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   Jhon Lopez Gelvez


Área personal / Mis cursos / ÁREAS TRANSVERSALES / SABER PRO / SIMULACRO / PRODUCTIVO / 202310 / SP-202310 / Inglés / Cuestionario Inglés

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Comenzado el miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023, 11:43
Estado Finalizado
Jhon Lopez Gelvez
Finalizado en miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023, 12:42
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tiempo 59 minutos 18 segundos
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Puntos 27/35
Calificación 235 de 300 (78%) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Pregunta 1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
The Ozone Hole

Se puntúa 1 Finalizar revisión

sobre 1
The ozone layer is a 'blanket' around the earth. It protects us from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. The problem is that there is
pregunta a hole in the ozone layer over Antartica. Humans made that hole because people use some products which have terrible

effects on the ozone.

Scientists say that this year the hole broke all records: it is the largest largest in history. It is 27.4 million kilometers squared. Why is

this hole so big? One reason is that the clouds over the South Pole carry chlorine (Cl) and that gas slowly eliminates the ozone.

Now people are thinking more about the ozone. They are using other substances and in some years, nobody will remember what

the 'ozone hole' was.

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:

The Ozone Hole

The ozone layer is a 'blanket' around the earth. It protects [us] from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. The problem is that there is a
hole in the ozone layer over Antartica. Humans made that hole [because] people use some products [which] have terrible effects on
the ozone.
Scientists say that this year [the] hole broke all records: it is the [largest] largest in history. It is 27.4 million kilometers squared. Why is this hole
[so] big? One reason is that the clouds over the South Pole carry chlorine (Cl) and that gas slowly eliminates the ozone.

Now people are thinking more about the ozone. They are [using] other substances and in some years, [nobody] will remember what the 'ozone
hole' was.

Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 1
Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool It's just before 7 a.m. and I’m at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water
is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming. 

I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water. However, in the end, I decided to ask
people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming every morning before work. ‘It’s wonderful on a cold winter
morning,’ he says. ‘I thought it would make me healthier and I haven’t been ill once since I started.' 

All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some doctors say it helps fight illness,
while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart. 

I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. That’s easy,’ he said. ‘There’s a place in the middle where the ice is thin and
easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found out that it
was impossible to break through the ice.' 

I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But the truth is, fearing the worst, I
walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!

What does the article tell about the author?

Seleccione una:
a. how often the writer goes swimming

b. what happened to the writer at the pool

c. where to go swimming in London

d. how to keep warm in cold water

La respuesta correcta es: what happened to the writer at the pool

Pregunta 3

Se puntúa 1 Jaqui Swift

sobre 1

Jaqui Swift has worked as a journalist for newspapers, a music magazine and TV programmes. At the moment she is writing for
a music website which started last month. She explains:

"I decided to write for the internet because this is where you find the very lates information about bands. I love the speed of the

internet. I can write a piece in the morning and see it published on the website in the afternoon. The same story won't be in the

newspapers until the next day. It may stay up to six weeks before you see it in some magazines. I am a member of a

team. We have to work fast and mustn't make any mistakes , so it can be stressful. However, we all get along good with each

other. I find it really exciting to think that our work has read all over the world."

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 7.
La respuesta correcta es:
Jaqui Swift

Jaqui Swift has [worked] as a journalist for newspapers, a music magazine and TV programmes. At the [moment] she is writing for a music
website which started last month. She explains:
"I [decided] to write for the internet because this is where you find the very lates information about bands. I love the speed of the internet. I can
write a piece in the morning and see it [published] on the website in the afternoon. The same story won't be in the newspapers [until] the next
day. It may [take] up to six weeks before you see it in some magazines. I am a [member] of a team. We have to work fast and mustn't make
any [mistakes], so it can be stressful. However, we all get along [well] with each other. I find it really exciting to think that our work [is] read all
over the world."

Pregunta 4 Complete la conversación.


Se puntúa 1
sobre 1


I forgot to turn the lights off.

Seleccione una:
a. Are you sure?

b. Do it this way.

c. How about this?

