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Vũ Hoàng Khôi

Group 2

The world is improve from the pen and paper to surpassed cutting edge of the
technology which help people have a similar way to work, discover in dangerous
environment such as depth sea, coolest nation, etc. Despite the convinient, humans
create robot to make an easy live and to take the place of discovering, working on
high pressure environment including working on simple work and also some cling
the technology and become overuse it.
We use the word "taking over" to mention something are control the works or things.
People from the ancient to nowaday keep the dreaming of being free and have
enough will to control all they can. Remember the mediaval age in Europe, slaviors
always dreamt to be free and landlord always wants to control. The humans have
enough wisdom to control the technology and robots for not being under control.
When will we have a holiday? When we are being full filled of machine in our live
and oppressive in high tech while working in the company or in the station. If we can
not realize the overusing, our brain realize it and we should be tired or headache.
The overuse would take places. Nowadays, some people also open cabin
accomodation for who think they are fully with the laptops and TVs. Predicted to be
fail, but fully people finding the none cyber travel, moreover, people can throw away
their phone when they have a call in holidays in the cabin. Some entertainment
types impact on the overusing internet transmit people get out of the technology.
The robot will not have a chance to replace every people.
In addition, the more improve of the technology, the more psycological patients. The
pandemics, disasters come and rob the live, people become stress and hurt, the
psychologist have to working all days and the patients are treated. The sports, the
phones, the televisions are not neccessary if none of people can communicate with
other real people. The entertainment is not neccessary if there are not real people
need to be entertain. Real people still alive and their brain sill has been able to
realize what is overuse.
In all my trust, the machine will continue to improve and the live will continue to
improve. The robots still robots, and they will do their jobs, people will realize if they
are overusing before the robots can think they are able to taking over the world.

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