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Their social structure is ranked

into three groups:
Why do we need to study Jose Rizal’s Life?

 Republic Act 1425: Rizal Law

- An act to include in the curricula of all public
and private schools, colleges and universities
courses on the life, works and writings of
jose rizal, particularly his novels noli me
tangere and el filibusterismo, authorizing the
printing nd distribution thereof, and for
other purposes
Social Structure: Highest Class
Is Jose Rizal the Philippines National Hero? - NO
Highest class - the people that belong in this class
National Heroes Commission include the Spaniards, peninsulares and the friars. They
have the power and authority to rule over the Filipinos.
- Through Executive Order No. 75 issued on March They enjoyed their positions and do what they want.
28, 1993, former president Fidel Ramos created
the National Heroes Commission, which is 1. The Spanish officials
tasked to study and recommend national heroes 2. The Peninsulares (Spaniards who were born in
to be recognized for their character and Spain). They held the most important
contributions to the country. government jobs, and made up the smallest
number of the population.
CRITERIA TO BE A NATIONAL HERO 3. The Friars are members of any of certain
religious orders of men, especially the four
1. Heroes are those who have a concept of nation,
mendicant orders (Augustinians, Jesuits,
and aspire and struggle for the nation's freedom
Dominicans, and Franciscans).
2. Heroes define and contribute to a system or life
of freedom and order for a nation
3. Heroes contribute to the quality of life and
 Augustine of Hippo
destiny of a nation
- Several mendicant Orders of friars,
4. Heroes are part of the people's expression
who lived a mixed religious life of
5. Heroes think of the future, especially of the
contemplation and apostolic ministry
future generations
and follow the Rule of St. Augustine.
6. The choice of heroes involves the entire process
that made a particular person a hero
 Saint Dominic
NATIONAL HEROES Praedicatorum), more commonly
known after the 15th century as the
 Jose Rizal
Dominican Order or Dominicans, is a
 Andres Bonifacio
Roman Catholic religious order
 Emilio Aguinaldo
founded by Saint Dominic de
 Marcelo H. Del Pilar
Guzman in France and approved by
 Juan Luna
Pope Honorius III (1216-27) on 22
 Apolinario Mabini
December 1216.
 Marcela Aquino
CONTEXT  Saint Francis of Assisi
- The most prominent group is the
Topics for Discussion: Order of Friars Minor, commonly
called simply the "Franciscans." They
 The Social Structure
seek to follow most directly the
 The Political System
manner of life that Saint Francis led.
 The Educational System
 Economic Development
 Ignatius of Loyola
- The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas
lesu, S.J., SJ or SI) is a Christian male
Early Filipinos Social Structure religious order the Roman Catholic
Church. The members are called
- The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered Jesuits and are also known
from feudalistic and master slave relationship by colloquially as "God's Marines"
Social Structure: Middle Class

Middle class - the people that belongs into this class

includes the natives, mestizos and the criollos.

1. Natives - the pure Filipinos

2. The Mestizos are the Filipinos of mixed
indigenous Filipino or European or Chinese
 Governor General (Diego de los Rios, Miguel Lopez
Three Types of Mestizos de Legaz)
1. Mestizos de Sangley - Person of mixed Chinese
- The King's representative and the highest
and Filipino ancestry.
ranking official in the Philippines.
2. Mestizos de Española - Person of mixed Spanish
- He had GREAT POWERS. He had the power to
and Filipino ancestry.
appoint and dismiss public officials, except those
3. Tornatras - Person of mixed Spanish, Filipino and
personally chosen by the King. He was the
Chinese ancestry.
commander in chief of the colonial armed
Social Structure: Lowest Class
- He was also the president of the Royal
Lowest class - this class includes the Filipinos only. Audiencia. (Like the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court today)
Natives - the pure Filipinos - The first one was Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and
1. The Indios are the poor people having pure the last was Diego de los Rios
blood Filipino which ruled by the Spaniards. - The Governor General and other government
officials had so much power that it was
commonly abused. To investigate the abuses,
 THE POLITICAL SYSTEM there were bodies created:
1. Residencia
Central Government Under Spain 2. Visitador General
3. Royal Audiencia
 Spain established ONE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT
in the Philippines. Residencia
 Many independent barangays of our ancestors
- This was a special judicial court that investigates
disappeared. One government alone ruled most
the performance of a Governor General who was
of the country. Thus, for the first time in history,
about to be replaced.
we became united as one nation called
- The Residencia, of which the incoming Governor
"FILIPINAS”. The rest of the world came to
General was usually a member, submitted a
know our country by that name.
report of its findings to the King.
 Since Spain was far from the country, the
Spanish king ruled the Islands through the Visitador General
viceroy of Mexico, which was then another
Spanish colony - The Council of the Indies in Spain sent a
government official called the Visitador General
to observe the conditions of the colony.
- The Visitador General reported his findings
directly to the king.
- José de Gálvez became one of the Visitador
General here in the Philippines.
 When Mexico regained its freedom in 1821, the
Royal Audiencia
Spanish king ruled the Philippines through a
Governor General. - Considered to be the highest court in the land
during the Spanish Regime.
- Served as an advisory body to the Governor
General and had the power to check and report
his abuses. The Audiencia also audited the
expenditures of the colonial government and
send an annual report to Spain.
- The Archbishop and other government officials 3. the Teniente de Sementeras (lieutenant of
could also report the abuses of the colonial the fields)
govenrment. 4. the Teniente de Ganados (lieutenant of the
Local Government : Provincial
 The Spaniards created Local Government Units
(LGU) for the provinces. There were two types - They had SMALL SALARIES but were exempted
of local government units: from PAYINGTAXES.
1. Any Native or Chinese Meztizo
2. 25 years old
3. Literate in ORAL or WRITTEN SPANISH
4. Cabezade Barangay for 4 years
 Though they were paid a small salary, they
Ex: Emilio Aguinaldo
enjoyed privileges such as the INDULTO DE
COMERCIO or the right to participate in the Cabeza de Barangay
Galleon Trade.
 The ALCADIA, led by the Alcalde Mayor - Served as the Barrio Administrator or Barangay
governed the provinces. Captain
- Responsible for the peace and order of the
DUTIES OF THE ALCALDE MAYOR: barrio and were recruited men for public works
1. Represented the Spanish king and the
1. Cabezas should be literate in Spanish.
2. Have good moral character and
2. Managed the day-to-day operations of
the provincial government
3. Cabezas who served for 25 years were
3. Implemented laws and supervised the
exempted from forced labor.
collection of taxes

