Final Script - Crew 1

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A1:: Hello everyone

A1: My name is Aasiya
A2: And my name is Mustafa
A2: Today’s show we have collected a series of short segments on various topics; that we
interviewed students and teachers on.

[How DP students manage]

Anchor 1: I don't know how to manage my time!
Anchor 2: what's going on?
Anchor 1: I just started DP, and I'm struggling with managing everything… its not the same from
being in MYP
Anchor 2: Don't worry, in this video by Hala, DP students will give advice and help you
Lets get on with the show!

[Goal Setting]
Anchor 1: *writing something down on paper*
Anchor 2: Hey, what are you doing?
Anchor 1: Writing down my goals for the year, I really need to start eating healthier, you know?
Anchor 2: Why are you even doing that?
Anchor 1: It's a proven fact that writing down your goals can help you achieve what you want - hey,
lets watch this video by Nora to find out a bit more.

[Fashion in TKS]
People walk around the stage looking at each other's clothes and the anchors scratch their head
in the middle of the stage.
Anchor 1: I was wondering why people wear what they wear?
Anchor 2: I don't know?
Anchor 1: Luckily, there is a new video made by Nayaf Shareef interviewing highschoolers on
their clothing & why they wear what they wear.

[Personal Project]
Anchor 1: Please help me I need to finish my personal project report and it’s due next week
Anchor 2: What report are you even talking about?
Anchor 1: It’s for a personal project or did you not hear?
Anchor 2: I heard what you said, but what is “personal project” and why are you so concerned?
Anchor 1: I’m not going to bother telling you when this information can be found in this video report
by me

[What to do in Lunch]
Anchor 1: It’s Lunch break!!
Anchor 2: I finished my lunch. What should I do now?
Achor 1: Well if you don’t know what to do in your lunch breaks then you are the targeted audience
of this video.
Anchor 2: What video?
Anchor 1: What should I do during lunch breaks, by Faris.

Anchor 2: So what do you think you will do as your career?
Anchor 1: I think my career is going to be [say your career choice]
Anchor 2: Oh cool, in this video Abed interviewed some students about what they want as their
career choices.
A1: That’s all for today, make sure you tune in for the next episode of Shark Attack
A2: Thank you for watching!

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