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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

Tanauan Campus
Tanauan, Leyte



I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Define and identify the different cooking techniques on how to get

or keep the flavors of food.
b. Identify the differences between varieties of cooking techniques.
c. Give the importance of knowing and understanding the proper
methods of the different cooking practices.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Techniques on How to Get or Keep the Flavor
B. References: The Essence of Gastronomy (Understanding the Flavor
of Foods and Beverages by Peter Klosse)
C. Materials/Platform: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector,
Printed Materials, Bond papers and Markers
D. Attitude: Value the Importance of Techniques on How to Get or Keep
the Flavors of Food
E. Teaching Strategy: Discussion, Questioning

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Classroom Management
• Checking of Attendance
• Review of the Previous Lesson

B. Motivation

The teacher will conduct a game entitled “Jumbled Letters”, in

which she will group the class into two (2) groups and select a (1)
representative for each group. As the teacher flashes the jumbled letters,
each representative will be given 60 seconds to analyze the jumbled letters
and provide the correct answer with the help of their group members.

After identifying correctly, the jumbled letters, the teacher will now ask
the students what the topic will be.

Directions: Analyze the following jumbled letters and rearrange it to form a new




 What were the words that you have formed?

 Based on the following words, what do you think is our lesson for today?

Lesson Proper
C. Activity

Group the students into 4.

Each group will have to list
down as many as
they can the ingredients used in
preparing salads. They have to
make a
recipe out of the ingredients
they have listed. Each group
will have to
report their output in front of
the class.
Group the students into 4. Each
group will have to list down as
many as
they can the ingredients used in
preparing salads. They have to
make a
recipe out of the ingredients
they have listed. Each group
will have to
report their output in front of
the class.
cGroup the students into 4.
Each group will have to list
down as many as
they can the ingredients used in
preparing salads. They have to
make a
recipe out of the ingredients
they have listed. Each group
will have to
report their output in front of
the class.
 Students will stay from their specific groups and each group will have to
list down basic cooking techniques that they know and will give examples
to each. Each group will have a representative to report their output in

D. Analysis
The teacher will discuss the concepts learned from the activities by asking
 What examples have you listed? (Pertaining to each group)
 What do you think is the most important consideration in preparing

E. Abstraction
The teacher will show a power point presentation and will further discuss
and explain to augment the understanding of students on the topic.

 Searing – cooking technique that exposes ingredients (typically the meat to

a high temperature to create a crisp browning on the outside.
 Clay Pot - is a process of cooking food in a pot made of unglazed or
glazed pottery.
 Croute - a food that has been wrapped in pastry dough and then baked in
the oven.
 Sous-Vide- refers to the process of vacuum-sealing food in a bag, then
cooking it to a very precise temperature in a water bath.

 Brining- the process of infusing proteins with salt, sugar and flavor.
Typically, the protein is soaked in a solution of water salt and spices for a
number of hours in the refrigerator.
 Curing- Is the addition to meat of some combination of salt, sugar, and
nitrates for the purpose of preservation flavor and color.
 Smoking- The exposure of meat and fish products to smoke for the
purpose of preserving them and increasing their palatability.
 Drying- is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or
another solvent by evaporation from solid, semi solid or liquid.
 Pickling- Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the shelf life of
food by either brine or vinegar.
 Marinating- is the process of soaking foods in a seasoned, often acidic,
liquid before cooking. Marinating is known to tenderize tough cuts of meat
because connective tissues are broken down.
 En-Papillote- Involves cooking of fish or poultry, together with some
vegetables and seasoning and is wrapped in parchment paper or aluminum
foil before being baked in an oven.

F. Application
The teacher will conduct a recitation and ask the students why it is
significant to know the different techniques in cooking in terms of
achieving consistency of the food that we are preparing.

 What are the different types of cooking techniques used to get and
keep the flavor of foods?
 What are the advantages of having the knowledge of these cooking

Afterwards, the teacher is going to flash sample pictures of the

different cooking methods and will let the students identify each of them.

The teacher will give the students a short quiz to test their level of
understanding of the lesson discussed.

Direction: Read the following statements and identify what is being asked below:

1. Who is the famous German Chemist who proposed that meat juices would be
locked in by searing the meat? JUSTUS VON LIEBIG
2. Means “under vacuum” – the process of vacuum-sealing the food in a bag,
then cooking to a very precise temperature in a water bath. SOUS-VIDE
3. Food is wrapped in a pastry dough and then baked in an oven. CROUTE
4. The process of using an acidic brine to preserve food. PICKLING
5. It us the addition to meats of some combination of salt, sugar, and nitrates for
the purpose of preservation of flavor and color. CURING
6. It is the ancient Roman version technique of claypot/claypot cooking.
7. Implies that water is removed from food so that bacteria, yeast and molds
cannot grow. DRYING
8. Cooking method wherein ingredients are placed in bag made of parchment
paper/aluminum foil before being baked in an oven/grilled in an open fire.
9. Process of cooking food in a pot where ingredients are being soaked with
water allowing the food to cook. CLAY POT
10. The exposure of meat and fish products to smoke for the purpose of
preserving and increasing their palatability. SMOKING

Have an advanced reading on the topic to be discussed by next meeting.

Prepared by:
Shiela Marie N. Mate

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