Questionnaire F21C Filled

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Demographics & profiling

Your name: __Fatima Farooq___________________

You belong to city:

● Karachi
● Lahore
● Islamabad
● Other ____________________

Age group (years):

● 25-35
● 36-45
● 45-55

Marital status:

● Married
● Unmarried (skip next question)
● Single parent

Do you have children? (if your answer is no then skip question 6 & 7)

€ Yes
€ No

Are you

● A business owner
● Government Employee
● Private Company employee

What position do you enjoy at the work place?

● Senior level position

● Middle level position
● Lower level position

Effects on professional responsibilities

1) While working from home were you given flexibility in work timings? (if your answer is no then
skip question 2)
● Yes
● No

2) Did the time flexibility provided was:

● A great convenience to me
● Made no difference
● Was a great challenge

3) Do you agree with the concept of “work from home” and it should be considered as a regular practice in
normal circumstances?
● Strongly agree
● Somewhat agree
● Neither agree nor disagree
● Somewhat disagree
● Strongly disagree

4) What challenges did you face while working online during covid 19? (you can select more than
one options)
● Lack of resources for functioning online
● Poor internet connectivity
● Difficulty in keeping a regular schedule
● No limits to working hours (online meant you are available for work!)
● Lack of proper communication due to the absence of one to one interaction
● Too much distractions while work
● None
● Any other:_________________________

5) Impact of Covid on your over all income?

● Income increased
● Income decreased
● No change in income

6) What was the overall impact of Covid on your job status?

● I continued the same job/business
● I had to start a new job
● I explored and started more online earning options

7) Did Covid give you or pushed you to get more education?

● No
● Yes
● If yes than briefly state what did you do:___________________________________

8) Did Covid help you to improve your computer/IT capabilities?

● No
● Yes

9) Which software you found more useful during covid to keep you connected and supported you to do regular
assigned professional tasks?
● Zoom
● MS Teams
● Any other_______________________
Effects on family relationships and responsibilities

10) Who helped you in Household chores during lockdown? (you can select more than one options)
● Domestic help who stays at home
● There is no one who help me after domestic maid’s absence
● Husbands started helping
● In-laws
● Children
● Siblings

11) What challenges did you face while performing household chores? (you can select more than one
● House hold work continued all the time
● Household work increased as everyone was at home all the time
● Difficulty in keeping a regular schedule for basic activity cycles like sleeping, waking, eating
● None
● Any other

12) What effects did Covid 19 have on your relationships? (you can select more than one options)
● Relationship with my husband got better as we get to spend more time with each other
● Relationship with my husband got worse due to continuous arguments over petty issues
● I had more time to take care of elders at home hence a blessing
● I had a better opportunity to spend quality time with my kids
● None
● Any other_______________________

If you have children then:

13) Were your children taking online classes?

● Yes
● No

14) Did you help children with online classes

€ Yes all the time
€ Sometimes
€ Never

Other effects of Covid 19

15) What were some negative impacts of lockdown? (you can select more than one options)
● Stressed
● Scared due to uncertainties
● Lack of motivation
● Faced anger management issues
● None
● Any other____________________________

16) What were some positive impacts of lock-down? (you can select more than one options)
● Got time for fitness
● Time for Religious/spiritual/meditation
● More time for rest/leisure
● Enjoyed cooking
● Got time to spend with family
● Got time for watching Movies/Series
● Video/audio calls to other family members
● Spent more time on social media
● None
● Any other________________________

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