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PE Teacher

Criteria A - Knowing and Understanding

Criteria A will be assessed using a knowledge and understanding quiz, which can be found on
Managebac. It will be released on Monday 9th January 2022. You have that week to complete
it. The extension task is below, this is optional but must be completed to achieve a grade of 6 or

Criteria A -Stretch and Challenge Task to achieve ( grades 6,7):

Select x2 athletes from two different sports and identify the main components of fitness
required for them to perform to the highest level.

Athlete 1 (Add picture) Athlete 2 (Add picture)

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3
Criteria B - Planning for Performance

Case Study

You need to design and plan a fitness circuit to improve the fitness of the factional character
below -

Joe is unfit and wants to improve his general fitness. His diet is poor and
he has no knowledge of fitness. Your task is to plan a circuit for Joe so
that he can improve his fitness over a period of time.

The components of fitness

● agility
● balance
● cardiovascular endurance (aerobic power)
● coordination
● flexibility
● muscular endurance
● power/explosive strength (anaerobic power)
● reaction time
● strength
● speed

Station Activity Component of Main muscles used

(image of exercise) (what you are fitness worked (e.g. abdominals)
doing) (e.g. muscular

Criteria D – Reflecting on your work

1. How will your circuit help Joe improve his fitness?

2. As Joe gets fitter, How can you make your circuit more challenging? Think ‘FIT’ - Frequency (How
often you complete the circuit) Intensity (How hard you work) Time (How long you work for)

3. If Joe completes the circuit twice a week for 6 weeks, what improvements would you expect to
see in his fitness?

Extension task (Criteria D level 5,6,7) :

PE Key words and Definitions

Use the spaces provided below to list words or phrases that you have learnt within this unit, that you

didn't know before. Try to write the explanation of the word or phrase next to the word, so you can

keep this as a word/phrase glossary

Word/Phrase Definition

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