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*| rest cove 01245010 JANUARY 2020 | FORM TP 2020036 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL | CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION - ‘SPANISH ‘Paper 01 —General Proficiency PART A- LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B- READING COMPREHENSION I hour 15 minutes eo ee ee 2. * Tiaddition t'this test book +, you should have di anwor Simos 3. Deaot be concemed thatthe answer sheet provides spaces fer more answers than there are items inthis ese. 4. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to oF reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is bes. 5,» Onyoursnswer sheet find the mumber which corresponds to your item and shade the spase having {he fame logo es the anewer you have chosen, Locke at how itis done inthe sample tm below. Sample em Venezuela es a). mpas Sample Answer 4B) | uma ciadad (©) tmacolouie @©Oo_ @D) — uneontinente “The best answer to this item is “un pals", s0 (A) has been shaded. 6. Lf you want to change your answer, ence it completely before you fill in your new ehatce. 7.° | The supervisor will tell you when to stax and stop working on the different parts of this test Follow the instructions which you will hear “e DO NOP TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO 80. ‘Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Council = Allright reserved. o124so10/5/CSEC 2020 2. - ‘PART A: ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SEE loans SECTION Insirustions: For each questo inthis section, you will heara single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet For example, you hear: El muchacho va « correr. — ® ®®oe ‘The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer slaw a o wo @ oO o GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010u/CSEC 2020 “ 01245010/7/CSEC 2020 @) ® © GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘SECTION Instructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences, Each sentence will be read tivice and will be followed by one question or iicomplete statement. Four suggested | | )) Aitfven tbe euckqueston are printed im your test booklet” For each question, || Sods wiles BEST completes the satemant or snewers the question. For example You may || hearths Pllowing: [Mamé, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) } {Qué quiere esta persona? “After examining the suggested options, you should select the BEST one and shade the ‘corresponding space on your answer shect. (A) Unmédico ‘Sample Answer ©) Una mma i |B) Unebebiea [|G > vnngallete C@00 | the comect answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. | A) Altos 33. (A) Alhotel I (@) Cansados (8). Alhospital | (© Hermosos (© Alncateteria @) Generosos (D) Ala papeleria 10. (A) Juger 14. (AY Contenta (B)Tocar ®) Divertiéa © Pelear (©... Revoltosa : ©) Comer (D) Melaneslica ML. (A) Bien 15. (A) Feliz (B) Alegre (B) Traviesa | (©) Asustada (Q Enferma i D) Optimista ©). s 12. (A) Uncuento 16. (A) _Unjefe ®) Unaletra ®) “"Unpiloto © Unletrero (© Uniadsta ©) Unacarta ©) Unprofesor ay peste GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/9/CSEC 2020 SECTION DE 1 Tismetons Ta this secon you wil har two nnouncsments or selection flowed by a rmamber of questions. Each announcement or selection will beread twice. Fer each question there sachoice of four answers. Select the BEST answer and shade tho comeaponding spect on your answer sheet, There is no sample question for this section. ae Fina Selection [sont Slaon | 17. (A) Unio cons pa 2 oo B) Un ne con ahmendo @) Quevayanal campo (Ursa cn on mie © Gacsequeden ena edicio con nu maearo @) Que ssigan cl edifice yvayan capo 8) Latmobiadom cue oe oy cls {© -Selonavendidg aa amigo. @& - Todo ei bn ©) Selfo'bs prestado' a otzo © Bay won mergencia, “stone © Eluuvorandemal GY Nobesimteien, 22, (®)Alosalamnos @. Neher a > Seheeme {© ‘low prfesoresy tos stamnos : @)_ Rionproteors sammony ots Supiadoe G0 ON To THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/08EC 2020 9 ‘An Excursion, PARTA 23. What did Manuel and the narrator do last Saturday? (A) They walked to San Pedro. (B) They wentonatripto SanPedro. (©) TheyescortedaclassmatetoSan Pedro. (D) They made an excuse to go to ‘San Pedro. 