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40th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2022

Data Envelopment Analysis – Vehicle Routing Problem

Optimization for the Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Public
Martin Flegl1, Eva Selene Hernández Gress2
Abstract. Perception about the insecurity in Mexico remains high among its popula-
tion and only 52.5% of the population identifies the performance of the State police
as effective to eradicate the violence. That is why, it is of a high importance for the
government to improve this situation. However, citizens consider the performance of
the local governments as ineffective to solve important problems. This is mainly due
to the limited resources and persistent corruption. In such situation, it is necessary to
search for security strategies resulting in lower violence. In this article, we apply a
combination of Data Envelopment Analysis and Vehicle Routing Problem to evaluate
the technical efficiency of the public security and propose an inter-municipality co-
operation. For this purpose, we use data related to the public security system in 125
municipalities in Jalisco state in Mexico. The results reveal a technical efficiency of
.6944 with standard deviation of .2676. To improve the level of the technical effi-
ciency, 78 routes between the municipalities were constructed, which lead to more
efficient use of approximately 900 police units.
Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Mexico, Optimization, Public Security, Ve-
hicle Routing Problem.
JEL Classification: C44, C61, F52
AMS Classification: 90-08, 90C05, 91B32

1 Introduction
Mexican government spent almost 300 billion of Mexican pesos to improve the situation of violence in the country
in 2020. Out of the total, 42.22 billion were allocated to the public security [19]. However, the insecurity remains
alarming, as more than 23,000 reported cases per 100,000 citizens have been reported yearly since 2010 [17].
Citizens perceive as a main problem a low performance of the police, as only 52.5% of the population aged 18 and
over identifies the performance of the State Police as effective in eradicating the crime, while this perception is
47.5% in the case of the Municipal Preventive Police. What is more, only 27.8% of them consider the government
performance of their city to be effective in solving important problems of their citizens [18]. One of the reasons of
such low performance is linked to a low budget and quality infrastructure destined in public security [4][21].
To improve this perception, it is necessary to elevate the institutional quality through the government’s efficiency
in decision-making [7][9]. It can be thought that if more personnel in the public security is hired, then the lower
violence and better citizens’ perception about its performance can be gained. The international standards indicate
that a country (region) should have 2.8 police elements per 1,000 citizens, but Mexico reported only 1.2 police
elements in 2020. In absolute numbers, the Mexican public security system lacks 101,458 security personnel [4].
As large differences in the development in the regions exist, some municipalities may have problems with low
accessibility to services, lack of availability of resources or inability to use them [1]. That is why, the new alloca-
tion of the personnel must be carefully evaluated regarding the socio-economic and environmental conditions of
each region, as well as to the size of the service operations [14].
Furthermore, the police work in rural areas depends on citizens’ trust and respect for the police, which significantly
affects the citizens’ willingness to cooperate with the police [11]. Due to these conditions, it may be favorable
improving the cooperation in the public security system, which would improve the resource allocation efficiency
and the level of security. In fact, as Bel and Sebӧ [5] suggest, small municipalities should search an inter-municipal
cooperation (IMC) to enhance the collaboration between governments, local councils, or agencies. Such

Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Calle Puente 222, Coapa, Arboledas del Sur, Tlalpan, 14380, Mexico
City, Mexico, ORCID: 0000-0002-9944-8475.
Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Campus Hidalgo, Blvd. Felipe Ángeles 2003, 42083, Pachuca, Hidalgo, ORCID: 0000-0001-8720-5997.

