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The NUS- IPOS Society

IP Career Mentorship Programme

What is this IP Career Mentorship Programme?

o A collaboration between NUS and IPOS Society

o 6 months period of IP Career mentorships

What? o 4X IP Career mentorship discussions

o 2 - 3 NUS Mentees to 1 IPOS Society Mentor
o Coffee chats, casual luncheons, office tours
o Sharing of invaluable IP experiences and tips
o Exclusive insights of the local IP industry
o Long term friendships and network

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Why is the IPOS Society organizing
such a IP Career sharing and mentorship?

o Society’s mission to empower youths in IP
o We hope to cocreate a vibrant IP ecosystem
o We strive to build a IP network of professionals
o Our members have a passion to contribute
o Our members have a wealth of IP experiences
o We believe in enabling our “Next-gen”

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Key Takeaways from the Mentorship Programme

IP as a How to How to
Career Start? Succeed?

Mentors’ experiences IP Pathways Industry Experiences

Network and Internships Courses and learnings Pitfalls and failures

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An Assembly of Eminent IP Career Mentors
Mr Dixon Soh Ms Esther Loh Mr Winston Chan Dr Eugene Ho Mr Ye Thu Aung
CHP Law SIT FT Consulting Mengniu Dairy Grab

Dr Terence Goh Ms Jacinthe Tay Mr Lim Jia Sheng Ms Lian Yanru Mr Shawn Leong
KLASS Engineering Patentree Performance Labs Robert Bosch Handshakes

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Introduction: Primary Roles of a Patent Examiner

▪ Ensure that a patent application is worthy to be granted a patent

✓ Legal basis
✓ Technical or Scientific basis

▪ Provide opinions and objections so as:

✓ to reasonably limit the scope of protection which the applicant seeks to be granted
✓ to identify any issues or errors to amend before an application is granted

▪ Perform state-of-the-art searches to ensure an application is novel and non-

✓ E.g. other patents, scientific articles or any published disclosures

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Generation Intelligence
of IP from IP

Career in

Protection Why IP (Patents) is

of IP important to you as a Scientist

IP as the
IP as Commercialization
your KPI of IP

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Alternative Careers in IP
Diverse Hybrid Roles which Transcend across Skillsets, Industries and Sectors

Graduate Student
Patent Intelligence & Strategy Patent Registration and Protection

IP Strategist Patent Analyst Patent Examiner Patent Engineer

Patent Filing & Management, Commercialization,
IP Valuer IP Commercialization Licensing, Patent Analysis, Research Support

IP Manager
IP Consultant Patent Attorney/Agent
*Requires registration

Directing all IP matters: IP Intelligence, IP Strategy, IP Commercialization

IP Director / Chief IP Officer / Chief Innovation Officer

Businesses, Consulting firms
Science / Tech
Businesses, Research Institutes, Universities etc
Government, Law firms, Businesses

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Introduction: IPOS Society
A non-profit organization made up of IPOS
alumni and IP enthusiasts

To cocreate and contribute to a vibrant
and progressive IP ecosystem in Singapore

➢ Strengthening IP social networks

➢ Sharing of industry IP experiences
➢ Empowering women and youths in IP
➢ Enabling IP to be fun and engaging

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Introduction: IPOS Society II

World IP Day 2022 with Chief IPOS Society Meet and Greet 2022 with World IP
Executive of IPOS, Ms Rena Lee Organization (WIPO) Director General, Mr Daren Tang

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