La respuesta correcta es: Are you sure?

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 1
Great 20th-Century Actors
sobre 1 Roscoe Lee Browne
Roscoe Lee Browne is a large man with a pleasant, friendly face.He has worked in the theater and also in movies and TV. He can play many
different people – good, bad, happy or sad. He was born in 1925 in New Jersey. After school, he studied at Lincoln University, where he taught
French before becoming an actor. When he was a student, he was excellent at running. In 1951, he won an important 800-meter race in Paris. 
Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov’s father was Russian and his mother was French, but Peter was born in England. He went to an expensive school, but he was not
happy there. He quit at 16 and joined the LondonTheater Studio. Two years later, he got his first acting job. After that, he was in many plays and
movies, but he also found time to write stories, travel and, paint. 

Ed Wynn
Ed Wynn was a star in  theater first and then moved to TV and radio shows. Later, he also acted in movies. Many people remember his name
because he knew how to make them laugh. He was born in Pennsylvania and went to school there. His father had a hat store and Ed liked to
put the hats on and make the customers laugh. Ed’s father told him not to become an actor, but Ed always knew it was what he wanted to be.

Who was in a sports competition when he was a young man?

Seleccione una:
a. Peter Ustinov

b. Ed Wynn

c. Roscoe Lee Browne

La respuesta correcta es: Roscoe Lee Browne

Pregunta 6 Complete la conversación

What do you think of modern art?
Se puntúa 1
sobre 1
Seleccione una:
pregunta a. I would like to.

b. I love it.

c. I've seen it.

La respuesta correcta es: I love it.

Pregunta 7 The film Avatar was directed ____ James Cameron.


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. with
pregunta b. for

c. by

d. from

La respuesta correcta es: by

Pregunta 8 Complete la conversación:

- Where do you come from?
Se puntúa 1
sobre 1
Seleccione una:
pregunta a. New York

b. School

c. Home

La respuesta correcta es: New York

Pregunta 9
Swift Pizza and Sandwich House

Se puntúa 1
Today we have the pleasure of showing you the best letter written by our customer Mark. He wins $25 for writing about us this week. He is so
sobre 1 happy with the orders at Swift Pizza and Sandwich House that he wants to declare a holiday to celebrate his experience here: “Happy burgerday
Marcar and Merry Sandwichmas to everyone!” he wrote:
Wednesday May 18, 2011.
One typical day I was too tired after working all day long to cook for myself, and I was very hungry. I really wanted something to eat, so I
decided to find a burger.
I ordered a half-pound burger and a lamb and chicken sandwich. I also made some special orders for extra cheese and vegetables.
Food arrived very fast (less than twenty minutes) and was hot and fresh. The burger was delicious, and left me wanting more - fortunately I had
the sandwich left. It felt as if it had been cut just a minute before I opened it - juicy, fresh, and great.
Every single special request I made was completely satisfied, 100%!
And the best thing was that all of the above and some drinks cost me ONLY 10 dollars! If that doesn't say value for money, I don't know what
It certainly feels great to find new excellent food delivery companies for whenever you don't feel like cooking yourself. I recently had a sad
experience with my usual take away restaurant, so I decided to change to something else - and on my first try I got what I wanted! Order now
from Swift Pizza and Sandwich House!
The customer made orders that…

Seleccione una:
a. included pork and chicken.

b.  cost a lot of money to fulfill.

c. showed that the customer is lactose-intolerant.

d.   had no special requests.

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: included pork and chicken.

Pregunta 10

Se puntúa 1
Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool It's just before 7 a.m. and I’m at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water
is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming. 

I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water. However, in the end, I decided to ask
people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming every morning before work. ‘It’s wonderful on a cold winter
morning,’ he says. ‘I thought it would make me healthier and I haven’t been ill once since I started.' 

All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some doctors say it helps fight illness,
while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart. 

I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. That’s easy,’ he said. ‘There’s a place in the middle where the ice is thin and
easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found out that it
was impossible to break through the ice.' 

