Thesis Proposal Final

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An Undergraduate Proposal
Submitted to the Faculty of the
College of Education and Social Sciences
Mindanao State University at Naawan
9023 Naawan, Misamis Oriental
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the
Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics

December 2022

1.1. Rationale

A study by Yara (2009) showed that most students have perceived mathematics

as a subject with many technical terms which are difficult to remember. Despite the

importance of mathematics in human development, many investigations have shown

that students in secondary schools are not very much interested in learning

mathematics (Eshun, 2000; Awanta, 2000). The uses of instructional materials

enable learners to understand lesson easily. Their uses facilitate acquisition of

knowledge by learners, help make discovered facts stick firmly to their minds and

result in better performance. The uses of the manipulative arouse learners’ interest

and promote active involvement in the lesson (Munger, 2007).

According to Oztap, Ozay, and Oztap (2003) the hand-made activities which

students perform themselves by actively participating in them during the course

enable them to learn the concepts better. The standards of NCTM (2000) also

emphasize that mathematical models, tools and materials should be used for

allowing students to take a more active role in mathematics teaching processes. In

the mathematics curriculum which started to be gradually implemented as of 2005

and revised later in Turkey, it is recommended to associate mathematical concepts

with real and tangible experience and to attach importance to conceptual learning.

Accordingly, it is stated to be important and necessary to use tangible materials as

much as possible in the teaching of new concepts and in evaluations to be made

when teaching mathematics in primary and secondary schools (MEB, 2018). One of

the ways to perform meaningful and retentive mathematics teaching is to carry out

activities using the teaching materials through which students can actively participate

in the teaching process and which enable them to visualize concepts in a clear and

tangible way (Clements & McMillen, 1996).

Paper folding is an effective tool in teaching mathematical concepts, particularly

in geometry, algebra and calculus (Boakes, 2006; Georgeson, 2011; Wares, 2011).

Robichaux & Rodrigue’s (2003) added that exist proposing the art of paper-folding as

an effective mathematics teaching tool. According to Brady (2008), applying paper-

folding activities in teaching primary and secondary mathematics can achieve the

goals for teaching and learning mathematics by engaging students effectively in

mathematical modelling, visualising, algebraic thinking and problem-solving. Paper-

folding activities can provide a hands-on activities and active participation of students

in solving and understanding mathematical concepts and develop skills in

mathematical thinking; communications; and students’ interaction. Using both hands

working together, the students learn how to manipulate the paper and carry out

certain steps repeatedly in order reach the suggested result, and these actions

require memory and psychomotor skills in learning mathematics and real-life

applications (Coad, 2006).

Mathematics learning using paper folding hands-on activities where the

atmosphere in the classroom is more relaxed, increase student interest and

motivation, and promote self-esteem. Paper folding provides for the students as an

opportunity of fun, develops a hobby, and promotes a feeling of achievement and

well-being (Schlöglmann, 2002).

1.2. Statement of the problem

This study aims to find out the effectiveness of Paper folding as an Instructional

Tool on Students’ Performance in Mathematics.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the pre-test score in Mathematics of the students when grouped to:

a. Use of Paper folding as an Instructional Tool

b. Use of Lecture Method

2. What is the post-test score in Mathematics of the students when taught using:

a. Paper folding as an Instructional Tool

b. Lecture Method

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test scores in Mathematics of

the students when grouped to Paper folding as Instructional Tool and Lecture


4. Is there a significant difference between the post-test scores in Mathematics of

the students when taught using Paper folding as Instructional Tool and Lecture


5. Is there a significance difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in

Mathematics when taught using Paper folding as Instructional Tool and Lecture


Null Hypotheses

H01: There is no significant difference between the pre-test scores in

Mathematics of the students when grouped using Paper folding as Instructional Tool

and Lecture Method.

H02: There is no significant difference between the post-test scores in

Mathematics of the students when taught using Paper folding as Instructional Tool

and Lecture Method.

H03: There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores

in Mathematics of the students when taught using Paper folding as Instructional Tool

and Lecture Method.

