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: g FORM TP 2020121 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL rest cove 01245010 MAY/JUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 01 — General Proficiency PART A- LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B— READING COMPREHENSION IT hour 15 minutes (04 JUNE 2020 READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 60 iteins. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Bach item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). After listening to or reading each item you are about to answer, decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item Venezuela es (A) un pais ‘Sample Answer (B) una ciudad (©) unacolonia @®DOO (D) — uncontinente “The comect answer to this item ia “un pala”, 40 (A) has boen shaded, If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. ‘The supervisor will tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts of this test. Follow the instructions which you will hear. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. PART A: ITEMS 1-30 LIST] ING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes SECTION I | Instructions: For cach question in this section you will hear a single sentence. Choose from the four pictures in your test booklet the ONE picture which shows what the sentence says. ‘Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. For example, you may hear: El muchacho va a correr. You Sample Answer ©® ©® The correct answer is picture (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer she @) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/MN/CSEC 2020 ®) 0124501 0/MJ/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, ome g ‘i GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01245010/MA/CSEC 2020 oS [ SECTION It Instructions: In this section you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question, choose the answer which BEST completes the statement or answers the question. For example, you' may hear: iMamé, tengo muchisima sed! (Twice) {Qué quiere esta persona? ‘After examining the suggested answers, you should select the BEST one and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) Unimédico ‘Sample Answer (B) Una bebida (C) Una galleta @®@©®O (D) Una manzana ‘The correct answer is (B), so you would shade the space with the letter (B) on your answer sheet. 9 (A) Apie 13. (A) Feliz, (B) Enavién (B) Enferma (©) Encarro (© Traviesa (D) Enbicicleta (D) Simpatica 10. (A) __ sellos 14, (A) Paseante (B) _ helado (B) Mendigo (©) zapatos (©) Vendedor (@) animales (D) Cobrador ML. (A) Enlaescuela 1s. (A) Aunalibreria (B) Ena libreria (B) Aunalmacén (C)__ Enel hospital (©) Auna sastreria (@) Enel parque (D) —Auna biblioteca 12. (A) _ iralbafio 16. (A) Jugar (B) salir del restaurante (B) — Tocar (©) _ sentarse para comer © Pelear (D) _ pedirinformacién sobre un plato (@) Comer GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2020 SECTION It Instructions: In this section you will hear two announcements or selections followed by a number of questions. Each announcement or selection will be read twice. For each question, there is a choice of four answers. Select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. 7. (A) (B) (©) @) 18. (A) (B) © @) 19% (A) (B) ©) ) 0124S010/MI/CSEC 2020 En el avin 20 En la aduana En la estacién En el aeropuerto Chile 21. Lima Bogoti Caracas Ms tarde 2. Por la noche En media hora Mas temprano [ Second Selection | (A) Anoche (B) Esta tarde © @) (A) Unrobo (B) Un fraude (C) Unasesinato (D) Una violacién (A) Humilde (B) — Orgulloso (©) __ Peligroso (D) _ Inofensivo GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | t 24, 25. 26. STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE L SECTION IV Instructions: A passage has just been read to you (in Spanish). You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for tl ‘Mr Roca's Disappointment PARTA What was Mr Roca’s job? 27, (A) He was a manager. (B) He was an army general. (C) He wasa leader of a group (D) He was a company secretary. When Mr Roca travelled he stayed in 28. the a) @) © ©) What did Mr Roca's job require him to (A) () © @) oldest hotel closest hotel cheapest hotel most expensive hotel 29. do? Travel to different parts of the city. Visit hotels in the cities. Visit places in poor condition. Travel to different parts of the 39, world. Mr Roca did NOT like to “ @) © ©) spend money stay in dirty hotels stay in cheap hotels deal with unpleasant workers PART.B What was special about San Pablo? (A) (B) (©) @) Itwas a city of hotels. It was a new building. He had never visited it. He had lived there before. The least expensive hotel rooms were those icy @) © (@) on the top floor close to reception on the ground floor close to the elevator Mr Roca got to the hotel by (A) (B) © @) taking a taxi taking the bus calling a friend walking all the way What did the receptionist tell him when he arrived at the hotel? (A) (@) © @) Alltheroomson the fortieth floor were occupied. A\ll the rooms on the fourth floor were occupied, There was a room available on the fourth floor, There was a room available on the fortieth floor. ENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, GO ON TO THE NEXT ONE. YOU MAY RETURN TO THAT QUESTION LATER. 