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A group of 4-6 students will be rand

China, South Korea, Japan, German

Topic From the theories acquired from this

and procedure between Vietnam and
import from that assigned country (c

A practical date will be the base for

The group report should be 5 pages
Maximum length of the Groupwork
The presentation should be NO MO

Scope of knowledge and skill of questions Based on the taught chapters of this

This group assignment accounts for

The assignment includes: a written r
Key Notes of Group Assignment Reports and slides should be typed a
A deduction of 10% of the assignme
Recommended: 70% for presentatio
Group Report & Presentation Slides
Deadlines LMS on Week 9
Group Presentation: all groups will p
students will be randomly assigned a continent/country that doing import-export trade with Vietnam (USA,
orea, Japan, Germany, Thailand).

es acquired from this course, you are required to prepare an import-export trade relationship documentation
etween Vietnam and that country. Students could choose one of the products that Vietnam often export to and
t assigned country (coffee/clothes/shoes/fish/furniture/electronics devices, etc)

will be the base for the input of the assignment

t should be 5 pages excluding appendices
n should be NO MORE than 20 minutes per group (total Slides is not exceeded 20)

ught chapters of this course

gnment accounts for 25% of the overall grading structure

includes: a written report and an oral presentation
es should be typed and double-spaced with 11-point font and must be submitted via LMS
10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late submission
70% for presentation and 30% for the written report
& Presentation Slides Submission due date: all groups must submit the group assignment (report and slides) via
ion: all groups will present on Week 10
e with Vietnam (USA,

onship documentation
etnam often export to and


ent (report and slides) via

Distiction: 80 - 100%
The assessment demonstrates that an
excellent knowledge of the topic(s) has
been gained from careful literature
research and wide-ranging reading that
goes beyond essential recommendations.
Discussion indicates excellent
understanding of relevant theory and
engagement with key issues/debates.

There is evidence of considerable

Knowledge and independent research related to the case
understanding study, and this is supported with
appropriate sources.

The approach demonstrates clear

engagement with critical perspectives
highlighted on the course, and an
appreciation of the complexity and
diversity of the discipline.

The coverage and selection of the content

is excellent, and it is a highly appropriate
response to the assignment brief. A clear
and creative ability to describe, analyze,
and synthesize ideas is demonstrated.
There is evidence of critical appreciation
and of relevant theory and research.
structure Arguments are sound and substantial, with
elements of originality.

The selection, interpretation, comparison,

evaluation and integration of material
from sources is extremely effective and
Use of sources demonstrates personal research, and with
full critical awareness of their status and
The writing has a consistent and clear
style that is highly appropriate. There is
evidence of careful editing and
proofreading. The layout of the
assignment conforms to expectations and
the length is consistent with requirements.
Style of writing
and referencing Referencing is accurate, consistent and
appropriate, and conforms exactly to
recommended conventions.

Plagiarism rate: none

Deliver a fluent presentation with clear

pronunciation, confident presenting style
Have a kind-to-the-eye and well-prepared
Manage the presenting time well
There is a great operational flow between
group members
Have a professional style with appropriate
presentation clothing
Presentation Show a well-put-together performance
Show a great understanding of the work;
answer all of the questions in Q&A
section correctly
Merit: 60-79% Pass: 40-59%

A sound understanding of the main A basic level of understanding of the

concepts covered by the course is concepts and issues covered by the course,
demonstrated. Key issues/debates are but with some gaps or misunderstanding.
identified and discussed. Key issues have been identified and
discussed, but without any significant
Discussion indicates very good insights being developed. There is some
understanding of relevant theory. limited engagement with theory but with
There is evidence of independent some gaps in understanding.
research related to the case study and
this is supported with appropriate There is evidence of some independent
sources. research related to the case study, but this
tends to be lacking support, and critical
The approach demonstrates some appreciation of the sources of information.
engagement with the critical
perspectives highlighted on the course, The approach adheres to a predominantly
and an appreciation of the complexity mainstream perspective, with little
and diversity of the discipline. engagement with critical aspects of the

The assignment brief is addressed An appropriate response to the assessment

comprehensively, and a convincing brief and all aspects of the task have been
and coherent line of reasoning is addressed. A reasonable level of content
maintained. There is a very good has been covered and the ability to analyse
coverage of content and evidence of concepts and think critically is evident
good critical evaluation of relevant although not fully developed. Argument is
theory and research. Main points are weakened by occasional confusion or
sound and substantial. flaws.