I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But the truth is, fearing the worst, I
walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!

What do you think the writer would say to his friends?

Seleccione una:
a. I really enjoyed my early morning swim at the outdoor pool.

b. What do you think the writer would say to his friends?

c. I was surprised at the number of people in the pool – they must be crazy.

d. It’s amazing how the pool stays clear of ice all winter.

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: I was surprised at the number of people in the pool – they must be crazy.

Pregunta 11 The first reality TV show ____ in Sweden in 1997.


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. shown
pregunta b. showed

c. was shown

d. is shown

La respuesta correcta es: was shown

Pregunta 12 Would you like ____ to the theatre tonight?


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. go
pregunta b. to going

c. to go

d. going

La respuesta correcta es: to go

Pregunta 13

Se puntúa 0
James Salter was a pilot in the United States Air Force. He abandoned his military career in 1957 after the publication of his first novel, The
sobre 1 Hunters. He is best known as a novelist, but during the sixties and seventies, he worked in film-making. Salter made documentaries, wrote text
Marcar for films, and even was the director of a film called Three, starring Charlotte Rampling and Sam Waterson.
In Passionate Falsehoods, which was adapted from Salter’s book Burning the Days, published in The New Yorker in 1997, Salter tells the story of
his life in film.
Salter’s time in the film world is both good and bad. In Rome, he met directors and stars. In New York, he explored the city with Robert Redford
and enjoyed being famous. Deborah Treisman and Michael Agger have talked about Salter. Nick Paumgarten, in The Last Book, describes
Salter’s opinion about his film career: “Of sixteen texts for movies, only four were popular. There was money, attractive women, and entrance
into rooms where there were stories more for the dinner table than for the page.” Salter thought he was wasting his time.

Perhaps he wasted his time in a larger artistic way, but it still makes for attractive reading. The Last Book is available to everyone in online

 James Salter is famous for…
A. his books. <---
B. his movies.
C. his plays.
James Salter played an important part in the making of movies from...

Seleccione una:
a. 1960 to 1979.

b. 1960 to 1970.

c. 1960 to 1985.

Respuesta incorrecta.

La respuesta correcta es: 1960 to 1979.

Pregunta 14 Oh! It ____. I’ll take an umbrella with me.


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. ’s raining
pregunta b. raining

c. rains

d. will raining

La respuesta correcta es: ’s raining

Pregunta 15 Donde puedo ver estos anuncios?


Se puntúa 1
sobre 1 Draw a line to complete the snake and color it.
pregunta Seleccione una:
a. On a test

b. On a rug

c. On a bookcase

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: On a test


Imagine if everyone in your street suddenly came out into the road one day and started singing together. Singing teacher, Ruth Black, believes it
Se puntúa 1
would make everyone so friendly that they would never walk past each other again without saying hello. "Singing helps people live in peace
sobre 1
together", she says, "All over the world people have always sung together and in most places they still do, but in England it is no longer
pregunta traditional."

"Nowadays", says Ruth, "people only sing together in churches and football grounds, although it could be done anywhere. Everyone is able to
sing, but most of us either think we can't or have forgotten what we learned as children. However, as with everything musical, you need to
practice and the same applies to your voice." 

Ruth believes that singing itself brings other benefits. It encourages good breathing, for example. Through singing, people often become more
confident and also learn to control stress. But more than anything, it brings people together.
When Ruth first started singing, there was little opportunity to sing with others. Then, through a friend, she discovered an excellent singing class
and became so keen that she started running her own classes. These are held twice a month for all singers, whatever their level, and are now
enormously successful.

How does Ruth think singing with other people can help you?

Seleccione una:
a. You can get to know other people.

b. You are able to improve your speaking.

c. You become a confident musician.

d. You learn to breathe more easily.

La respuesta correcta es: You can get to know other people.

