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Cakrawala Dini: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini | p-ISSN 2087-1317 | e-ISSN 2621-8321

Vol. 13. No.1 May 2022 | Page. 12-21



Elwin Walimatul Fara 1, Suyadi 2

1, 2
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Abstract: The Corona Virus (Covid-19) is spreading rapidly, so social distancing is

imposed to prevent the spread of the virus. This has an impact on teaching and learning
activities in schools. So that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning system has
changed to learning from home (school from home). The change in the learning system to
school from home has an impact on various aspects, especially on the achievement of the
5 aspects of early childhood development. The impact of the development of the socio-
emotional aspects of children during the implementation of school from home is reviewed
in this study. The research methodology uses descriptive qualitative methods with data
collection techniques using interviews and observations. This study aims to determine the
impact of the implementation of school from home on the socio-emotional development of
early childhood in the Karangsoko village environment. The results of interviews and
observations state that the implementation of school from home affects children's social
behavior, especially for children who have experienced gadget addiction. In addition,
children's interest in learning is also reduced and other aspects of development are also
Keyword: Covid-19 pandemic, School From Home, Social Emotional

Abstrak: Virus Corona (Covid-19) menyebar dengan cepat, sehingga diberlakukan

pembatasan sosial (social distancing) guna mencegah tersebarnya virus. Hal ini berdampak
pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar di sekolah. Sehingga selama pandemi Covid19, sistem
pembelajaran mengalami perubahan menjadi belajar dari rumah (school from home).
Perubahan sistem pembelajaran menjadi school from home berdampak pada berbagai
aspek, khususnya pada 5 capaian aspek perkembangan anak usia dini. Dampak
perkembangan aspek sosial-emosional anak selama pemberlakuan school from home
menjadi ulasan pada penelitian ini. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan metode analisis
deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak penerapan school from home terhadap
perkembangan sosial emosional anak usia dini di lingkungan desa Karangsoko. Hasil
wawancara dan observasi menyatakan bahwa pemberlakuan school from home
berpengaruh terhadap perilaku sosial anak, khususnya pada anak yang sudah mengalami
kecanduan gadget. Selain itu, minat belajar anak juga berkurang dan aspek perkembangan
lainnya juga berkurang.
Kata Kunci: Pandemi Covid19, School From Home, Sosial-Emosional

UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Email: 20204032034@student.uin-suka.ac.id
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Email: suyadi1@uin-suka.ac.id

12 Cakrawala Dini: Vol. 13 No. 1, May 2022

The online learning system or material to students. However, it also has
commonly referred to as School From an impact on the various developments of
Home (SFH) is learning that is carried out children. In research (Harahap &
without face to face which is now a new Purwanta, 2021) it is stated that teaching
challenge for parents and teachers and learning activities that should be
(Sourial et al., 2018). The learning system applied to early-childhood education are
that was originally planned face-to-face learning packaged in playing activities.
must undergo a change to become a The main purpose of learning activities in
network and be implemented in their early-childhood education is to develop 5
respective homes. Likewise, material that aspects of development in children
should be delivered directly must be (Puspita, 2012). The socio-emotional
repackaged into material that can be easily aspect is one that needs to be developed
accessed by students from home. from an early age.
The SFH learning system severely Socio-emotional aspects are two
limits students from meeting their aspects of development that are related to
teachers, peers and the school each other (Maria & Amalia, 2018).
environment. This affects the social Socio-emotional abilities include aspects
development of children because of less of development that need to be developed
interaction with each other. School from an early age, namely the ability to
activities are used as an effort to improve understand, express and manage emotions
social development by giving children the and feelings.
flexibility to interact with their In early childhood education,
surroundings (Mutholib, 2017). changes in this system greatly affect
At the elementary school and aspects of children development (Mayar,
early-childhood education levels, teaching 2013). During learning activities at
and learning activities must still be carried school, children are trained to develop
out even though they have to undergo a social behavior with various interactions
system that changed to become SFH. between students. Cognitive and social
Various problems faced by teachers at the adaptability is also included in the goals of
elementary school and early-childhood social and emotional learning. In addition,
education levels, including the strategy of various social competencies such as the
delivering material, mastering ability to train self-awareness, self-
applications as a means to deliver material management, responsibility, and
and also infrastructure (Harahap & sensitivity to the environment are also the
Purwanta, 2021). In the success of goals of the development of these aspects
changing the education system in the era (Hadi, 2011).
of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary Government policies require the
to have cooperation between teachers and Indonesian people to implement social
parents (Susanti et al., 2021). Teachers as distancing and physical distancing
activity planners and parents as mentors at (Pradana et al., 2020). For early
home who have the main task of childhood, the application of social and
monitoring the child's learning process. physical distancing is certainly something
By the enactment of SFH, the new for them. Likewise, changes in
impacts that will arise are so diverse. It behavior by continuing to implement the
does not only have an impact on teachers health protocols that they must always
who are fully tasked with guiding learning apply.
and teaching activities in schools,
especially regarding the delivery of