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cooperation can increase the efficiency in combating the violence by optimizing the number of the public security
personnel and their operability [22][25]. This is especially important when the resources are limited, and, in the
case of Mexico, when there is a lack of police elements in the country. In this case, the IMC can be designed by
using techniques for routing optimizations based on the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), in the case of smaller
number of connections, or the Clustering TSP (CTSP) for larger number of connections, or using the Vehicle
Routing Problem (VRP), when multi depots are considered [3].
The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is widely used to assess the operational efficiency and performance
[10][13]. In public security, the DEA analysis focuses either on a single period, performs the analysis over several
years, or the two-stage DEA models are applied. For example, Wang, Le and Hou [26] applied the DEA to evaluate
the efficiency of the security departments in 22 administrative districts in Taiwan to improve their management.
Nepomuceno et al. [23] studied the public safety efficiency and effectiveness in 145 municipalities in Pernambuco,
Brazil. Alda and Dammert [2] assessed police performance of 619 Peruvian municipalities considering environ-
mental aspect in which police operate, whereas Benito, Martínez-Córdoba and Guillamón [6] analyzed the effi-
ciency of police service in 99 municipalities in Spain. Hadad, Keren and Hanani [14] evaluated 13 police stations
efficiency in the South of Israel. The outcome of these analyses provides overview about the policing efficiency
and the understanding of factors that affect the violence and/or the efficiency. However, up to our knowledge, such
analysis does not consider improvements through the IMC to enhance the efficiency of the security system.
That is why, the objective of the article is to assess the technical efficiency of the public security system in Mexico
and propose the inter-municipal cooperation. For this purpose, the Data Envelopment Analysis is used in the first
part of the analysis to obtain the municipalities’ public security efficiency and the Vehicle Routing Problem is
applied in the second part of the analysis to design the collaborations between the municipalities. The research
question that arises is whether the efficiency to eradicate the violence in Mexico can be improved through the
creation of the inter-municipal collaboration.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Data
The analysis uses data related to the public security and the criminal incidence of 125 municipalities in Jalisco
state, Mexico (Figure 1a). Jalisco is one of the most important Mexican states, as it is the 3rd biggest state according
to the population (8,348,151), represented 6.9% of the total GDP of the country in constant prices in 2020 (4 th in
Mexico), and Jalisco contributed the most in the primary sector of the country with 12.2% of the corresponding
GDP [15]. On the other hand, Jalisco also registered the 3 rd most crimes in the country with 160,630 cases
(7.926%), right behind Mexico City and Estado de México [24].
To evaluate the efficiency of the public security system, data from the National Census of Municipal Governments
and Territorial Demarcations of Mexico City in 2019 (Census) [16] was used. The Census includes statistical and
geographic information on the management and performance of the institutions that make up the Public Admin-
istration of each municipality. The DEA model uses as the inputs the number of personnel assigned to public
security functions in the Municipal Public Administrations (PERSONNEL) and the average salaries according to
income range of the public security functions (SALARY). Further, the model includes the number of infrastructure
units to exercise the public security function that the Municipal Public Administrations have (UNITS), which
encompasses the number of Commanderies, Security stations, Security modules, Police booths and others, in full
operation in 2018. Finally, the information about the number of CCTV security camaras (CCTV) and the number
of security panic buttons (BUTTON) in each municipality were also used. For the output part of the model, infor-
mation related to the level of violence (VIOLENCE) obtained from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public
Security System [24]. The violence is divided into seven juridical types of violence: Property crimes; Family
crimes; Sexual freedom and safety crimes; Society crimes; Life and bodily integrity crimes; Personal freedom
crimes; and Other affected legal assets (of common jurisdiction).
All the variables were recalculated per 1,000 citizens to eliminate the effect of population on the results [14][26].
In addition, the outputs have a character of the undesirable outputs. That is why, to satisfy the requirement of the
DEA models for the outputs [2], each output was subtracted from a big M value as follows
𝑀𝑀= max{𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖2} + min{𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖2}, 𝑖𝑖= 1, 2, … , 𝑛𝑛.
Invert𝑖𝑖2 = 𝑀𝑀− 𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖2, 𝑖𝑖= 1, 2, … , 𝑛𝑛.
where 𝑛𝑛 is the number of DMUs (𝑛𝑛= 125). MaxDEA 7 Ultra software was used for the calculations.

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2.2 Data Envelopment Analysis

The Data envelopment Analysis (DEA) evaluates decision-making units (DMU) regarding their capabilities to
convert 𝑚𝑚 multiple inputs into 𝑠𝑠 multiple outputs [8]. If the model assumes constant returns to scale, the so-
called CCR model can be used. The CCR input-oriented model for DMUO is formulated as follows:

2.3 Vehicle Routing Problem

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most frequently encountered optimization problems in logistics,
which aim is to design optimal delivery routes. In this case, each costumer is visited exactly once by one vehicle,
each vehicle starts and ends its route at the depot and the capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded [3][12]. The
analysis considers Pickup and Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem (PDVRP) and multiple depots with the following
• Single vehicle is used in all municipalities. One of the most used vehicles by the Mexican municipal
police is the Jeep Wrangler. That is why, the capacity of the vehicle is four persons. Each main munici-
pality (depot) has eight vehicles available for the IMC operations.
• Each vehicle is loaded according to the required number of persons on a route. In each municipality, the
loaded number of persons arrives, operates one hour, and leaves to next municipality on the route. The
IMC usage of the police is recalculated regarding the number of municipalities on a route and the number
of police loaded in the vehicle.
• We only consider cost per kilometer related to consumed gasoline (2.217 pesos, considering average
consume of 10.3 liters of gasoline per 100km, and price of gasoline 21.52 pesos per liter). The other costs
(such as insurance, depreciation of the vehicle and tires, etc.) are ignored.
For the calculations, the open source VRP Spreadsheet Solver was used. The complete description of the VRP
algorithm can be found in [12].

