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Explosive Growth Drive

Vision 2032

SUNDAY 7th Sunday Service

MAY 2023


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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

SUNDAY 14th Sunday Service

MAY 2023


TEXT: JOHN 15:16

‘Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth
fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may
give it to you.’

In every generation, God chooses people for His assignment, He chose Moses to lead the children of
Israel out of Egypt. He chose Joshua to lead the children of Israel into the promised land that the Lord
divided to them. He chose Paul to reveal the mysteries of Christ to the Gentiles. However, in this
generation, He has chosen you to bear fruits and your fruits should abide.


To bear fruits means to save souls. Rom. 16:5, Rom. 1:13.


1. You are chosen and ordained by God to bear fruits, bearing fruits is simply living your destiny.
Jn. 15:16.
2. Being fruitful is God’s commandment and blessing to you when He created you.
Gen. 1:26-28.
3. You are carrying His Spirit, so you are empowered to bear fruits.

1. A fruit bearer will access a strange level of wisdom that will produce supernatural &
extraordinary results. Prov. 11:30, Prov. 4:7.
2. A fruit bearer will shine as a star forever, stardom is the destiny of a fruit bearer.
Dan. 12:3, Deut. 28:13, Math 5:14.
3. A fruit bearer has the devils and demons subject to him, he has control over the demons and
powers of darkness. Lk. 10:17


1. Decide and be determined to start immediately after this service. 1 Sam. 21:8.
2. Reach out to someone in your peer group, family, relatives, friends, or co-workers in your office
and tell them about Jesus. Jn. 1:45-46. Ask them to come and see, and invite them to church.
3. Use your social media platforms to share the goodness of Jesus use tracts, church fliers or any
available means.
4. Pray for the person you have reached out to till Christ is formed in them. Gal. 4:19.

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Realise, you are created to bear fruits, you are empowered by God’s Spirit to do it and as you go ahead,
there are benefits in bearing fruit.
Start today and you will discover your prayer points will suddenly become testimonies as a result of
your obedience.
However, before you can become a fruit bearer, you must be a fruit. We have discovered from the
teaching that fruits are souls. You need to give your life to Jesus now so you can become a fruit and bear


1. Father, as I engage in fruit bearing from now, I access supernatural wisdom and produce
extraordinary results.
2. Father, as I begin to bear fruits today, I enter into stardom, I will never be obscured anymore in
Jesus’ name, I become a global phenomenon.
3. Father, from today, because I am a fruit bearer, I decree, all demons are subject to me in Jesus'

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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

SUNDAY 21st Sunday Service

MAY 2023


TEXT: Jn. 15:16

‘‘Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth
fruit, and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may
give it you.’’

To understand the function of a machine, we need to understand the intentions of the manufacturer that
necessitates the manufacturing of the machine. The word of God is the mind of God that reveals to us
the intentions of the Father.

The word of God reveals to us that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings Eph. 1:3. However, we
need to access these blessings in our day-to-day lives. All over the scripture, supernatural blessings are
scattered everywhere but we need to know how to access these benefits and blessings.


A supernatural blessing is an enablement advantage, opportunity, gift, or access that is beyond human
ability but from above, a gift from God.


1. Fruit bearing is the key to walking in the supernatural signs and wonders.
Mk. 16:15-20.
2. Fruit bearing is the secret of having beautiful feet (a beautiful life). Rom. 10:15
3. Fruit bearing is obeying God’s commandment and those who obey are qualified to enjoy the
good of the Lord. Isa. 1:19
4. Fruit bearing is your opportunity to make God happy, and when God is happy with you, blessings
are released upon you. Lk. 15:7, Rom. 8:31
5. Fruit-bearing guarantees supernatural provisions. Matt. 6:33
6. Fruit-bearing guarantees access to God’s divine presence. Matt. 28:20


1. Men are God’s strategy for reaching and saving the world, He needs you. Rom. 10:14,
2 Cor. 5:18
2. The harvest is plenty, a lot of people are in darkness, and they need light, but the labourers are
few. Lk. 10:2, Matt. 9:37-38
3. The salvation of the world is one major purpose of the supernatural blessings, there are blessings
you won’t access until you begin to bear fruits.