 The Educational System

 The CORREGIMIENTO headed by Corregidor
governed the provinces that were not entirely Education
under Spanish control.
 Example of Philippine CORREGIMIENTO - Basic education was rendered by parochial schools,
Provinces are Bataan and Mindoro established primarily for religious instructions. The
first one was established in CEBU
- In 1582, Archbishop Domingo de Salazar ordered
Local Government : City that every town must have one school for boys and
also, one for girls.
 Larger towns became cities called
 In 1589, The first college for boys the COLLEGE
AYUNTAMIENTO. It became the center of trade
OF MANILA later change to COLLEGE OF SAN
and industry.
IGNACIO. And in 1621, it was named UNIVERSITY
 The ayuntamiento had a city council called the OF SAN IGNACIO by Pope Gregory XV.
CABILDO which is composed of: Unfortunately, This school was closed in 1768.
1. Alcalde (mayor)
2. Regidores (councillors)
SANTISSIMO ROSARIO was established by FRAY
3. Alguacil mayor (police chief)
4. Escribando (secretary)
DE SANTO TOMASIN1645 by Pope Innocent X.
 The Colegio de San Juan de Letran, Letran
Local Government : Municipal College, or simply Letran is a private Roman
Catholic institution of learning located in
 Each province was divided into several towns or Intramuros, Manila, in the Philippines. The
pueblos headed by GOBERNADORCILLOS (Little college was founded in 1620.
Governor) - Colegio De San Juan De Letran established
 MAIN DUTIES. Efficient governance and tax to take care of orphaned Spanish boys.
collection.  The girls also given special education. The
schools were of two kinds: the COLEGIO, which
is the regular school for girls, and the beaterio, a
combined school and nunnery.
1. the Teniente Mayor (chief lieutenant).  Royal College of Santa Potenciana: The oldest
2. the Teniente de Policia (police lieutenant), school for young girls, its was established by
Philip II upon the urging of Manila bishop, are the lands given by the King of Span to its
Domingo de Salazar, OP and the Franciscans soldiers who joined the military expeditions.
 The COLLEGE OF SANTA ISABEL is now the - The landlords are called encomendero. They are
oldest existing college for girls in the country. the ones who collect the taxes or rent from the
residents of their land. It is his obligation to
protect the residents from any danger or threat
- It was built to care the spanish orphaned like bandits and invaders. But as depicted in the
girls. Eventually, it became an exclusive picture, the contrary was happening.
school for the daughters of affluent Taxation
- To support the colony, several forms of taxes
Philippine Economy Under the Spanish and monopolies were imposed.
 On April 27, 1565, Spanish troops numbering a Direct:
mere 500 soldiers invaded the archipelago and
attacked the defiant Tupas, son of Humabon, - The tithe is the payment of the 10% of an
and Tupas was made to sign an agreement after individual's annual income to the government.
his defeat and effectively placing the Philippines The sanctorum is the tax being paid as support
under Spain. to the church. The tribute(buwis) is the tax or
 1565, Feb 13. With four ships and 380 men, rent given to the landlord a resident is under. It
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi arrives in the may be in cash or in kind (tobacco,chickens,
Philippines. produce, golc blankets, cotton, rice, etc.,
 1565, May 8. The Island of Cebu is surrendered to depending on the region of the country), fixed
Legaspi by its ruler King Tupas. Legaspi at 8 reales and later increased to 15 reales.
establishes the first permanent Spanish  Tributo= 10 reales
settlement on Cebu and becomes the first  Diezmos prediales (tithes or 1/10) = 1 real
Spanish Governor General.  Treasury = 1 real
 Sanctorum tax (church tax) = 3 reales
All in all, an average Filipino will pay 15 reales,
System of Government
- Centralized form of government.
- Frailocracia - Also collected was the bandalâ, an annual
enforced sale and requisitioning of goods such
Religion as rice. Custom duties and income tax were also
- Christianity's Introduction
- By 1884, the tribute was replaced by the Cedula
Social Structures personal, wherein colonists were required to
pay for personal identification. Everyone over
- Principalia the age of 18 was obliged to pay. The local
- Ilustrados gobernadorcillos had been responsible for
collection of the tribute. Under the cedula
Educational System
system, however, taxpayers were individually
- Educational Decree 1863 responsible to Spanish authorities for payment
- focused on theChristian Doctrines of the tax, and were subject to summary arrest
for failure to show a cedula receipt.
System of Writing
Forced Labor (Polo y servicio)
- Latin alphabet
- Polo y servicio is the forced labor for 40 days of
Economy men ranging from 16 to 60 years of age who
- The Spaniards implemented economic programs were obligated to give personal services to
which are mainly about land ownership and community projects. One could be exempted
taxes. The programs are encomienda, hacienda, from polo by paying the falla, a daily fine of one
imposition of different kinds of taxes, galleon and a half real.
trade, monopoly and polo y servicios. - In 1884, labor was reduced to 15 days. The polo
system was patterned after the Mexican
Encomienda repartimento, selection for forced labor

