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1. CHAPTER : Cardinal Numbers (24 Questions)……………………………………………………..3

2. CHAPTER : Ordinal Numbers (24 Questions)………………………………………………………5
3. CHAPTER : Singular & Plural (30 Questions)………………………………………….....………...7
4. CHAPTER : Subject Pronouns (16 Questions)……………..…………………..…..…….………...9
5. CHAPTER : Object Pronouns (16 Questions)…………………………………….….……………..10
6. CHAPTER : Present form of verb “ To Be” (30 Questions)………………………………………..11
7. CHAPTER : Have got / has got (28 Questions)…………………………………………………….13
8. CHAPTER : Present Simple (55 Questions)……………………………………………….............15
9. CHAPTER : Present Continuous (40 Questions)………………………………………………......19
10. CHAPTER : Present Simple or Present Continuous (25 Questions)……………………………..22
11. CHAPTER : Past form of verb “ To Be “(13 Questions)……………………………………………24
12. CHAPTER : “Wh“ Questions (28 Questions)……………………………………………..…………25
13. CHAPTER : Prepositions (44 Questions)…………………………………………..……………....27
14. CHAPTER : Pronouns mixed (57 Questions)…………………………………..………………......30
15. CHAPTER : Quantifiers (Much, many, a few, a little etc.) (29 Questions) ………………...…....34
16. CHAPTER : Articles A – An –The (28 Questions)……………………………………………..…...36
17. CHAPTER : Irregular Verbs (15 Questions)……………………………………………..………….38
18. CHAPTER : Simple Past Tense (44 Questions)……………………………………………………39
19. CHAPTER : Past Continuous (14 Questions) ……………………………………………………...42
20. CHAPTER : Comparatives and Superlatives (14 Questions)……………………………………..43
21. CHAPTER : Conjunctions (13 Questions)………………………………………………………….44
22. CHAPTER : Will for Future (14 Questions)…………………………………………………………45
23. CHAPTER : All Future Forms (13 Questions)……………………………………………..............46
24. CHAPTER : Present Perfect Tense (29 Questions)……………………………………..………. .47
25. CHAPTER : Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous (13 Questions)…………………. .49
26. CHAPTER : All Tenses mix (30 Questions)…………………………………………….................50
27. CHAPTER : Agreeing (So do I / nor - neither do I / too / either) (14 Questions) ………...........53
28. CHAPTER : Modals (Must / mustn’t / have to, could, had to etc.) (28 Questions) ………........54
29. CHAPTER : Gerund or Infinitive (28 Questions)………............................................................56
30. CHAPTER : Relative(Adjective) Clause (14 Questions)………………………………………....58
31. CHAPTER : Tag questions (20 Questions)……………………………………………………......59
32. CHAPTER : Indefinite Pronouns –body / -one / -thing / -where (14 Questions)……………….61
33. CHAPTER : If Conditionals (14 Questions)……………………………………………….............62
34. CHAPTER : Adjectives ending in (–ing or –ed) (14 Questions) ………………………………..63
35. CHAPTER : Passive Voice (26 Questions)………………………………………………………..64
36. CHAPTER : Causative (12 Questions )……………………………………..……………………..66
37. CHAPTER : Too & Enough (12 Questions )…………………………………………..…...……...67
38. CHAPTER : Since, for, yet, just, already (12 Questions)………………………………………...68
39. CHAPTER : Adjectives and Adverbs (14 worksheets) …………………………………………..69
40. CHAPTER : Mixed Revision (27 Questions) ………………………………………………..........70
41. CHAPTER : Some Vocabulary (27 Questions) ………………...………………………………..72


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