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The blessings are there waiting for you to take possession but there is a password to accessing them
which is ‘Fruit Bearing’. You can start today, and you will suddenly become a carrier of these
supernatural blessings. However, only labourers in God’s vineyard are entitled to wages (supernatural
blessings) from God. 1Tim. 5:18, Jn. 4:35-36. If you are not a labourer (fruit bearer) you are not entitled
to supernatural blessings. To access these supernatural blessings, you need to give your life to Christ.
By this, you can now become a labourer in his vineyard so you can access the blessings.


1. Father, as I become a fruit bearer today, I will begin to enjoy the blessings of your supernatural
presence all the days of my life.
2. Father, as I become a fruit bearer, from today, I begin to walk in the supernatural, I walk in
miracles, signs and wonders.
3. Father, as I become a fruit bearer, from today, my life becomes beautiful.
4. Father, as I become a fruit bearer from today, I enjoy supernatural provisions.

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Vision 2032

SUNDAY 28th Sunday Service

MAY 2023


TEXT: Jn. 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth
fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he
may give it you.

Many people claim to pray, some get answers to their prayers, and some don’t get answers, this is not
because God is not a prayer answering God but because they didn’t pray accurately
Jam. 4:3. God is a prayer answering God.
1 Jn. 5:14. If we pray according to God’s will, He hears us. So, it means if He doesn’t hear us, we are
not praying according to His will.

The scripture is the book that reveals the will of God to us. From our text, we see that if we bear fruit
and our fruits abide then, whatever we ask God, He will hear us and answer us.
Bearing fruit is great but establishing your fruit is far more important. It is the will of God that our
fruits abide.
For your fruits to abide, means to be established in Christ and in Church, to stay connected. Jn. 15:16.


1. It is a command from Jesus. Jn. 15:4
2. Abiding is the secret of bearing much fruit. Jn. 15:5.
3. We are chosen and ordained to bear fruits and they should abide. Jn. 15:16.
4. Abiding is staying connected to Jesus for without Jesus, you can do nothing. Jn. 15:5.
5. Abiding is the secret of answered prayers. Jn 15:7
If you want your prayers to be answered, then you must ensure that you bear fruits and that your
fruits should abide.

Establishing our fruits/souls is a sure means of getting answers to our prayers.


1. Living as a worthy example to the souls saved. 2 Cor. 3:2, 1 Tim.4:12.
2. Engage in follow-up. Acts 15:36.
3. Pray for the establishment of your fruits in Christ and church. Gal. 4.19


‘‘Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one
another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.’’ Heb. 10:25
1. For spiritual nourishment and growth.1 Peter 2:2
2. For preservation: So, they won’t go back to the world. 2 Peter 2:22
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3. They need to be in a family of faith that strengthens them. 1 Cor. 12: 20-25

Only those who are fruits and are abiding can bear abiding fruits, they are the ones that can get
answers to their prayers. God doesn’t hear the prayer of a sinner. Jn. 9:3
For your prayers to be answered, you need to accept Jesus now.


1. Father, I pray for all my fruits that they are established in you and the church in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, from today, I am empowered to bear much fruits that will abide in Jesus' name.
3. Father, from today, as my fruits abide, I get answers to my prayers in Jesus' name.
4. Personal prayers.

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Vision 2032

TUESDAY 2nd Digging Deep

MAY 2023

TEXTS: Gen. 1:28, Jn.15: 1-8

Throughout the Bible, the Lord gave commands to humanity. One of the first commands, He gave at
least twice in the Book of Genesis was that He commanded mankind through Adam and Eve: “…Be
fruitful and multiply…” Gen. 1:28. After flooding the earth, the Lord repeated to Noah, his sons, and
his sons’ sons: “And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply
therein.” Gen. 9:7. Just to confirm that it is His everlasting plan, He repeated this command even more
forcefully through Jesus in the book of John (Jn 15:2). It is therefore obvious that fruitfulness was
commanded by God to every Christian across all generations. Jesus even states that it is not just a one-
time fruitfulness that is expected of us, but much fruits that abide.


