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LEVEL 3 - Production Schedule

Write down a ‘shopping list’ of tasks, jobs, things to do, with a start date and a completion date:

Student Names: Leon Wyatt and Matthew Lloyd-Andrews Sheet

Production Title: ‘Out of Our League’ 0 of 0


Complete PowerPoint ready to present and show

13/03/2023 PRE 24/03/2023 NO
our ideas for the podcast.

15/03/2023 PRE Start coming up with ideas for logo and names. 31/03/2023 NO
Collect primary data in the form of Microsoft
15/03/2023 PRE Forms, asking our classmates about our possible 31/03/2023 NO
logo designs and names.
Organise our websites and make sure that
16/03/2023 PRE everything so far has been uploaded and is in the 16/03/2023 NO
right place.
Start collecting examples of sponsor videos as
17/03/2023 PRE 17/03/2023 NO
secondary research for our PowerPoint.
Look at responses for our logo and name. Start
20/03/2023 PRE adapting the logo based on the feedback that we 20/03/2021 NO
22/03/2023 PRE Present our PowerPoint to the class 22/03/2023 NO
Upload our peer feedback from the presentation, YES (finished on
22/03/2023 PRE 22/03/2023
and write up an evaluation on our FMP websites. 27/03/2023)
We finished uploading our peer feedback and
27/03/2023 PRE 27/03/2023 NO
wrote up the evaluation.
We worked through our website checklist and
made sure that we had uploaded everything such
27/03/2023 PRE 27/03/2023 NO
as the PowerPoint slides and any work we have
done on our logo.
We focused on writing some documents around
29/03/2023 PRE 31/03/2023 NO
our logo typography and colour schemes.
Complete paperwork such as production
30/03/2023 PRE 31/03/2023 NO
schedule, risk assessment etc.
Complete AV script and start writing down a plan
31/03/2023 PRE 31/03/2023 NO
for our topics and what we will cover within them.
During this week we are going to start filming our
17/04/2023 PROD podcast and completing and work that needs to 21/04/2023 NO
be done to make this happen.
Bring in our props and ask Ben and Rob about
availability of the greenscreen studio so that we
17/04/2023 PROD 21/04/2023 NO
can carry out risk assessment and then set up
the props.
Start watching the footage back and making sure
17/04/2023 –
PROD that there is nothing that we might need to re- 21/04/2023 NO
17/04/2023 –
PROD Begin to edit the podcast together. 05/05/2023 NO
Work through the FMP checklist to make sure
POST that all of my documentation is up to date before 03/05/2023 NO
starting to edit.
Start editing all of the raw footage together and
POST making cuts between the close-up camera and 09/05/2023 NO
the wide shot.
Start experimenting with on screen effects and
sourcing some clips that I will be using in my edit
10/05/2023 POST 10/05/2023 NO
such as green screen effects from League of
Start sourcing clips to add to the edit and
12/05/2023 POST deciding how I want to present them. And also 12/05/2023 NO
create a rough export to track my progress.
YES (finished on
Check that the edit fits within the time limit and
15/05/2023 POST 15/05/2023 18/05/2023 due to
add in the intro and outro sections.
Create an animated intro using my logo and also
19/05/2023 POST add some transitions to the edit between the 19/05/2023 NO
different sections.
22/05/2023 POST Edit my advert segment down and then add it in 22/05/2023 NO
to the edit. Create a final export and ask a
classmate to watch through it to make sure I
haven’t missed anything.
Work through evaluation and make sure that I
23/05/2023 POST 23/05/2023 NO
have completed all of my documentation.
Double check through my Weebly and make sure
24/05/2023 POST that everything is there. Then hand in final edit 24/05/2023 NO
and evaluation

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