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PART 1: Consent for the Home Office to verify application information ‘You (the applicant) should sign the Part 1 consent, and relevant other partes should sign Part 2 and 3, where they are rolevant to your application. You must send them with your supporting documents Ifyou filo do, your application may be refused, \Where any of the information or documentation also relates to someone else (for ‘example a joint bank account or joint uty bil) you should ask that person or persons to sign PART 2 ofthe consent form, From the applicant | understand thal the Home Office may check whether the information and ‘documentation that | provide Is genuine and correct | agree to the provider ofthe information and documentation telling the Home Ofice whether itis genuine andlor correct orn what way(s) (if any) itis not genuine andor correct | agree to the disclosure tothe Home Office of any relevant data (including personal ‘data that the provider ofthe information or documentation holds on me for the ‘above purpose. I | have not supplied correct information or documentation to the Home Office the provider may disclose my relevant correc data (including personal sala), | understand that the infermation obtained may be used to decide my application and for elated purposes. | understand that providing information or documentation that is not genuine andlor ‘correc wil normally reeult in my application (or subsequent applications) being refused and may lead to my prosecution for a criminal offence, Name and address of applicant: ABHIRAMI SURESH FFREDYMON VADYAMPARAMBIL MARTIN 150 Stokes Road 160 Stokes Road London, United Kirgdom London, United Kingdom 58 OSE ESSE si wy yr nature yey 25Joa)2023 as /oa/2023 Date PART 2: Consent for the Home Office to verify third party information If any information or documentation proved ns inthe joint names ofthe applicant and another person (or persons), the joint owner should sign the following ‘declaration: The above-named perscn (‘the applicant’) has given the Home Office information or ‘documentation and agreed thatthe Home Office can check that such information oF ‘documentation is genuine andior correct. 1 am a joint owner with the applicant of ‘some oral ofthat information or documentation. | understand that information about the applicant may also reveal information about | agree to the provider of the information or documentation giving the Home Office relevant data (including personal data) that it holds about me. | understand that this only covers data about me in my capacity as joint owner of the relevant information with the applicant (and not about any other information it may hold about me either in my capacty as an individual or jointly together with a third party) and is limited to: + such relevant data as is necessary to confim that the information o documentation that the applicant has supplied is genuine and corro + if that information or documentation isnot correct, relevant data relating to any irregulartes, inaccuracies or discrepancies in the information or ‘documentation that the applicant has provided, including as to the correct Information that the provider ofthe information holds. | understand that tis information or documentation may be used to make a decision fon the application and for related purposes, Name and address of joint owner ABHIRAMI SURESH FREDYMON VADYAMPARAMBIL MARTIN 150 Stokes Road 4160 Stokes Road London, United Kirgdom London, United Kingdom 56 3S 6 3SE a oO Signature " axfonfae23 25 Joa}202? Date | PART 3: Consent for the Home Office to verity Information from third party sponsor It the information or documentation relates to another person or persons who isto Provide the applicant with financial support, that person or persons* should sign the following declaration | have agreed to provide financial supporto the applicant as set out in the application form. | have provided information or documentation to support the application. | understand the Home Otfice may verity the information or ‘documentation which has been provided. | agree to the provider o' the information or documentation giving the Home Office relevant personal data itholds about me. Ths i inited to that whichis necessary to ‘confirm that the informagon or documentation the applicant has supplied is genuine and correct. f that information oF documentation is not genuine or correct, the provider may give the Home Office details of any regularities, inaccuracies or siscrepancis in the information or documentation, and may also disclose to the Home Office the correct information that they hold | understand that tis information or documentation may be used to decide the application and for related purposes. [Name and address of financial sponsor AABHIRAM SURESH FREDYMON VADYAMPARAMBIL MARTIN 450 Stokes Road 150 Stokes Road tendon, United Radom London nied Kingdom cose ese 2 ye ey Signature oaleqforss oy asfoalaoag “If the account isa joint account, all owners should sign,

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