The first foundational verse in understanding the theme of fruitfulness is in Gen. 1:27-28, "… “Be
fruitful and multiply and fill the earth….”
Two arms are seen from here:
1. Fruitful
2. Multiplication
From the above Scriptures, to be fruitful and multiply means to be born again, then go on to become
Christlike and then go on to produce more people like us. Matt.15:18-20, Rom.7:5
• First, become a saved soul and show forth the fruit or evidence of your salvation. This is called
fruitfulness. 1 Pet. 2:1-3, Jam. 1:21
• Then go on to produce more like you. This is called multiplication. The process of this is called
Soul Winning. John 4:39, Acts 1:8
• Then go on to ensure that they are established – This is called discipleship. Matt.28:19
• Then go on to produce until the earth is subdued – This is called much fruit. Matt. 24:14

1. God frowns at it. God is grieved. Jer. 2:21, Isa. 5:1-4,7
2. Walking under closed heavens. Isa. 5:6,7
3. Enlargement of hell. Isa. 5:11-14
4. Uncleanable blood on our hands. Ezk. 3:18,20
This is not a time to be at ease in Zion. Have you genuinely met with the Lord? Are you walking daily
in Him? Are the fruits of your repentance and faith visible in your life? Have you started taking the
commanded steps to produce more saved souls like you to the glory of God and for the expansion of the
Church here on earth and in heaven?

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Vision 2032

TUESDAY 9th Digging Deep

MAY 2023


TEXTS: Jn. 15:16; 1 Pet. 1:5-10

The above shows the possibility of being saved and yet being unfruitful. God has blessed us and
empowered us with His Spirit to live a godly lifestyle and to make disciples in all nations starting from
where we are right now.


1. Abide in him. Jn. 15:4
2. Cultivate a fruitfulness mindset. Pro. 23:7
3. Begin each day with a sense of expectation. Gen. 13:15
4. Ask God to give you an evangelistic burden for others. 1 Cor. 9:16
• Keep a little prayer list, and pray for an opportunity of reaching these souls for Christ.
Eph. 3:14-19
5. Know the fear and the terror of the Lord. Pro. 9:10, Pro. 11:30, 2 Cor. 5:11
6. Determine to make profits with the Holy Spirit in you. 1 Cor. 12:7
7. See your interactions with other people as divine appointments. Psa. 37:23, Col. 3:17, 1 Cor.
10:31, 1 Pet. 3:15, Acts 17:23
8. Build bridges to others. 1 Cor.9:20-22

You and I are the vehicles God uses to bring sinners into His Kingdom. We must therefore be deliberate
in bringing the unsaved into the Kingdom or they will be lost forever.

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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

TUESDAY 16th Digging Deep

MAY 2023


TEXTS: Gen. 1:28, Jn.15: 1-8

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.” Pro. 11:30
And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to
righteousness as the stars forever and ever. Dan. 12:3

Many Christians hear the above scriptures all the time and they even preach it; yet there are only very
few involved in this aspect of fruit-bearing. The few that do are not committed to much fruits. So we
ask what could possibly be the problem?

In our study today, we will look at some of the obstacles and also at the obligations of bearing fruits
which will motivate us to commit ourselves to this forgotten business of God.


1. Laziness. Pro. 26:13, Ecc. 10:18
2. Variableness. Rev. 3:16, 1 Cor.15:8
3. Fear - The fear of saying the wrong thing, The fear of being mocked, The fear of rejection etc.
But the Bible says perfect love overrides fear Acts 4:31, 1 Jn 4:18; Rev. 18:10, Pro.29:25
4. The difficulties with our adversary. Eph. 6:12
a. Satan will cause resentment in the hearts of sinners. Lk 9:51-56
b. Satan will turn the sinner’s attention on the unpleasant features of the Gospel message.
c. Satan will create difficult and embarrassing situations. Acts 16:23-31
d. Satan will by numerous means try to discourage the soul-winner. 2 Cor.4: 8-9


