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Let’s Begin!

Task 1: Make an acrostic poem about teaching grammar.

T- teaching is a noble job

E- every day you greet your students with
A- a smile in your face
C- children will learn from you
H- however teaching isn’t an easy job
I- it is your responsibility to guide and
N- nurture the students, especially in
G- grammar aspects

G- grammar is critical, it is a
R- reflection of your image, good or bad you have made
A- an impression, grammar can help us
M- make inference when we are facing
M- many problems, because grammar is
A- a big thing in this society, it will help us
R- resolve issue because good grammar helps us communicate clearly and get what we want.

We’re on our Way!

 How did you come up with your poem?

By just stating how important being a teacher and a how it is critical to learn grammar.

 What ideas have you included in your poem?

That grammar is effective way to solve problems when it is use correctly.

 Why do we need to know the different methods in teaching grammar?

To become familiar with the course material and learn how to use it in different

 How did you find the activity?

I find it quite amusing and it is very helpful to me to learn more vocabulary words.

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