24, How was everyone feeling? (A) Sad () Scared (©) Lonely ©) Excited 25, What happened close to Dominion? (A) The bus stopped suddenly. (B). The bus driver began to sing. (© The bus developed problems. (D) The bus driver had an accident. 26, WhendidManuelandthenarratorarrive at San Pedro? (A) Thiety minutes after leaving home (B) OnchouraiterleavingDominién (©) One hour after the bus broke down (D) Thirty minutesafterreachingthe ‘gas station SECTION IV Tustructions: A passage has just been read to you in Spanish. Youmay now study the questions dnd make notes, ‘You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on your ftnswer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. 28. 29. PARR ‘What did Manvel and the narrator get atthe museum? 6 (A) _Literanure about the Portmguese (B) _ Information foraspecial project (© A special project on the Portuguese (D) Documents written by the Portguese, ‘What did Manuel and the narrator do during the hunch hour? (A) "They bought gifts (B) They had ice cream. (©) They visited the museum. (©) They walked around town. ‘What did Manuel and the larrator do ‘when they left the museum? (A) They had lunch, (B) They went to the town, (©) They went back to the bus. {D)__ Theywenttomnice-cream store, ‘What happened after the bus refused to start? (A) Some tourists pushed the bus. (B). Another driver repaired the bus, (© Thedrivercalledforanotherbus. (D) The passengers started to push ‘the bus. ‘STOP, THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO QN TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS OUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU MAY RETURN TO THAT QUESTION LATER. pgrrsmroeszc 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE oa PART B: ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION Insinictions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four Options. Select the option which BEST completes the sentence, Then, shade the ‘corresponding space on your answer sheet, Example: ‘No me levanto temprano porque la oficina est . .. hoy. @ rote ‘Sample Answer ©. tes ea eece “Tie Gorect answer is (D), s0:you would shade the space withthe letter (D) oa your answer sheet. Si. | Raffel se enfermé tanto que tuvo que 33. (Cuando legé el taxi que Anita habia ‘Pedido, ella le dijo al chofer (A) -iralcura (A) © (Flasta masana! @B) iralcolegio (B) {Adénde vamos? (©) gnardar coma (©) No tengo que payer uada @) , beber més.cervera @) Quiero iral Zocalo, por faver 32. Maiana va a lover, pero no puedo 34. jMira, salen Hamas de esa ventana! ‘encontrar mi {Llamemos pronto a... 1 (A) parasol (A) los bomberos @) paraguas (®) las lavanderas (©) parabrisas (©) los carpinteros (©) paracaidas (D) las enfermeras GO ON To THENEXT PAGE -01245010/1/°SEC 2020 ke | 35. 36, Mitlo Jaime nunca se ha easado. Es (A) _ soltero, @) merige (©) cazador @) divorciado 012450100/CSEC 2020 i Elcamarerome sirvi6 con tantacortesta ‘que le dituna buena. gracias @) _ propina (cuenta (D) carta Los amigos de Juan le trajeron... por su cumpleatios. (A) papeles B) _regalos (© anuncios (D) examenes GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE -10- oe a SECTION Instructions: The situation below contains numbered blank spaces indicating that words for phrases aro left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the situation carefully, select the word or phrase which will make each sentence (GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. Then, shade the corresponding space onyouranswersheet. Example: que ir matiana, |. (A) Debo Sample Answer ©) Tengo , (© Insisio 6@00 | ©) Pregunto ‘The correct answer is (B), so you would shale the sheet. mace with the letter (B) on your answer ‘Unahiienervioss “7A qué hora es tu entrevista, Rosalina? : ~ yy: Jas mueve y media. Pero no te... que ya tengo mi ropa y mis documento: eo ‘ao Es un dia muy importants. mi, ~iQuieres desayunar? muy nerviosa y no... comer ahora, Voy