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Lesson 7 : Telling Time

Excuse me.
Can you tell me the time, please?
Yes, of course.
It's half past three.

Thank you.
No problem.

What to learn!
Excuse me.
Can you tell me the time, please?
What time is it?
It's half past...
It's quarter past...
It's ten to...
It's quarter to...

Let's practice!

7:00 12:00
It's seven o'clock. It's twelve o'clock.
It's seven p.m. / a.m. It's noon / midnight.

3:10 7:14
It's three ten. It's seven fourteen.
It's ten (minutes) after three. It's fourteen after seven.

9:15 1:21
It's nine fifteen. It's one twenty-one
It's (a) quarter after nine. It's twenty-one minutes past one.

11:05 2:09
It's eleven oh five. It's two oh nine.
It's five after eleven. It's nine minutes past two.

6:30 4:50
It's six thirty. It's four fifty.
It's half past six. It's ten minutes to five.

10:45 8:35
It's ten forty-five. It's eight thirty-five.
It's quarter to eleven. It's twenty-five minutes to nine.

Practice with your teacher how to tell time using the pattern.
A : Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?
B : Yes, of course. It's _________________.
A : Thank you.
B : __________________.

Transcrição do Áudio
Telling The Time

What time is it, please?

Que horas são, por favor?

What’s the time?

Que horas são?

Excuse me. Do you have the time?

Com licença, você tem as horas?

Excuse me. Could you tell me the time,

Com licença, você poderia me dizer que horas são, por favor?

5:20 – It’s five twenty.

São cinco e vinte.

7:05 – It’s seven ‘oh’ five.

São sete e cinco.

4:40 – It’s four forty.

São quatro e quarenta.

1:36 – It’s one thirty-six.

É uma e trinta e seis.

2:50 – It’s ten to three.

São dez para as três.

4:26 – It’s twenty-six past four.

São quatro e vinte e seis.

8:35 – It’s twenty-five to nine.

São vinte e cinco para as nove.

6:17 – It’s seventeen past six.

São seis e dezessete.

3:15 – It’s a quarter past three.

São três e quinze.

9:45 – It’s a quarter to ten.

São quinze para as dez

10:30 – It’s half past ten. (ou It’s ten

São dez e meia

11:00 – It’s eleven o’clock.

São 11 horas

2:00 – It’s two o’clock.

São duas horas

It’s twelve o’clock.

São doze horas.

It’s midday/noon.
É meio-dia.

It’s midnight.
É meia-noite

a.m. = ante meridiem

(antes do meio-dia)

p.m. = post meridiem

(após o meio-dia)

The class starts at seven o’clock.

A aula começa às 7h00
The bus leaves at four thirty.
O ônibus sai às 4h30

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