01245010/MI/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -8- PART B: ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes SECTION I Instructions: Each of the following sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four options. Select the option which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: No me levanto temprano porque la oficina esta... hoy. | (A) rota Sample Answer (B) fuera (©) cerea ; ®®C®e (D) cerrada ‘The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 31. A causa del mal tiempo voy a llevar 33. Segin. . . yo agrego una cucharadita de sal al plato. (A) mi reloj (A) — lacarta (B) mi pafiuelo (B) — elmapa (C) _ mis guantes (©) lareceta (D) mi paraguas (D) _ lacalculadora 32. Ahora recuerdo todas las fechas 34. Cuando son » Isabel corrié a histéricas, pero estoy seguro de que contestarlo. . no las recordaré (A) lacampana (A) anoche (B) el teléfono (B) mafiana (©) laalarma (©) anteayer (D) eldisparo (D) esta mafiana GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG) 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2020 35, 36. No tengo una blusa roja para ponerme 37. mafiana. Por lo tanto, necesito irala ... (A) oficina (B) —zapateria (©) lavanderia (D) tienda de ropa Conocemos bien esta aldea porque 38. venimos aqui muy . . (A) atiempo (B) amenudo (©) de repente (D) _pocoa poco 01245010/MI/CSEC 2020 Para lavar la ropa se necesita comprar (A) sopa (B) _ jabén (C) una llave (D) un lavaplatos Al regresar del médico con su hijo enfermo, dofia Carlota fuea la farmacia con... (A) lareceta (B) — elrecibo (C)_ elretrato (D) _ larevista GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -10- SECTION ID Instructions: ‘The paragraph below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the paragraph carefully, select the choice for each blank space that is grammatically correct and BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example: Se ... lacasa el afio pasado, y ahora ... muy bonita. 1 ‘Sample Answers il. (A) pinta 2. (A) est (8) pio (8) te . ©@O® (C) _ pinto (C) estaba | (D) _ pintan (D) tiene 2. @ ® © ® The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space with the letters (B) and (A) on | your answer sheet. Los planes para el futuro AAnoche, en una... en easa de los Hemindez, unos j6venes amigos de Mariana Hernandez, ... sus planes para el futuro. Mariana les dijo que ,. . asistir a una universidad 40 4 continuar sus estudios con especialidad en los negocios. Manuel, . . . a. un grupo de a2 3 chicas, comenté que no... otra alternativa que... médico, puesto que era una tradicién en 4a 45 su familia, 39. (A) reunién 42. (A) en 45. (A) ser (B) _ poblacién ®) sin (B) volver (©) generacién (© por (© — estudiar (D) _ informacién (D) para (D) entrenarse 40. (A) dieron 43. (A) _ poniéndose (B)—tomaron (B) _ acercdndose (C)__ hablaron (©) cepillindose (D) discutieron (D) __levantandose 41. (A) quiso 44. (A) hard (B) queria (B) tenia © (©) hacerse Co) (@) — conseguirse GO ON TO THE, 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2020 Instructions: leach blank space there are four suggested answer ‘The paragraph below contains blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For ‘After reading the conversation carefully, -U- SECTION UI select the choice for each blank space that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding| space on your answer sheet. mple: La casa fue | . (a) | (B) | © (D) El novio de Isabel decidié. el afio pasado, y ahora ... 1 pintado 2 pintada pintadas pintados (a) (B) © @) muy bonita. 2 esta fue estaba tiene - Un regalo para Isabel almacén donde . . . el perfume que Isabel... . Cuando . . 50 . muy triste de la tienda 46. (A) (B) © @) 47. (A) @) © (D) 48. (A) (B) (©) @) 48 comprarlo 49. comprarle comprarles comprarlos en 50. para dentro vi 51 veo vio visto 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2020 una tarjeta, nada més. (A) (B) © @) (A) By © @) (A) @) © @) 49 queria 52. ofteci prometié preguntaba preguntd 53. preguntar preguntaba preguntando tuve tengo tenia tuviera 8: sample Answers 1@@©O 2@® ©O ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space with the letters (B) and (A) on ‘your answer sheet. (A) (B) © @) “ @) © ©) - un regalo para el dia de San Valentin. Entré un el precio se dio cuenta de que no .,. suiciente dinero. Muy desilusionado, salia salié saldria ha salido en de sin con GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12- SECTION IV Instructions: Read the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number of questions or incomplete statements. Select the answer that is BEST according to the information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding space on_| your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. ~ (a) Items $4-56 refer to the following sele« VERATENIS |ATENCION TODOS LOS JUGADORES DE. TENIS! Se ofrece un curso intensivo de tenis para jugadores de todas las edades. Mejoren su juego con la ayuda de entrenadores profesionales y divigrtanse, Hay ocho canchas de tenis donde ustedes podran entrenar individualmente 0 con un compaitero. El curso comienza el 10 de julio y dura seis semanas. Llamen ahora para mas informacién: ‘Teléfono: (504) 715-2146 54. ,Quiénes pueden participar en este 56. {Cuando termina el curso? curso de entrenamiento? (A) A finales de julio (A) Unos compatieros (B) El veintiuno de agosto (B) Los profesionales (©) Aprincipios de agosto (©) «Los jévenes y los adultos (D) A finales de septiembre (D)__ Sélo los jugadores jvenes 55. Los participantes se entrenan (A) _ en grupos grandes (B) _ sélo con un entrenador (C) solos 0 con otro jugador (D) en grupos de tres 0 cuatro GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012450 10/MI/CSEC 2020 -13- (b) [tems 57-60 refer to the following selection. Una anciana perdié los lentes y no podia hallarlos aunque los habia buscado por todas partes. En vista de eso fue a comprar otros. El dependicnte le ensefié muchos modelos, pero a la anciana no le gusté ninguno:: Entonees Ie trajo otro par. - No le gustan éstos? pregunté - Son de la mejor calidad y muy fuertes - Me quedan bien. Si, me gustan mucho pero, ;cudnto cuestan? - Dos mil pesos. =~ {No tiene Vd. otros mas baratos? - No sefiora, éstos son los mas baratos. ~ Entonces los voy a comprar. 57. {Qué perdié la anciana? 59. Cémo le parecieron los iltimos lentes que le mostré el dependiente? (A) Sutraje (B) Lavista (A) Nole gustaron. (©) Susbilletes (B) Le gustaron mucho. () Sus anteojos (©) Le parecieron baratos. (D) _Nole parecieron bonitos. 58. Laanciana fueacomprarnuevos lentes porque no... 60. ,Qué decidié hacer la mujer finalmente? (A) queria lentes de moda (A) _ Ira buscar otros (B) _podia ver con los viej (B) Comprar otro par (C)__ podfa encontrar los viejos (©) Iravera su médico (D) le quedaban bien los viejos (D) Comprar el iitimo par END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. a 01245010/MJ/CSEC 2020

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