Knowing that fruitfulness is an obligation should drive us beyond and over any obstacles in our way.
The following Scriptures will help us to see Soulwinning as an obligation and not a suggestion.
Rom.1:14, Mk. 16:15, Matt. 28:18,19, Lk. 2:49, Psa. 126:6, Pro. 11:30, Ecc. 11:1,6, Jn. 3:36, Psa.
Please note that even though a sense of obligation will keep us going regardless of any barrier, we must
understand that God doesn’t want us to do things out of compulsion. (1 Cor. 9:7). It is the Love of
Christ that should constrain us to become fruitful. 2 Cor. 5:14&15.

We have been chosen from eternity (Eph. 1:4), by the Lord of Glory, and set aside to the vocation of
winning the lost (Eph. 2:10). Are we fulfilling that high purpose for which the Lord has saved us? He
has ordained that we should ’Go and bring forth fruit…’ - that is, produce results! 2 Cor. 5:14-15&20,
Ezk. 33:7-8, Dan. 12:3, Isa. 53:11
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Vision 2032

TUESDAY 23rd Digging Deep

MAY 2023


TEXTS. Jn. 15:16, Gal. 4:19

We are still looking at fruits here in the context of souls won through our soul-winning activities. You
cannot go on to having much fruits if you don’t work at making sure that the souls abide as you win
them. They cannot stand on their own at birth. This was the reason why Apostle Paul said he kept
travailing for his new converts until they grow into Christlikeness.


1. Paul, when he was converted. Acts 9:10-18
2. New Christians at Antioch. Acts 13:38-44
3. New Christians at Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. Acts 14:21-23
4. Timothy. Acts 16:1-5
1. The value of each soul. Matt. 16:26
2. The need for love. Every parent love to see their children grow healthy in all ramifications. 1 Cor. 16:14,
Jn. 15:12, Mk. 12:31
3. The need for nourishment. Jn 21:15-17, 1 Pet. 2:2
4. The need for protection. 1 Pet. 5:8, 2 Cor. 11:14,15, 1 Thess. 3:5
5. The need for Maturity of the converts – till they become righteous workers in the ministry.
Phil 2:15,16, Eph. 4:12-14, 1 Thess. 2:12
6. Uniting them with the main body of Christ. Eph. 4:12
7. Healthy growth of the Church. Lk. 14:23, Eph. 4:12
8. Eventually reaching others through them. Eph. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:22


1. Take responsibility for their growth. 1 Cor. 4:15,16
2. Personal contact. Mk. 3:14, Phi. 1:23,24, Pro. 18:24
3. Modelling the way for them. 1 Cor. 11:1, 1 Thess. 2:6,7, Phi.4:9
4. Share things from your personal life as well as the scriptures. 1 Thess. 2:6,7, Ps. 119: 98, Matt.
5. Putting them in the care of other believers. (Follow up team, ministers, workers, house
fellowship etc.) Phil. 2:19-24
6. Personal prayer and intercession for them consistently. 1 Thess. 5:18, Phi. 1:7&8

There is a need for self-examination and repentance for souls we have allowed to slip back into
ungodliness due to lack of proper follow-up. We must henceforth travail like Apostle Paul not only until
all those around us are reached for Christ but until Christ is formed in them.

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TUESDAY 30th Digging Deep

MAY 2023


TEXTS: Jn. 15:1-8, Acts 2:38-47

The early church in the book of Acts was evangelical and no wonder God kept adding to the church
daily. Let’s ask ourselves a sincere question- if the church today had taken the task of soul winning the
way the early church did, how far would we have gone in winning the world for Christ?’ I am sure we
would have recorded greater success.
Brethren, the attitude of some churches towards this urgent and most noble task indicates they are
ignorant of certain facts:
❖ That the more we delay in reaching the unsaved the harder it becomes in reaching them.
❖ That the territory we don’t take for Christ is taking over by darkness.
❖ That when an unsaved person dies without the opportunity to hear the gospel he/she is lost
❖ That this gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all nations as a witness to them before the
Lord can return.
Therefore, in this study, we shall be considering the necessary ingredients and practices of a fruitful


