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Grammar Valor 20%

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________

a. Underline the verbs. Change the sentences to the tense in parenthesis.

1. He tries very hard. (present continuous tense)
2. She enjoys playing the piano. (past tense)
3. He went to the park. (present simple tense)
4. We took a pizza to school. (future)
5. They are baking a chocolate cake. (present simple tense)
6. We are going to the museum. (past)
b. Read each sentence, write don’t, doesn’t or didn’t in the blanks.
1. They ______________ played with a ball. (past)

2. Sue and Kimmy ______________ walk to the store. (present)

3. I ______________ want to go the park. (present)

4. He _______________ looked for his toy. (past)

5. My dad _____________ speak English. (present)

6. I ______________ live in Japan. (present)

7. Maria _______________ have a cat. (present)

8. You _______________ French. (present)

c. Read each sentence. Circle the adverb with color blue and the noun or verb it is
describing with red. Write on the lines if its and adverb that tells how, when or where.
1. He swims well. ________________________

2. James coughed loudly to attract her attention. _____________________

3. She spoke softly. ______________________

4. I will eat later. ______________________

5. Let’s eat outside in the bench. ______________________

6. Goldilocks went to the Bears’ house yesterday. ___________________

7. Let’s open the box inside the house. ____________________

8. I’m going to hang out with my friends tomorrow. ___________________

9. He plays the flute beautifully. _______________________

d. Follow the directions.

1. Draw a cat under the table.

2. Draw a dog on the table.

3. Draw a bird abo ve the dog.

4. Draw a spider beside the cat.

5. Draw a fishbowl near the dog.

6. Draw a fish in the fishbowl.

e. Write five (5) sentences using Frequency adverbs about your daily routine. Circle with
color red the adverb you used.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________.

2. _______________________________________________________________________________.

3. _______________________________________________________________________________.

4. _______________________________________________________________________________.

5. _______________________________________________________________________________.
f. Activity. Look in magazines, newspapers or stories examples for each type of sentence.
Look at least 6 sentences for each.

Declarative Sentences Imperative Sentences

Imperative Sentences Exclamatory Sentences

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