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In the year 1945 to 1974 the democratic party was mortally weakened by its internal


Civil rights
Alienating southern whites
Lose the southern vote for a generation - richard russell - LbJ
Truman failure to pass substantial legislation due to opposition within party
Liberal vs conservatives democratic party divided lbj able to utilise the republican party to
push vote through legislations - weakened but not mortally
Wallace replaced by Truman by Fdr to appease southern vote
Foreign policy failure

Eisenhower successes

Doves V warhawks

Jfk LBJ - used republican party

Counter - Nixon

Wallace - under fire from conservative democrats
1950 McCarthy claims against democrats - red scare internal tension
Attack truman for benign too soft on communism
1952 election goes republican stevenson fails to unify the democratic party in this election

Paragraph 3 - Domestic policy great society

JFK, Northern liberal who couldn't garner support from southern democrats
Catholic too
Reliance upon liberal republicans to pass legislative programme in the senate

LBJ needs republicans to pass swathes of legislation a part of great society programme

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