Let us notice the necessary ingredients for having a soul-winning church.
1. A Soul-Winning Pastor. Acts 2:38, 1 Cor. 11:1, Jn. 4:34, Lk. 19:10, Psa. 69:9
The early church was led by Peter – a persistent soul winner. It is utter folly to think that a soul-
winning church could exist without a soul-winning pastor. Someone said that everything rises
and falls on leadership. If a church is to be a warm, evangelistic, soul-winning institution, it must
be led by a soul-winning pastor.
2. Soul-winning ministers. Amos 3:3, 1 Cor:9:16
The early Church had persistent soul winners like Stephen, Philip and later Paul among the
3. Soul Winning congregations. Acts 2:42-47
All the members of the early Church acted as one – creating the right atmosphere for the addition
of souls to the Church.
4. Holy Spirit-filled leaders and members abiding in the Lord. Jn. 15:5, Acts 1:8, Acts 13:2,
Acts 4:31&32


1. The pastor takes the lead in soul-winning. 1 Cor. 11:1
2. They habitually teach fruitfulness/Soul Winning. 1 Pet. 3:15
3. They preach sermons geared towards the saving of souls. Mk. 1:14, Lk. 4:43, Acts 8:12,
Acts 20:25
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4. They are prepared to be very patient as people grow and invest a serious amount of time in
helping people become disciples. Heb. 13:2
5. They operate a church without walls. Matt. 22:9-11; They take the church to the people. Acts
6. Radical Hospitality. Acts 2:44&45
7. Constantly extending God’s invitations to social programs. Matt. 22:8-9.
8. Welcome strangers. Deu. 10:19, Heb. 13:2, Matt. 25:40, Matt. 18:5; Warm and non-
condemning welcome. Rom. 15:7, Lk. 19:5-10
9. Timely and planned follow-ups. Acts 14:21
10. A chain of discipleship program. Acts 2:42, Matt. 28:18,19
Have a definite plan for beginning discipleship and pair them with people who can most likely
have the best influence on them and who can devote the best amount of time.

Everything we do in the church should have behind it the underlying passion to see sinners saved and
the saved grow up to the full measure of Christ. Lk 19:10; Eph. 4:11-14.

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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

THURSDAY 4th Faith Clinic

MAY 2023
Prayer Bulletin
Theme: Much Fruits (Part 1)
Bible Text: John 15:1-16

Jesus’ teachings reveal the fact that not every branch of a tree produces fruits even if all the branches
are exposed to the same possibilities. However, we cannot overemphasize the imminent expectation of
the husbandman who has made every resource for productivity. Jesus resorted to using this metaphor to
establish the mind of God and his purposes in the life of every believer/church. Jesus was careful to tell
us what awaits the believers that bear no fruits and the blessings which await those who do. Hence, we
need the help of God in the place of prayer.

1. Father, thank you for saving my soul in your mercy. Psa. 136:1 – 3

2. Father, thank you for creating me after your image and likeness. Gen. 1: 27

3. Father, we want to say thank you for giving to us through our Father in the Lord the mandate to
win souls and to double in aggressive evangelism.

4. Father, please forgive me for not bearing fruits as I ought to in Jesus' name. Jn. 15:8

5. Father, if there is any way I have been severed away from you due to being unfruitful, please,
by your mercy restore me today in the name of Jesus. Jn. 15:6

6. Father, deliver me from ignorance and disobedience to your word in Jesus' name.
Gen. 1:28, Hos. 4:6b

7. According to your words in Gen. 1:28, you have commanded upon us an irreversible blessing
to be fruitful. Please, rebuke any anti-fruitful tendencies in Jesus' mighty name.