1.3. Theoretical framework

The study anchored on the theory of Cognitive Development Theory and

Constructivism Theory. Cognitive development theory is the process of receiving

information through the senses as well as the clarification of the information (Donald,

D., Lazarus, S., & Lolwana, P., 2010; Robinson & Lomofsky, 2010). De Witt (2011)

defined Cognitive development as the ability to make intellectual judgement through

the process of involving all the mental faculties to learn, pay attention, recall,

verbalize, make meaningful discernment, innovation and ingenuity. In a similar vein,

researchers argued that cognitive development was the ability of modifying mental

capabilities or skills, such as; language, learning, thinking, attention, creativity, and

reasoning (Lerner & Johns, 2009). The development of intellectual abilities and skills

were very much important in solving problems, making effective decisions and

transforming passive, dependent learners into dynamic enthusiastic learners who

could apply their cognitive ability into an extensive range of real life situation (Donald

et al., 2010; Eggen & Kauchak, 2010; Lerner & Johns, 2009).

Constructivist theory dealt with knowledge acquisition through which individuals

gained information and comprehended the information from their personal

experienced. In constructivism, entities developed independent meanings of their

experienced and meanings directed towards specific items. These items were

diverse and multifaceted, leading the investigator to look for varied views rather than

limiting understanding into a few categories or thoughts (Creswell, 2013:8). The

significant aspect of this theory was the decomposition of each mathematical concept

into developmental phase in line with Piagetian theory of intellectual development

based on observation and interviews with students as they tried to learn a concept

(Mathforum, 2015). Robson, (2006:13-14); Fraser, (2013); Troutman and

Lichtenberg, (2003), asserted that the constructivist technique of tuition identified the
significance of the learner in the learning process and allowed the learners to

discover their own knowledge through the self-discovery method.

1.4. Conceptual framework

Figure 1 shows the relationship between the independent variable (Paper folding

as an Instructional Tool) and dependent variable (Students’ Performance in

Mathematics). The arrow from the independent variable is directed towards

dependent variable. The Students’ Performance in Mathematics will be based on

their pre-test and post-test scores as the dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Paper folding as an Students’

Instructional Tool Performance in

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

1.5. Significance of the study

Outcomes of this study provide information on the Students’ performance in

Mathematics in Naawan National High School.

The results of this study will be beneficial to the following:

To the students, the study is useful in a way that they will be able to see the

effects, benefits and advantages of paper folding as an instructional tool in teaching

in every academic endeavour in mathematics.

To the teachers, this study strengthens to determine and formulate efficient and

worthwhile instructional strategy to make learning mathematics more comprehensive

and retentive. This also aids the teachers to pursue professional advancement to
gain further knowledge and hone the necessary teacher skills to teach students who

don’t understand and don’t like mathematics subject.

To the school administrators, the study will guide them in crafting new remedies

towards a more effective teaching and learning process.

1.6. Scope and limitation

The study followed experimental research design, specifically this study will focus

on the effectiveness of the Use of Paper folding as an Instructional Tool on Students’

Performance in Mathematics of Naawan National High School. The study will

administer 2 sections in Grade 8 at Naawan National High School, where forty-six

(46) students from section “Capability” and forty-five (45) students from section

“Commitment”, enrolees of the School Year 2022-2023. The study will be run through

the month of January, A.Y. 2022 – 2023.

1.7. Definition of terms

To facilitate better understanding to the readers, the terms listed below are

defined on how they will be used in the context:

Lecture Method - will be used in control group to meet the desired interaction and
learning performance in Mathematics.
Paper folding – an Instructional tool made from papers.
Performance – refers to the pre-test and post-test in Mathematics of the Students.

Post-test – the test given after conducting a discussion when taught using Paper
folding as an Instructional Tool and Lecture Method.  
Pre-test - the first test given before the discussion using the Paper folding as an
Instructional and Lecture Method.  
True-Experimental is defined on how to use the Paper folding as an Instructional
Tool to determine the effectiveness of the strategy.

In 2013, the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) issued a

position statement on the use of manipulative concrete materials in classroom

teaching to develop learners’ accomplishment in mathematics. “In order to develop

every student’s mathematical proficiency, leaders and educators must systematically

integrate the use of concrete and virtual manipulative into classroom instruction at all

grade levels” (NCSM, 2013)

Paper folding has educational, social and affective values in teaching learning of

mathematics. In the educational values, paper folding contributes to the development

of mathematical ideas and thinking, and leads to understanding of the mathematical

concepts (Cornelius & Tubis, 2009); spatial visualization and mathematical reasoning

(Georgeson 2011); and enhance the problem-solving skills (Youngs & Lomeli, 2002).

