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Scene 1:

*in company*

Interviewer: Hello Mr/Mrs ...... Thanks so much for coming here.

A: Uhhhh Nice to meet you. (Mặt cười giả trân)

Interviewer: Did you have any trouble to find the office ??

A: Uhhh No no.

Interviewer: So, to get started, why don’t you tell a little bit about your self.

A: uhhh uhhh uhhh

A: My name is ........ I from .......... Uhhhhh

Interviewer: So, can you show me why you apply this company and why our company will choose you?

A: Uhh I think uhh I can do many thing and uhhh i graduated FPT university.

Interview: Ok thank you for coming here. If you pass, we will call you later.

*after interview*

A: Haizz i failed the interview. Why don’t i work hard in Little uk? Whyyyyy?

(hồi tưởng quá khứ các kiểu các kiểu)

Scene 2:

*Get up scene* (nhạc báo hồng)

A: Haizz It’s Monday again. I’m so lazy. I don’t want to go to LUK.

A: Ahh i will choose it random.

(quăng đồng xu)

A: Ohh it’t down so i don’t need to go to study. Just sleep again.

(ngủ lại)

*tomorow scene in luk*

A: Hi bro, How are you today?

B: I’m so excited. Yesterday, My news is well done and my presentation is so great.

A: I’m so lazy yesterday so i choose sleeping at home. (mặt cười thân thiện)

B: Why did’t you absent ? You have to go to study because It’s necessary for your future and your parent
will disappointed if they know you absent.

A: I do anything i want. It’s my life. One person one life. Stop living for others.

*compare scene*

(When read news, presentation)

A (ngủ trong lúc học, ko chú ý)

B (tích cực tham gia, thảo luận cùng với mọi người)

(Thể hiện được sự đối lập giữa 2 người)

Scene 3:

*Turn back to present*

B: (xuất hiện bất ngờ) It that you .......?

A: Why you been here? Did you go to interview ?

Interviewer: Ohh boss, why you are here ??

A: (Surprise) Are you boss ??

B: (talk to A) When I studied in luk, I also had the same difficulty and challenges like you. But i knew how
to face with it and i tried hard every day. Don’t like you, sleeping and went out all day, i try to hard-
working day by day, actively participate when work in team and now i’m successful and i became the
director of my company. (diễn hoạt cảnh làm việc kiểu chuyên nghiệp)

A: I feel so regret because i didn’t try hard when i studied in luk. Until now, I realize that if i want to be
successful, Stop being lazy, try hard every day, be excited when work with teammate, never give up and
must be hard-working.

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