Overall, there is a very good selection The scope of sources is generally relevant
and use of sources, which are well although limited. There is a low level of
integrated, interpreted and evaluated, critical evaluation, or some significant
demonstrating some critical awareness sources are missing.
of their status and relevance.
The assignment is concise and easy to The style of writing is appropriate although
read and conforms well to style it presents some comprehension
conventions. It has been well edited difficulties. The assignment is not as
and proofread. The layout of the concisely written as it might have been,
assignment conforms very well to although layout conforms to expectations
expectations and the length is and the length meets requirements.
consistent with requirements.
Referencing is inaccurate and inconsistent.
Referencing is generally accurate,
consistent and appropriate although
there are errors. Plagiarism rate: 10-20%

Plagiarism rate: very low

Deliver a quite good presentation Deliver a presentation with obvious flaws

though there are still flaws in in pronunciation and fluency
pronunciation Have acceptable slides
Have a quite good slides Have the presentation time 20% more or
Have a 10% faster or slower less than the required time
presentation time than the required Operational flow between group members
time is not so good
Quite good operational flow between Have an nearly acceptable presentation
group members style with casual clothing
Have a quite good presentation style Show an acceptable level of preparation for
with casual clothing the presentation
Show a sufficient preparation for Show a little understanding of the overall
presentation work; manage to answer a few of the
Show a quite understanding of the questions in the Q&A section
overall work; manage to answer most
of the questions in the Q&A section
Fail: below 40%

An inadequate level of understanding

of the concepts and issues is evident.
The selection of ideas is not
appropriate, and the discussion remains
at a basic level as a result. Few
essential issues are identified and
analysed, and there is evidence of
substantial misunderstanding.

The topic/case study is poorly

researched and supported.

Little evidence of engagement with

theory and the approach adheres to a
predominantly mainstream perspective,
which fails to address the critical
aspects of the course

The assignment does not meet

expectations of appropriateness as a
response to the task set. It needs to
address the topic more explicitly and
analytically. There is little evidence of
a critical perspective in relation to the
ideas focused upon, and the whole
remains largely descriptive. No
discernible arguments are presented, or
they are flawed or confused.

There is an inadequate and uncritical

use of essential literature sources, and
some sources may not be relevant to
the topic.
A lack of clarity in written expression
presents considerable comprehension
difficulties. The style of the assignment
does not meet expectations.

Referencing does not conform to

expected conventions and lacks
sufficient consistency

Plagiarism rate: more than 20%

Deliver a presentation with many flaws

in pronunciation and fluency
Have bad slides
Manage the presentation time very
Low level of operational flow between
group members
Have an unacceptable presentation
style with unsuitable clothing.
Show little preparation for the
Show no understanding of the overall
work; cannot answer the questions in
the Q&A section
1. Introduction: Overview of current trading situation and import-export volume
Vietnam and the assigned country (lead to the chosen products for import & expo
group will focus on)

2. Main Content:
2.1 Export Procedure (Stages for exporting goods from Vietnam; Documentation
Export Taxes; Shipment mode; Payment term; and other important notices for ex
goods from Vietnam)
2.2 Import Procedure (Stages for importing goods to Vietnam; Documentation fo
Import Taxes; Shipment Mode, Payment term; and other important notices for im
goods to Vietnam)
Suggested outline
3. Challenges/Difficultites in trade between the 2 countries (Vietnam & The assig

4. Recommendation for development

5. Conclusion
6. Appendices
6.1 Reference List
6.2 List of supported Tables/Figures/Charts
6.3 Table of Evaluation of each member's contribution (for individual grading pu
note that groupwork does not mean group score)
and import-export volume between
products for import & export that each

m Vietnam; Documentation for Export;

er important notices for exporting

Vietnam; Documentation for Import;

er important notices for importing

tries (Vietnam & The assigned country)

(for individual grading purpose; please

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