IT Card Saneep

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Date 09.02.

2023 Income Tax Calculations for the Financial Year: 2022-23

as on JAN - 2023
Emp No. 00090191 Employee Name Sandeep Sonar
Designation Junior Operator IV SG(PC) Department Operations
Location ERPL, Madarihat PAN Number BLCPS1827F

Head April May June July August September October November December January February March Total
BASIC 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 48,120.00 49,570.00 49,570.00 49,570.00 581,790.00
DAVDA 14,436.00 14,436.00 14,436.00 15,639.00 15,639.00 15,639.00 16,745.76 16,745.76 16,745.76 18,440.04 18,440.04 18,440.04 195,782.40
HRA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CAFETARIA 9,627.13- 5,380.63 5,388.37 5,259.20 316.80 5,327.84 5,338.87 5,349.91 5,360.93 5,646.08 5,646.08 5,646.08 45,033.66
OTSHFT 0.00 52,068.44 30,875.80 4,450.00 57,796.48 48,025.12 53,360.76 4,150.00 92,637.16 4,545.00 0.00 0.00 347,908.76
ENCHSCO 0.00 4,427.04 0.00 17,708.16 2,253.62 0.00 20,282.58 2,253.62 2,290.51 20,614.59 0.00 0.00 69,830.12
ADHBON 0.00 0.00 88,792.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78,555.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 167,347.00
ERPFPPINT 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,766.00 5,896.00 5,896.00 5,896.00 69,582.00
RAA_CEA 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 9,360.00
NEWASHPU 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 5,580.00
TEA_LUNCH 2,272.00 2,272.00 2,272.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 2,344.00 27,912.00
MED_TAX 0.00 0.00 3,064.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,064.00
NPS_EMPLR 6,256.00 6,256.00 6,256.00 6,376.00 6,376.00 6,376.00 6,487.00 6,487.00 6,487.00 6,801.00 6,801.00 6,801.00 77,760.00
LENC_SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GRAT_EXG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LFA_ENC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81,082.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81,082.20
ARRPREV 41,269.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,058.48 0.00 0.00 74,328.36
CROSPERK 3,095.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,479.39 0.00 0.00 5,574.63
EARNOTHR 3,849.60 23,294.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,849.60 3,965.60 3,965.60 3,965.60 65,988.20
GROSS 116,682.59 163,265.71 210,064.77 110,756.96 143,706.50 136,692.56 242,094.57 177,393.09 184,845.96 154,605.18 93,907.72 93,907.72 1,827,923.33
PF/ VPF 22,507.00 22,507.00 22,507.00 22,651.00 22,651.00 22,651.00 37,784.00 37,784.00 37,784.00 8,161.00 8,161.00 8,161.00 273,309.00
NPS/ VNPS 11,251.00 11,251.00 11,251.00 16,275.00 16,275.00 16,275.00 1,297.00 1,297.00 1,297.00 16,360.00 16,360.00 16,360.00 135,549.00
HRR 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 4,560.00
DEDOTHRS 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00
ITAX 3,024.00 11,573.00 27,479.00 9,333.00 10,450.00 14,595.00 43,906.00 45,127.00 27,966.00 35,591.00 0.00 0.00 229,044.00

Income Tax Slabs

Amount from APR 2022 - JAN 2023 are actuals while rest are projected
(I) Gross Emolument Perks
Total Emolument 1827923 Net Taxable Furniture Perks 0
Exemption U/S 10 32,712 Accommodation Lease 114452
Balance 1795211 Loan Interest Perks 1,879
Total Perks 116330 Car / Conveyance Perks 0
Income From Prev Employer 0 Water Electricity Perks 0
Gross Salary Income 1911542 Nominated Hotel / LTC DA 0
Professional Tax 2,400 PF/NSS Withdrawal Perks 0
Standard Deduction 50,000 Free Meals 0
(II) Net Income from Salary 1859142 SABF Company 0
(III) Income from House Property Education 0
Income Declared 0 Other Perks 0
Income Qualified 0 Gifts / Voucher / Awards 0
(IV) Other Income declared by Emp Credit Card Facility 0
Dividend Income 0 Club Facility 0
Interest from Deposits 0 Transfer DA 0
Interest on PF Contrbution 5,878 Sweeper Gardener, 0
(V) Gross Taxable Income 1865020 Other Benefits & Amenities 0
(VI) Deduction Under Chapter VI A Profits in lieu of salary 0
Deduction Under 80C Assets Buy Back 0
PF+VPF Salary 273309 Perk from Exemption 0
SABF 0 Total Perks 116330
LIC/Jeevan Dhara/Akshay 900 LTC/LFA
PPF 0 Total LTC/LFA Claimed 81,082
NSC / Sukanya etc 0 Exemption based on docs 0
ULIP 0 Net Taxable LTC 81,082
Mutual Fund 0 Taxable HRA computation
HBA Principal Repay/ Stamp Duty 0 a) 40% / 50% of Salary 0
Others (LSVPF/NSS/Tuition Fees etc) 0 b) Rent Paid-10% of Salary 0
Pension fund (80CCC) 0 c) Total HRA Received 0
Sec 80EE 0 HRA Exempt (Min of a,b,c) 0
NPS Employee (Deducted) 0 HRA Taxable 0
Total Amount(80C) 274209
Qualifying Amount(80C) 150000
NPS Employee Voluntary Contribution 50,000
NPS Employer Contribution 77,757
Mediclaim Premium(80D) 0
Handicap Dependent Treat(80DD) 0
Interest on Education Loan(80E) 0
Donation-Deducted by Employer (80G) 0
Handicapped Rebate(80U) 0
Total Deductions Under Chapter VI A 277757
(VIII) Taxable Income Rounded 1587263
(IX) Income Tax 288679
(X) Health & Education Cess 11,547
(XI) Surcharge 0
(XII) Total Tax Recoverable 300227
(XIII) Tax Recovered Till Date 213670
(XIV) Tax Borne by the employer 15,374
(XV) Other TDS declared by the employee 0
(XVI) Total Tax recovered 229044
(XVII) Relief u/s 89(1) 0
(XVIII) Tax to be recovered / (refunded) 71,183

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