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Units 4, 5 & 6

1. Are these sentences True or False? If they are false, correct them.
1. Copper is a good conductor.


2. A material which easily conducts electricity is called an insulator.


3. Silicon is an insulator.


4. Manganese is a poor conductor.


5. Silver is widely used for cables.


6. A non-metal which conducts well is carbon.


2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Semiconductors………conduct electricity or not.

A. can B. can’t C. Both A & B

2. Germanium is a…………...

A. superconductor B. conductor C. semiconductor

3. Superconductors are substances which allows an electrical current to move freely

through it at a very…… temperature.

A. high B. low C. medium

4. …….. is an insulator.

A. Sliver B. Copper C. Plastic

5. ………. is a liquid conductor.

A. Salt water B. Air C. Paper

6. … a metal which loses all of its resistance below a certain critical temperature.

A. Conductor B. Superconductor C. Insulator

3. Match the word with the appropriate electrical symbols on the circuit below.

battery fuse switch load




4. Circle the correct answer.

1. A………. is a metal thread with a layer of plastic around it used for carrying electric


A. wire B. load C. fuse

2. A …………. is used to stop the flow of electricity in a particular place.

A. resistor B. battery C. hammer

3. A fuse is used to……….an electrical system which contains a material that melt if

too much electricity passes through the system.

A. attack B. protect C. save

4. What is this electrical symbol? – It’s a ……….

A. source B. resistor C. lamp

5. What is this electrical symbol? – It’s a………..

A. diode B. led C. buzzer


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