According to Coad (2006) using both hands working together, the students learn how

to manipulate the paper and carry out certain steps repeatedly in order reach the

suggested result, and these actions require memory and psychomotor skills in

learning mathematics and real-life applications.

Frasher (2013), asserted that learners of all categories of age group could benefit

from the use of concrete manipulative materials in the instruction of mathematical

concepts. However, Ross (2008) attested to the fact that educators who are not in

tuned with the applications of concrete manipulative materials especially Paper

folding are most liable of limiting the success of teaching, classroom organization,

and improving learners mathematical achievements in fractions. According to Brady

(2008) paper folding activities also promote student engagement in mathematical

learning. Paper-folding tends to eliminate the status associated with age differences;

the younger students are often in a position to teach the older students, and it

provides an activity that works well when teaming different grade levels.
There are other types of paper folding, which might point to other styles of

reasoning. Origami comes to mind, in which three-dimensional objects are created;

another type of paper folding is the folding in which cuts are made to create two-

dimensional objects. Furthermore, one can generalize mathematical paper folding by

allowing more than one fold to be made simultaneously. This defies the physical

limitations of paper; it is impossible to fold two creases that meet on a sheet of paper

simultaneously; see (Alperin and Lang 2009). Paper folding known as Origami is a

paper folding art that emerged in Japan (Yoshioka, 1963). Origami allows students to

perceive abstract mathematical concepts in a concrete manner and improve their

mathematical ideas and thoughts (Cornelius & Tubis, 2006; Pearl, 1994).

Among the existing literature that discusses this inquiry, one of them is about

Haga’s Theorems, written by Hiroshi Okumura, the thesis “A Note on Haga’s

Theorems in Paper Fold”. As I have mentioned that origami helped mathematicians

solve to divide a paper into three equal parts in the introduction part, Haga Kazuo

was one of the pioneers of origami geometry. Haga’s Theorems in the mathematics

of square paper folding consist of three main parts (Haga, 2008). Many studies show

that paper-folding as one of the arts can be an effective mathematics teaching tool

(Boakes, 2008). It has been proved that there are many benefits of origami to

mathematics classes. Paper folding as a type of handson activity can help students

better understand mathematical concepts and increase students’ ability to

communicate mathematically (Cipoletti & Wilson, 2004). The National Council of

Teachers of Mathematics (1989) proposes using everyday objects, like paper, to help

students to explore geometric relationships and vocabulary (as cited in Cipoletti &

Wilson, 2004, p. 1).

Paper is an everyday object and activities with it can incorporate geometric

relationships. Paper folding can also be applied in learning algebra. To connect

algebra to something concrete and real can interest and motivate students to develop

the concepts and strengthen learning processes (Georgeson, 2011)


3.1. Research design

This study will use the true experimental design; the randomized pre-test-post-

test control group design. The study utilize a pre-test and post-test to obtain data

concerning the students’ performance in Mathematics, wherein the students will be

given a pre-test before the implementation of the study and post-test after the

conduct of the study.

Experimental group R 0(1) X 0(2)

Lecture group R 0(3) C 0(4)


R refer to the random assignment of the group

0(1) refers to the observation on the pre-test score of experimental group

0(2) refers to the observation on the post-test score of experimental group

0(3) refers to the observation on the pre-test score of control group

0(4) refers to the observation on the post-test score of control group

X refers to the experimental group

C refers to the control group

3.2. Research subject

The participants of this study will be the 2 sections of Grade 8, where section

Capability with forty-six (46) students and section Commitment with forty-five (45)

students of Naawan National High School enrolled during the School Year 2022-

2023. The sample size will be chosen using simple random sampling. It is located in

Linangkayan, Naawan, Misamis Oriental. It is approximately 2 kilometers north from

Manticao Bridge along Butuan - Cagayan de Oro - Iligan Rd.

Figure 2. Map showing the location of Naawan National High School.