3 Results
The results are divided into two parts. First, the overall technical efficiency of the public security system in Jalisco
is evaluated; second, based on the efficiency results, the inter-municipal cooperation is proposed and its effect on
the security system efficiency assessed.
The average technical efficiency to eradicate the violence of the whole state is 0.694 with standard deviation (SD)
of 0.268 (Figure 1a, Table 1). The highest efficiency is observed in Costa-Sierra occidental region (0.811), Altos
norte (0.774) and Sureste (0.732), whereas the lowest efficiency reported Valles (0.633), Ciénega (0.619) and
Costa sur (0.590). Out of the 125 municipalities, only four reached the efficiency of 1.000: Atotonilco el Alto
(Ciénega), Chapala (Sureste), Cuautitlán de García Barragán (Costa sur) and Magdalena (Valles). These

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municipalities are below the state’s average considering the population (39,839 citizens compared to state’s aver-
age of 66,785 citizens) and, what is more, these municipalities used only 0.765 of PERSONNEL per 1,000 citizens
(state’s average 4.333), 0.028 of UNITS per 1,000 citizens (0.205) and registered only 2.186 crime cases per 1,000
citizens (19.241).

The results indicate that, in average, the efficiency of all municipalities can be improved by 30.6%. As the CCR-
input oriented model was used, this improvement can be achieved by optimizing the number of PERSONNEL
used by each municipality, and correspondingly their salaries. The infrastructure (UNITS, CCTV and BUTTON)
is already built or in function, therefore, its functionality will remain unchanged. In the Vehicle Routing Problem
for the Inter-municipal cooperation (IMC), the construction of the depot (the main cities) is considered as follows
(also due to the software limitations): 1) one depot is constructed in a municipality with the lowest efficiency (i.e.,
with the highest change of the PERSONNEL) in each region of the state; 2) eight more depots are constructed in
the following municipalities with the lowest efficiency. In this case, the model will assure the biggest IMC leading
to higher improvements in the efficiency of the public security system.

The results of the VRP (Figure 1b) show that 78 routes were created to promote the IMC between the municipal-
ities. As each municipality had a capacity of 8 vehicles (160 vehicles in total)), but only 48.75% of the capacity
was used. This is mainly due to the location of the selected municipalities for the depots, as some depots are in the
same region. In average, each route requires 119 kilometers and 3 hours and 26 minutes of the operational time
(including 1 hour of the operation in each municipality on the route). The average driving time between two pair

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of municipalities takes 55 minutes and 51.65 kilometers. Both the needed time and the distance on each route
indicate that the routes can be operated more than once every day or more vehicles can be allocated on these routes.
The total costs of the IMC routes are 20,577.44 pesos. On the other hand, the IMC resulted in reallocation of 6.77%
PERSONNEL in average (approximately 900 police units in absolute numbers), which resulted in average salary
savings of 326.15 pesos per person monthly in each municipality, i.e., 293,733.41 pesos in absolute numbers.
Furthermore, these savings resulted in better efficiency in several municipalities (depending on number of operated
routes and its size). For example, Totatiche in the region Norte operates 8 routes, which resulted in higher effi-
ciency by +19.2% (from 44.8% to 64.0%), Autlán de Navarro in the Sierra de Amula region operates 8 routes with
an improvement of 3.5% (27.7% to 31.2%) and Zapotlán el Grande in South Region with 8 routes and +3.1% of
the efficiency improvement (20.4% to 23.6%). The less routes are designed, the lower the effect of the IMC on the
efficiency improvements is.
One of the key motivations to create the IMC is to enhance the service quality, optimize the service-related trans-
action costs and improve governance [5]. In this case, the proposed IMC in the security system sounds reasonable
as security is the common target of all municipalities, but not all of them may have enough resources to do so. In
general, there is less crime in rural areas, so there are less police allocated, which may result in fewer security
infrastructure [11][20]. The application of the VRP to design the routes looks appropriate, hence several limitations
must be considered. First, each municipality is designed to only one route. So, the IMC does not allow a coopera-
tion from another municipality, which may be desirable. Second, the number of depots and their location seem
crucial for the efficiency improvements, as tight locations may restrict the number of designed routes by VRP.

4 Conclusions
Many ways to improve the level of security exist, however some of these can be impossible due to limiting re-
sources. Therefore, it is necessary to search new ways of how to improve current security processes. In this article,
the combination of DEA and VRP was applied to propose the Inter-municipal cooperation between 125 munici-
palities in Jalisco, Mexico. For this purpose, the technical efficiency was calculated in the first part of the model
to evaluate the overall technical efficiency to eradicate the violence. In the second part, 20 municipalities with the
lowest efficiency were identified. Those municipalities were considered as the depots in the VRP. The proposed
IMC created 78 routes with a use of approximately 900 police units between the municipalities. What is more,
considering the model settings, the proposed IMC leaded to an approximate monthly operational savings of
293,733.41 pesos in the whole state.

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