Pregunta 17

Se puntúa 0
Great 20th-Century Actors
sobre 1 Roscoe Lee Browne
Roscoe Lee Browne is a large man with a pleasant, friendly face.He has worked in the theater and also in movies and TV. He can play many
different people – good, bad, happy or sad. He was born in 1925 in New Jersey. After school, he studied at Lincoln University, where he taught
French before becoming an actor. When he was a student, he was excellent at running. In 1951, he won an important 800-meter race in Paris. 
Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov’s father was Russian and his mother was French, but Peter was born in England. He went to an expensive school, but he was not
happy there. He quit at 16 and joined the LondonTheater Studio. Two years later, he got his first acting job. After that, he was in many plays and
movies, but he also found time to write stories, travel and, paint. 

Ed Wynn
Ed Wynn was a star in  theater first and then moved to TV and radio shows. Later, he also acted in movies. Many people remember his name
because he knew how to make them laugh. He was born in Pennsylvania and went to school there. His father had a hat store and Ed liked to
put the hats on and make the customers laugh. Ed’s father told him not to become an actor, but Ed always knew it was what he wanted to be.

Who had a different job before he began acting?

Seleccione una:
a. Peter Ustinov

b. Roscoe Lee Browne

c. Ed Wynn

La respuesta correcta es: Roscoe Lee Browne

Pregunta 18 ¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos?

Se puntúa 1
sobre 1
Seleccione una:
pregunta a. in a café

b. in a station

c. in a zoo

La respuesta correcta es: in a zoo

Pregunta 19 Complete la conversación. 


Se puntúa 1
sobre 1


Can I talk to you for a minute?

Seleccione una:
a. Just one.

b. Be careful.

c. Of course.

La respuesta correcta es: Of course.



Se puntúa 0
sobre 1

pregunta Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool It's just before 7 a.m. and I’m at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water
is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming.

I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water. However, in the end, I decided to ask
people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming every morning R3 - Test 24 before work. ‘It’s wonderful on a cold
winter morning,’ he says. ‘I thought it would make me healthier and I haven’t been ill once since I started.'

All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some doctors say it helps fight illness,
while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart.

I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. That’s easy,’ he said. ‘There’s a place in the middle where the ice is thin and
easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found out that it
was impossible to break through the ice.'

I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But the truth is, fearing the worst, I
walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out again aʰer 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!

What is the writer trying to do in this text?

Seleccione una:
a. advise people on ways to stay healthy

b. warm people not to go swimming in cold water

c. prove an idea he has had about keeping fit

d. explain why some people like swimming in the cold

La respuesta correcta es: explain why some people like swimming in the cold

Pregunta 21
Greek and Roman cultures

Se puntúa 1
sobre 1
Greek culture, together with the Roman one, have fascinated humans for centuries. Sadly, many people today
pregunta don’t know the differences between Greeks and Romans.

Some people think the Romans are an extension of the Greeks; others assume that the two are similar. In fact the

two are very different  from  one another, and show opposite life values.

Either The Greeks and Romans were great architects. The Greeks used to worry more about shape than function. They

believed the most important thing was making beautiful buildings. However , the Romans were perfect engineers. For them ,

street planning and use had the greatest importance.

Greeks admired poets and philosophers, as such the Romans admired their soldiers who were extremely brave and successful.

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 6.
La respuesta correcta es:
Greek and Roman cultures

Greek culture, together with the Roman one, have fascinated humans for centuries. Sadly, many people today [
don’t] know the differences between Greeks and Romans.

Some people think the Romans are an extension of the Greeks; others assume that the two are similar. In fact the
two are very different [ from] one another, and show opposite life values.

[ Both] The Greeks and Romans were great architects. The Greeks used to [ worry] more about shape than function. They [ believed] the most
important thing was making beautiful buildings. [ However], the Romans were perfect engineers. For [ them], street planning and use had the
greatest importance.

Greeks admired poets and philosophers, [ whereas] the Romans admired their soldiers who were extremely brave and successful.


Se puntúa 1
sobre 1
Seleccione una:
pregunta a. in a guest-house

b. in a sports center

c. in a shoe shop

La respuesta correcta es: in a sports center

Pregunta 23 ________ at school yesterday.


