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Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s
VI. REFLECTIO progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
N Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them,
you can ask them relevant questions.
There are 45 There are 45 There are 44 learners There are 45 There are 45 There are 45
A. No. of learners learners who learners who who earned 80% in the learners who learners who learners who
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
earned 80% in earned 80% in the evaluation. earned 80% in the earned 80% in the earned 80% in the
the evaluation. evaluation. evaluation. evaluation. evaluation.

There are 2 more There are 2 more There are 2 students There are 2 more There are 2 more There are 2 more
B. No. of learners who students who students who who require additional students who students who students who
require additional require additional require additional activities for require additional require additional require additional
activities for
activities for activities for remediation. activities for activities for activities for
remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation.

C. Did the remedial Yes, remedial Yes, remedial Yes, remedial through Yes, remedial Yes, remedial Yes, remedial
lessons work? No. of through virtual through virtual virtual way. The 2 through virtual way. through virtual through virtual way.
learners who have way. The 2 way. The 2 learners have caught The 2 learners way. The 2 The 2 learners
caught up with the learners have learners have up with the lesson. have caught up learners have
lesson have caught up
caught up with caught up with the with the lesson. caught up with the with the lesson.
the lesson. lesson. lesson.
D. No. of learners who none none none none none none
continue to require

Home learning Home learning Home learning plan Home learning plan Home learning Home learning plan
plan has a clear plan has a clear has a clear and has a clear and plan has a clear has a clear and
E. Which of my teaching and concise and concise concise instructions concise instructions and concise concise instructions
strategies work well? instructions which instructions which which makes learners which makes instructions which which makes
Why did these work? makes learners makes learners able to understand well learners able to makes learners learners able to
able to able to the lesson. understand well the able to understand understand well the
understand well understand well lesson. well the lesson.
the lesson. the lesson.
F. What difficulties did I I had a hard time I had a hard time I had a hard time I had a hard time I had a hard time
communicating I had a hard time communicating and communicating and communicating communicating and
and monitoring to communicating monitoring to them monitoring to them and monitoring to monitoring to them
them when it and monitoring to when it comes to signal when it comes to them when it when it comes to
comes to signal them when it and their time signal and their comes to signal signal and their
encounter which my
and their time comes to signal availability to be time availability to and their time time availability to
principal or supervisor
can help me solve? availability to be and their time reached through online be reached through availability to be be reached through
reached through availability to be or phone call. online or phone reached through
online or phone
online or phone reached through call. online or phone
call. online or phone call.
I used printed I used printed I used printed rubrics I used printed I used printed I used printed
G. What innovations or rubrics and rubrics and and posted video as rubrics and posted rubrics and posted rubrics and posted
localized materials did posted video as posted video as their guide in doing video as their guide video as their
I used/discover which I video as their guide
wish to share with
their guide in their guide in their performance in doing their guide in doing in doing their
other teachers? doing their doing their tasks. performance tasks. their performance performance tasks.
performance performance tasks.
tasks. tasks.


Teacher I HT III- English Department

Teacher’s Reflection

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