
 Cite significance of the project to specific groups, programs, projects,
beneficiaries in the specific performance.

iv. Scope and Limitations of the Project

 Think the project scope as a box. High-level scope defines the sides of the
box and separates what is relevant to your project from what is irrelevant.
 The scope refers to the work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a
product, service, or result with the specified features and functions.
 The scope explains the nature, coverage, and time frame of the study
 The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that are NOT included in
your project.
 In other words, the scope of the project gives an overview all the
deliverables (i.e. the things that your project gives/delivers), and the
tools and technologies used that will be used in the project development
while the limitations of the project are the boundaries of the project (i.e.
areas/things that are out of scope).

v. Definition of Terms
 Only important terms from the title, statement of the problem or
objectives should be defined.
 Define terms operationally or how you use such term in the project.


The Review of Literature showcases previous studies and publications relevant to the project.
This chapter gives light as to what motivated the proponent/s in pursuing the specific field of

A survey or review of related literature and studies is very important because such reviews
literature and studies serve as a foundation of the proposed study. This is because related
literature and studies guide the researcher in pursuing his projectventure.

a. Include a combination of literature and studies within the last 5 years except for theories.
b. Organize thematically to conform to the variables of the specific problems.
c. Follow proper documentation using parenthetical citation with author and date
d. Only articles with dates are allowed as e-references.
e. Secondary sources should be limited to at most 15.
f. Highlight major findings and how one’s project would fit in the body of knowledge on the
subject matter and make a critique per topic as to whether the results cohere or differ from
each other.
g. The last part should be a clinching paragraph to show how the literature has assisted the
project proponent in the present study.

Related Theories
1. Outline first, starting off with an anchor theory
2. Supporting theories help elaborate the anchor theory
3. Endnoting and footnoting is important which follows correct bibliography
4. Fluidity and continuity should be observed

Related Projects

1. Overview of the current system/project

2. Inventory of every related and existing projects/systems
3. Fluidity and continuity should be observed
4. Comparative matrix may be more appropriate
5. Screen shots help make the presentation believable
6. May consider 20 related studies/projects


Project Framework
 Conceptual Framework or
 Present specific and well-defined constructs, assumptions,
expectations and beliefs that support the research study.

 Project Framework
 A diagram that illustrates the relationship of the variables of the
 This may take the form of (1) input-process-output; (2) the true
system approach; (3) flow chart system

3. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY
a. Project Design. Specify, describe and justify the appropriate project design congruent with
the purpose of the study.
b. Population and Locale of the Study
b.1 Population/Participants.
 Describe the population of the respondents or participants of the study. If
there are two groups or more, present it in a tabular form.
 If applicable, describe the basis of the sample specifically what formula, specific
sampling procedure and what probability level. Lynch/sloven formula for
sampling is suggested.

b.2 Locale of the Study.

 Describe the place or location where the study is conducted and rationale of
the choice.

c. Data Instrumentation
c.1 Identify and describe the instrument or approach to used for each descriptive
problem, cite sources, to whom it will be administered, how it will be administered
and how to interpret.
c.2 Validity. Identify and describe the process of measuring and proving the validity of
the instrument.
c.3 Reliability. Identify and describe the process of measuring and proving the reliability
of the instrument. If the instrument is made by the project proponent, a pilot test
should be done with the respondents whose characteristics are parallel to those of
the main respondents. If the instrument is adopted, acknowledge the source and
present/describe the level of reliability.
c.4 Only data collected two (2) years immediately before the final examination are
considered valid.
c.5 Give details of instruction given to assistants if persons other than the researcher
gathered data.
c.6 State qualifications of informants if used in the study.

d. Data Analysis
d.1 Identify and justify the statistical treatment per objective.
d.2 Present and justify the scale of values used and the descriptive equivalent ratings, if
d.3 In case of the IT project, e.g. software/systems development, present and discuss
the software/systems development process used. Include justification why such is

e. Description of Initial Prototype

Description of Initial prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a

concept or process. Prototyping serves to provide specifications for a real, working system rather than a

theoretical one.

e.1 Sample screen flow

e.2 Sample Reports

e.3 Sample data entry screen

e.4 Sample screen (processing in the server side if needed).

Note : Prototype presentation is another requirement of the course.

f. The Proposed Implementation Plan

The Implementation Plan describe how the information system will be deployed, installed,
and transitioned into an operational system. The plan contains an overview of the system, a
brief description of the major tack involved in the implementation, the overall resources
needed to support the implementation effort (such as hardware, software, facilities,
materials, and personnel), and any site-specific implementation requirements.


a. Order of discussion is based on the chronology of the statement of the problem/objectives.

b. First give the reader a feel of the data through descriptive presentation followed by data presentation
in tables or graphs. Presentation of data is from general to specific, macro to micro is better for clarity
of presentation.

c. Let the table speak for itself.

d. State statistical descriptions in declarative sentences, e.g. in studies involving comparison – state the
Obtained statistical results, indicate the level of significance of the differences, then make a decision.