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. Were you
pregunta b. Is you

c. Was you

d. Did you

La respuesta correcta es: Were you

Pregunta 24

Se puntúa 1
Great 20th-Century Actors
sobre 1 Roscoe Lee Browne
Roscoe Lee Browne is a large man with a pleasant, friendly face.He has worked in the theater and also in movies and TV. He can play many
different people – good, bad, happy or sad. He was born in 1925 in New Jersey. After school, he studied at Lincoln University, where he taught
French before becoming an actor. When he was a student, he was excellent at running. In 1951, he won an important 800-meter race in Paris. 
Peter Ustinov

Peter Ustinov’s father was Russian and his mother was French, but Peter was born in England. He went to an expensive school, but he was not
happy there. He quit at 16 and joined the LondonTheater Studio. Two years later, he got his first acting job. After that, he was in many plays and
movies, but he also found time to write stories, travel and, paint. 
Ed Wynn

Ed Wynn was a star in  theater first and then moved to TV and radio shows. Later, he also acted in movies. Many people remember his name
because he knew how to make them laugh. He was born in Pennsylvania and went to school there. His father had a hat store and Ed liked to
put the hats on and make the customers laugh. Ed’s father told him not to become an actor, but Ed always knew it was what he wanted to be.

Who worked in TV before becoming a movie actor?

Seleccione una:
a. Ed Wynn

b. Roscoe Lee Browne

c. Peter Ustinov

La respuesta correcta es: Ed Wynn

Pregunta 25
My Artistic Adventure

Se puntúa 1
When I was a child in Ireland, I went to bed late and could not sleep past six. One morning, I foud a Spanish television show with a French man
sobre 1 who was painting a beautiful countryside with oil paints.
Marcar Right then, I began watching the show. With this quiet voice he explained his natural way of painting, and he quickly made trees and rivers,
simply by moving his paint across the paper. He made it look simple and easy, so I thought I could do it by myself.

Every Sunday morning, I would try to paint what he was painting on the screen, but I needed oil paints to make my paintings as beautiful as his.
I could not buy oil paint; I was only seven and my parents would not buy them for me. So, I decided to use my mother’s cosmetics and paper to
paint my first picture.

After my mum saw what I did with her things, I was told could not paint again. This put an end to my idea of using food the next time to paint
a picture. After a while, I stopped watching the French painter. It was difficult for me to simply watch without being able to paint my own

When she was seven, she slept…
A. for some hours. <---
B. very well.
C. a lot.

She could not get oil paints because she...

Seleccione una:
a. always watched TV. 

b. was too young.

c. didn’t speak Spanish.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: was too young.

Pregunta 26 I mostly ____ my friends via email.


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. have in common
pregunta b. keep in touch with

c. see each other

d. get on well with

La respuesta correcta es: keep in touch with

Pregunta 27
My Artistic Adventure

Se puntúa 1
When I was a child in Ireland, I went to bed late and could not sleep past six. One morning, I foud a Spanish television show with a French man
sobre 1 who was painting a beautiful countryside with oil paints.
Marcar Right then, I began watching the show. With this quiet voice he explained his natural way of painting, and he quickly made trees and rivers,
simply by moving his paint across the paper. He made it look simple and easy, so I thought I could do it by myself.
Every Sunday morning, I would try to paint what he was painting on the screen, but I needed oil paints to make my paintings as beautiful as his.
I could not buy oil paint; I was only seven and my parents would not buy them for me. So, I decided to use my mother’s cosmetics and paper to
paint my first picture.

After my mum saw what I did with her things, I was told could not paint again. This put an end to my idea of using food the next time to paint
a picture. After a while, I stopped watching the French painter. It was difficult for me to simply watch without being able to paint my own
When she was seven, she slept…
A. for some hours. <---
B. very well.
C. a lot.
Where was the painter from?

