All The Modules in The Origination App-Chennai

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All the modules in the Origination App (Retail Origination & SME Origination) are

converted into Micro Apps and provided as a single Composite Micro App.

Micro Apps are applications designed to target specific functionality which are fast
and efficient than the monolithic application. Micro App is a grouping of UI, logic, and
data components that are bound to a back end through an API layer of micro-services
that have discrete functionality that is deployed as part of a larger application.

While traditional monolithic apps contain a complex suite of functionality, including

front-end and back-end operations leading to loading or build-time issues, Micro Apps
are smaller and easily manageable components resulting in enhanced loading and
build times with targeted functionality.

Each Micro App is designed to achieve a specified business goal and carries out a
specific work flow. Every Micro App has two components namely:

• Front-end Visualizer Micro App: Includes a collection of forms and a business

logic based on its functionality.

• Fabric Micro App: Includes a collection of object services that covers all the
associated experience APIs and integration APIs.

Advantages of Micro Apps:

• Productivity: A separate code base that can be developed, tested and deployed

• Modularization: Functionality is modularized to fulfill the specific business

goals independently.

• Release: Release only the Micro App which has changed.

• Upgrade: Upgrades only the required individual Micro App.

Origination App is a single composite Micro App which is applicable for all the
following journeys:

• Retail Account Origination

• Retail Loan Origination

• SME Account Origination

• SME Loan Origination

Assist App is mandatory for all the Origination (Retail Origination and SME Origination)

Micro Apps List

The following table provides detailed information on the list of Origination Micro

For a quick view of all the Visualiser and Fabric Micro Apps, click here.

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