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Why do we eat carbs? What is their main function?

Often in our diets we worry about

sugar. From what you know about the structure of amylose, why should you watch your
intake of all carbohydrates, not just sugar?
We eat carbohydrates because they provide us with glucose which we convert into
usable energy. The main function of carbs as mentioned above is for a source of energy
needed in the body. Carbohydrates consist of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon in the ratio
1:2:1 and can vary in length. Starch is a type of carbohydrate and is a polysaccharide
(long chain of sugar), this type of sugar that comes in the form of amylose and
Amylose is an unbranched ɑ glucose polymer
which is held together by ɑ 1-4 glycosidic
linkages. Amylopectin is branched with ɑ
glucose polymer composed of a main chain with
glucose molecules attached by ɑ 1-4 glycosidic
linkages. The angles that the glycosidic linkages
form cause the polymers to form coils which
makes them insoluble in water.
You should watch your intake of carbohydrates
as sugar is a form of carbs. Too many of these
carbs can cause weight gain but are still needed
to provide energy for all cells within the body.

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