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Brighouse High School

1.          Muscles need energy during exercise.

Draw a ring around the correct answer in parts (a) and (b) to complete each sentence.

(a)    (i) The substance stored in the muscles and used during exercise is lactic acid.



(ii) The process that releases energy in muscles is respiration.



(b)     The table shows how much energy is used by two men of different masses when
swimming at different speeds.
Speed of swimming in Energy used in kJ per hour
metres per minute
34 kg man 70 kg man

25 651 1155

50 1134 2103

(i)      When the 34 kg man swims at 50 metres per minute instead of at 25 metres
per minute,
  36 kJ.

the extra energy he uses each hour is 483 kJ.

  948 kJ.


(ii)     When swimming at 50 metres per minute, each man’s heart rate is faster than
when swimming at 25 metres per minute.
  carbon dioxide.

A faster heart rate helps to supply the muscles with more glycogen.



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Brighouse High School

(iii) During the exercise the arteries supplying the muscles would dilate.

    pump harder.


(c)     When a person starts to swim, the breathing rate increases.

Give one way in which this increase helps the swimmer.



 Q2.          Oxygen from our lungs is carried, by our blood, to cells in our body where aerobic
respiration takes place.

(i)      Complete the two spaces to balance the chemical reaction for aerobic respiration.

C H O    +   6O   →   ....... CO    +   ...... H O

6 12 6 2 2 2


(ii)      Name the substance with the formula C H O . 6 12 6


(iii)     Name the structures in the cytoplasm of our cells where aerobic respiration takes


Q3.          Paula is training for a marathon. When she runs, her heart beats faster than it does
when she is resting.

          Complete the sentences, using words from the box.

blood                 breathe            carbon dioxide            glucose

               heat           nitrogen         oxygen           respire

          When she is running, Paula‘s muscle activity increases. To do this, her muscle cells

................................................. at a faster rate to give her more energy. Her muscles need

To be supplied with ........................................... and ...........................................................

more quickly. Her heart beats faster to increase the flow


which carries the products ........................................ and ................................... away from

her muscles.

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Brighouse High School
(Total 6 marks)

 Q4.Lactic acid production during exercise affects an athlete’s performance.

Explain why lactic acid is produced during exercise.






(Total 2 marks)

 Q5.          One type of training exercise involves alternating periods of walking and running.

The graph shows how an athlete’s heart rate changed during one 30-minute training

(a)     (i)      The athlete ran 6 times during the 30-minute training session.

Describe the evidence for this in the graph.


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Brighouse High School

(ii)      Immediately after the final run, the athlete rested for a short time before he
started to walk again.

For how many minutes did this rest last?

                                                        ........................................ minutes

(b)     The heart rate increases during exercise.

This increase in heart rate increases blood flow to the muscles.

Explain, as fully as you can, why this increase in heart rate is necessary.










(Total 6 marks)

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Brighouse High School

Q6.          The graph shows the effect of increasing the carbon dioxide content of the inhaled air

•        the number of breaths per minute;

•        the total volume of air breathed per minute.

(i)      Describe the effect of increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air
on the total volume of air breathed.





(ii)      Suggest why the total volume of inhaled air is not directly proportional to the
number of breaths per minute.





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Brighouse High School
(Total 4 marks)

M1.         (a)      (i)     glycogen

ii)     respiration

b)     (i)      483 kJ

(ii)     oxygen

(iii)    dilate

(c)     supplies more / a lot of oxygen or removes more carbon dioxide

or release more energy / faster respiration

 M2.          (i)      6 in both spaces

do not credit if any formula has been altered

(ii)      glucose
allow fructose or dextrose

(iii)     mitochondria
accept organelles

M3.          (a)     respire




M4.          insufficient / no oxygen available


for (just) aerobic respiration

respires anaerobically

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Brighouse High School


 M5.         (a)      (i)     6 peaks in heart rate

accept 6 increases / spikes or goes very high 6 times
allow heart rate increases each time he runs

(ii)     2.5 / 2½
allow 2 minutes 30 seconds
do not accept 2.3 / 2:3 / 2.30

(b)                          more / faster / a lot must be stated at least once for full marks

(more) oxygen supplied / needed

allow less anaerobic (respiration)

or (more) aerobic respiration

or prevents oxygen debt

(more) glucose / sugar / food supplied / needed

ignore feeding

(more) energy needed / released

allow energy produced / made

(more) carbon dioxide / heat / lactic acid removed (from muscles) or more cooling

or less lactic acid formed


 M6.          (i)      increase in CO concentration leads to increase in volume of air inhaled


increase of % carbon dioxide has little effect over most of range / large
increase when % carbon dioxide > 5.6 %
each for 1 mark

(ii)      idea that

depth of breathing changes at low % carbon dioxide, in crease in % CO 2

results in volume of each breath increasing without increase / little increase

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Brighouse High School
in number of breaths
each for 1 mark

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