Elwin Walimatul Fara, Suyadi: The Impact of School from Home Implementation on Social-Emotional Development 13
Research conducted by Pratiwi are the stage of data collection, data
(2021) regarding the description of early reduction, and the last is drawing
childhood development during online conclusions.
learning states that aspects of
development in children experience a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
decline, especially in aspects of language Covid-19 has a very varied impact
and social emotional development. on aspects of human life, especially in the
Because during the pandemic, children field of education. The spread of the
spend more time at home so that children's COVID-19 virus caused changes in the
social interactions that should be filled education system in Indonesia. Not only
with playing activities with others at changes in place, but in all activities
school and at home are reduced (Pratiwi, designed to be carried out face-to-face to
2021). This is in line with the analysis online activities.
conducted by Indah Abdina and Farida Online learning and teaching
Mayar (2021) in their research which activities are carried out at all levels of
states that while online children interact education in Indonesia. At the university
more with their friends online, so this level, changing the learning system from
reduces the child's social spirit towards face-to-face to online is not a complicated
friends and the surrounding environment. thing. Based on the analysis conducted by
In addition, boredom and sadness because Hasanah, et al stated that online learning
they cannot meet other people often activities for the university level can run
appear in children (Abdiana & Mayar, well (Hasanah et al., n.d.). Likewise at the
2021). high school level, online learning can run
Based on the above review, this by utilizing several applications that are
article discusses how the socio-emotional accessed by students with cell/phones or
development of early-childhood laptops (Saniah, 2020).
education and how the impact of Teaching and learning activities at
children's socio-emotional development the early-childhood education level have
during the implementation of school from also undergone system changes. Various
home or online learning in the Covid-19 efforts were made by teachers to continue
pandemic era in Karangsoko Village, to carry out effective and efficient
Trenggalek District/Regency. learning activities. Although, in reality the
teacher cannot play a full role in its
METHODOLOGY implementation. Instead, it requires
The research methodology uses various parties who support the
descriptive qualitative. The analysis achievement of learning objectives. The
carried out was to analyze the impact of main goal of early-childhood education is
changes in the learning system in early- to develop 5 aspects of preschoolers
childhood education which were development. The socio-emotional aspect
originally carried out face-to-face into is the main subject of this research.
learning activities from home on the The development of children's
development of social-emotional aspects socio-emotional aspects can be seen in the
of children in Karangsoko village, process of interaction with adults, children
Trenggalek Regency. Data collection can develop attitudes and values on social
techniques are with interviews and competence (Mulyani, 2017). In addition
observations. Interviews were conducted to developing social-emotional abilities,
randomly with 10 parents in Karangsoko children are taught to self-monitor, self-
village who send their children to early- regulate and adapt to the environment
childhood education with an age range of (Desiska & Muryanti, 2020). The
4-6 years. The three stages of data analysis development of children's socio-

14 Cakrawala Dini: Vol. 13 No. 1, May 2022

emotional aspects from an early age is interacting with family, social behavior in
assumed to be able to print good character, society will follow.
later in life. In cultivating good character, The adults in question are not only
it is necessary to get used to it from an parents and relatives, but teachers in
early age. A small example of behavior schools also have a role in shaping the
that needs to be instilled in children is character of children. Social behavior that
good speech acts when interacting with continues to be trained will shape the
adults. To get used to good behavior, child's ability to solve problems well
parents are the main figures that will be (Sintia et al., 2019). Socio-emotional
imitated by children at home, while at aspects of children that are developed
school their main figures are teachers and from an early age can help improve
the environment. A good environment and children's social life, especially in
good social conditions will also create interacting with their surroundings (Hadi,
good behavior habits for children. 2011). In addition, these aspects can
Social development is a process increase learning motivation, as well as
that children go through in interacting or train children in solving problems in
communicating with people, while everyday life.
emotional development is the stage of Aspects of children's social
children development in controlling development so far can be observed from
emotions (Anning & Edwards, 2006). The the social behavior of children in the
development of social and emotional school environment. However, when the
aspects in children must develop education system has to change to school
simultaneously, because these two aspects from home, of course this is very difficult
still intersect (Mukhlis & Handayani, for teachers to know its development. On
2019). In communicating with others, the other hand, of course there are various
children must be able to process their ways to adjust to the situation, for
feelings. So that it can give the right example by visiting a child's house.
response. Based on personal experience in
In achieving good social behavior the field, the teacher experienced some
of children, there needs to be a process of difficulties in observing children's social
increasing the ability to integrate feelings, behavior. Due to various factors, one of
behaviors, and thoughts. This is in line which is the distance from the child's
with the notion of social-emotional house to the teacher. However, for
learning, which is a series of processes in children who live close to their teachers,
developing skills, knowledge, and the development of social behavior can
attitudes (Istianti, 2018). ). Children with still be observed. Apart from daily
developed socio-emotional development behavior, the teacher also observes the
are able to regulate emotions, show care emotional development of children such
and concern for others (Marlina, 2014). as how they can respond to all kinds of
These abilities are able to help children events around them.
maintain relationships, handle To find out the various significant
interpersonal situations, and have an impacts related to the implementation of
attitude of responsibility. school from home, the researchers
Social ability is a child's conducted random interviews with 10
interaction in adjusting to adults, peers, parents who sent their children to the
the surrounding environment and the early-childhood education. During
wider community well. (Mayar, 2013). learning from home, learning and teaching
Children's social behavior is influenced by activities are delivered through the
the character formed by their parents from parents' WhatsApp group. In addition,
birth. With good social experience in some unterviewees also stated that

