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Author Diction/Word Length and Sound and Rhythm Purpose Literary Format

Choice Complexity of Devices


James Joyce - Joyce’s diction - Characterized by - Alliteration Explore the - Alliteration - Designed to
“Exiles” is long, meandering - Repetition themes of provide detailed
- Irish writer characterized by sentences that is - Internal rhythm (to love, betrayal, - Allusion instructions to
- Dublin in a high degree of difficult to parse create a musicality and the the director,
1882 precision and in the text) complexities - Repetition actors, and
complexity. - Multiple clauses of human designers
Ex. relationship. - Irony regarding how
- Abstract and - Commas or the play should
symbolic, with Semicolons “Come home with be staged and
words and me, now, dear, and I performed.
phrases that Ex. will hold you and
have multiple rock you and sing - It is written in a
meanings and “This, too, is a tree, you till you sleep. I dialogue form
connotations. a sycamore tree, am not happy when with each
with leaves, with you are not with me. character’s lines
veins in the leaves, And when you come indicated by
with bark on the back and we are their name and
trunk, and hairs on together again, it is spoken words
the bark, and roots as though a cold
below the ground, hand had let go its - Includes
and sap in the roots hold upon my heart” descriptions of
and in the trunk and the characters
in the branches, and and their inner
with a name, thoughts.

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