- The encomienda is a land ownership system with Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade

the use of titulo as proof of ownership. These
- The Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade was the main On June 12 1898, Emilio Aguinaldo declared the
source of income for the colony during its early independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite,
years. Service was inaugurated in 1565 and establishing the First Philippine Republic under
continued into the early 19th century. Asia's first democratic constitution.
- The Galleon trade brought silver from New Spain
and silk from China by way of Manila. This way,
the Philippines earned its income through buy PHILIPPINE ECONOMY UNDER SPAIN
and sell - that is, they bought silk from China for
resale to New Spain and then bought American  The country under Spain was economically under
silver for resale to China. developed. The Philippines was an economic burden
- The trade was very prosperous. But It neglected to Spain that caused an annual deficit to the Spanish
the development of the colony's local industries coffers.
which affected the Indios since agriculture was  The founding of the Economic Society of Friends of
their main source of income. In addition, the the Country helped in theagricultural advancement
building and operation of galleons put too much of the country.
burden on the colonists' annual polo y servicio,  The Tobacco Monopoly made the Philippines the
resulted in cultural and commercial exchanges greatest tobacco-growing country in the Orient. All
between Asia and the Americas that led to the farmers had a quota of tobacco toraise annually and
introduction of new crops and animals to the all were sold to the Government.
Philippines notably tobacco that gave the colony  Spanish policies imposed here were not that helpful
its first real income which benefit extended to for the Filipinos and most government officials were
the common Indio. of Spanish by blood and Filipinos were the ones
- The trade lasted for over two hundred years, made to work tedious jobs.
and ceased in 1821 with the secession of  There were many changes in the Filipino society
American colonies from Spain. during the Spanish colonization.
 Spanish authorities did not show any sign of fairness
Royal Society of Friends of the Country
towards the Filipinos especially in the division of
- Established by Jose de Basco y Vargas, the responsibilities in polo y servicio. Because of this
society was tasked to explore and exploit the irresponsibility, Filipinos still work apart from their
island's natural bounties. allotted time for work.
- The society led to the creation of Plan General  Filipinos who were working in the Galleon Trade
Economico of Basco which implemented the experienced misfortune because of the heavy loads
monopolies on the areca nut, tobacco, spirited Spanish authorities were asking of them. As a result,
liquors and explosives. many workers died and later on separated families
- It offered local and foreign scholarships and because of poverty being experienced.
training grants in agriculture and established an
academy of design.
- It was also credited to the carabao ban of 1782,
the formation of the silversmiths and gold
beaters guild and the construction of the first
papermill in the Philippines in 1825.
- It was introduced on 1780, vanished temporarily
on 1787-1819, 1820-1822 and 1875-1822 and ceased
to exist in the middle of the 1890s.

Royal Company of the Philippines

- March 10, 1785, Charles III created the Royal

Philippine Company with a 25 year charter.
- It was granted exclusive monopoly of bringing
to Manila, Philippines; Chinese and Indian goods
and shipping them directly to Spain via the Cape
of Good Hope.
- It was stiffly objected by the Dutch and English
who saw it as a direct attack on their trade of
Asian goods.
- It was also vehemently opposed by the traders
of the Galleon trade who saw it as competition.
This gradually resulted into the death of both
institutions: The Royal Philippine Company in
1814 and the Galleon trade in 1815.

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