e. Interpretation should include the following:

e1. Trends, patterns, linkages, integrations and generalizations of data in the context of
the study;
e2. Check for indicators whether the hypothesis is supported by the findings;
e3. Interconnections between and among data;
e4. Link present findings with previous literature/theories/concepts presented in the framework;
e5. Parallel observation with contemporary events to give credence to what were presented in
the situation analysis;
e6. Implications of the findings to prevailing conditions in one’s own field of specialization, on-
going programs, current thrusts of the government, existing national policies and current
public attitudes and opinions.

f. For the presentation of the IT project and its discussions, the following may be used:
a. In the case of an IS Plan, the IS Plan may follow any of the established frameworks, such as
that of the National Computer Center.
b. For software systems development, discussion shall include but not limited to:
· Description of the Project
· Requirements (Functional and Non-functional)
· Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes encapsulated using any
appropriate CASE tools
· Development and Testing, where applicable
· Implementation Plan (Infrastructure/Deployment) where needed
· Implementation Results, where applicable


This is the last chapter of the capstone project manuscript and the most important part because it is here
where the findings, and the whole project for that matter, are summarized; generalizations in the form of
conclusions are made; and the recommendations for the solution of problems discovered in the study are

a. Summary. This part includes the statement of the problem/objectives on a paragraph form;
synthesized methodology and salient findings for each of the specific problems/objectives
presented in paragraph form.

b. Conclusions. These are generalized statements from a micro to a macro level based on the
answers to the general problem and each of the specific problems/objectives. General inferences
are presented which are applicable to a wider and similar population.

c. Recommendations. These should be based on the findings and conclusions. Recommendations

should be feasible, workable, flexible and adaptable in a non-technical language and may include
suggestions for further studies.

This is a list of works cited, as well as works consulted, but not cited in the construction of the capstone
Categorize references as published and unpublished.

Under published materials are references from and

sub-categorized as
 books,
 encyclopedia,
 dictionary,
 magazines,
 newspapers,
 journals,
 electronic downloads
under unpublished materials are thesis and dissertations.

The list of references is numbered and arranged alphabetically and single-spaced, but separated by blanks
line. Type the first line of an entry from the left, but indent the succeeding lines of four letters. Underline
name of books, periodicals, and volume numbers.
Author's last name, first initial. (Publication date). Book title. Additional information. City of publication:
Publishing company.

Allen, T. (1974). Vanishing wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.
Boorstin, D. (1992). The creators: A history of the heroes of the imagination. New York: Random House.
Nicol, A. M., & Pexman, P. M. (1999). Presenting your findings: A practical guide for creating tables.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Searles, B., & Last, M. (1979). A reader's guide to science fiction. New York: Facts on File, Inc.

An appendix or appendices, if any, should be after the References.

Appendices include
 Request to conduct study
 original data,
 preliminary tests,
 tabulations,
 questionnaires,
 tables that contain data of lesser importance,
 very lengthy quotations,
 forms and documents,
 computer printouts and;
 Other pertinent documents such as a transcript of the interview (if the interview was used) among others.
 Proponent Vitae
 Users Manual / Operational Manual

Appendices should be arranged chronologically as they are sited in the main text. Use capital letters of the English
alphabet to track appendices.
 A single appendix is labeled “APPENDIX” on the contents page, with or without a title. (if using a title, it
 should be written as “APPENDIX: TITLE”).
 The first page of the appendix itself is labeled by the word “APPENDIX” (centered) and a title capitalized
and centered after a skip line.
 Several appendices are labeled “APPENDICES” on the contents page, with subsequent lines each
containing n indented alphabetic identifier and title such as “A: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE”; other lines
(labeled B, C etc.) follow as needed.
 The appendices proper are then each labeled as “APPENDIX A” (centered) followed after a skip line by the
title centered and capitalized. Appendix pages should be numbered as continuation of the text.
Font, Font Size, Coupon Bond Formating

A. Paper, Ink and Duplication

1. The paper required must conform to the following requirements:
 Color: White
 Size: 8 ½ by 11 inches
 Substance 20 or higher gsm

2. Text, tables and figures must be presented in black ink only. Use line types symbols, shading, and
patterns to distinguish between data. If color is essential to the content, all copies must contain
original color presentations printed in the highest quality, permanent ink, or presented as
photographic prints.

3. Duplication Processes and Materials. All computer typing must be of letter quality. The letters
must be appearing fully formed and the font type must be legible and unambiguous.
Photocopying may be done on any good quality photocopy machine using paper meeting the
requirements of this manual.

B. Cover page and Spine

1. Text in the cover page should include: Title of the capstone project (in inverted pyramid), Name
of the proponent(s), Name of the University, and, month and year of graduation.

2. Contents of Spine should include the following: Name of the proponent(s) (Last, First and Middle
Initial), Title of the Project, Name of the university (PSU) and Year of publication.

C. Margins
For every page, the left margin should be four (4) centimeters or 1 ½ inches. Margins on other
sides shall be two and a half centimeters or one inch. Margin specifications are meant to facilitate
binding and trimming. All information including page numbers should be within the text area. The
margin regulations must be met on all pages used in the capstone project document including pages
with figures, tables, or illustrations.