Elwin Walimatul Fara, Suyadi: The Impact of School from Home Implementation on Social-Emotional Development 15
assignments were given in physical form considered again. Especially in the aspect
by means of parents who took of social-emotional development. In the
assignments at school and collected them interview there were questions about
again according to the agreed collection children's activities at home. During the
limit. Covid-19 pandemic, early-childhood
The interviewee stated that school education in Trenggalek, especially in
from home activities were less effective to Karangsoko Village, was carried out
be applied at the early-childhood online by giving assignments through the
education level. Because working parents parents' WhatsApp group and physical
cannot accompany their children all day assignments taken directly at school. the
long. Where early childhood still needs collection of assignments given through
direction and guidance in learning. So to WhatsApp groups or physically at school
do the task, children have to wait for their is collected directly to the school, except
parents to come home from work. for video assignments and short letter
In school from home activities, the memorization recordings. Sometimes
provision of materials and assignments teachers also make video calls with each
through approved social media platforms, child to say hello and memorize short
such as WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram letters.
and Google Classroom (Bhamani et al., The material presented by the
2020). Some schools with complete teacher is mostly given through
facilities can use the social media WhatsApp groups. This triggers children
platform, but some schools with limited to interact with devices on a regular basis.
facilities prefer to deliver materials and According to interviewee's answer, after
assignments directly (printed form) children finish working on assignments
(Patonah & Muasomah, 2021). Each with their gadgets, they will indirectly
school has its own agreement in start opening other applications such as
determining learning media. Especially YouTube or online games.
for early-childhood education, there needs The interviewee mentioned
to be an agreement between parents and various kinds of activities carried out by
teachers, because the parents at home who children while at home, after being
accompany children during learning analyzed by researchers, the most answers
activities and early childhood certainly were with a percentage of 81.8% on the
need the help of parents and adults in point of "playing gadgets at home" while
operating the device. the lowest choice was 27.3% on the point
During learning from home, of "learning with a tutor". While the other
children interact more with devices. Not percentages are 72.7% on points playing
only to access learning materials, but in in the neighborhood around the house,
the end they will get used to using it to just 63.6% watching tv, and 54.5% on points
play games or watch YouTube. Even for children playing various games in the
though the intensity of continuous use of house.
gadgets has an impact on aspects of During the change in the education
development in children. Aspects of system to SFH, children interacted more
socio-emotional development are one of with gadgets (mobile phones). This is in
them, among the impacts that occur are line with the results of interviews which
children tend to have individualistic traits, confirmed the existence of a child's
difficult to get along with others, and start addiction to continuously playing gadgets.
to depend on gadgets (Saputri & Pambudi, Various factors are the reasons why
2018). children prefer to play with gadgets than
The efficiency of learning from learn material independently. One of them
home for preschoolers still needs to be is the features of today's devices that have

