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1. Fahri : “Did you know? Aisyah got 9 for her English.

Maria : “Wow! …..”
a. I’m sorry to hear that
b. Yes, he is
c. How are you
d. How intelligent

2. Rumini is ….. soundly in her bedroom.

a. Sitting
b. Working
c. Reading
d. Sleeping

3. Uncle is hospitalized because he ….. an accident on his way to the office

a. Met
b. Send
c. Got
d. Put

4. Ms. Rina: Students, pay attention please!

Students: Yes, miss.
The underlined sentence is the expression of asking for…..
a. Help
b. Permission
c. Attention
d. Opinion

5. The following expressions can be used to ask for attention, except….

a. May I have your attention, please?
b. Would you look at me, please?
c. Would you give me a hand please?
d. Are you listening to me?

6. Rumini: Kholis, which dress do you think I should buy? The blue one or the red
Kholis: In my opinion, the blue dress suits you better.
From the dialog, we know that Kholis is expressing her…..

a. Understanding
c. Opinion
b. Attention
d. Appreciation

7. Deri: What do you ….. about this t-shirt?

Umar: I think it’s a great t-shirt.
a. Think
b. Think of
c. Like it
d. For
8. How old is Ansor?
a. Twelve years old
b. Seventeen years old
c. Fifteen years old
d. Fourteen years old

9. When was Ansor born?

a. in 2007
b. in 2006
c. in 2005
d. in 2004

10. Where does he live?

a. Jl. Pramuka no.10
b. Jl. Pramuka no.11
c. Jl. Cicondet No.10
d. Jl. Cicondet no.11

11. Dede: Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

Wahyudi: I don’t think so. I think if we learn seriously, there are no difficult lessons
including Physics.
According to the dialogue between Dede and Wahyudi, which sentence is the
expression of asking for opinion?

a. I don’t think so.

b. there is no difficult lesson including Math
c. I think if we learn seriously
d. Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

12. Which of the following adjectives cannot be used to express compliment?

a. Awesome!
b. Cool!
c. Awful!
d. Lovely!

13. A ….. sells vegetables.

a. Farmer
b. Gardener
c. Carpenter
d. Butcher

14. Look! The dog is …..… meat because the dog is hungry!
a. Sleeping
b. Walking
c. Fishing
d. Eating

15. Mr. Ervan is a civil servant. He ….. at a government office

a. Worked
b. Works
c. Working
d. Work

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