8. Father, by your mercy, please take away from your church any form of lackadaisical approach
to soul-winning in Jesus' name. wake us up to our first love. Rev. 3:16

9. Father, you desire that I be fruitful, please help me to utilize every resource you have given unto
me in the name of Jesus. Lk. 13:8-9

10. Lord Jesus, you are the true vine, I submit totally to your Lordship. Please, make me fruitful in
Jesus' name. Jn. 15:4

11. Father, I am not ashamed to declare my helplessness unto you, I can’t do anything on my own,
please make my efforts to bring souls to you in Jesus' name.
Zec. 4:6

12. Father, all your investment in me to be fruitful will not be in vain in Jesus' name. Help me to use
my privileged position to draw men to you in Jesus' name. Est. 4:14

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13. Father, please revive me and set my heart on fire afresh to take the message of salvation to my
friends, families, and colleagues in Jesus' name. Jer. 20:9

14. Father, please take away shyness and timidity in preaching the gospel from my life in Jesus'
name. Acts 2:14, 2 Tim. 1:17

15. Father, please let the zeal of your work and kingdom consume me in Jesus' name.
Psa. 69:9a

16. Father, let there be an outpouring of your spirit in RCCG parishes so that we can with boldness
declare the lordship of Jesus to the world. Acts 1:8

17. Father thank you for answering our prayers. 1 Jn. 5:14

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THURSDAY 11th Faith Clinic

MAY 2023


You would have thought that a tree which had enough leaves would be fruitful, but it was not. This
is a good description of the life of any Believer who has tasted the grace of God and he/she is
enjoying His goodness but not bringing joy to Him through soul-winning. What do we think brings
heaven the greatest Joy if not that sinners come to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and
Saviour? God has saved and blessed us but the question to ask ourselves is “How has all of God’s
goodness in our lives resulted in the expansion of his kingdom?” The Lord must help us tonight!

1. Father, thank you for saving my soul from sin and eternal condemnation.

2. Father, thank you for making me be a part of this kingdom agenda of bringing others into your
Kingdom. Mat.22:14; Jn. 15:16

3. O Lord my God, please help me to be an addicted and effective, and productive child of yours
in Jesus' name. Jn. 15:8

4. Father, I am tired of the spiritual coldness, please revive me in the work of evangelism.

5. Father, your word says the axe is laid unto the root of the tree to hewn down any tree that bringeth
forth not good fruits, please, have mercy on me and help me to do my part in Jesus' name.
Matt. 3:10

6. My Father in heaven, in anyway I have been preoccupied with the affairs of this world, please
deliver me today in Jesus name. Matt. 13:22, 1Jn. 2:16-17

7. Lord, I pray that you give me an adequate understanding of the accompanying blessing of
fruitfulness. Rom. 10:15, pro. 11:30

8. Father, stir up in me the fire for soul-winning and evangelism in Jesus' name.
Rom. 1: 14-15, Jn. 15:16

9. Father, in your mercy please restore to me every opportunity I have lost to evangelize my
neighbours, friends, family members and others. Jon. 3:1-3

10. I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that I will not be considered a fruitless/unprofitable
servant in the name of Jesus. Matt. 25:24-25

11. Father, by the time you return, may I not be reprimanded for lack of fruitfulness.
Matt. 25:14-30

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12. By the power in the name of Jesus, I will be fruitful in all ramifications in season and out of
season in the name of Jesus. Psa. 1:3

13. Father, please help me to be diligent and faithful in my contribution towards the mandate of
doubling in the name of Jesus. Lk. 16:10

14. Father, add to your church (RCCG) daily in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:4

15. Father in your way bless everyone who is committed to this vision of soul-winning in Jesus'
name. Lk 5:3-7

16. Father thank you for answering our prayers. 1Jn. 5:14

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THURSDAY 18th Faith Clinic

MAY 2023

Prayer Bulletin
Theme: Much Fruits (Part 3)
Text: Matt. 13:1-8, 24-30

Brethren, the above parable teaches certain truths about effective and productive evangelism. If our
efforts towards bringing sinners to God will not end in futility, then we must intercede for the unsaved
and also against the operations of the kingdom of darkness that have kept them bound in ignorance and
sin. Now is the time to stand in the Gap for the unsaved and as we do, may the Lord Jesus who is the
great Intercessor will also intervene in our issues in Jesus' name.