Seleccione una:
a. France 

b. Ireland 

c. Spain

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: France 



Se puntúa 1 Ejemplo
sobre 1

Marcar If something good happens we can feel like this. ----  Happy

Some people feel this way when they see spiders because they don't like them. Afraid

When we hate something, we sometimes feel like this. Angry

People often cry when they feel like this. Sad

Some people usually feel like this when it's hot, and need to drink something. Thirsty

A person feels like this when they need to sleep after a long day Tired

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: Some people feel this way when they see spiders because they don't like them. → Afraid, When we hate something, we
sometimes feel like this. → Angry, People often cry when they feel like this. → Sad, Some people usually feel like this when it's hot, and need to
drink something. → Thirsty, A person feels like this when they need to sleep after a long day → Tired

Pregunta 29

Se puntúa 0
Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool It's just before 7 a.m. and I’m at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature of the water
is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming. 

I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water. However, in the end, I decided to ask
people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming every morning before work. ‘It’s wonderful on a cold winter
morning,’ he says. ‘I thought it would make me healthier and I haven’t been ill once since I started.' 

All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some doctors say it helps fight illness,
while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart. 

I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. That’s easy,’ he said. ‘There’s a place in the middle where the ice is thin and
easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found out that it
was impossible to break through the ice.' 

I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But the truth is, fearing the worst, I
walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice!

What did the writer feel about swimming at the pool?

Seleccione una:
a. He enjoyed swimming up and down.

b. It made him feel healthier.

c. It was as cold as he expected.

d. He did not like the ice.

Respuesta incorrecta.

La respuesta correcta es: It was as cold as he expected.

Pregunta 30 Escoja la palabra adecuada para el espacio.


Se puntúa 0 Bob has had a very interesting ___ . He has had jobs in many countries and industries.
sobre 1

Marcar Seleccione una:

a. career

b. carrier

c. work

d. job

La respuesta correcta es: career

Pregunta 31 Is your family large? ________


Se puntúa 0 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. Yes, it is.
pregunta b. Yes, they are.

c. No, it not.

d. No, they isn’t.

La respuesta correcta es: Yes, it is.

Pregunta 32
Swift Pizza and Sandwich House

Se puntúa 1
Today we have the pleasure of showing you the best letter written by our customer Mark. He wins $25 for writing about us this week. He is so
sobre 1 happy with the orders at Swift Pizza and Sandwich House that he wants to declare a holiday to celebrate his experience here: “Happy burgerday
Marcar and Merry Sandwichmas to everyone!” he wrote:
Wednesday May 18, 2011.
One typical day I was too tired after working all day long to cook for myself, and I was very hungry. I really wanted something to eat, so I
decided to find a burger.
I ordered a half-pound burger and a lamb and chicken sandwich. I also made some special orders for extra cheese and vegetables.
Food arrived very fast (less than twenty minutes) and was hot and fresh. The burger was delicious, and left me wanting more - fortunately I had
the sandwich left. It felt as if it had been cut just a minute before I opened it - juicy, fresh, and great.
Every single special request I made was completely satisfied, 100%!
And the best thing was that all of the above and some drinks cost me ONLY 10 dollars! If that doesn't say value for money, I don't know what
It certainly feels great to find new excellent food delivery companies for whenever you don't feel like cooking yourself. I recently had a sad
experience with my usual take away restaurant, so I decided to change to something else - and on my first try I got what I wanted! Order now
from Swift Pizza and Sandwich House!

The customer wrote a… 

Seleccione una:
a. letter. 

b. comment. 

c. postcard.

d. card. 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: letter. 

Pregunta 33 What ____ he want?


Se puntúa 1 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. have
pregunta b. do

c. does

d. was

La respuesta correcta es: does

Pregunta 34 Complete la conversación.


Se puntúa 1
sobre 1


What do you think of the teacher?

Seleccione una:
a. I think so.

b. Great school!

c. I love his class.

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: I love his class.

Pregunta 35 Latin ____ compulsory in Irish schools.


Se puntúa 0 Seleccione una:

sobre 1
a. has
pregunta b. used to be

c. would be

d. has being

La respuesta correcta es: used to be

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Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina - Resolución Jurídica 22215. Ministerio de Educación. Diciembre, 9 - 1983. VIGILADA MINEDUCACIÓN

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