D. Preparation of Manuscript
1. Text
a. Original signatures on the approval page must be in black ink. The document must be signed
by the Chairman of the OrEC, the members of the OrEC, the Adviser, the College Dean, and
the Campus Executive Director
b. For the undergraduate program, signatories would only be up to the level of the Campus
Executuve Director.
c. Printing must be done in ink jet or laser printers.
d. The general text shall be encoded using any word processing software such as Microsoft
Word or OpenOffice Writer, in a standard serif font type. Acceptable serif type font style is
Times Roman Style.
e. The general text shall be in a font size of 12 point. All symbols shall be from an acceptable
font. Text in figures and in tables must be readable, and the font size shall not be smaller
than 9 point.
f. Corrections: The following should be strictly observed.
 Strikeovers, interlineations or crossing-out of letters or words are unacceptable.
 No erasures.
 The use of liquid paper and of transparent tape for patching is not acceptable in any
g. Materials must be printed on one side of the paper only.
h. Text is justified on both sides.

2. Spacing, Paragraphing and Indentions

a. The general text of the manuscript shall be double spaced.
b. Single-space should be used in tables with more than ten (10) rows, quotations with more
than ten (10), line captions with more than ten (10), line captions with more than 2 lines and
bibliographic entries.
c. Paragraph indentions shall be five (5) spaces.

3. Page Numbering
a. The preliminary pages are numbered in consecutive lower case Roman numerals. These
should be centered at the bottom.
b. The text and all reference pages, including the Appendices, are numbered consecutively in
Arabic numbers, beginning with 1 on the first page of the text.
c. Every page on which any typing or drawing appears has a number.
d. The title page segregating each chapter and major sections is counted but not numbered.
e. The inserted pages numbered 10a, 10b, 10c, etc., are not acceptable.
f. The position of the page number is not altered by horizontal or vertical placement of the
Table or Figure.

4. Multi-Volume Documents
a. If the bulk of the document necessitates two or more binders, the separation into volumes
should come at the end of major divisions of the document.
b. The title page is repeated in each volume and all are identical, except for the words “Volume
I” and “Volume II”, etc., just below the title.
c. The title pages of Volumes I, II, III, etc., are neither counted nor numbered.
d. All other preliminaries are in Volume I.
e. In numbering the text and the pages of Reference Material, numbering is continuous from
Volume I to the end of the last Volume.

E. Tables, Figures and Plates

1. Definitions
a. “Table” is a tool generally used to designate tabulated numerical data or text in the body of
the document and in the Appendices.
b. “Figure” is generally used to designate other non-verbal material (such as graph or
illustrations) included in the body of the document and in the Appendices.
c. “Plate” refers to any kind of photographic representation or illustration.

2. Preparation of Tables
a. Every table should be given a number and should be cited in the text by that number, either
directly or parenthetically.
b. Numeration of tables should be chronologically continues through the text or the whole
book. Arabic numerals are used.
c. The table number should be typed flushed left together with the title.
d. The title or caption set above the body of the table should identify the table briefly.
e. Title of the table should be based on the specific problem or objective.
f. There should only be two rows or three rows, and one column within the table, double line
for the first and last lines.
g. Give each row and column a heading so the reader knows to what it refers.
h. A table may be placed sideways (landscape) on the page. Place the table caption sideways
also so that all parts can be conveniently read together.
i. The first letter of a variable/factor inside the table should be capitalized.
j. Legend should be placed below the table where the symbol or acronym was first used, in ten
(10) point font size, italicized and single-spaced.
k. Symbols should be used for level of significance.
l. A period is placed after the “Table No”.
m. All tables must be referred to in the text by number.

3. Preparation of Figures and Plates

a. Numeration of figures and plates should be chronologically continued throughout the text or
whole book. Arabic numerals are used.
b. Title or caption is set below the figure or plate.
c. Define abbreviations and symbols used in each figure or plate.
d. All figures and plates must be placed immediately after the page where a particular figure or
plate number is mentioned.
e. All figures and plates must be well explained in the text.
f. The word “figure” or “plate” should be spelled out.
g. A period follows after the number of the figure and plate.
h. Figures and plates should be oriented vertically whenever possible.
i. Photographic illustrations to be used in the document must wither original photographs or
high-quality reproductions.

4. Placement
a. All tables, figures and plates are placed either at the top or bottom portion of the page.
Sandwiching the table, figure or plate is not allowed.
b. Tables, figures, and the plates must first be introduced in textual form before its

F. Oversize Pages
1. Seats up to 8.5 by 13 inches or larger are acceptable in exceptional cases.

APA Formatting

Reference list:
Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Lecture title [Format]. Retrieved from College Name Course
name Course Management Name site.
Mokry, J. (2007). Lecture 3: The wonders of APA [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Utica College HLS 342 Engage
Single author

In-text citation:
(Author, Year)
     (Mokri, 2007)

Two authors
In-text citation:
(Author1 & Author2 , Year)
     (Mokri & Mamdel, 2007)

More that two Authors

In-text citation:
(Author el. At, Year)
     (Mokri el. At, 2007)

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