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NAME: _Anna_Clara_Mendes_De_Moura_____________________________DATE:_______________________
TEACHER : _Fernanda_Sampaio____________________________________ GRADE: _____________________

1 Listen to two f riends talking about
Unit 7 Test, Track 2
regrets. Choose the correct answers.

1 Beth regrets …
A not having any money.
B staying on at college.
C not going to college.

2 Tom thinks that people with an academic qualification …

A earn a higher salary.
B are better at studying.
C can always get a good job.

3 Tom doesn’t regret leaving his job because …

A he got a better job after studying.
B he didn’t like the company he was working for.
C he was able to learn more about computers.

4 Tom thinks Beth should …

A quit her job.
B study at home for new qualifications.
C go back to college.

5 Beth says her employer …

A promotes people with qualifications.
B is keen for her to go to college.
C doesn’t promote people.

Score: /5


2 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 I really enjoy spending/losing time with my family.

2 Please lose/get in touch as soon as you arrive in the country!

3 She missed/spent the chance to go to New York because she didn’t have a passport.

4 He’s feeling sad because he broke down/up with his girlfriend.

5 I can’t believe he turned in/down the opportunity to work there!

Score: /5
3 Complete the sentences with the correct words f rom the box.

crater debris extinction herbivores wave

1 The impact of an asteroid hitting the Earth caused mass extinction .

2 The Japanese word for a tidal wave is “tsunami.”

3 The asteroid created a huge crater in the Yucatan area of Mexico.

4 Many dinosaurs were herbivores so they didn’t eat meat.

5 The debris from the volcano would have blocked out the sunlight for several weeks.

Score: /5

4 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 Home insulation/blankets can help you reduce your energy bills.

2 I listen to my music using a wireless filter/headset.

3 They usually give marathon runners a foil foam/blanket at the end of the race.

4 It’s much easier to clean carpets with a cordless/foil vacuum.

5 The mattress on my bed is made from memory insulation/foam.

Score: /5

5 Choose the correct answers (a, b, or c) to complete the text.

Jobs at a newspaper
The most important person on a newspaper is the newspaper 1 editor . She or he is responsible
for everything that appears in print or in the online version of the paper. Another important role is that of a/an
2 investigative journalist. His or her job is to find out about the things governments and large corporations try to
keep secret. A foreign 3 correspondent reports on events that happen in other countries, such
as wars and natural disasters. Another popular role is that of a 4 sports journalist. This job involves attending big
matches and important games and reporting on them. If you don’t want to be a writer, but are still interested in being a
journalist, you could also be a 5 photojournalist and take pictures to go with the stories.

1 a editor b translator c anchor

2 a foreign b investigative c reporter
3 a translator b editor c correspondent
4 a photo b sports c news
5 a reporter b news anchor c photojournalist

Score: /5

6 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 I just read the sources/headlines in newspapers to know about the relevant topics.

2 The reporter couldn’t trust/prove that his story was true.

3 Sometimes it can be hard to figure out/up what’s fake and what isn’t.
4 The reporter refused to reveal his headlines/sources for the story.

5 That report isn’t trust/accurate in any way!

Score: /5


7 Complete the email with the correct past perfect form of the verbs f rom the box.

make not come not realize read spend

Hi Amy,

I just wanted to write to say how sorry I am that I didn’t come to your birthday party yesterday.

I thought the party was on Saturday evening—tonight in other words! I 1 read that it was actually on Friday.
I wish I 2 could read your invitation more carefully!

I found out that I 3 make a mistake when I was downtown this morning shopping for your birthday gift. I met
Lottie and she asked me why I 4 didn’t come to the party! I feel terrible.

I wish I 5 speed the evening with you and all our friends. I’m really sorry. Can I come over to your house
later with your gift? You’re going to love it!

Love from Alex

Score: /5

8 Choose the correct answers (a, b, or c) to complete the email.

Hi Charlie,
I hear you’re doing a project on space travel. 1 can you tell me what aspect of the history of space exploration
you’re interested in? In my opinion, the most important people were the scientists and not the astronauts. If the
scientists, engineers, and computer programmers 2 wouldn’t developed the necessary technology, the
astronauts 3 had never have made the trip! If I 4 have had the chance, I would have loved to
be a spacecraft engineer. I think space exploration is really exciting! 5 Do you know if Sarah is
back from her vacation yet? She’s a big space fan—maybe she could help you, too.

Anyway, let me know what I can do to help you with your project.

1 a Please to b Do you c Can you

2 a wouldn’t b didn’t c hadn’t
3 a would b will c had
4 a have b had c having
5 a Do you know b You know c Will you know

Score: /5
9 Complete the sentences with the correct words f rom the box.

had have might not would

1 If she had applied to be an astronaut, they would have accepted her.

2 What would you have done if you hadn’t found water?

3 If the spacecraft hadn’t crashed, we might have finished the mission on time.

4 I’m not sure but we might have come to the party if you had invited us.

5 If you had not been out, we would have come to see you.

Score: /

1 Choose the correct answers (a, b, or c).

1 It’s so hard to get a job as a news anchor these days!

A such B enough C so

2 I’m sorry, but your report isn’t good enough to appear in the newspaper.

A so good B good enough C too good

3 It was such a wonderful day when I got my first reporter’s job!

A too B so C such

4 Some photos from war zones are too shocking to print.

A enough B so C too

5 I don’t have enough time to finish the article.

A enough B such C too

Score: /


Read the text.

Apollo 13 mission to the moon

The “space age” really caught people’s interest and attention when the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon on

July 20, 1969, and Neil Armstrong took those first, famous steps on the moon. The second successful moon landing

took place just a few months later when the Apollo 12 mission was completed successfully in November of the same

year. But the number 13 mission didn’t turn out to be quite so lucky.
The Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 11, 1970. It was supposed to be the
third moon landing for NASA, but the spacecraft never reached its destination. Two days after taking off, the mission
was cancelled due to an accident that damaged one of the craft’s oxygen tanks. In another famous quote from
space, Command Pilot John Swigert reported, “Houston, we’ve had a problem here.” The oxygen tanks provided the
mission with electrical power, air for breathing, and drinking water. It was a terrible accident and the mission could
not go on without them.
The three-man crew who were in the capsule had to try to repair the damage so that they would be able to reenter

the Earth’s atmosphere and fall into the ocean. They also had to remain calm in an extremely stressful situation.

Up until then, no one had had any experience of dealing with accidents in outer space. If it hadn’t been for the

cool behavior and quick reactions of the scientists and technicians at the Space Center, the astronauts might not

have returned safely to Earth.

In the end, fear turned to relief when all three crew members were picked up from the space capsule uninjured.

The accident was embarrassing for NASA and the US government because it showed that they could get

11 Choose True or False.

1 The first three moon landing

True True True True True / False
missions were successful.
/ False
2 The damage from an accident
forced the crew of Apollo 13 to / False
stop the mission.
/ False
3 The oxygen tank was only
needed for breathing. / False

4 The astronauts couldn’t do any

repairs to the spacecraft in

5 The Apollo 13 mission was not

good for NASA’s public image.
Score: /5


12 Is space exploration beneficial or a waste of money? Write a blog post explaining your opinion. Write as much
as you can.
space exploration to me is beneficial for know what exit outside of earth, no just this, to know where our from and where
we are going or have to go. i said ‘’where we have to go’’ because the human race are destroying our home, not just burn
them or kill a lot of animals in extinction, we are killing each other for many reasons. So we have to find out another
home for us, because we broke the only one we know.

Score: /5

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