1. Father thank you for saving my soul; Thank you for giving me an understanding of the message
of salvation. Matt. 13:16

2. Heavenly Father, please open the eyes of the unsaved in our churches, families, community, and
nation to see their true spiritual state in Jesus' name. Rev. 3:17-18

3. Heavenly Father, as we go out to preach the gospel, take away every veil preventing them from
seeing the glorious light of the gospel in Jesus' name. 2 Cor. 4:4

4. Father let the entrance of your Word give light to every darkened heart in Jesus' name.
Psa 119:130

5. Father, as we preach the gospel deliver those who have been taken over by the spirit of delusion
in Jesus' name. Rom. 1:28

6. Father, in your name we bind every spirit of distraction, attempting to turn the unsaved from
salvation as we preach in Jesus' name. Acts 13:8

7. Father, we take authority and bind the spirit of buying and selling that divert the attention of the
unsaved when the Word is being preached in Jesus' name. Matt. 21:12

8. Father, let your Word in our mouths come with so much simplicity and accuracy to turn the heart
of the unsaved to you in Jesus' name. 2 Cor.4:3, Jn 4: 10-16

9. Father, in your mercy, open the eyes of the unsaved to see the vanity of life without eternal life.
Ecc. 1:2

10. Father, in your mercy, open the eyes of the unsaved to see the vanity of wealth without eternal
life in Jesus' name. Matt.13:22; Matt.16:26

11. Father, in your mercy, open the eyes of the unsaved to see the vanity of fame in this world if
their names are not written in the Book of Life. Rev.20:15

12. Father, open the eyes of the unsaved to see and know your Son as the only way to everlasting
life with you in Jesus' name. Acts 4:10-12

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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

13. Father, as we preach the gospel cause your Word to proceed with so much power to pull down
every stronghold of false religion in the minds of the unsaved. 2 Cor. 10:4

14. Father, in your mercy, restore everyone who has backslid because of the trials and challenges
of life. Matt.13:21

15. Father, let any force challenging the spread of the gospel in my community bow now in the name
of Jesus. Acts 4:17

16. By the power that raised Jesus from the dead, we command every spiritually blind eye to open
in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor. 4:4

17. Father thank you for answering our prayers. 1Jn 5:14

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Explosive Growth Drive
Vision 2032

THURSDAY 25th Faith Clinic

MAY 2023

Prayer Bulletin
TEXT: JN. 15:16, JN. 12:24, MATT. 16:24 MSG
At the centre of every fruit-bearing life is a life that has completely surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus
Christ. Today we shall be praying for mainly for ourselves as the branches are expected to bear much


1. Father thank you for saving my soul and making me a vessel unto honour in your hand in Jesus'
name. 2 Tim.2:21

2. Father, thank you for your mercies that prevail over judgment. Psa. 86:15

3. Father, help me to die to the flesh daily so that I may bear much fruits in Jesus' name.
Jn. 3:30, 1 Cor. 15:31

4. Father, whatever is in my life that might be turning people away from you, please take it away
in Jesus name. Matt.5:16

5. Father, you are the one in charge, I receive grace to totally surrender my will and perceptions to
you in Jesus' name. Matt. 16:24

6. According to your words in Jn. 12:32, please draw men to yourself as my lifestyle glorifies you
in Jesus' name.

7. Father, if you are looking for a man to stand in the gap for my generation, please here I am, use
me. Ezk. 22:30

8. Lord, help me not to stand in the way of your move in Jesus' name. Lk 7:30

9. I decree in the name of Jesus, that in my days, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord shall cover
the earth as the water covers the sea in Jesus' name. Hab. 2:14

10. Father, your word says in the days of your power the people shall be willing, let that day be
today in Jesus' name. Psa. 110:3

11. Father, please grant me several opportunities to witness wherever I go henceforth. Col. 4:3

12. Father, abundantly bless everyone who has been committed to this vision of expanding your
kingdom in Jesus' name.

13. Father thank you for answering our prayers. 1 Jn. 5:14

14. Father, thank you for the success of EGD month in Jesus' name.

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