16 Cakrawala Dini: Vol. 13 No. 1, May 2022

become kids friendly and easy and at home. Meanwhile, parents who work
interesting to continue to use. outside the home, even though they have
Giving gadgets by parents to conditioned their children to only use
children is also based on parents' devices when the parents are at home, in
understanding that by playing with the end this conditioning does not last
gadgets children are more entertained and long. Because it turns out that gadgets
easily get rid of boredom. It is indeed allow children to stay at home.
complicated to find a bright spot in an One of the interviewee stated that
effort to keep children from being with SFH activities, children's learning
addicted to playing gadgets. In addition, motivation decreased. Some of the factors
the material provided by the teacher that cause a decrease in interest in learning
through the YouTube channel can also be include limited devices or other
a trigger factor for children's addiction to communication tools at home and also
playing gadgets. lack of understanding of the material. In
Continuous use of gadgets addition, children's social interaction with
certainly has various impacts, especially friends also decreases. On the other hand,
on the development of children's socio- the more interactions that occur between
emotional aspects. Moreover, children students, this can trigger children's
who are addicted to gadgets, of course enthusiasm to learn and improve cognitive
their interaction with their environment abilities.
has decreased. Individualistic nature Based on observations in the field,
begins to appear in children, because from children learn from their peers. How to
the use of gadgets there is already a interact with their environment, teachers,
reciprocal relationship. For example when peers, and other adults in social situations.
they get material from videos, children In play activities, children also have the
already feel that they are not alone. There opportunity to practice their social-
are sounds that can be heard and emotional abilities, where children
impressions that can be seen. The longer understand each other, provide feedback,
and often the child interacts with the regulate emotions, and are responsible,
device, the child will feel that he or she fair and honest (Sasmiyanto et al., n.d.).
does not need the help of others, Children also practice mutual tolerance in
especially adults, to access various sharing opportunities to play certain
information. Meanwhile, when the child is games.
familiar with the game on the device, the Thus, with changes in teaching and
child will use it more intensively. With learning activities in schools, it certainly
some games that can be accessed from reduces the opportunity for children to
mobile devices, children can get rid of interact with each other between friends
their boredom, especially in a state of and the school environment. This also has
social restrictions and reduced activities an impact on the teacher's assessment of
outside the home. the development of each individual
The interviewee stated that student. Observations made through the
learning from home really affects aspects media, are not very effective and efficient
of children's social and emotional in answering the problems of school from
development. At the beginning of this home. However, there are some schools
change in the learning system, parents that implement home visit activities,
began to plan to limit the time in using namely visiting children's homes to
gadgets, but as time went on, children interact directly with them. So that it can
began to get used to it and felt the need for help teachers to monitor children's
gadgets. Not only for studying, but behavior directly.
starting to use it to relieve boredom while

Elwin Walimatul Fara, Suyadi: The Impact of School from Home Implementation on Social-Emotional Development 17
One of the interviewee stated that experiences during accompanying SFH,
the impact of SFH is that children become most stated that SFH had an unfavorable
indifferent to their surroundings. The use impact on children's socio-emotional
of gadgets that are too long can trigger development. Some of the impacts felt by
these changes in nature. The child's social the resource persons were that children
spirit, which began to develop well while interacted more with gadgets, interacted
at school, was eventually contaminated less with their environment, reduced
with YouTube shows which he thought concentration, decreased enthusiasm for
were more interesting (Ulya et al., 2021). learning in children, unstable emotions
In addition, children who do not socialize that were difficult to direct, and were less
much with peers around the house, in the independent and less confident.
end only make friends with their devices But on the other hand, there were
at home. some resource persons who stated that
Another interviewee also stated although the learning system had to
that children tend to be rude and less able change during the Covid-19 pandemic,
to control their emotions when they play children still interacted with peers around
with gadgets for too long. This kind of the house, were still able to socialize, and
incident is triggered by YouTube shows their socio-emotional development
that are less educational, so that they can continued to develop well. Even though in
be imitated by children. Even though the end, children are still addicted to
YouTube has provided a kids friendly gadgets because so far they interact a lot
feature, there are still many parents who with gadgets. One of the resource persons
don't know how to activate this feature. gave an explanation regarding ways to
Gadget addiction does not only balance children's social development,
affect children's social behavior, attitudes, namely by limiting the use of gadgets and
and nature but also can affect language still allowing children to play with peers
style and speech, when interacting with around the house. With this, children can
adults. As the statement from the continue to practice to develop their
interviewee that children become less social-emotional aspects.
cooperative. Like completing a task. The positive and negative impacts
Children are trained to do assignments at related to the implementation of school
school together with their friends. While from home in Indonesia need to get more
at home, children only get directions from attention so that in the future solutions can
their parents, and sometimes they have to be found to minimize these impacts.
complete their own tasks. Basically, the implementation of school
The atmosphere during learning at from home can help children to learn
school certainly has a very strong independently, because the learning
influence on competition for children. system has emphasized student
Thus, children will be encouraged to centeredness. However, for preschoolers,
compete with each other, not only during parents must be able to vary the activities
play activities but also when the teacher or tasks of the teacher to be more
asks questions. This atmosphere is interesting. While in the social-emotional
certainly missed by children, where aspect of learning, parents play a full role
children can show their abilities. in supervising and guiding so as to create
Meanwhile, during the Covid-19 good social behavior. Especially in
pandemic, this atmosphere is no longer providing examples of good behavior and
found. So that children cannot show each habituation so that they can imitate.
other their abilities. Because children are great imitators.
Based on various presentations
from resource persons regarding their

18 Cakrawala Dini: Vol. 13 No. 1, May 2022

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