3.3. Data gathering procedure

After the selection of the school for the locale of the study, the researchers went

ahead and had asked permission through a formal letter addressed to the school

principal. A letter of approval from the Grade 8 Mathematics teacher allowed the

researchers to proceed with the study. The study had two (2) sections: Capability and

Commitment, where section Capability will be the experimental group, while section

Commitment will be the control group. During the course of the investigation, the

researchers questioned the subject teacher about the topic. The focus of the

discussion are to illustrate a relation and a function, verifies if a given relation is a

function, and determines dependent and independent variable. In addition, tabulation

of the data will be done and subject for statistical treatment. Statistical results will be

analyzed meticulously and interpreted with professional prudence to establish

meaningful findings, conclusions and recommendations. More so, the researchers

will assures the respondents that the data gathered will be kept confidential and will

be used for academic purposes only.

The section Capability is the experimental group. They will be given a pre-test

assessment before the use of Paper folding as an Instructional Tool. The class will

then proceed with the topic using Paper folding as an Instructional Tool for teaching.

The Instructional Tool is used in each of the three lessons that will be covered. The

teacher will give a post-test assessment to the class after they have completed their

task and lesson, which includes a group work and activities. This served to determine

whether there will be a significant difference in their performance in Mathematics

using Paper folding as an Instructional Tool. In control group, no strategy or

intervention will be used. The teacher will utilize the lecture method of teaching.

Similar to the experimental group, the students will be asked to complete the pre-test

assessment first. The lesson will then move forward with the application of the lecture

method of teaching. After the students have completed their task, lesson, activity,

and exercises, the teacher will provide a post-test assessment to determine their

performance in Mathematics using the lecture method. After their pre-test and post-

test scores are determined, the data is then organized using percentage, t-test and

paired t-test.
Identification of Naawan National
High School

Grade 8 Students
N= 91

Grade 8 Capability Grade 8 Commitment

(Experimental Group) (Control Group)
N= 46 N= 45

Conduct of Pre-Test

Determine the Pre-test scores

Implementation of the Study

Conduct of Post- test

Determined the Post-test scores

Organization of Data

Data Analysis

 Percentage
 T-Test
 Paired t-test
Concept Development

Figure 3. Flowchart of the methods used in the study

3.4. Research instrument

This study will be use a total of 6 lesson plans at Naawan National High School

S.Y 2022-2023, where 3 lesson plan for the control group and 3 for the experimental

group. The topic that will be used in the conduct of the study are to illustrates a

relation and a function, verifies if a given relation is a function, and determines

dependent and independent variable on the experimental group and control group.

Pre-test and post-test will compose of fifty (50) items multiple choice and problem

solving. The topic of the study is according to the Grade 8 K to 12 Mathematics

Curriculum Guide by Department of Education (2016), page 232. Based on the

scoring evaluation and its descriptor, the students' performance in Mathematics will

be assessed, where students' performance in Mathematics in this kind of evaluation

can be divided into five categories: Outstanding, Very Satisfactory, Fairly

Satisfactory, Satisfactory, and Did not met the Expectation.

Table 1. Score scale and Descriptors

Score scale Descriptors

46-50 Outstanding

40-45 Very Satisfactory

33-39 Fairly Satisfactory

25-32 Satisfactory

24 below Did not meet the Expectation

3.5. Data analysis

The statistical tools listed below will be applied to this study:

1. Percentage

Percentage will be used to determine the percentage distribution of the pre-test

and post-test scores of the Grade 8 students.

P= X 100 %


P is the resulting percentage of the computation

f is the frequency or counts of students whose score falls in classification

N is the total number of respondents

2. T-test
T-test will be used to find out the significant difference of the pre-test scores of

the two groups and the significant difference of the post-test scores of the two


( X 1−X 2 )

√ ( S 1) (S 2)


X 1 is the mean of first set of values

X 2 is the mean of second set of values

S1is the standard deviation of first set of values

S2 is the standard deviation of second set of values

n1 is the total number of values in first set

n2 is the total number of values in second set

3. Paired t-test

Paired t-test will be used to determine the significant difference on the pre-test

and post-test in student’s academic performance in mathematics of Grade 8 using

Paper folding as a Manipulative Material.

√ S 2 /n
d is the mean difference

s is the sample variance

n is the sample size

t is the student’s quantile with n-1 degree of freedom


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