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fortalecimiento de la
confianza en la comunicacion
francisca ramirez solorio

These are molded and delicious

What are they carrying?
Inside it has chicken and upstairs sesame with onion, they are bathed in red mole
Are they picous?
No, it has an exquisite taste you will love!!!

This is Chinese food, I like it because it has

a lot of vegetables and it is delicious, it is
cast with chicken, broccoli, carrot and bell
peppers, its flavor is not spicy

Pozole is one of my favorite foods

It is prepared with corn and chicken or pork, what I like most about it is
eating it with golden tacos and pork rinds is so delicious
Eating ceviche is delicious, but eating fish
quesadillas is much more so, they have fish
inside and are prepared with tomato, onion
and green chili salad, then you can add some
types of sauce such as ketchup, buffalo sauce
and fertilizer sauce.

Without a doubt my favorite food is pork in

green sauce
, this meat is cast with tomatoes, chilies and
I like to eat it with a little red rice, it tastes so
dellicious I would not get tired of eating it
tamales are a typical Mexican food they are so
delicious, they are prepared by a special dough and
inside they carry green sauce and chicken or pork

We all at some point should have

Having tasted the roast meat is very typical, peculiarly it is
beef and is hoeed on a charcoal grill is accompanied by
onion, beans or rice and its respective sauce, this to lick your
This is such a delicious food, this one
made of cottage cheese and tomato
sauce has an unparalleled texture when
you try it you will love it.
A peculiar way of preparing enchiladas
It is Jalisco style those are with potato and gilthead in oil,
Upstairs they put vegetables and cheese with cream.
sopa de torilla
600 g tomato guaje
5 g garlic
50 g onion
1 g dried chile de arbol
20 g guajillo pepper
25 g epazote
1 lt chicken bottom Freír ajo, cebolla, jitomate cortado en trozos uniformes y chiles por 10 minutos.
25 ml oil Incorporar fondo de pollo y cocinar por 25 minutos a fuego lento.
75 g fried tortilla
Licuar con el fondo de pollo y de tortilla frita.
150 g julienned fried tortilla Colar y aromatizar con el epazote.
40 ml sour cream Rectificar sazón.
40 g diced fresh cheese El caldillo debe de quedar ligero.
30 g pasilla pepper
150 g avocado
40 g pork crackling Cortar la tortilla en juliana, freírla y escurrir muy bien.
150 ml corn oil Cortar el chile pasilla en tiras delgadas y freírlo ligeramente sin quemarlo.
Cortar el aguacate en cubos pequeños.
Ground black pepper Servir en un plato la tortilla, queso, aguacate, chile, chicharrón troceado y crema
Agregar el caldillo al momento de servir
1 What chili do you put on the red chilaquiles?
What meats can the pozole be made of?

2 What does pork take? 7 do chilaquiles carry garlic?

3 To wings quesadillas they put chicken?

8 Chicken broth is given onion?

4 Is the roast meat put oil? 9 The broth can be eaten cold?

5 What kind of cheeses are put in Swiss enchiladas?

10 How is guacamole prepared?

1.Melt the chopped chocolate and butter in a double boiler. We must stir at all times until we get a homogeneous cream. To make the bain-marie,
we would put a casserole on the fire with water and on top another casserole so that it does not touch the bottom. 200 g. unsalted butter
2.If we can't do a water bath at home, we can melt the chocolate with butter in the microwave. We would heat the chocolate with the butter for 2
minutes, remove, and stir. We would repeat the operation several times until we get a smooth and shiny mixture.
180 g. of dark chocolate 70%
3.Let the chocolate and butter mixture temper to continue the process of preparing the chocolate brownie. Reserve. minimum (the brand you like the
4.In a bowl beat the two eggs with the sugar, the vanilla essence and the point of salt.
5.When we have a foamy cream we add it to the chocolate that we have reserved and tempered. We will add the eggs little by little, integrating most)
them with the chocolate with the help of rods. 2 L eggs
6.Add unsweetened cocoa and flour. We mix with the rods to integrate these solids into the mixture.
225 g regular sugar or icing
1.Grease a mold of about 20 x 20 cm and line it with baking paper. Pour the brownie mixture and tap lightly to regulate
30 g. unsweetened cocoa powder
the surface.
2.Preheat the oven to 170º C with heat above and below, without the fan option. Bake the brownie for 40 minutes. (I recommend 70%)
3.When it has been in the oven for 20 minutes, cover with a little aluminum foil so that the surface does not burn and 1/2 tbsp. vanilla essence
the crust is perfect and crunchy.
4.Remember that the brownie should not be raw or too dry, it has to have a balance. So it must be baked in its proper 120 g wheat flour
measure. It is important to know your oven. I recommend you prick it almost at the end with a knife and leave with a Optional (in this case does not
little crumb attached. This does not mean that it is raw, since when taking it out the heat it keeps inside is such that it
bring): 50 g. chopped walnuts
will continue to cook.
5.Let it cool in the mold for about 15 minutes, lower its temperature, on a rack. When it is cold cut it into several
portions. Your pieces ready to eat and enjoy your favorite brownie.

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