Week 4 QS

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Part A- Multiple Choice Questions

MCQ1: Which one of the following is not a feature of EA framework?

a. Defining the scope of architecture
b. Identifying the areas that the EA will cover
c. It is used to analyse the current and future strategy.
d. It is selected by the chief architect

MCQ2: Which one of the following is not a feature of phase I:

a. Identifying key players.
b. Communicating the EA plan with the stakeholders.
c. Buy-in support from stakeholders
d. Selecting a EA framework

MCQ3: Which one of the following is a feature of phase III:

a. Analysing and documenting of the current strategy
b. Establishing an EA repository
c. Identifying the scope of the architecture
d. Guiding the techniques for modelling of the current view

MCQ4: In which phase the value of EA program is realised:

a. Phase I: EA Program establishment
b. Phase II: EA Framework and tools selection
c. Phase III: Documentation of the EA
d. Phase IV: Use and maintain the EA

MCQ5: EA methodology is suitable for:

a. Private enterprises
b. Public enterprises
c. Non-for-profit enterprises
d. All of above

MCQ6: When revitalisation an existing EA program:

a. EA methodology should involve strict/rigid additional steps
b. EA methodology should focus on the selections of different frameworks
c. EA methodology should focus on identification of a new Chief Architect
d. All of above

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MCQ7: The execution of the EA program and EA methodology is the responsibility of:
a. The executive sponsor
b. The chief architect
c. The EA architects team
d. All stakeholders groups

MCQ8: The EA documentation should be updated on a regular basis to:

a. get the stakeholders buy-in
b. reduce the risk of EA program losing focus
c. keep the EA relevant and adding value
d. keep each functional area effective.

MCQ9: Which one is most true? There are:

a. One current EA view and one future EA views
b. Many current EA views and many future EA views
c. One current EA view and many future EA views
d. All the above.

MCQ10: Which one is most true? Stakeholders meet:

a. At the beginning, middle and end of an EA program
b. Near the end of every EA phase
c. Whenever there is delay or unresolved problems in the EA work
d. During every phase's activities, which can be one or more times

Part B: Discussion Questions

Q1. What is an EA implementation methodology?

Q2. What is the role of an EA framework within the EA methodology?

Q3. What is the purpose of Phase I activities in the EA methodology?

Q4. Why are Phase III activities dependent on the completion of Phase II?

Q5. Compare and contrast the purpose of Phase II and Phase IV activities.

Q6. Can the steps of the EA methodology be changed for different enterprises?

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Q7. Who is responsible for execution of the EA program and EA methodology?

Q8. How often should an EA be updated? Why?

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Q9. Case study questions from Danforth Manufacturing Scene 3 - importance
of an EA methodology

a) What are the key achievements from the last scene which helped to convince the
CEO to approve a pilot trial of developing and implementing an EA program in
Danforth Manufacturing?
b) What was the first EA program planning activity Sam initiated since getting the
CEO's approval?
c) Why do you think an EA methodology is important in EA program work?
d) You are asked to prepare a meeting agenda for the first EA team meeting? What
would you itemise as important agenda items for discussions.
e) How would an EA framework assist in identify the scope and nature of DMC's EA
documentation requirements?

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f) Why do you think it is important to customise an EA methodology, even though the
one you chose is already a best practice standard?

Each company has their own and unique information requirements in SBT planning
and decision making practices. These information (and practice) requirements may
not necessary be covered as documentations mentioned in the EA framework of the
EA standard chosen and hence need to be added as additional in-house special
documentation requirements under the appropriate EA architecture domains of the
EA standard.

g) How would these identified EA documentation requirements assist in the selection

of the appropriate EA tools?

These documentation requirements will frame the selection criteria for evaluating
and choosing the appropriate EA tool/s.

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