a... saldré inmediatamente 44 3 A) A 41. (A) iste 43. (A) os 45, (A) vestir ®) Es B) listo @) sy (B) sxreglar (© Por ©) iistos (estas (©) vestirme (D) Son ©) istas ©) toy () areglarse 40. (A) pregoupe 42. (A) a 44. (A) pad (B) preoeupo ®) de B) _podia (© _preoeupes (©) por (©) puedo ©) preooupas ©) para ©) puede (GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE o124s010/9/CSBC 2020 i \ \ il | SECTION IT ons: The situation below contains numbered blank spaces indicating that words or ‘Phrases ave left out. For each blank space there aré four suggested answers. After reading the ‘hnuation carefully, select he word orphrase waich willmakeeachsentence GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: qu irmatians. (A) Debo ‘Sample Answer ®) Teogo © _Insisto S@08 ©) Pregunto “The comect answer is (B), s0 you would shade the space-with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. Fr _ iin orienta “Nar lennon sata sre nny pears. heaton ae "tons nent ment ‘una camisa azul y un .,. largo que haga juego ,... la camisa. wi cep eames} 46. (A) voy 49. (A) pasd 52. (A) falda (@) puedo (B) viene (B) corbate (©) veago (©) vendre (©) pantalén ©) auicro ©) siguiente (D) caleetines 47, (8) scebar 50. (A). te wa @®) cumplir Bx @®) de (©) terminar @ te © a ©) completar ©) me ©) con 4. (a) a 51. (A) Enséaeme ® a (B) Ensétiame OQ = (©) Muéstrame My ©) ©) Muéstreme GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01245010/CSEC 2020 is are 7 ‘SECTION TV Instructions: Read each of the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a mumber of questions or incomplete statements. Select the BEST answer according to-the information given-in-the selection. Then; shade the corresponding: ‘space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (@) Items 54-56 refer to the following selection. ‘Parque Nacional del Caribe ‘Un inmenso parque con una gran variedad de flores ¥ animales, HORARIO: Lunes a'sibado: 7:00-18:00 Dias feriados: 7:00-12:00 PRECIO: Fines de semana: $25 Nitios menores de 10 afios gratis Cerrado - el dia de Navidad y el 1 de enero 54," {Cémo es el parqus? 56. Casntoe dias oe sierra ol pargue al sto? (A) Grande con muchos érboles (A) Dos (B) Grande con muchos animales @) Tes (©) Grande con mucha floray fauna © Cinco (D) , Grandeconmuchasavesyrainas ©) Cuatro 55. ,Cuinto debe pagar un chico de trece afios eT domingo? (A) Nada (B) Poco dinero (©) Cincuenta délares D) _Veinticinco délares GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE o1zaso1asv/esBc 2020 @ -B- (©) Tams 57-60 refer tothe following selection. Erael 6 de junio, el tlkimo dia del trimestre escolar. Aunque ya habian terminado tos ‘eximenes Pablo se mostraba preocupado. Esperaba nerviosamente 2 que llegara el profesor que iba # anunciar los resultados. Pablo era muy aplicado y durante Ins noches, Se quedaba hasta tarde estudiando para los eximenes del profesor Ramirez, los cuales tenian fama de ser dificilisimos. Poco después ent el profesor, muy coniento y radiate, Felicité alos estudiantes por sus excelentes notas y les aconsejé que no abandonaran sus estudios durante Ios dos ‘meses que estarian de vacaciones. Sin embargo, Pablo se quedé aténito y hasta Ilor6 al saber que iba a récibir un premio ppor haberse destacado en los exémenes. 57. qPor qué estaba nervioso Pablo? 59, {Cémo reaccioné Pablo al recibir los resultados? (A) eperaba los resultados de su examen. (A) staba nervioso. @) No habia estudiado para su (B) + Estaba sorprendido. ‘examen. (C)_ Estaba desesperado. (©) Estaba para pasar un examen. (D)_Estuba desilusionado, (D) No habia temninado su examen, 60. {Por qué lor6 Pablo? 58. Fl profesor estaba contento porque _ (A) Porgue recibiré un premio: (A) © ibe arecibir un premio (B) Porque no recibié el premio. (B) crac altimo dia del trimestre (©) Porque no salié bien en los (©) tenia fama de ser aruy difiedl exmencs. (D) los estudiantes salferon bien en (©) Porque tiene que repetir los, os exémenes cexémencs. END OF TEST. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01245010/9/CSEC 2020

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