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Task :1

Course : Writing 1/BING4103

Please answer the questions carefully!

Part 1. Please describe about your self. Here is the example! (25)

Part 2. Please describe about your home. Please see the example! (25)

Part 3. Please complete the sentences using “going to”. (20)

Part 4. Please answer and complete the sentences using would rather/ prefer
to. (30)

Answer Sheet

Name : Hernayanty L. Task :1

Student Id : 04 Course : Writing 1/BING4103

Part 1. Please describe about your self. Here is the example! (25)

Part 2. Please describe about your home. Please see the example! (25)

Part 3. Please complete the sentences using “going to”. (20)

Part 4. Please answer and complete the sentences using would rather/
prefer to. (30)

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